Liberals attack Obama as a Hypocrite and Wimp!

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2010 Dec 17, 12:49am   3,395 views  14 comments

by Clarence 13X   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


A liberal group launched an ad today attacking President Obama for compromising with the GOP on tax cuts for the rich when he vehemently campaigned against them.

The ad, created by Progressive Change Campaign Committee, shows video of Obama in Indiana in 2008 while campaigning against McCain. Speaking of the Bush tax cuts, Obama lambasted McCain for flip-flopping on the issue, saying McCain was promising tax cuts that “he once voted against because, he said, they offended his conscience.”

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“Well, they may have stopped offending John McCain’s conscience somewhere along the road to the White House,” Obama continued, “but George Bush’s economic policies still offend my conscience, and they still offend yours.”

The ad, entitled “Obama’s Conscience,” will run in Indiana and Washington, D.C., and is calling for Congress to stand up against the tax cuts.

“As a candidate, Barack Obama took his message to red states like Indiana and won by promising that we would not have four more years of tax cuts for the wealthy,” wrote PCCC in a statement about the ad.

“If Obama’s deal passes, his presidency will represent four more years of those unconscionable tax cuts — a broken campaign promise born not out of necessity but out of a failure to fight.”


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1   Clarence 13X   2010 Dec 17, 12:50am  

I understand that we have just added an additional 700B to the deficit but dang, dont these folks know that they will lose the black vote if this catches on?...its already difficult enough to get the poor to vote, which, by the way is the only reason the REP run the house now.

2   RayAmerica   2010 Dec 17, 6:28am  

thunderlips11 says

He’s there to be the Good Cop for Bankster Enforcement. Pat us on the head and make us feel good about Hopey Changey while he does nothing to stop the looting. I knew this the moment he brought Larry Summers on board.

Larry Summers along with the ultimate bankster insider Timothy Geitner ... former head of the New York Fed no less being named head fox of the hen house at Treasury.

3   Clarence 13X   2010 Dec 17, 7:40am  

shrekgrinch says

There is a rich database now on Obama’s complete flip-flops.
“We need to create more shovel-ready jobs” just this year.
“There are no such thing as shovel-ready jobs”, while campaigning in 2008.
While all politicians are guilty of it, he is up there in the extreme category of them. I suppose he figures people would forget..especially his base.
Someone needs to fire his Teleprompter writer at the very least.
And the Republicans win on this issue either way. And they will have it again in the 2012 elections. He might as well have stuck to his guns.

Thats how i feel, if he fought for what he said I would feel better about my vote in 2012. Instead, he bailed out the conservative banks, gave 8K tax housing credits to the dummy's, did not give the actual healthcare reform we needed in the form of decreases in the cost of services, did not immediately pull out of IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, gave 700 in stimilus funding for rails systems that were proven to have no use, and now is unwilling to fight the REP for the 700M in deficit savings.

He set his agenda very high and so far has met most of it, but its the major issues where he has failed to fight where I hold issue.

4   Â¥   2010 Dec 17, 7:42am  

thunderlips11 says

It’s just mandatory Health Insurance with a credit for the very poor.

credits to lower the cost of insurance down to 10.2% of income apply up to household income of $90,000.

the I'm Stupid Tax for not participating is $50/mo or 2% of income.

The plan isn't bad. It's not great, but it's much better than the previous status quo.

Of course, the national fisc is being run off the cliff at the moment so I kinda doubt we'll have a functioning government in 2014.

As for campaign promises, Obama got caught in two conflicting ones thanks to Republican obstructionism in the Senate. Last week the Senate defeated an attempt to "honor" Obama's campaign promise on ditching the tax cuts on incomes over $250,000. Well, that's all Obama could do, really. The Congress is the one who sets revenue and spending in this country, not the president.

So he was faced with this failure raising taxes on everyone back to the Clinton levels.

It's all becoming a joke now and it's probably a good thing the Republicans took the House. Let them walk their talk and see where the country is at in 2012.

5   Clarence 13X   2010 Dec 17, 7:44am  

thunderlips11 says

He’s there to be the Good Cop for Bankster Enforcement. Pat us on the head and make us feel good about Hopey Changey while he does nothing to stop the looting. I knew this the moment he brought Larry Summers on board.
Health Care reform, what a joke. It’s just mandatory Health Insurance with a credit for the very poor. It will suck up what little disposable income middle class - particularly those who work as freelancers - have. Don’t worry, the republican congress won’t overturn mandatory Health Insurance, just what little good stuff there is about pre-existing conditions. They want Aetna donations too.
In 2012, we’ll probably get a Republican bad cop Bankster President.

Thats how I see it, it was a ponzi scheme to get more people in the healthcare system so could preserve the insurance companies profits in favor of banning pre-existing conditions. I am all for banning pre-existing conditions but sure as hell dont think it should cost 700 million for insurance companies to pony up. I am not buying all this talk about the insurance companies going out of business if we banned pre-existing conditions.

Plus, has anyone even addressed the fact that the cost of healthcare is still rising?

6   Clarence 13X   2010 Dec 17, 7:46am  

Troy says

thunderlips11 says

It’s just mandatory Health Insurance with a credit for the very poor.

credits to lower the cost of insurance down to 10.2% of income apply up to household income of $90,000.
the I’m Stupid Tax for not participating is $50/mo or 2% of income.
The plan isn’t bad. It’s not great, but it’s much better than the previous status quo.
Of course, the national fisc is being run off the cliff at the moment so I kinda doubt we’ll have a functioning government in 2014.
As for campaign promises, Obama got caught in two conflicting ones thanks to Republican obstructionism in the Senate. Last week the Senate defeated an attempt to “honor” Obama’s campaign promise on ditching the tax cuts on incomes over $250,000. Well, that’s all Obama could do, really. The Congress is the one who sets revenue and spending in this country, not the president.
So he was faced with this failure raising taxes on everyone back to the Clinton levels.
It’s all becoming a joke now and it’s probably a good thing the Republicans took the House. Let them walk their talk and see where the country is at in 2012.

I understand your point but he didnt even put up a fight, he just bent over and let the REP penetrate with no fight whatsoever. When will he get the point that we want to see him get agitated at all the REP antics?

7   EightBall   2010 Dec 19, 11:51pm  

Clarence 13X says

I understand your point but he didnt even put up a fight, he just bent over and let the REP penetrate with no fight whatsoever. When will he get the point that we want to see him get agitated at all the REP antics?

I think they could have passed a permanent extension of the lower-end tax rates earlier but he didn't think he was going to get his ass handed to him in the house. Everyone thought the repugnants were going to be wandering in the woods for decades - this obviously didn't happen and bending over was the price he (and the dems) are paying for their arrogance. They couldn't do it with the health care law at the same time because they were trying to cook the numbers to make it look deficit neutral.

I don't think you are going to see him get agitated in any significant way now that he has to run for office again. Perhaps if he wins in '12 he can re-attach his balls. Like all politicians, he will throw anyone and everyone under the bus in order to get re-elected. Luckily we have term limits at the presidential level and this can only happen once.

8   FortWayne   2010 Dec 20, 12:46am  

Could you please not use the word "Liberals" to describe about half of American population. Because that word is so politically misused all the time that there is absolutely no clear definition as to what it means anymore.

9   Done!   2010 Dec 20, 12:50am  

How anyone could affiliate them selves to any of the TWO Parties at this point in our History.

Astounds me.

We Probably should have gotten this out of the way in '06 and elected Kerry, so that the Other 50% would have known by now, that their party IS full of Shit too.

Then just maybe there would have been some Viable Independent Presidential candidates running in '09.

10   EightBall   2010 Dec 20, 12:56am  

Chris_In_LosAngeles says

Could you please not use the word “Liberals” to describe about half of American population. Because that word is so politically misused all the time that there is absolutely no clear definition as to what it means anymore.

According to gallup, it isn't 1/2 - not even close!


11   marcus   2010 Dec 20, 2:08am  

The recent tax deal, especially the part that extends cuts to high income marginal rates, and lowers estate taxes is probably the least conservative policy I have seen in decades. And it was very much what the republicans insisted on. They held very basic necessity programs such as unemployment (they say the best stimulus) hostage to get this.

This was incredibly radical, and not the slightest bit conservative, to anyone who knows what the words mean.

My point is that these words are sometimes used relative to their actual definition, in which case I am a flaming conservative. In other cases they are more about brand/team marketing, and just part of the way that the stupid public is manipulated by the corporations and the rich.

12   Done!   2010 Dec 20, 7:01am  

If this were the 80's and Genesis were making "The Land of Confusion." Video, there would be no problem with the Puppet's portrayal of Obama from anyone at this point.

13   EBGuy   2010 Dec 20, 7:32am  

Nice one, TOT. "Superman where are you now?"
I will admit to being sorely disappointed that the Bush cuts for $250k earners got extended. That was a winnable war, IMHO.

14   marcus   2010 Dec 20, 7:41am  

I prefer earlier genesis in the Peter Gabriel days.

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