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Ray’s thought provoking, common sense posts
It was noted that liberals when replying to Ray America’s posts prefered to attack, use undefinable slogans, and sling sexual slurs
Abe and Ray. Isn't it bromantic ?
But Abe, I thought your new bromance was with antifeminist.
(was confused there for a minute. Thought Bap posted this if you saw my previous version of this)
one thing is for sure, Ray does not shrink from a fight when outnumbered 8 to 1.
That's right. But then he doesn't read or comprehend half of the arguments made against his "position."
I didn't fully understand what troll even means until recently. Should have, considering how much I have always liked fishing.
I didn't read your other post. You can tell it's not my post ... I am not nearly as well versed as most on here ... lol... my postings are pretty easy to descern(sp).
I know how frustrating it is to try to debate a topic with person "A", only to have person "B" widen the scope of the descussion, only to have persons "C" through "G" pile on that point and shift the entire dialog beyond the topic that me and person "A" were discussing. I know that I personally have played the part of each of these persons on here. lol. Anyways, that is why I sometimes skip over persons "B" through "G" input, because I am focused on a particular topic point and a particular fellow PatNet poster - person "A". Maybe you understand if have done the same thing before? Maybe his focus on his intended discussion point is an explaination for some of the frustration you have with Ray?
Hey I should create an "alt" account. Then I can nominate myself for my great works. Brilliant!
Ray America's posts are hard hitting, logical, and sometimes controversial. His read count and number of responses is far higher than any liberal poster. Agree or not, he causes one to think and respond. I salute you Mr. America !!
BTW, Israel is another example of foreign aid gone horribly wrong. Israel gets one third of all of America's foreign aid, yet represents only .001% of the worlds area. Israel receives tax payer dollars as "foreign aid" then turns around and uses the very same money to buy weapons of war, primarily from American suppliers. The bottom line? The American worker is being looted on multiple fronts while the truth is being withheld.
There are numerous Czars that control virtually every aspect of the economy, along with about 100 Federal Regulatory agencies which have produced 73,000 pages of regulations...not including those set by state and local governments. If government got out of the way, businesses would have the opportunity to flourish again. Is big, greedy, raciest, massive, invasive, controlling, government really the solution - or the problem?
Ray's posts definitely provoke a lot of thoughts.
Unfortunately, none of them are his.
Abe … I’m honored by your kind words especially knowing that you are an “honest†patriot that loves America (the country, that is). The only problem I have is that I now feel I have this Bullseye target on my already wounded back (almost as bad as yours). Oh well. I guess it goes with the territory (as you well know) when you attempt to dry up all this spilt Kool-Aid in this never ending battle for truth, justice and the American way. Anyways, your nomination just makes me feel Super, man.
Genesis of this thread? Ray and his multiple personalities found THIS old post:
And obviously felt TERRIBLY left out.
A brazen attempt to claim false broad group respect for himself, and plant his flag right at #1.
abeabe has nominated rayray as poster of the year. Why should any of us be surprised?
This is just like rayrays imagined "give meter," a meaningless post designed to irk rayray's many unsupporters. But there's no voting going on and I'm sure that they believe that means he won the honor.
I'll vote for him as poser of the year, tho.
wounded back
Don't worry giggles, everything has cracks in it, thats how the light gets in.
kentm .... refresh my memory. Weren't you the one that made the incredibly dumb statement about the number of government employees being at the same level of 1965? Wait .... don't answer that. Here it is:
kentm says
I told you before the number of people on government payrolls hasn’t ’sky-rocketed, it hasn’t increased since around 1965.
You might find dumber comments posted on Patrick.net, but I doubt it. It’s really amazing how libs post such idiotic statements as if they can’t be easily proven to be totally false. Nice try Kentm. Too bad those facts just keep getting in your way. LOL
LOL !!!
I think he was talking about federal. Thanks for the graph showing he was right. Now the question is, how much did popuation increase in that time. It nearly doubled.
So one inference that can be made from that graph, if it's accurate, is that since 1965, federal and state employees have gone up only about the same amount the population has.
The larger growth has been at the local level. Us libs are the kind of people that would want to understand why that is true before whining about it. "LOL"
Don’t worry giggles, everything has cracks in it, thats how the light gets in.
there's a problem with your hypothesis about how the light gets in and the way that it affects rayray... I believe that it's possible rayray is a vampire. I did extensive research on this study (google search, 0.4 seconds provided me with, like, a zillion answsers) and found the following:
Q: why can't vampires be in sunlight?
A: I am a sanguinarian vampire.
And all a Sanguinarian Vampire is, is someone born with an energy deficiency that comes out later in life. It is a spiritual energy deficiency with physical side effects... Migranes, Nausia, other various body pains, ect. This energy deficiency USUALLY comes out between the ages of 17 and 25. But everyones experiences are different. Which is why one vampire will will have a different awakening than another. We dont have fangs, but we do have canines. Afterall who doesnt? "Turning" is highly debated throughout the vampiric community, and even those who think it can be done have no idea how to do so. But we all agree that even if it was possible, we would never do it.
There are two types of vampires: Sanguinarians and Psionics. Psionics get energy by draining a persons Aura. Sanguinarians however get it from the blood of others. We do not crave blood we crave energy, and only about an ounce of blood a week; but ive been told that as you get older you need more blood. Vampires can not drink their own blood or the blood of another Vampire because it will actually make us lose the little energy we have or if we drank from another vampire we wouldnt gain anything to make a difference and they would lose what little they had to begin with.
In a way, yes we are very misunderstood. People these days either cling to their fiction books and movies and say we cant be vampires because were not like the vampires in FICTION, Or they try to shove their bible down our throats calling us satan worshipers and much worse. Yes there are some of us who worship satan, but theres plenty of mundanes that do that too. I for one am methodist-branch of christianity.
If your really interested you can go to vampires.nu
thats the only website i trust as 99% of them are filled with fictional crap. This is the only one ive come across that has nothing more than the truth about vampires in it.
im allergic to the sun, but thats not because of vampirism. Its just a medical condition.
1 year ago
Do you see the similarities? rayray feels like he's a misunderstood victim, too. He's draining our auras, possibly to fill his spiritual energy deficiency. Final proof:
I now feel I have this Bullseye target on my already wounded back
Maybe someone put a stake through his heart from the back - what he thinks is a wound is actually an attempt on someone's part to save all of humankind.
You're welcome.
Further proof he's a vampire - notice how the answer has absolutely no correlation to the question, other than a random statement at the end?
marcus ... nice try. Unfortunately, kentm already admitted he was ..... read slowly .....W R O N G.
He WAS speaking of "government" that included local, state, and federal.
Always remember your talking points: if a conservative on this site states something is black, your duty is to argue it is white.
Now the question is, how much did popuation increase in that time. It nearly doubled.
So one inference that can be made from that graph, if it’s accurate, is that since 1965, federal and state employees have gone up only about the same amount the population has.
The larger growth has been at the local level. Us libs are the kind of people that would want to understand why that is true before whining about it. “LOLâ€
Whatever you do, don't respond to what I'm saying. OR if you do, only the personal part about who's right and who's wrong.
The part about me remembering talking points is almost as rich as Abe's post yesterday (other thread):
You libs would have no life if it wern’t for hurling insults at normal people.
marcus says
Now the question is, how much did popuation increase in that time. It nearly doubled.
So one inference that can be made from that graph, if it’s accurate, is that since 1965, federal and state employees have gone up only about the same amount the population has.
The larger growth has been at the local level. Us libs are the kind of people that would want to understand why that is true before whining about it. “LOLâ€
It's nice of you to come to the aid of your little friend. Too bad you didn't understand the original debate in which he already admitted he's a dufus.
Well, I nominate rayray for national birth control poster child of the year. Any voters?
It’s nice of you to come to the aid of your little friend
I wasn't trying to aid my little friend. I thought I was responding to an assertion I have heard from you (and Abe) many times, about the problem of government workers (who do nothing - I think I have seen you say on many occasions).
Then I saw you come up with a graph that shows the number of federal workers are steady since 1965. And state plus federal have gone up about the same as the population. I just wanted to express my appreciation for you making an argument against yourself. It was generous of you to present both sides, rather than just whining about one side as usual.
So anyway, thanks.
marcus ... you tried. You really, really tried. And after all your efforts, you still don't get it.
As far as government workers "who do nothing." I never said that. What I have said repeatedly is that nothing on planet earth wastes more than the government. If you want to educate yourself first hand, walk into your local federal or state office building and just observe for awhile. Business has occasionally taken me inside both federal and state office buildings. In this case, seeing really is believing.
This just in, Ray America has been nominated for Patrick.net's prolific poster of the year award. Ray's thought provoking, common sense posts have gotten more responses and replies than anyone other than Patrick himself. Patrick has removed himself from the competition. Conspicuous is the absence of any liberals being nominated. It was noted that liberals when replying to Ray America's posts prefered to attack, use undefinable slogans, and sling sexual slurs in an attempt to demean and discredit America and other freedom loving Patrick posters.
It was noted that Mr. America continued posting throughout the year, despite a relentless storm of liberal "noise". The winner will be determined by number of posts, number of replies, perserverance, and support of those principals which made America great in the first place.