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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   252,076 views  117,730 comments

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147   problemis   2009 Jul 9, 6:39am  

Yeah elliemae, how about that bee hive state? This is how you deal with Utah and alcohol. 1. Order your home brew supplies out of state. 2. Have it delivered US mail if possible. Nosy Mormons need a warrant to open US mail... UPS, FedEx... That man on the puppet strings Orin Hatch just pops your box right open... We won't even get into how Orin's tan out oranges John Boe-hner's tan... 3. Brew and consume at home like it is the prohibition era. Remember, it is like that Star Trek episode with the "Will of Landru" and mind control cultist everywhere programmed to report on you. Keep cult members at bay, never let them persuade you to attend their "gatherings," or enter your house or for god's sake see your home made beer until you finish your phd and get the hell out of there... At least that is what my cousin told me... he did 3 1/2 years in Utah...
148   Patrick   2009 Jul 9, 8:29am  

Just need a little yeast and some grapes and alcohol is inevitable. Wine yeast is better than bread yeast, but they both work.
149   elliemae   2009 Jul 9, 4:20pm  

Remember, it is like that Star Trek episode with the “Will of Landru” and mind control cultist everywhere programmed to report on you. Keep cult members at bay, never let them persuade you to attend their “gatherings,” or enter your house or for god’s sake see your home made beer until you finish your phd and get the hell out of there… At least that is what my cousin told me… he did 3 1/2 years in Utah…
I've spent most of my life here. I use the pioneer method, and do what the pioneers did. Yep, drive over the state line and buy alcohol in Vegas. :)
150   nope   2009 Jul 9, 4:40pm  

I need at least two drinks every time I read a post from OTS.
151   nope   2009 Jul 9, 5:16pm  

Tenpoundbass says
The “ONLY” person capable of “SAVING” this country, is going to be anything but an Republican or Democrat.
I agree -- but Sarah Palin *IS* a Republican. If she runs as an independent, it will be on the EXACT SAME AGENDA as whatever asshole the GOP plops out. The same agenda that has been failing since Nixon. How is that "independent"? Real change won't happen until we kick the lobbyists out and have citizen funded elections. After that we should focus on figuring out ways to reduce or eliminate political parties, which are the real root of the problem. When you read an article that talks about how passing legislation is going to be difficult because some PAC or lobbyist is going to "fight it", you know how wrong the system is. Speaking as someone who voted for Obama purely as the better of two crappy options last November, I would absolutely love to have some viable candidates without having "Democrat" or "Republican" next to their name on the ballot. Frankly, none of the smaller political parties (Libertarians, Greens, etc.) appeal to me either. I want politicians who are able to look at a situation and make the best decision, not the decision that happens to win votes or be most consistent with arbitrary ideology. I want politicians who aren't going to waste my time and theirs grandstanding on bullshit issues like defending "the sanctity of marriage" or resolutions honoring michael jackson.
152   Storm   2009 Jul 10, 3:23am  

Tenpoundbass says
Just a quick question, how much worse could she possibly be?
That's what you idiots said about GWB and look how much worse it was. I guarantee you if Al Gore was elected president in 2000, things would be a lot better now.
153   Storm   2009 Jul 10, 3:28am  

LOL Kevin! Elliemae, I didn't know you live in Utah now... I used to live there a while back. Yeah, the private club laws were annoying, but I hear they just repealed them finally! Yay! They still have absolutely idiotic liquor laws though, like you can't have 2 beers in front of you, which actually encourages binge drinking. Here's the scenario: 1. You're sitting down to dinner at a microbrewery, enjoying a nice ale. Your beer is almost finished, just a couple inches in the bottom. 2. Your waitress comes by to check on you, see how you're doing. "Would you like another beer?" 3. "Sure," you reply. She comes back a minute later with another beer. 4. She stands there holding the beer and says, "I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to serve you another beer until you finish the first one." 5. You chug the first beer, and get drunk faster, then she sets the second beer in front of you and goes merrily on her way. How is this supposed to protect people from overindulging in alcohol? When I enjoy a beer, I want to enjoy it at a leisurely pace. I don't want to be forced to chug my beer like I'm in some college drinking game. This is what happens when you let crazy religious nuts write liquor laws.
154   nope   2009 Jul 10, 10:34am  

Tenpoundbass says
Just a quick question, how much worse could she possibly be?
How much worse than who? She could be a lot worse than Bush, who in turn was a lot worse than Obama -- there's a LONG way you can fall. Another war or two would be awesome. That's really beside the point though -- you aren't going to "fix" politicians, so you might as well go jump off a bridge now if you think any candidate has any chance of doing that ever. Every democracy on this planet is full of dumb fucks and dipshits who waste time and money on dumb things. We put up with it because the alternative is some form of dictatorship (fascism, monarchy, empire -- take your pick), and dictatorships are entirely too unpredictable to be pleasant to live in. Democracy always has been and always will be a bunch of dumb asses elected by a bunch of other dumb asses that tries to muddle through and make society work. So far it actually works pretty well.
155   elliemae   2009 Jul 12, 1:49am  

Our laws have never made sense. It used to be that they couldn't mix a drink for you, but would sell mini-bottles instead. So each drink they served had a full mini-bottle in it. But we're making progress - we can sell full-strength beer on tap now. That'll make people come here now. Utah's the new party state!
156   dont_getit   2009 Jul 13, 3:36pm  

I think this is a great idea. Second term!!
157   Patrick   2009 Jul 14, 6:30am  

I've been wanting to do the view count thing for a long time and finally got to it. Great to see the numbers change almost every time I reload the page. > Patrick have you considered putting navigation on the bottom of the page, or at least an escape link back to the forum’s topic list? But I do have navigation at the bottom of the page, at least to the main forum page and each forum's topic list. Is it not visible, or not what you meant? Thanks for the suggestion!
158   Nick   2009 Jul 14, 8:04am  

For better or worse, this is still a democracy. People made their choice last Nov so apparently they like his economic philosophy regardless of its long-term effects (and, frankly, lessons the history teaches us). He told exactly what he was going to do (see the whole wealth re-distribution controversy) and the majority clearly was in favor of it. Just look at CA, nobody has ever lost an election here for flying the state into the ground with all kinds of free-for-all. Or do you remember how Athens, that ancient precursor of the US, voted themselves into the Peloponnesian War which ultimately ruined both Athens and Sparta? Or who invented the word demagogue which is so pertinent today if you know what I mean :) ? There are very deep questions lurking under this wave of left populism. Every single great country/culture which ever failed was rotten from the inside, not destroyed by foreign enemies. And the science has no answer why, when or exactly how a society decides to destruct itself. So I feel sorry for you and myself but chances are we are observing forces of historical proportions at work here. No amount of logic and reason could be enough to prevent it. On the flip side, there could be cases of real hard-working Americans hit hard by the recession somewhere where new houses cost, say, 200K and not 800K-1M. And very well could be a good idea to help them. But personally I have no illusion about who is the target audience for all those Democratic initiatives. So grab a chair and prepare to witness mighty Titanic meeting its destiny.
159   permanent_marker   2009 Jul 14, 8:34am  

>> handing out Free Health Care to the irresponsible care to explain this?
160   elliemae   2009 Jul 14, 10:34am  

Our current national healthcare plan: DON'T GET SICK. :(
161   Misstrial   2009 Jul 14, 10:36am  

Excellent response, Nick and welcome to the Forum :) dont_getit: The best thing you can do is maintain or work towards the moral and economic strength of your own household/family. Stay out of the stock market/bond markets as they are highly manipulated by programmed trading. Dmitry Orlov has a book: ReInventing Collapse which has two really good chapters, 4 and 5 where he discusses how to prepare and live in a collapsing society: Chapt 4 is “Collapse Mitigation” and Chapt 5 is “Adaptation.” he bases his observations and advice on his own experience facing the collapse of the Soviet Union and what occurred in the days, months, and years following that. There are lots of us. 8 States are in no need of bailout money. 49 percent voted for parties other than Democrat in November. Not any sort of mandate, but you knew that already, right?
162   WitchOnWheels   2009 Jul 14, 10:42am  

I am very curious to know if the people here, and all over the country, screaming about socialized medicine, communism, etc have any plans to turn down medicare when they're old enough. If govt run healthcare is so terrible, it would seem as if they would pass it up and stick with their private insurance plans instead. But nobody ever mentions it. It's very curious. Some Guy, you'll be turning down medicare, surely. Right?
163   OO   2009 Jul 14, 10:44am  

Some Guy says
Problem is, I don’t think that’s politically viable. There’s no way this country would ever allow a fully government owned and operated healthcare system. We have to set our sights on something that could actually be achieved.
Medicare and Medicaid??
164   OO   2009 Jul 14, 10:46am  

Yeah, why don't we get rid of Medicare and Medicaid first, completely socialist, commie shit. No use to anyone, and wastes my tax money to keep someone alive so that I can pay their SS, sounds as commie as you get.
165   thepuma   2009 Jul 14, 3:24pm  

This has made me so angry. Why should unemployed homeowners be the only ones to get their housing paid for? I'm unemployed, but renting. Does that mean that Obama is going to start paying my rent now too? When the heck are we going to let SOMEONE suffer the consequences for bad decisions? whether it be Wall St. bankers or Main St. homeowners, apparently noone is too small to fail...
166   nope   2009 Jul 14, 5:27pm  

Ahh, another shitty Reuters article. I swear, they'd claim that the administration was "considering" nuking China if they could get a sound byte of some intern making a dumb joke. I'm sure that somebody in the administration mentioned this as an option at some point, but I doubt it would make much of a difference. If the home owners are under water and they lose their job, losing the home would be great for them financially, and it's a much better decision than wiping out their savings. If they still have substantial equity and they lose their job, they should probably sell the place and live off of the proceeds. I completely understand the emotional attachment to the place that you live, but it's really stupid to go completely broke for the roof over your head. Delaying repayment entirely isn't the worst idea in the world though. It actually has shown positive effects in the student loan industry. I'm skeptical that it would do much to help anyone right now, though. The real question though, is "how long"? If someone is unemployed for a year or two, there's a good chance that their home value will be further underwater by the time they find a new job (and there's a good chance that the new job will pay less than the old one). One last comment here though -- not everyone who loses their job is "irresponsible". Is the guy who was an auto worker for 30 years who gets laid off too soon to retire "irresponsible" for not saving 2 years of pay instead of the recommended 6 months? I'm not saying that the guy deserves special help by any means, but calling people like that "irresponsible" is just a woeful display of ignorance.
167   nope   2009 Jul 14, 6:57pm  

Some Guy says
You said it. Why does this society continue to insist that renters should be the shit that “homeowners” wipe off their shoes? So you overpaid for your house - why exactly should that make you one of the chosen people?
Government policies have favored ownership the world over for a very long time. There has been plenty of research that shows that stability in living environment is very good for society as a whole. Aside from ensuring lower crime rates and higher school performance, home ownership acts as a nice dumb investment vehicle for people who aren't capable of managing more complex instruments. That's not to say that I agree with the bailouts, but you really should understand the government's reasoning in their actions. Well, that and 80% of registered voters are home owners.
168   Austinhousingbubble   2009 Jul 14, 8:29pm  

Aside from ensuring lower crime rates and higher school performance, home ownership acts as a nice dumb investment vehicle for people who aren’t capable of managing more complex instruments.
...or getting screwed in the backside by same. When was it that houses became thought of as investments, anyway? Unless FLW designed it, forget it.
169   elliemae   2009 Jul 14, 11:54pm  

From Huffington Post - the best of Sarah's cringeworthy moments:
On July 31, 2008 Larry Kudlow interviewed Sarah Palin about a probe into an alleged scandal and asked her if she was interested in becoming John McCain's running mate. She replied: "But as for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does everyday?" On September 29, 2008 CBS aired one of the many parts of an interview Katie Couric did with Sarah Palin. In this particular installment, Couric asked "what newspapers and magazines did [she] regularly read..." and Palin responded by saying: "I've read most of them, again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media." Couric pushed further asking "what ones specifically?" and Pain said, "Umm... all of them. Any of them that have been in front of me over all these years." It only got worse for Palin from there. A couple days later Couric showed another segment of the interview in which she asked which decision, other than Roe V. Wade, Palin disagreed with. Sarah responded: "Well, let's see. There's --of course --in the great history of America rulings there have been rulings, there's never going to be absolute consensus by every American. And there are -- those issues, again, like Roe v Wade where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So you know -- going through the history of America, there would be others but--" On October 2, 2008 Palin faced off against Joe Biden in their first (and only) VP debate. She said several hilarious things, but her winking is what most of us still remember and what gave Rich Lowry of the National Review "little starburts," most likely in his pants. On October 11, 2008 Sarah "I'm a hockey mom" Palin appeared at a Flyers game to drop the ceremonial first puck and was greeted by resounding "boos" from the crowd. On October 20, 2008 Sarah was interviewed by an NBC affiliate in Colorado, which passed on a question from a local third grader who wanted to know about what the Vice President does. Palin answered: "[T]hey’re in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom." Which is blatantly untrue. On November 1, 2008 Palin unwittingly took a call from a Canadian comedian posing as the French president. The fake Sarkozy suggested the pair go hunting together saying, "I just love killing those animals. Mmm, mmm, take away life, that is so fun." She responded, saying, "Well, I think we could have a lot of fun together while we're getting work done. We can kill two birds with one stone that way." The comedian went on to say his wife is "so hot in bed" and tell Palin that Bruni has written a song for her called "Du rouge a levres sur une cochonne" aka "Lipstick on a Pig." On October 5, 2008 Sarah Palin called Afghanistan “our neighboring country” during a speech to U.S. soldiers who must have thought, "This is what we're fighting for?" On October 15, 2008 Palin gave a speech in the Granite state and said, "I like being here," she told the crowd in Laconia, "because it seems like here and in our last rally too -- other parts around this great Northwest -- here in New Hampshire you just get it." The crowd was understandably confused. On November 13, 2008 Palin gave a speech that Jonathan Martin called "perplexing" and "jarring," because it was basically an old stump speech she gave a million times before she lost the election. Jonathan Capehart told MSNBC's David Shuster, "I watched her entire speech, and I had to remind myself that the election was a week ago, and this was not a McCain/Palin rally. Everything you heard at a McCain/Palin rally since she was selected as the Vice Presidential nominee since September, and even down to the same rhetoric was in that speech." On July 3, 2009 Sarah Palin announced that she would resign from the office of the governor, giving some a sigh of relief and late-night comedians a heart-attack. The speech was a little crazy: There was something about a fish and sports and a lot about politics and not quitting but then quitting. It was more confusing than when she explained politics to that 3rd grader. When Palin resigned she said that fighting unjust ethics complaints was immobilizing her. "I'm not going to let Alaskans go through a year of stymied, paralyzed administration and not getting anything done," she said. Someone asked how she would run the country if these accusations could stop her from running the state and Palin responded that the "department of law" protects the president. There's no such thing in the White House.
---------------------------- I prefer a candidate that can formulate a pertinent, educated response. If I wanted someone who was unable to do so, I'd vote for BAP33.
170   OO   2009 Jul 15, 1:45am  

Well, I don't like it that most of us are subsidizing the lifestyle of these few commies in our country who takes advantage of our hard work to get their unlimited healthcare supply. I say abolish Medicare completely, what do ya think?
171   ian807   2009 Jul 15, 2:39am  

>makes the Democrats the most smug smart asses in the political arena. The Democrats are smug because the prior government (i.e. 1980-1988, 2000-2008) was recently run by a bunch of "cognitively challenged" sociopathic, theo-conservatives masquerading as competent adults, voted in by same. Momentarily, we have grown-ups in charge. Grown-ups who can see that national health care is a successful, paid-for fact in Canada and Sweden and that their countries are not impoverished hellholes with people dying of disease on the streets. Grown-ups who can see that capitalism sometimes fails (i.e. the financial system, the health care system, the energy supply system) and that it's not some kind of magic fairy that cures all ills. You need a mix of government and capitalism. You need a balance. You need both. Oh, and may I say smugly, "Grow up."
172   OO   2009 Jul 15, 3:00am  

Jessica is a Medicare recipient? According to the article, Jessica is only 18. I have no problem with providing Medicare benefits to young people below 20, I have a huge problem keeping broke old farts alive. I will be an old fart one day, but I manage my money carefully so I won't be an old broke fart, and I won't want to make myself a burden to the society. In return, I don't want the old farts of today to become my burden.
173   OO   2009 Jul 15, 3:13am  

What is so wrong with being against keeping the old and unproductive people alive? If old people want to live on, plan their lives better. If they fuck up throughout their lives, that is their problem, I won't be their insurance policy when they get old and unproductive. I have absolutely no sympathy for old farts, none whatsoever, and I don't expect any sympathy when I am old, I will make sure I make enough money that when I get old, I can BUY sympathy. Medicare is the biggest cancer of this country, and it is morally wrong. Nowhere else in the world do you have unlimited national health care JUST FOR the dying population. It is a very absurd, very sick policy, it drains money from the young and productive to fund the old and unproductive who lived a reckless life and now expect solutions from someone else.
174   freddy22122   2009 Jul 15, 4:41am  

Some Guy says
OO says
Some Guy says
Problem is, I don’t think that’s politically viable. There’s no way this country would ever allow a fully government owned and operated healthcare system. We have to set our sights on something that could actually be achieved.
Medicare and Medicaid??
Medicare and Medicaid are not available to the majority of the population. I hardly think they could qualify the U.S. as having a completely government-run healthcare system. The vast majority of the system is still private.
Just so were all clear, today the government is responsible for about 1 out of every 2 dollars spent in healthcare today. Yes 50% of the "system" is already government run. There are so many problems with healthcare that no "easy" solution exists. I for one am completely against government run healthcare because I personally believe it would stifle investment in medical technology and destroy yet another sector of the economy that USA has led in for many years. But I do believe that the system needs to find a way to provide coverage for all citizens, regardless of their ability to pay. At some point though, you have to be able to pay more for better care and better doctors and the latest in medical technology. We also need to find a way to determine what the "basic" care should be using metrics like cost / quality adjusted year of life and make the hard decisions about what care won't be provided at a certain point in someones life (a VERY HARD decision to come to, especially when it gets personal). Just my 2 cents
175   Tude   2009 Jul 15, 4:58am  

Some Guy, this new forum has made you angry :(
176   Misstrial   2009 Jul 15, 6:02am  

Post edited.
177   Misstrial   2009 Jul 15, 7:15am  

Just watched on Cavuto a Canadian reporter go undercover and film what health care is like in Canada. Wait time in ER: 2 to 10 hour wait. Must take a number. Reporter's was # 770 (seven hundred seventy). One man was waiting with a broken clavicle. He waited for 2 hours, was told to go home and come back the next day. Clinic wait times were somewhat better. People with money go to private doctors; otherwise, the wait to be assigned a doctor is about 2 years. 3 year wait to be assigned a Family Practice doctor. One woman came to a Canadian health care clinic with circulatory problems and was told to wait to be assigned a family doctor. by the time she got to see one, her two legs needed to be amputated because the wait was so long. I checked YouTube and today's interview is not up yet, however here is a video with a similar message: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vNQFa_4S80&feature=PlayList&p=0342FB44490B631B&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=17
178   Patrick   2009 Jul 15, 8:44am  

I'm a liberal. Everyone should be liberal. It means FREE. But I'm totally opposed to forcing the public to pay down private mortgage debts.
179   MeanGreen   2009 Jul 15, 8:48am  

Someguy, The difference between your post stating the horrors in this country and the horrors in the Canadian system is that one is the norm and one is the exception. The Canadian and British systems are a joke. I work for a major medical center here in San Francisco and the British Healthcare system leaders came here to our medical center to try and find was to emulate it. Also a friend of mine here at my hospital has just gone to London to see his grandmother for her last few days on earth. She was another typical horror story of the British system. She had a heart attack and had to wait ONE MONTH before she had surgery. Half of her heart was dead by the time they performed the surgery and her heart now just doesn't have enough energy to keep her alive on what's left. Sorry, but I think I'd rather pay a private medical company to provide me healthcare than the DMV.
180   Misstrial   2009 Jul 15, 9:01am  

MeanGreen - you are correct. "the horrors in this country and the horrors in the Canadian system is that one is the norm and one is the exception..." King-Drew (now King-Harbor) is not a hospital from which to draw common examples. That hospital has been cited for various serious violations numerous times over the past 20 years and has faced being shut down altogether at least twice due to horrific "mistakes" made by personnel there. The Los Angeles Times has done at least 2 front-page articles detailing the mess at King-Drew. Lots of handwringing, but the problem lies in the hiring practices and the hospital management which has been african, hispanic and asian. As a 4th-generation Californian, I can tell you that King-Drew's hiring policies were to draw from the ethnic communities in Los Angeles and to avoid hiring white medical personnel. King-Drew was to be a shining example of how racial groups other than caucasian can provide superior medical care to their own communities. Mexico has a government-run health care system; one would think that since health care is free there, then why on earth do the illegals come here?! Someguy: if you have a dispute regarding the accuracy of the Canadian reporter's piece, then the best thing to do is to contact Neil Cavuto and have it out with him and not us. Thanks!
181   OO   2009 Jul 15, 9:41am  

OK, sorry for keep hammering on this. Why is it that Canadians under their public Canadian system have to wait the allegedly whatever 2-10 hours for any treatment but our seniors who are living off MY dough don't need to wait squat to get their service? If our seniors are who leeching off us have to wait 10 hours or 20 hours to get any treatment at all, even if they are bleeding, then I have no problem. But it seems like our seniors are getting Viagra and Scooter Chairs off my paycheck, while I get NO FREEBIE from the government, that is something that troubles me deeply. So give me a public system under which EVERYONE has to wait, or give me a private system under which we let poor people die. I am fine with either, or, not the current hybrid we are in.
182   OO   2009 Jul 15, 10:32am  

Oh, so do you mean that our seniors are only consuming medical resources that they have contributed throughout their lives? Looks like you do not have a job, because if you do, you will understand that FICA is purely transfer tax, if the seniors only consume they have contributed throughout their lifetime, they cannot even last through 70. They would have been dead by 68.
183   OO   2009 Jul 15, 10:37am  

It is precisely because I have a job, that I do not want other people to leech off me, especially for 7% of my paycheck. I don't need to pay into that fund, I can save that alright just for myself, and ask for no help from the government when I am old, unlike some who are counting on the government for them live beyond 65. Most seniors in this country don't even have $50K asset saved up, and they definitely are expecting a paycheck from those of us who can still hold a job. And like it or not, you are paying for their $100K+ hospital bills, even if they have never ever paid that much into the system throughout their lifetime. I would have been ok if each everyone of us are metered on how much we have ever contributed into the system, and cap our lifetime medical expenses based on our contribution.
184   Misstrial   2009 Jul 15, 10:56am  

Yeah, he was told to go home and come back the next day because the line was so long. The next day, he would have to continue to wait, however, not for so long. Wonder what his family did. I suppose everyone should be trained in paramedical skills to live there, just because the medical care is rationed. I saw man who had just broken his clavicle (here in the US we refer to it as a collarbone break) - his shoulder on the broken side was about 4 inches lower than the broken side. Its supposed to be a very recoverable injury but only if the bone is reset within a short period of time after the injury.
185   OO   2009 Jul 15, 11:10am  

A neighbor of mine broke her arm in the kitchen, got sent to the hospital right away by ambulance and stayed in rehab for over a month. The total bill was decidedly over $100K. She never worked her entire life, a housewife. The woman who collapsed on the floor and died being ignored was not a retiree, shame on her. If she was 65, she would have been sent right into the best hospital nearby and lived it up like a queen all on our tax dollars. In this country, there are two classes of medical citizens, the first class citizen - the senior, and the second class. The second class have to work to pay for their own insurance, and pay for swanky medical treatment for the first class.
186   elliemae   2009 Jul 15, 11:27am  

Look, guys. We have real problems with healthcare in this country. Sure, we have people who are old who are receiving expensive treatments, even though they're toward the end of their lives. But who is it that determines the value of a life? If you are 80 years old, you might very well have another 20 years on you. Is your life less valuable than that of a 25 year old? How about if you are an 80 year old Albert Einstein and the 25 year old is a gang-banger from the 'hood? What if you are 60 and newly married vs a woman of child-bearing age who is single? Single young man vs married older man with family to support? Business owner/taxpayer vs. young person starting out? Whose life is more valuable? We get caught in the minutiae. No system will be perfect. But ours is far, far, far from perfect. Healthcare decisions are made by people who never see the patient and are based on finances alone. If a physician recommends treatment, and another agrees, an insurance company still easily denies payment for the procedure which might save a life or make the life more bearable. Currently Medicare rates set the payment system; insurance companies mirror them to a great extent. But private insurance looks for every reason to deny benefits, from unknown pre-existing conditions to a case manager denying coverage without being knowledgeable about the condition. Medicaid, with current cutbacks, is not covering many extra programs for healthy kids, meaning that when they're older they may be sick as hell and Medicare will have to cover it. Our desire to have national healthcare coverage is genuine. It is necessary. People here are bitching alot, but little Jessica and countless others will stop receiving treatment when their money is gone. It's possible that they could recover and become tax-paying, productive citizens. And if they never do, they're still someone's daughter or sister or wife. They need action.

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