Someone Please Explain "Pocket Listings"

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2007 Apr 11, 4:57am   43,055 views  507 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

We've talked about so called "pocket listings" and the reasons this happens. But this is the first time I've witnessed one occurring first-hand, and I'm a bit confused.

There's a home in the neighborhood, near enough that I see it every day. It is clearly for sale. The owners cleared out, had it entirely repainted, staged, and it now sits in pristine showing order. No for sale sign. No MLS entry. No key box. Not a peep. Yet people are being shown the place by obvious realtors, sometimes many per day.

Seems to me there is too much activity to be just a "sister or brother" realtor trying to sell it before listing it. And unless there are multiple agencies colluding in the pocket-listing-racket, there is too much activity for this to just be within a single agency; even a large one. This house is getting more traffic than two others in better condition which actually have signs and key boxes.

And aren't pocket listings technically against the CAR's so called "code of ethics"?

And even more so, why the hell would any buyer even be interested in this? This particular home sold for $1m a in mid 2005, but only 0.5m in 1999. Given the listed comparables in the neighborhood, I'll bet they're easily trying to get $1.4-1.5m. But this is Tamalpais Valley, not exactly prime South Marin. Nothing close to exclusive "you have to be invited to buy here" prime Larkspur or Tiburon. So I can't for the life of me figure out why someone would even entertain buying from a shady agent a "not yet listed" home. It's not like finding a home in Tam Valley is hard to do. For sale signs on overpriced McCrapsions are everywhere -- I can see dozens from my bedroom balcony. And this particular "not yet for sale" house is kinda crappy compared to the standard in the immediate neighborhood, adding to the mystery.

I'm curious what people think. I know pocket listings are no big deal to those in the industry, but the practice is unethical according to their own industry representing body. I hate to be naive, but this one strikes close to home (as it were) and so blatant as to be a bit offensive to someone like me patiently renting and waiting for a tiny glimmer of sanity in house prices.

---Randy H
(I'm withholding the Zillow link for now, until I figure out if there are any legal repercussions to the owners. They're actually reasonably nice folks, which is itself a rarity in Marin.)


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361   astrid   2007 Apr 12, 1:02pm  

And I admit, rather depressed. I recall the long discussion about Anna Nicole Smith, so why can't we be bothered to commemorate a great American novelist.

362   Randy H   2007 Apr 12, 1:17pm  

Hier ist Amerika. Was kann ich sagen?

363   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 1:28pm  

It seems that you think very highly of yourself but remember that your self-evaluation is very SUBJECTIVE, especially if it is only based on YOUR set of VALUES and on YOUR PERCEPTIONS of reality…

I think very lowly of myself...

But I do think that it is very important for a person to make value judgments. Everyone can be objective so being overly objective gives no edge.

364   astrid   2007 Apr 12, 1:34pm  

Peter P,

I don't even plan to breed. Genetically speaking, I'm a total loser.


Keep your projections to yourself. If I wanted a psychoanalysis, I would not ask for one from you.

365   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 1:35pm  

I mean are you REALLY part of the top quartile of the population in terms of wealth?

I am sure astrid's net present value is in the top quartile of the population. Comparing net worth between a house-rich retiree and a young lawyer is like comparing the utility between an old pickup truck and a new prius.\

366   astrid   2007 Apr 12, 1:36pm  

I don't think very well of myself at all, but I am prone to bouts of hyper-criticalness against others.

367   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 1:37pm  

I don’t even plan to breed. Genetically speaking, I’m a total loser.

Anyone who can spell "loser" correctly is not a looser.

368   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 1:38pm  

I don’t think very well of myself at all, but I am prone to bouts of hyper-criticalness against others.

It is perfectly fine to be a hypocrite occasionally.

369   astrid   2007 Apr 12, 1:39pm  

I aim to save enough to retire early and not so much that I'll have money leftover after I'm dead.

370   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 1:40pm  

I aim to save enough to retire early and not so much that I’ll have money leftover after I’m dead.

Aim to retire by 40.

371   astrid   2007 Apr 12, 1:52pm  

Peter P,

If the housing bubble doesn't deflate and restore balance, that may not be possible.

My hometown of Shanghai is an extreme example the wealth imbalance brought on by rapidly escalating property value. Unless my cousins lead exceptionally successful lives, they cannot possibly save as much as their parents currently have in house equity. Eyeing potential marriage partner's family assets is not crass there but very practical.

372   Randy H   2007 Apr 12, 1:55pm  


Don't underestimate Astrid as others have done of you.

373   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 2:00pm  

Well, I said "aim." :) Nothing is guaranteed.

I afraid that imbalances will not go away. The best we can do is to pick the right side of the game.

One can never get rich by earning money. It has always been a growth game and it will always be in the future.

Profit is that which you did not earn.

374   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 2:01pm  

Don’t underestimate Astrid as others have done of you.

Don't misunderestimate me either.

375   astrid   2007 Apr 12, 2:06pm  

Peter P,

I would never underestimate a cylon or a cat, nevermind a combination of both (in my mind's eye).

376   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 2:09pm  

What is a cylon?

377   Brand165   2007 Apr 12, 2:18pm  

I'd be interested to know what astrid does. We've been hearing a lot about the between-jobs boyfriend. :o Most culinary types I know are either total techies (seems likely given the penchant for Firefly) or consummate hippies.

But maybe I'll be shocked at the answer?

378   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 2:26pm  

Culinary types?

379   astrid   2007 Apr 12, 2:28pm  

Nothing shocking.

I'm merely a lowly law librarian. I hadn't corrected a perception here from back in the old days when I still wanted to be a lawyer. I'm going to take the bar but I don't think I'll ever practice.

380   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 2:29pm  

I’m going to take the bar but I don’t think I’ll ever practice.

Many lawyers do not practice.

381   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 2:32pm  

I thought most hardcore techies prefer Startrek.

382   Brand165   2007 Apr 12, 2:37pm  

Interesting, and not what I expected. At work I rather enjoy projects with the patent attorneys. Were I more meticulous, I would consider that career path myself.

astrid, you often remind me of my old friend Elaine. Chemical engineer, prolific foodie, acerbic yet observant, first generation Chinese-American. Her perspective from her time in Shanghai and Hong Kong was very different from the typical American.

383   astrid   2007 Apr 12, 2:46pm  

We'll see about my boyfriend. He's agreeable to some Berkeley summer classes. It's been frustrating because there's a fine line between not pushing him enough and pushing him too far. There's also a fine line between motivating him to fulfill his promise and an academic keeping up with the Joneses.

384   astrid   2007 Apr 12, 2:52pm  

Cylons are a race of deadly self willed robots from the Battlestar Galactica series.


385   Randy H   2007 Apr 12, 3:32pm  

Astrid is too smart to be a lawyer*.

*My apologies to all the smart lawyer out there, not the least of which being SFW's husband.

I've been trying to convince Astrid to get an MBA and turn to the dark side. She'd make an outstanding capitalist.

386   StuckInBA   2007 Apr 12, 3:38pm  

The price reductions in BA are visible only in non-Fortress area. In the Fortress, bidding wars still happen. The supply-demand is definitely in favor of the sellers there. The stories of Tracy and Cupertino are as different as day and night.

The median skews the picture even more in the Fortress.

The job market is really good, and mortgages are still cheap. So people keep buying. In spite of the income levels and rates, I am amazed by the risk taking nature of folks.

So I have a question for Patrick.net bloggers. If you were earning around 200K, had 200K in down payment, would you buy a 1.3M house ? Because someone I know just did. If you run the numbers, they can afford it. NOW. But everything needs to remain just perfect. Almost for next 30 years. That need for perfection worries me. But from my point of view, the worst thing is - this completely messes up financial freedom. You will either need another bubble or have to work till you die.

Couple of years ago, after such stories, I used to shake my head and wonder when is this madness going to end. Now I don't care. Not having a mortgage has done wonders for me. I love my freedom way too much to become a mortgage slave.

388   OO   2007 Apr 12, 3:54pm  


I won't buy now, the reason? Watch the dollar. USD just breached 1.35 with Euro, lost ground against all major currencies. What does that mean? Whatever cash I have today, if exchanged into an anti-dollar position, I come back in 5 years, I will be buying a much bigger home and better location.

Over the last 5 years, USD depreciated over 50% against Euro, and it is far from being over. I expect CAD, AUD to be at least reaching par with us if not more. Euro is just representing the first wave of currencies to appreciate against us, at some point, the Asian currencies will have to start moving too. Did BA average $200K household become $300K household over the last 5 years? The answer is obviously NO.

That means, the market may have a softer crash due to the currency movement, but the value of BA homes expressed in other currencies or other assets is bound to go down.

For someone with a big chunk of cash, the best strategy is to sit in anti-dollar asset and wait for dollar to crash, then buy the cheap assets expressed in dollar terms. USD is worth a lot more today than in the future, why should I pour my valuable $200K USD@2007 down the drain? I will commit to spend my $200K USD@2011 instead.

389   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Apr 12, 4:05pm  

Anyone who can spell “loser” correctly is not a looser.

Anyone who gives birth to a kid is certainly looser.

As for 'In the Fortress' more houses are falling into my search criteria (Sub 1mill, 3+ bed) in MV and PA as the time wears on. This may be because of the bounce in listings. It'll be interesting to see how it holds up into the summer and fall.

390   StuckInBA   2007 Apr 12, 4:06pm  


Oh yes ... I was just reading at Bloomberg. Nikkei is down over 200 points, Yen is up and USD is at 2 year low.

I am very uncomfortable in putting cash into other currencies. I do have some in MERKX and GLD, but only 5% in all. I was looking at FXA due to the yield. But nothing else. I wish Vanguard had an international bond index fund ;-)

391   StuckInBA   2007 Apr 12, 4:21pm  

SP :

What investment options do you suggest ? (Not investment advice etc.) But apart from foreign bonds and ETFs (like FXA, FXC) I am not aware of direct currency plays. I did not like those specific currency CDs - forgot which bank was doing it. So I am leaning towards using ETFs like FXA and FXC.


392   OO   2007 Apr 12, 4:48pm  


I would recommend GIM (mutual fund version is Templeton Gloabl Income fund), widely spread across a basket of currencies, low management fee (0.8%), actively managed but 0 leverage, current distribution about 5.xx%. I have had it for over 3 years, and have seen the manager actively migrating across different geographical regions to maximize the gain in NAV. This is probably one of the most pure play non-USD high quality sovereign bond funds.

I got it as ETF long time ago, but won't recommend going ETF now, because it is a closed-end fund that is currently going for 6% premium. I never buy any closed-end fund at premium. You can buy the mutual fund at its NAV.

not investment advice.

393   Jimbo   2007 Apr 12, 5:21pm  

Anyhow, I’m a little surprised that no one said anything, nice or otherwise, about Kurt Vonnegut.

Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.
Kurt Vonnegut

Thought you would appreciate that one DS.

Vonnegut is one of my favorite authors too, but my favorite novel of his is Hocus Pocus, which makes me kind of an oddball.

394   Jimbo   2007 Apr 12, 5:36pm  

I would buy this house if it were $1.2M:


Unfortunately, it is not.

I would not dump every last penny I owned into a house and hope that everything worked out, no. I would want at least a six month reserve, after the downpayment. Before my daughter was born, I might have been willing to take the risk, as long as I had a plan to rebuild my reserve afterward.

395   Different Sean   2007 Apr 12, 6:02pm  

the myth of 'hard work' getting you ahead is only for the working poor being exploited on minimum wages... the rest of us are leading a leisure life, where the higher up you are, the less work you have to do.

396   Different Sean   2007 Apr 12, 6:05pm  

astrid, maybe your BF should become a MB. if you can't beat 'em, join 'em :twisted:

397   cb   2007 Apr 12, 6:06pm  

So I have a question for Patrick.net bloggers. If you were earning around 200K, had 200K in down payment, would you buy a 1.3M house ? Because someone I know just did. If you run the numbers, they can afford it

The can't afford it even if there is no housing bubble.

Doesn't PITI come out to be about 50% of the combined income? Will it be beef or chicken flavored ramen for dinner tonight?

398   astrid   2007 Apr 12, 9:56pm  

Thank you all for you kind words for me and for Kurt Vonnegut :)


Thanks but no thanks. The mortgage brokerage business is collapsing in the US and current business practices are very unsavory. I would rather my boyfriend became a fry cook or a professional gambler than be either a MB or join the military.

399   astrid   2007 Apr 12, 11:04pm  

No offense to former and current military folks. I have great respect for military people, but the current leadership resemble the British leadership for the Crimean War.

400   Different Sean   2007 Apr 12, 11:09pm  

hmm, I wonder if MB is really crashing. And is there such a thing as a reputable, blue chip MB? Apart from expansion/contraction in MB jobs due to the boom/bust cycle, you would find there is always scope to write loans to folks -- even in a downmarket, people are still buying houses, just paying a bit less than last year. Same for RE agents, the gordon gecko days are over, but houses are still going to be sold...

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