"Ignore" button should be removed from the site...

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2010 Nov 9, 2:26am   10,076 views  26 comments

by kentm   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

All we end up with is a bunch of people who have 'ignored' half the conversation, people they disagree with, basically talking at themselves into threads that get longer and continually more off topic. I think the ignore button degrades whats generally usually a pretty low grade level of discussion anyway and I'd like to suggest that it be removed from the site.

A discussion is a discussion and I say 'in for a penny, in for a pound', in or out. Its not fair to those who are contributing or to the topic being discussed when anyone can choose to view only the parts that they like.

It was a valiant attempt at non-moderation and placating the extremes, but I don't think its helping any discussion or keeping anybody mollified, its just contributing to a more fractured & unworkable series of threads.

Just sayin'...

Comments 1 - 26 of 26        Search these comments

1   Â¥   2010 Nov 9, 6:51am  

When certain people are trolling the shit out of these boards I think ignore is perfectly valid.

2   pkennedy   2010 Nov 9, 7:25am  

I bet most people just ignore the trolls for the most part anyways, skipping over whatever they have said. I know I do that all the time, and just post on something one person has said. Topics move around quite a bit, I don't think the ignore function is causing more of this.

3   marcus   2010 Nov 9, 9:01am  

Troy says

When certain people are trolling the shit out of these boards I think ignore is perfectly valid.

I agree.

The only people I am ignoring are a few that as far as I can tell are just trying to get a reaction from me or people like me. I really don't think that you want to hear my reaction to them. That doesn't contribute. Besides, I unignore occasionally. It may seem unfair, that if I ignore person X, then you are left alone to show them the truth and the error of their ways.

Truth is that I just don't have time now for that bs. And it's not like I am ignoring all conservatives. Even Bap, who has feelings about guns, gays, and mexicans that are extremely far from my view, I'm not close to ignoring. He shares his views, but aside from very occasionally offending my sensibilities, he seems like a good guy. Countless others I disagree with, but don't feel I need to ignore.

But if someone manages to illicit emotion from me, rather than a sharing of views, and if that seems to be their intent, then I would rather just ignore. Especially these days. I'm too busy.
pkennedy says

I bet most people just ignore the trolls for the most part anyways, skipping over whatever they have said. I know I do that all the time, and just post on something one person has said. Topics move around quite a bit, I don’t think the ignore function is causing more of this.

I agree with this too. Topics have always been like that. Sometimes it doesn't seem worth starting a new thread. Like the Georgism conversation that was in a thread about Mexicans. I can deal with that.

4   Patrick   2010 Nov 9, 9:29am  

Not that many people use it anyway. There are only 64 "ignores" in the database so far.

5   a4adam   2010 Nov 10, 12:48am  

I used ignore for one user, then removed it later once I had made my way through a particular thread.

6   elliemae   2010 Nov 10, 1:17am  


Why don't you just ignore it? :)

7   kentm   2010 Nov 10, 3:17am  


okay, I'll concede that the viewpoint held by the Ignore Button is valid, though I may not agree with it.

8   Bap33   2010 Nov 10, 3:43am  

It is the life goal of some to be iggied and come back as a new and improved dung slinging machine. SAY LA VEE (I know that's spelled wrong, but you know what I meant!lol)

9   elliemae   2010 Nov 10, 5:29am  

Bap33 says

It is the life goal of some to be iggied and come back as a new and improved dung slinging machine

Not really improved, but the package has changed. Kinda like toothpaste.

10   Clarence 13X   2010 Nov 15, 7:07am  

I like trolling for good debate on stupidity found in society. I have learned a lots from others....and have even been labeled a reverse racist.

11   Clarence 13X   2010 Nov 15, 7:16am  

...then again, you prolly didnt see my response since I am igged on most threads.

12   Clarence 13X   2010 Nov 17, 7:49am  

Anyone there?.......Bastards killed Kenny!

13   Done!   2010 Nov 17, 11:08am  

Clarence 13X says

I like trolling for good debate on stupidity found in society. I have learned a lots from others….and have even been labeled a reverse racist.

You're not a Reverse racist, your a racist who "Strongly" feels he's been wronged by Racism.
When in fact you're confusing that for Prejudice, which is something else. But that's O.K. you are old enough to still remember, when the REAL issue was about a Prejudicial society. I'd stand up right beside you, and defend you against any prejudice person trying to screw you over because you are Black. Or telling you can't do anything you want because you are Black. That is Prejudice, where your race is a factor to maliciously exclude or impede liberties in your life. No one has the right to do that.

But they do have the right to recognize the difference in cultures and races, that's fundamental part of being self aware. And I don't expect your perspective of your race or culture in relation to mine to be any less different than mine. You might be surprised to know there's even a bit of envy and admiration between cultures and races.

What is wrong is every one melding into this cohesive Stepford Culture, where roots and upbringing just Flanders by the way side. Just take a look at all the Crackers, Gooks, Chinks, Spicks, and Jews Everybody is just out their god damn minds. Even your black ass, Color has nothing to do with it.

14   kentm   2010 Nov 17, 12:29pm  

I've always thought that talking to yourself is fine but when you start ignoring yourself, thats serious.

15   elliemae   2010 Nov 17, 2:15pm  

kentm says

I’ve always thought that talking to yourself is fine but when you start ignoring yourself, thats serious.

You say that, but you still open doors for yourself, take yourself out for meals, and otherwise treat yourself nice. You probably even "gratify" yourself in some way or another.

In other words, I think you're playing hard to get with yourself.

16   kentm   2010 Nov 17, 2:25pm  

how do you know I didn't mean 'serious' as in 'going steady'?

17   Clarence 13X   2010 Nov 17, 2:29pm  

Tenouncetrout says

Clarence 13X says

I like trolling for good debate on stupidity found in society. I have learned a lots from others….and have even been labeled a reverse racist.

You’re not a Reverse racist, your a racist who “Strongly” feels he’s been wronged by Racism.
When in fact you’re confusing that for Prejudice, which is something else. But that’s O.K. you are old enough to still remember, when the REAL issue was about a Prejudicial society. I’d stand up right beside you, and defend you against any prejudice person trying to screw you over because you are Black. Or telling you can’t do anything you want because you are Black. That is Prejudice, where your race is a factor to maliciously exclude or impede liberties in your life. No one has the right to do that.
But they do have the right to recognize the difference in cultures and races, that’s fundamental part of being self aware. And I don’t expect your perspective of your race or culture in relation to mine to be any less different than mine. You might be surprised to know there’s even a bit of envy and admiration between cultures and races.
What is wrong is every one melding into this cohesive Stepford Culture, where roots and upbringing just Flanders by the way side. Just take a look at all the Crackers, Gooks, Chinks, Spicks, and Jews Everybody is just out their god damn minds. Even your black ass, Color has nothing to do with it.

With that philosophy wouldnt all people be considered racist and/or discriminators?....we all know that discrimination comes from the defensive mechanisms that we use to protect ourselves from previous bad experiences during childhood. IE Touch a hot iron, then the next iron you see you stay away from.

Thanks for sharing your views.....I think opposing views often find similarities at the root of the discussion. I recently posted how Ohio Republicans were to destroy jobs by refusing the high speed rail, but in actuality the rails systems are not cost effective.

This was all learned after a few rounds of debate. Patrick.net has helped me to debate with others and learn along the way.

I am finding that everyone here really wants what is best for our country, however, our democracy is holding us back from making progress. Both sides are pitting the people against one another, while the rich sit back and watch our society degrade.

18   elliemae   2010 Nov 17, 3:11pm  

kentm says

how do you know I didn’t mean ’serious’ as in ‘going steady’?

Oh, you're breaking up with yourself? Did you offend you? Did you not put out soon enough (supposedly 3rd date, although for my kid it's the 25th date)? Are you bored with yourself? Maybe you should take a chance and surprise yourself with flowers. Just a thought.

19   kentm   2010 Nov 17, 4:40pm  

elliemae says


I'm beginning to see the value in an 'ignore' button... ...

And as an aside, I've found there's no discussion, however light, that can't be completely thrown off by the mention of masturbation...

20   TechGromit   2010 Dec 1, 6:23am  

I wonder what happens if you ignore yourself?

21   elliemae   2010 Dec 1, 10:25am  

TechGromit says

I wonder what happens if you ignore yourself?

After awhile, you just go away...

Wasn't there a cheesy 70's Helen Reddy song about being a best friend to yourself?

22   marcus   2010 Dec 1, 12:11pm  

You do know he was asking a software question right ? I'm observing that it doesn't give you that option.

If you meant it in the more existential kind of way, I would think the serious answer would be, "good things."

23   curious2   2015 Jan 14, 7:17pm  

Not that many people use it anyway. There are only 64 "ignores" in the database so far.

The count runs now into the hundreds, including many that have become moot due to Users leaving. (For example, Homeboy ignored 10 users and then left.)

I suggest an automatic expiration date. For example, Ignore should expire automatically after 1 year.

24   lostand confused   2015 Jan 14, 7:37pm  

I think it was Bellingham Bill or someone who posted that they ignore 60 or 70 people!! I wonder how you do that in real life-live in a coccon??

25   HEY YOU   2015 Jan 14, 10:43pm  

I read the thread & all comments. I think I'll ignore all of it. LMAO

26   Tenpoundbass   2015 Jan 14, 10:55pm  

There are only 64 "ignores" in the database so far.

I'm more than 1/3 of every demographic there is on this site.
Including independent. I'm been ignored the shit out of, so much so unil the piont that I'm the majority!
Nobody wants to hear the shit I've got to say.

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