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"the other side always has some valid arguments or reasons
Randy may not agree. "
2 + 2 could equal 5 in an alternate dimension.
. We’re planning to either go to Alaska or Scandinavia this August.
I have never been to Alaska. And Scandinavia is a beautiful place.
But I believe your money is better spent in Alaska.
2 + 2 could equal 5 in an alternate dimension.
It is called New Math, an important concept in the New Paradigm.
If you won’t even bother to think about the other side of the story, you’re already in the wrong.
I think you have pretty much captured the essence of what is wrong with modern conservatism in a nutshell here.
I have really had to bite my tounge to stay out of the Iraq War debate, but really, why do you waste your time? That debate is over and the good guys won, belatedly. Only 28% left of the American public think Bush is doing a good job in Iraq. Similar amounts believe in UFO's, Astrology and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Some kool-aide drinkers will never change their mind.
Alaska would be a much bigger trip, I would probably need to use 3 weeks of vacation and 1-2 week of unpaid time off, if I plan to go to Alaska.
(drive from DC through the northern plains, take the ferry up the inside passage, see Denali and Wrangell St. Elias or Katmai, drive back through the Canadian Rockies.)
I usually stay away from the Iraq issue too, but I can't stand when the suffering of Iraqis and daily deaths of young Americans are written off as if it is nothing.
I'm close to some people who are in danger of being sent there and know of friends of friends who are there right now, the idea that they may be maimed and killed for some bozo's macho posturing is just unbearable.
Alaska would be a much bigger trip, I would probably need to use 3 weeks of vacation and 1-2 week of unpaid time off, if I plan to go to Alaska.
As far as a closer, cheaper trip to get out into the backwoods goes, have you thought of touring the Canadian maritimes and heading up to Newfoundland?
(This IS travel advice)...
Alaska would be a much bigger trip, I would probably need to use 3 weeks of vacation and 1-2 week of unpaid time off, if I plan to go to Alaska.
Factoring in time, looks like a cruise from Vancouver + round-trip air will still be cheaper. The trip can be completed in one week.
The saving of unpaid time off alone is enough to pay for the trip.
Yeah, flying both ways would be cheaper, but neither my boyfriend nor I have seen the Northern Plains or the Canadian Rockies, so we would like to cover that on a long road trip. Since my boyfriend probably won't be working yet (I hope he'll take some summer classes and take the patent agent exam), this is probably the cheapest time for us to travel collectively.
We would like to see the Maritime Provinces someday soon. We might take trip up there next spring. I hope he'll move to DC with me in the fall, so it'll be easier to take East Coast trips together.
The seafood would be superb, but Canada is rather cold. Even the warmest places are north of places like Buffalo and Duluth.
I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Don’t you??
Well, I guess the real answer is that I do *believe* in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I am not an athiest or even an agnostic. I believe in God, at least in something that maps pretty close to what the defintion of God is to most religious folks. I just have never found a religion I could stomach, because they all want to spend their time telling other people how to run their lives, which I find morally repugnant.
Buddhism is pretty close to my natural inclination, I guess, though I am far too passionate to make a good Buddhist. I suppose there is no reason one cannot be a Pastafarian and a Buddhist at the same time.
The seafood would be superb, but Canada is rather cold. Even the warmest places are north of places like Buffalo and Duluth.
Vancouver is warmer, even though it is "north" of Buffalo.
Astrid says
"I always wondered about those “flower sellers†who stand in the medians next to stop lights… "
Your suspicion is well founded. My girlfriend recognized someone she went to high school with selling flowers in the median. He was well known for illegal activity.
Thanks for sharing your friend's experience. I'm fairly neutral on guns themselves, but I do think there should be a national gun registry and efforts to prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands. I don't think minors should handle anything beyond hunting guns, and then only under adult supervision.
Ha! I always wondered why the county does not pass an ordinance against loitering in road medians. Such an ordinance, strictly enforced, would decrease the number of squeegee guys, homeless dude who wander around during a red light, and "flower sellers" dramatically.
I guess they're too busy ticketing people going 20 above (even though everybody else is also going at least 15 above).
You know, I’m not a gun nut. I don’t even own a gun. But if everybody in Columbine had been packing heat, that siege would have lasted 10 seconds.
Heh, that reminds me of how sales of hand guns soared immediately after September 11th in Midwest/Southern states.
Because there's no better way to protect your family in Bumbleville, TN from al qaeda like a Smith and Wesson.
Actually, I take it back.
A better "that reminds me of" would be... that reminds of the Long Island Rail Road massacre.
This comes to my mind because when it happened, I specifically remembered this:
Gun rights advocates frequently cite the Ferguson attack on the commuter train as an example of the danger of disarming the population, arguing that Ferguson was able to shoot as many victims as he did because no other person on the train was able to return fire.
Ah yes - the gun rights advocates in Texas ranted and raved about this. How if only god hating liberal anti-freedom NYers carried guns none of this would've happened.
Because... you know... a shoot out on in a packed train is exactly what would reduce casualties.
RE: Handguns & Lots and Lots of People Carrying Them in Public
The problem as I see it isn't the big incidents we all talk about like Columbine. In these cases we can all imagine ourselves sitting there as others desperately cower and beg for their lives wishing we had a .38 to just end it.
Even assuming that
a) We're a good enough shot to actually kill the perpetrator(s)
b) We're well trained enough to not choke and pull the trigger
c) We're able to access our firearms before getting ourselves and everyone around us shot first
The fact remains that most, probably over 99%, of shootings in the US aren't black and white, made for television operettas.
Of course I'd shoot a couple guys in black trench coats walking the halls killing kids. Who wouldn't?
But what about the normal situations that happen every day, which are usually related to domestic violence, drug transactions or burglaries?
Keep in mind that the millisecond you start reaching for the holster you have engaged your opponent, should he see you, into a conflict which must end with one of you being shot. He assumes you will shoot him, and therefore you have to assume he'll shoot you to stop that happening.
Keep in mind that if you shoot the wrong person because you were wrong about what was going on it will be you getting rammed from behind for the remainder of your prime years.
Keep in mind, it's not self defense when you come riding in as some side-armed hero. It's one thing for a mother to shoot the pervert trying to rape her and steal her son to sell on the black market. It's another thing for you to shoot the guy on the train platform running with a purse in one hand, a pistol in the other, being chased by a screaming frantic woman. Will you really shoot him? Really? Even knowing there is a chance, no matter how slight, that you don't really know what's going on or who's just done what to whom? Are you willing to bet your freedom on it?
Oh, and then what about the next guy, who walks up the stairs only to see you, smoking gun in hand? What if he sees someone lying on the ground -- because she was scared shitless by the sudden action movie sequence and blood -- and interprets that as you having just started a killing spree?
Far fetched? Maybe. But more statistically likely than you getting lucky and happening to be sitting in just the right place at just the right time so that you have your custom-written script for pistol heroism.
Why do good savers deserve protection from the market? Life is unpredictable anyway.
You can cut to the chase Peter You sound like a liberal only interested in raiding those who work and save and passing wealth to the welfare state down to the poor who didnt bother to invest in themself. That kind of thinking died out long ago. No one is interested in your welfare state.
You are incorrect Jimbo.
Okay, Bap33, prove it. I need more than just your say-so to believe this.
Pelosi is a fox for any age. Built like a real woman.
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
I was thinking of selling my SKS (Russian rifle), and my 22 rifle. After following this site for a couple of years, and looking outside my window at my once very nice neighborhood deteriorating around me, I'm going to hang on to them. I'm not currently an NRA member but I put the decal by my front door. I sort of like to publicize the fact that this is not an unarmed household. I'd rather visitors to my front door think I am a gun nut than to have them read about what I nice guy I was in my obituary.
David J Says:
April 15th, 2007 at 6:06 pm
Why is my previous post being held in moderation?
Because David has 5 letters, you posted on the 15th and 2007 is 7-2 is 5. You have all the warning signs.
Astrid Says:
"I guess they’re too busy ticketing people going 20 above (even though everybody else is also going at least 15 above). "
I had the same frustration. Our local news caused the phones to ring off the hook at SDPD because they decided to go on a jay walking sweep. People were livid, and basically demanded real law enforcement. I'm tired of hearing how badly cops have it. It is so much easier to play macho cop ticketing jaywalkers, and kids with skateboards, than to actually break down the door on a meth lab.
David J,
I can't release your comment but I can see it. I tried to post for you but it didn't work. One of your words must have triggered a filter. It's not Soc1alist, so I have no idea how to help you.
I don't think guns should be outlawed and I think most mainstream liberals do not want to outlaw guns. I, for one, would just like more regulation of guns to make it a little harder for violent teenagers or criminals to get their hands on guns.
I would also like gun owners to receive mandatory gun safety training, that would cut down on eager beaver killings.
astrid etc...
Examine arizona/florida/texas etc. and try to find a case where someone with a carry concealed weapon permit committed any of the mistakes you mention in your posts... I bet you can't find a single one due to negligence or erro with someone licensed to carry a weapon. The licensing requires shooting tests, criminal background exams, legal and ethical exams etc... The decision to shoot or even get the gun out is discussed at great length.
It would help if those who criticize weapon carry laws new at least something about what they talk about...
That's a concealed weapon permit. I was talking about gun training for any gun owner. It's a dangerous item and anyone with access to one should be properly trained.
LOL! I admit that is a possibility. Some people may be slightly less dangerous if they don't know how to aim correctly.
I understand the connotation. I don't particularly care for the term "media whores" either all that much either, but I can certainly understand the sentiment.
I'm just still a bit of an old fashioned boy at heart, I guess. Calling anyone a "whore" of any ilk just seems like an invitation to get yourself into a fist fight.
How about used house salesmen? That would be a pretty fair description.
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This is not a joke.
Strawberry Picker Buys $720,000 House on $15,000/year Income
P.S. Sorry about the lazy post. I didn't have time to come up with something witty, but I'm sure you'll be able to help me out in that department.