The Nobel Mediocre under achiever, "Oh well you tried" prize.

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2009 Oct 9, 12:25am   10,975 views  102 comments

by Done!   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Did Obama get a prize for "Pushing" or for Crying that he can't get any thing done in a Democrat Washington? Or just maybe he got it for the strides he's made in pulling out of Afghanistan and Iraq. He didn't run off and do something crazy like narrate a Climate documentary did he? What in the hell did that man do to deserve a Nobel peace prize, somebody please please tell me. This nomination makes the Al Gore nod seem sensible and we remember how well I received that one don't we?

That's it, I'm starting a novelty bum paper company and my number one product will be Nobel Peace Prize toilet paper.  Actually toilet paper has more substantial purpose.

From this day forward Nobel Peace prize winners are a yawn news item.  I guess the people dolling them out are the same pimple faced brats that make up the Bender top 100 of all time lists. Or the Mensa giant that changed the format of Rolling Stone mag.

Love the man or hate him, but this is an out rage that he get a prize for peace and has not accomplished dickall as of yet!


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76   Peter P   2009 Oct 27, 2:06am  

As I see it, Obama’s challenge is to reduce government enough so that he can lower business taxes for those that keep jobs local.

If he can do that I am going to LOVE him.

77   Done!   2009 Oct 27, 4:07am  

Please, Please, everyone, Obama has done enough Horn tooting of his own at this juncture.
No need to squeeze the honk bladder, there's enough "Ima gonna" thrown around by his own accord.

Let's see some action...

Nothing you can say that aint been said. Now show me anything that hasn't been seen, like accomplishments.

The more you guys talk the less faith I have in this country. We should all be unselectively fist throwing mad at the whole damn lot of Washington.

I bet the fall or Rome started with this kind of misguided faith and complacency for enepticisim.

78   4X   2009 Oct 27, 4:40am  


I am not sure how you see my comments on what his challenges are as a toot of his horn. I agree, that at this point all he has done is listen to the banks, congress and poor home owners who made poor business decisions. What are policies you would like to see enacted? Maybe you have some manifesto of some sort you would like to share?

79   Done!   2009 Oct 27, 5:10am  

Do you really need a manifesto to do right?

Do I really need to describe what an effective presidency would be? Aren't you American enough to know the difference?

Well lemme take just one small stab, any president that wants to address the health care system in this country, first needs to start by using unambiguous language on what that system would be. For starters a single payer is a misnomer, and a public option at this juncture isn't an option for anyone but the insurance industry.
Why in the hell can't it be called a "National Health care system" and we pay for it by our taxes.
One where people like the Personal property tax auditor from Christmas Story II(I think it was, it could have been number one) goes around checking who's on the up and up and seeking out fraud and abuse with malice and zeal.

Remember that character, people in the government was that tenacious back then. It's why we as a society were more accountable because we were held to accountability back then. People were watched to make sure they played by the rules and as a result neighbors held neighbors accountable to the same standards they had to be held to.

Put a few of those guys in the medicare system and I guarantee overnight we could find enough money in the Medicare/medicaid system to provide medical needs for every American citizen.

I'm not for "BIG" government, I'm for people working in government doing their god damn job, then people like Obama would be side show and not person People are looking to for answers. Because he is clearly only here to serve as the guy delivering monologues at town hall meetings dishing out massive quantities of "OKEYDOKE".

80   Done!   2009 Oct 27, 5:41am  

Besides we need a separate system from these Ghouls.


We need a system, no "The" system we are already paying for. Where people and doctors like the ones pointed out in this article don't get to call the shots. Or wouldn't have any business belly aching over what the system pays them because they should be government employees. Face it we will never win going head to head with these Scum bags.
They own three to four luxury cars and live in 4500 sqft mansions and are bitching about what to charge providing medical service to those that can least afford it, old and infirmed.

I don't get all of the kit gloves we afford this corrupt medical machine and the Doctors are the least of the problem.

Administrators and CEO's needing their hefty bonuses, and investors needing lofty YOY profits.

I can't for the life of me, imagine a president claiming to have our interest in mind, toying with legislation that would include these Creeps in the equation, unless of course their lobbyists are part of the architects of this POS legislation. And the more this drags on the clearer that reality becomes. Get your heads out of your arses and pay attention.

Insurance by anyother name is still freaking insurance with the same usual suspect key players.

It makes me sick for humanity that you guys don't get this. Hind sight is a bitch, but this is a no brainer.

I am here to Rob you guys of Hind sight, when this blows up and every thing I fear happens(and it will). You don't to say "Who knew?". I'll number the seats on the mini bus for you guys.

81   Bap33   2009 Oct 27, 1:23pm  

like I said, free care means have the docs and pharms do what they do for free. End all insurance and go back to cash-n-carry with consumers' ability to pay sets the market.

Go Trout Go

82   Artic Cat   2009 Oct 27, 1:38pm  


You see things for what they are, but you are fighting the wrong battle.

You need to become part of the problem, not the solution. Look after your own interests and let the rest of them crash and burn.

83   Bap33   2009 Oct 27, 2:49pm  

hard to tell ... they all come here for care

84   Peter P   2009 Oct 27, 3:35pm  

Bap33 makes me look like a left-wing liberal. :-)

The market should run most health care services but it is not unreasonable to have universal catastrophic care. We want people to pay for care but we do not want unforeseen circumstances to ruin families.

85   Done!   2009 Oct 27, 4:16pm  

Taxing is paying for care.

What we don't need is a for profit system being the only game in town. The market can service the elective medical needs, and the hard core Socialphobics.

The system needs to be toe up from the flow up.

It would be much cheaper to educate federal doctors. It works in every country in the world no reason it can't work here.

Then while we're at it, people should be obliged to volunteer their time at hospitals. Like jury duty. Every healthy person should have to give one day every six months or so. At first those days would be used for basic qualifications, like CPR and basic Nursing skills, where you show up and to class to get basic training. This would also help people get a better understanding of health and see first hand the long term effects of vices they now take for granted. Perhaps as years go on and one has qualifications and experience, then you'll be paid something for the days you pull Hospital duty. I'm talking low level nurse or orderly stuff here, not LPN stuff. Changing bed pans, checking in on patients helping out.

But more importantly people that have been raking in a killing in bio medical stocks capitalizing on peoples pain and suffering can see where their profits were coming from. They can think about that as they are shoving a catheter in a bums johnson.

86   4X   2009 Oct 28, 7:32am  


I can’t for the life of me, imagine a president claiming to have our interest in mind, toying with legislation that would include these Creeps in the equation, unless of course their lobbyists are part of the architects of this POS legislation. And the more this drags on the clearer that reality becomes. Get your heads out of your arses and pay attention.

Insurance by anyother name is still freaking insurance with the same usual suspect key players.

It makes me sick for humanity that you guys don’t get this. Hind sight is a bitch, but this is a no brainer.

That is why I am asking you to explain your ideal system, but you keep interjecting your statements with criticisms of Obama and our corrupt political system. Without going into the rhetoric, lets dialogue with specifics on what you believe will work.

What specific steps do you think are going to work to make health care affordable?
Where are the current abuses in our healthcare system?
What steps do you see as necessary to reform welfare?
What plans, methods do you support for economic recovery?

87   Done!   2009 Oct 28, 8:53am  

That's not true...

I have told you, you're just selectively reading skimming over content to find the word Obama to take issue with what, I've said. All of those other beeps and squeaks they mean something so pay attention.

"What specific steps do you think are going to work to make health care affordable?"

By not participating in Wall Streets version of the health care system. Period, the Government needs to run a Health care system independently from any and all out side companies.

From the education to the buildings to the technology a separate government entity.

How does that improve affordability you ask?

For starters, all most all technological and biological medical advancements are paid in full by You and Me in the form of Grants our government gives Universities to develop new technologies. Companies then get to take those discoveries and manufacture them, they have no obligation to pay back the R&D that went into it, nor or they told how much they can charge for the technology.
So right there we've already got the cutting edge of technology covered and we haven't spent a dime. Now if you don't think our government is not capable of distributing these technologies to the patients that need them for pennies on the hundred dollars compared to what the current corporate medical industry can. Then I'm talking to my inferior, and you should probably seek more light conversation like Monster Truck pull forums or the like.

88   Bap33   2009 Oct 28, 11:11am  

""All of those other beeps and squeaks they mean something so pay attention.""
ok .. now nobody get offended ... but that really is funny.

4X and TPB ... you guys are on the same team ... so close it's distrubing.

89   4X   2009 Oct 28, 1:50pm  


“What specific steps do you think are going to work to make health care affordable?”

By not participating in Wall Streets version of the health care system. Period, the Government needs to run a Health care system independently from any and all out side companies.

From the education to the buildings to the technology a separate government entity.

I agree, althought you wanting another government run entity is weird seing you have conservative views against socialism. Hasnt the government failed enough at managing our social security, social welfare? What happened to your conservative beliefs in less government or no socialism? So far we are allowing the funds of paying citizens to dry up so that they can afford immigrants the same rights as citizens. Before I would support the public option I would require that all programs be reformed to use their tax money more thrifty. Most corporations Finance groups call this "cost management" and it is aimed at reducing operating costs. Government or Non-Profits employees could care less about how much they spend because the money keeps coming.

For starters, all most all technological and biological medical advancements are paid in full by You and Me in the form of Grants our government gives Universities to develop new technologies. Companies then get to take those discoveries and manufacture them, they have no obligation to pay back the R&D that went into it, nor or they told how much they can charge for the technology.

I agree somewhat, as how I see it is that the government gives these grants out in hopes of creating new industries and driving new findings in technology, science and military weapons in hopes of keeping our infrastructure, weapons technology leading edge. These grants simply are aimed at keeping us #1 in terms of advancement. Similarly, we invest billions into NASA programs in hopes of finding a new source of natural resources that we will call our own. I disagree here, I actually find this as a positive that government doesnt get involved after the products have been developed...unless were talking about the pharmaceuticals industry, whom are charging way too much for their products.

So right there we’ve already got the cutting edge of technology covered and we haven’t spent a dime. Now if you don’t think our government is not capable of distributing these technologies to the patients that need them for pennies on the hundred dollars compared to what the current corporate medical industry can. Then I’m talking to my inferior, and you should probably seek more light conversation like Monster Truck pull forums or the like.

LOL. I do believe we can setup a system but it will be filled with waste. The 7 deadly wastes are principles of Toyota LEAN manufacturing....read up on it. With government comes a lot of waste because the people running government dont care about the bottom line because next year they will get their revenues regardless of whether the product sells or not...simply put, the taxpayers will continue to pay for poorly run services. Government runs like a non-profit...as longs as the grants or taxes keep coming the employees will deliver status quo. On the opposite view, for profit industries generally are fueled by greed and the desire to grow revenues at any cost. Which is why you dont trust the healthcare companies to reorg themselves.

90   4X   2009 Oct 28, 2:04pm  


“”All of those other beeps and squeaks they mean something so pay attention.”"
ok .. now nobody get offended … but that really is funny.

4X and TPB … you guys are on the same team … so close it’s distrubing.

What does that mean?...our beliefs are similar?

91   Done!   2009 Oct 28, 2:17pm  

Funny the Government is the boogie man yet you have faith in this Government. Hmmm?

The systems you claim the Government had done a bad job of managing, is not the problem. The problem is those managing or more in this case not managing these systems.

92   4X   2009 Oct 28, 2:31pm  


I have faith in what government?....Obama?...if so, maybe you should check my other posts whereby I have stated his attempts to stabilize housing is not the right direction. We should be taking a more sustainable approach and allow the markets to reset themselves to where products, homes are affordable in comparison to the wages people are earning. The 8K tax credit will only stave off the inevitable for a later date. So far, Obama has not support any of the movements I have listed. He has done more for liberal movements gay rights, and abortion rights than he has for my progressive American Dream. These are not my issues but Healthcare, Economic Recovery and Housing are important to me...we can spend 1 trillion on economic recovery but cant reduce government enought to offset the costs. We can bailout banks but cant provide tax incentives enticing enough to business to keep jobs local. Anytime I hear someone say Obama is progressive, I say that he is the new liberal-progressive who supports homosexuality and murder of babies, because all the other progressive movements have somewhat accomplished what they sought out to accomplish.

But, they didnt finish the job....the next progressive movement is to cleanup the systems already in place, reform government so that we can tax less.

Support for homosexuality, abortion wont do any of that!

Here is what I support:

War.....Pull out of Iraq, Afghanistan, spend the money on healthcare
Welfare Reform...the poor are either mentality ill, lazy, or just not driven enough so they take the easy road at McDonalds. Either way we should not enable them
Economic Recovery...let the banks fail, veto gramm-leach-bliley, and stop attempting to fund GDP with equity. Bring manufacturing back to the USA with tax incentives. If we stop funding wars we wont need the 300b in taxes businesses pay anyways.
Healthcare ...Reform it, reduce costs of medicine, and provide a public option that pays for itself. Meaning that the public option needs to be a for profit entity that is regulated by government.
Housing...let it reset to normal market prices would look like 10 years after pre-2000 prices. Meaning, add 3% every year to each house and reset the prices to that. If Obama wants to keep people in their homes, then have the banks refinance the current homeowners at 25-50% less than the current market rates.

93   Done!   2009 Oct 29, 12:53am  

"Welfare Reform…the poor are either mentality ill, lazy, or just not driven enough so they take the easy road at McDonalds. Either way we should not enable them"

Why do you care where and what they eat?

What is a "public option" and what does it mean? Can you tell me, and just how is it different than letting the already heavy handed Medical machine? Be sure to include just why an public option(what ever that is and means) will reduce costs.

"Meaning that the public option needs to be a for profit entity that is regulated by government."

Yeah let me know how that works out for you, send me a post card, I'll be in another country by then.

Do you really think the government will run a "FOR PROFIT" system any different than they run all hybrid agencies where city, county, state, and federal governments out source services to private companies?

I challenge you to give one example of private companies doing Government work that hasn't been wrought with some scandal or accusations of indiscretions in the last ten years.

The worst part of this model is elected officals that are interested in reform can't go after private companies because they were just doing their jobs, and some public official okeydoked every thing they did. So even though they get exposed they are rarely prosecuted. Where as an government employees can be called upon three administrations latter to account for discrepancies.

94   Bap33   2009 Oct 29, 1:22am  

"the beeps and squeeks" .. I had to laugh, and I'm sure you did too.

Yes, in my opinion you are both deep thinking conservatives. And I think that true conservatives never really "mesh" due to their independant thought process and personal moral anchor. I'd really enjoy an hour of debate with you guys at a Dennys over some coffee ... the personalitys and intellect would be good for conversation. Thats more-or-less what I meant.

TPB has never failed to support his view with thought and real world experience without any mumbo jumbo. I am sure you enjoy this banter as much as he. And you have proven yourself a very good writer and thinker ... so it's all good.

95   4X   2009 Oct 29, 1:53am  


“Welfare Reform…the poor are either mentality ill, lazy, or just not driven enough so they take the easy road at McDonalds. Either way we should not enable them”

Why do you care where and what they eat?

I was referring to where they choose to work....most are minimum wage lifers.

96   4X   2009 Oct 29, 1:56am  

“Meaning that the public option needs to be a for profit entity that is regulated by government.”

Yeah let me know how that works out for you, send me a post card, I’ll be in another country by then. Do you really think the government will run a “FOR PROFIT” system any different than they run all hybrid agencies where city, county, state, and federal governments out source services to private companies?

I never said it would work, I said thats the only way I would support a public option. There is too much waste in the not for profit sectors...CUT, CUT, CUT is my motto for these programs and REGULATE, REGULATE, REGULATE is my motto regarding for profit entities.

97   4X   2009 Oct 29, 1:58am  


Yes, in my opinion you are both deep thinking conservatives. And I think that true conservatives never really “mesh” due to their independant thought process and personal moral anchor. I’d really enjoy an hour of debate with you guys at a Dennys over some coffee … the personalitys and intellect would be good for conversation. Thats more-or-less what I meant.

I agree, except I also have a progressive side....which to me simply means that I want programs aimed at the betterment of our society that do not enable the poor to feed off the system and do not allow the rich to manipulate the poor.

TPB has never failed to support his view with thought and real world experience without any mumbo jumbo. I am sure you enjoy this banter as much as he. And you have proven yourself a very good writer and thinker … so it’s all good.

There is so much mumbo-jumbo there that I have a difficult time figuring out which direction he is going with his viewpoints. One moment, he believes in the public option the next he is saying the government cant run any of their programs successfully. Personally, I just think government needs to engage in some LEAN practices found at Toyota. We need to reduce waste, invest in programs that encourage growth of our citizens, and provide incentives to corporations to bring manufacturing back to the USA. Trout has a difficult time clearly articulating his views without going into the whole "George Bush held hands, Obama doesnt have a birth certificate, Clinton did not inhale" rhetoric.

After each and every statement, I keep asking him to stay with the facts. More teaching, less preaching...at this point I dont know if he is communist, socialist, conservative or liberal..I am confused.

98   Done!   2009 Oct 29, 2:22am  

"One moment, he believes in the public option "

Class have I ever eluded to the opinion that I support "The Public Option" I still can't get anyone to tell me just what in Fruck it means. I never partake in anything I don't understand and neither should a nation as a whole. (as it is now)

You guys bite every jargon and made up spare of the moment vernacular the Congress criters throws your way. Hell I bet most are just happy to have new buzz words to throw around in Monday morning meetings. These words get used with impunity on being called out on their meaning. Because it is just understood they sound cool but no one expects anybody to know what they mean.

Hence is our Government at work setting the standards for our work force and those who manage them.

In other words I have never supported "The public option" what ever in the hell it might mean.

99   Done!   2009 Oct 29, 3:43am  

"After each and every statement, I keep asking him to stay with the facts. More teaching, less preaching…at this point I dont know if he is communist, socialist, conservative or liberal..I am confused."

Then I must be on the right track to truly being an Independent. Surely all parties have some redeeming qualities. People should listen to the proposals and focus less on what affiliations are delivering them.

100   Bap33   2009 Oct 29, 4:24am  

I sit party-less waiting for Washington and Reagan to reserect.

101   4X   2009 Oct 29, 5:01am  

I was a young tike during those times...all I remember is my dad was working the oil fields in Texas.

102   Done!   2009 Oct 30, 6:55am  

Bap33 says

I sit party-less waiting for Washington and Reagan to reserect.

The Potomac will rise again!

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