Y'all need to stop picking on insurance companies, they're just trying to make a buck.

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2010 Mar 17, 3:36am   2,277 views  7 comments

by Leigh   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Insurer targeted HIV patients to drop coverage

"Insurance companies have long engaged in the practice of "rescission," whereby they investigate policyholders shortly after they've been diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses. But government regulators and investigators who have overseen the actions of Assurant and other health insurance companies say it is unprecedented for a company to single out people with HIV."


Comments 1 - 7 of 7        Search these comments

1   Vicente   2010 Mar 17, 3:46am  

Wait, I thought only governments could have "death panels"?

You mean private insurance companies try to find ways to not have sick people burdening their policy? Whodathunk?

2   elliemae   2010 Mar 18, 12:55pm  


You're absolutely correct. These poor, picked on companies only have their best interests at heart.

3   simchaland   2010 Mar 19, 9:40am  

Shouldn't they be able to drop whomever they want so they can protect their profit margins? I mean, isn't the free market going to pick up those that other insurance companies drop and make it all better? There's so much competition out there and you are free to pick and choose any insurance company. The insurance companies aren't forcing you to buy health insurance like the damn gu'mmint. They're defending your freedom as a patriot while making a buck. There isn't anything more 'muhriken than that, is there?

4   Paralithodes   2010 Mar 19, 9:48am  

So if the bill passes on Sunday, will those with pre-existing conditions be protected from Sunday onwards, or will they have to wait 4 years?

5   Vicente   2010 Mar 19, 9:51am  

*Uninsured adults with a pre-existing conditions will be able to obtain health coverage through a new program that will expire once new insurance exchanges begin operating in 2014."


7   theoakman   2010 Mar 19, 11:02am  

If Congress can agree on passing legislation to stop insurance companies acting like a crime syndicate, then why won't the pass a bill next week to do so? You could fit it on 1 page. Oh wait, we can't pass any sort of reform that makes sense without loading it up with 1000 pages of garbage giveaways to every special interest group connected to a congressman.

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