Conservatives vs. Liberals

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2010 Jan 30, 10:26am   7,020 views  22 comments

by Jeremy   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   Â¥   2010 Jan 30, 11:49am  

Liberals believe guns are tools not toys and the public interest is served in controlling access and requiring education and other regulations of their ownership and use, depending on the locality.

Liberals respect the right of free speech more than conservatives. Conservatives want to limit the free speech of doctors to inform their pregnant patients about legal abortions, establish "first amendment zones" to put public protest out of the way, and of course want to ban flag burning and god knows what other forms of demonstration that hurt their tender feelings.

>If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned.


Conservatives want to ban all consensual sex acts that they do not engage in and/or feel harms the public morals, like sex toys in Texas, and of course want to prevent homosexual partnerships from having the same blessing of the state, since they idiotically believe their imaginary sky god will remove his protection from us if we follow in the pattern of unknown middle eastern states as recorded in the prehistorical myths of the Jewish Five Books of Moses.

Conservatives wish to deny, dispute, and ignore the historical and generational effects of rampant racism of living memory.

Conservatives believe in welfare for themselves but not for people who don't look or act like them.

Conservatives want to inject their religion in every public space, from baseball games to the United States Airforce Academy, under the mistaken but widespread belief that this nation was, is and should be a Protestant Christian nation intolerant of other beliefs.

Conservatives fail to understand that their is no rational free market in health care given adverse selection, inelastic demand, asymmetric information, and the guildlike limitations healthcare providers have erected to limit competition, not to mention the generous 18+ years of patent protection the USPTO hands out to pharmaceutical "inventions" or minor additions thereto. They further fail to learn from other, more successful State interventions to fix the market failures inherent in any system with such significant faults.

>If a liberal slips and falls, he grabs his neck, screams in pain, then sues.


Nice troll, btw.

2   elliemae   2010 Jan 30, 1:14pm  

The OP says: "In my opinion..." yet he spouts something he found on the interweb - and been posted on patnet over & over. If you were saying something original, it would be your opinion. It seems that you don't have any of your own opinions, only a hatred for people who think on their own and hold a different value system.

Anyone can copy & paste, from such sites as:

This isn't a forum of thought provoking opinions - it has become a forum for people to regurgitate propaganda they read and have heard on am radio. If they're nasty enough, they think this endears them to others - but it only endears them to others who are angry & bitter like themselves. It really would be nice for a change if ya'll could present your point of view in your own words. That's not likely to happen, because you don't appear to have your own thought processes.

3   Jeremy   2010 Jan 30, 1:39pm  

Of course the initial post is found all over the internet. However, everything after the words 'In my opinion' are my opinion, written on the fly, with thoughts that are my own. I think hatred is a very strong word, but I do believe that both of the primary political parties in our country are lost, and unsure of what they are actually fighting for. I was just trying to start a discussion. As for me - I want freedom, I want liberty, and I want the government out of my business. It's that simple.
elliemae says

The OP says: “In my opinion…” yet he spouts something he found on the interweb -

4   elliemae   2010 Jan 30, 1:57pm  

Jeremy says

I was just trying to start a discussion.

No, you weren't. This "discussion" has been had, over & over & over & over. A discussion is an exchange of thoughts & ideas. Not the spouting of the same old shit, over & over, by people who get these ideas from others. You lose your message, if you actually have one, when you do this.

This forum used to be fun. Not any more.

5   PeopleUnited   2010 Jan 30, 2:13pm  

elliemae says

This forum used to be fun. Not any more.

Another victim of the free market. We need gubmint regulation making this a more fun place for ellie.

As for me, I find it mildly entertaining that Ellie is so upset over nothing.

6   elliemae   2010 Jan 30, 3:23pm  

AdHominem says

As for me, I find it mildly entertaining that Ellie is so upset over nothing.

And yet, I don't find you entertaining at all. Most of the originals are gone... I wouldn't call it free market as much as people with lives who don't blame the government for everything that's wrong in their lives. It must be difficult, thinking that you speak for all the other victims too.

7   PeopleUnited   2010 Jan 30, 5:53pm  

elliemae says

And yet, I don’t find you entertaining at all.

And yet you find the time to waste on me. Funny how that works.

Guess I'm not the victim after all.

8   tatupu70   2010 Jan 31, 3:45am  

AdHominem says

It is sad that you don’t know who the real enemy is

So who is the real enemy then?

9   PeopleUnited   2010 Jan 31, 7:55am  

tatupu70 says

So who is the real enemy then?

Anyone who uses force to deprive another man of his life, liberty and property.

For example US legal tender laws combined with FED's inflationary monetary policy. It is robbery plain and simple. In this case the congress and federal reserve system are the culprit (or enemy if you wish to be more dramatic). They have legalized theft for their own personal gain. But make no mistake it was the large banking institutions who lobbied to get a central bank so that they can use it as a lender of last resort and so that they can privatize gains while socializing risk. Congress goes along too because using FIAT money allows them to spend more than they have and send more money back home to constituents who eat it up not knowing the true cost. So we see large banks, using government to fleece the sheeple. This is how it will always be unless the sheeple become people who are smart enough to limit government power so that it not used against them.

The Declaration of Independence illustrated this as eloquently as anything else I have ever heard.

But I say this not for your benefit tatu, for I fear all you want to do is have some fun in a pointless argument that strokes your own ego. If you cannot or will not see when your government is enabling the enemy.... I wish you all the best. Enjoy the ride.

10   tatupu70   2010 Jan 31, 8:04am  

AdHominem says

Enjoy the ride

Thank you. I most cetainly will

PS--I think there is a sale on tinfoil at Walmart

11   ErikK   2010 Jan 31, 12:29pm  

I don't think you can find a self-identified "conservative" who believes everything listed in the OP as " If a conservative". I don't think you can find a self-identified "Liberal" who believes everything posted above either.

Most people I believe are in the middle. It's the electoral 2-party system where ultra right/lefters pick the most polarized candidate in the primary who are causing the symbolic polarization noted in the OP.

Reform elections to have a ranked-choice voting and we could all turn out once and vote our conscience and get a true representative of the electorate sent to office. Oops, that's not the interest of our established political parties and their lobbyists..., never mind.

12   Bap33   2010 Jan 31, 12:58pm  

that would work ... circ 1950

now-a-days we have a populous made up of drunks, dopeheads, pornstars, and liars. And they get to match your vote.

Here is my thoughts on fixing the vote-to-power issue:
1) Vote on the back of your tax return, not on a special paper on some other day. Vote with the stink of taxes fresh on your mind.
2) I.Q. test and American History test and a current state of America test (every year) to gain an American Voter License that goes with your yearly tax-voter number (SSN). This helps have a little smarter voter, and less voter cheating.
3) Drug testing required to gain Voters License

I dont know, but maybe a better voter will result in a better votee

Lobbiest suck

13   ErikK   2010 Feb 1, 12:49am  

Please learn to spell if you want to be taken seriously by me. I guess I'm too "stoopid" to read past the typos for your intended message.

14   tatupu70   2010 Feb 1, 4:40am  

staynumz says

Yes, you might be.

Another in the long list of insightful posts from staynumz. Keep up the good work!

15   Done!   2010 Feb 2, 7:59am  

Conservatives will always wield power over the Democrat and Liberals as they are so easily distracted, and aren't sure which BALL is important.

The Libs were hard at work shoving a Insurance industry Boone screw job on us, and what did the Conservatives do. Took the Campaign reform ball out of their pocket, and said, "Where's the ball?" "Where's the Ball?" "Who's a good boy...." then threw it, a bevy of Democrats chased it down a rabbit hole and we haven't heard crap about the "Healthcare reform" since.

16   Done!   2010 Feb 2, 9:32am  

It did!

17   Bap33   2010 Feb 2, 11:48am  

great point TOT

18   Done!   2010 Feb 2, 10:49pm  

"Media propaganda is very dangerous."

Media propaganda elected President Obama from the very start, if you can't admit that, then How can there be serious discussion?

With a Democrat Washington he and they Hijacked democracy, and have reneged on all campaign promises, with the propensity of blaming the republicans and called it a stale mate.

19   Bap33   2010 Feb 2, 11:48pm  

all I know is we conservos in central mexifornia passed Prop 187 and libs killed our vote.

we passed Prop 22 and libs blocked our vote again.

we passed Prop 8 and libs killed our vote.

we blocked legal dope and libs skirt our vote.

we want murderers to be put to a swift death.

we want babies to be allowed life.

we want to allow non-felons to carry a loaded weapon on their person at all times in public or private if they wish, libs refuse to follow the constitution on this issue.

SO, please show me where conservatives have done such things to liberal votes or the liberals bill of rights.

It is from this view I see liberalism as a cancer to America, and humanity as a whole. It is a type of perversion, that leads to other perversions. Mind, body, soul, family, society, the perverted cancer of liberal thought/action/or deed attacks them all.

20   CBOEtrader   2010 Feb 3, 12:56am  

Bap33 says

all I know is we conservos in central mexifornia passed Prop 187 and libs killed our vote.
we passed Prop 22 and libs blocked our vote again.
we passed Prop 8 and libs killed our vote.
we blocked legal dope and libs skirt our vote.
we want murderers to be put to a swift death.
we want babies to be allowed life.
we want to allow non-felons to carry a loaded weapon on their person at all times in public or private if they wish, libs refuse to follow the constitution on this issue.
SO, please show me where conservatives have done such things to liberal votes or the liberals bill of rights.
It is from this view I see liberalism as a cancer to America, and humanity as a whole. It is a type of perversion, that leads to other perversions. Mind, body, soul, family, society, the perverted cancer of liberal thought/action/or deed attacks them all.

Bap, I like you. But...

It might be easier to accept your opinion as worthy of a discussion if you first explained how you define "liberal". As is, liberal and conservative are very vague, almost nonsensical terms. Second, explain WHY you think your definition of liberalism is a "cancer."

As is, your post comes across as a flame, and will only attract attention as such, rather than anything resembling a discussion.

21   ErikK   2010 Feb 3, 1:35am  

Yea, I don't remember hearing "conservatives" screaming about "activist judges" regarding the recent SCUS ruling on corporate campaign finance. LOL. Little hypocritical in my view.

I think prop 187 ought to be proposed again, or at least parts of it. Might make it this time giving the state's financial situation.

BTW, you didn't block legal dope. It's blocked at a federal lvl. The state's voters passes a medicinal marijuana law, if you don't like it don't smoke it. It's not that you personally are being forced to smoke it, cigarettes, or drink alcohol. A lot of opposition to "conservative" values is that "conservatives" want to forcible impose their values on other people's lives. How "conservatives" reconcile that attitude with a professed belief in personal values/freedom is what gives others headaches. You want to go to church, thump your bible, and ban alcohol and anything flammable in your home go ahead. Why do you believe you have the right to dictate what other people do in their own homes?

22   Done!   2010 Feb 3, 1:58am  

Baps argument, is why I don't claim any party.
How can you have a stance on an issue before you even heard the facts?

The Irony of all of Baps imaginary issues are from the Democrats using the "Where's the Ball? Where's the Ball?" to distract the Right, though the Regan through Clinton and Bush.
Where we've had a Republican Majority.

Most of these weren't issues at all, until the Left took them to the head, where the Right galvanized creating this Righteous cause to take on these distracting issues.

Abortion, if a woman can live with her self, for indiscriminately having an abortion, and the Father(being the baby's daddy) doesn't want any part of it. Then it up to the Woman. That's one instance of the issue. Now if the Father wants the baby, then he and he alone, has the right, to contest the mothers decision, not some Church group. Next issue, rape definitely up to the woman.

Maria Sherivo or what ever her name was,(the vegetable) If the parents, or any immediate family member, were willing to take care of her, then I don't think anyone else in the family or courts, has the right to court order pulling the plug.

What gay people do is their own business as well, the problem I have. Is they don't have respect for people with Heterosexual "Lifestyles", which by the very nature, isn't comfortable being privy with too much detail on how the other "Lifestyle" lives or what and how they do it. Gays have plenty of rights, if they would just make a list of what in the Hell it is they actually want or expect. Life for everyone would be a hell of a lot easier.
They don't want rights, or anything else, they want Daddies blessing for being who they are, and if wont give then they want to display in full regalia to the world who they are, and they demand an audience.

It's all distraction to detract from what "ALL" parties and politicians are doing, regardless the regurgitated campaign crap spew out to get elected. In the end they are all lying scumbag politicians. Yes and especially the ones from Chicago home of the Original corruption.

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