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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   175,293 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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6229   terriDeaner   2011 Apr 7, 10:01am  

No thank you sir or madam! I am frightened and confused by the garish colors and threatening imagery you chose for your advertisement. Therefore, I will stick to the OLD way of advertising my property.
6230   leo707   2011 Apr 7, 10:45am  

shrekgrinch says

Hey! I am NOT a birther.

Haha, you funny.

That is like the pope hobbling around in his fancy clothes and hat conducting mass, then saying, "I am NOT the pope; why would you think that!"

6231   marcus   2011 Apr 7, 11:39am  

Why am i not surprised that Shirk is in to the whole teabag thing ? Fricken deviant.

Or that the teabaggers are pulling this bait and switch. They get elected supposedly to fight spending (by the most out of touch voters (such as shirk) that have no clue why interest rates are still close to zero after all the stimulus that has occurred).

And then they turn around and hold the budget hostage to their extremely unpopular social agenda.

6232   kimboslice   2011 Apr 7, 12:06pm  

I do not agree with cutting funding for Planned Parenthood. I and others want government out of our lives and off our wallets, but do not object to women having access to inexpensive health care. Teabagging is a gay male sex act, so the people who call those who attended Tea Party meetings "teabaggers" are wrong. The gays I know would never go to a Tea Party. The EPA should stop over-stepping its authority, so if it needs its wings to be clipped, fine.

6233   kimboslice   2011 Apr 7, 12:13pm  

What is mysterious is why did not Obama and the Democrats pass a budget last year before the new Republican majority house of representatives was seated? Some suspicious people may conclude that Obama cynically planned this showdown after the disastrous election in November gave him a "shellacking" by deliberately not having a budget.

6234   marcus   2011 Apr 7, 12:22pm  

kimboslice says

Teabagging is a gay male sex act

That's why I find it amusing that shirk (or shirkwad as his friends call him) is so in to it !

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

6235   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 7, 12:24pm  

leoj707 says

George W. was a disaster, Obama has just been a disappointment.

Obama is Bush on hyper-steroids. The only thing that's changed under Obama is that the national debt has exploded beyond what the reckless spending Bush could have ever dreamed. Wall Street and the Mega Bankers power has grown even more under Obama, and in case you haven't noticed, he has dramatically expanded the war in Afghanistan along with new aggression into Libya. I could go on and on. Obama is hardly just a little "disappointment" unless you're drowning in Kool-Aid.

6236   FortWayne   2011 Apr 7, 12:33pm  

marcus says

kimboslice says

Teabagging is a gay male sex act

That’s why I find it amusing that shirk (or shirkwad as his friends call him) is so in to it !
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Shouldn't you be at your union rally voting yourself another raise at taxpayer expense while spitting at the private sector?

6237   leo707   2011 Apr 7, 12:55pm  

shrekgrinch says

Yeah, because 4 SCs were needed to decided whether the case would be heard. Which didn’t happen in all those cases — that is what ‘U.S. Supreme Court declined, without comment, to hear the case’ means. You did know that right, Genius? So what is my ‘bullshit’ exactly?

Oh wait… now I see… thanks for pointing that out… my bad…

Wait no, on second thought… Still Bullshit.

Each of your fingers must be a little bull's backside, and you are making quite a mess of your keyboard.

It is bullshit to misrepresent facts and/or distort facts.

Correct me if I am wrong but, your insinuation is that, while there may be merit to the suits, the Supreme Court does not want to hear them because it is not something they want to “deal with.”

And that sir, is… um… cough… bullshit.

…hmmm, I remember another messy issue of who was the President that the SC had not problem ruling on. The day the SC will not listen to a case because it is too messy and difficult is the day we need a new panel of justices.

Oh, so 3 out of the 12 cases the SC “declined, without comment, to hear the case.”
I am sure that the SC declines to comment on cases all the time for all sorts of reasons, but perhaps we can do some sleuthing and look at the other 9 cases for a clue.

…Hmmm… I am seeing words like: dismissed and declined (after hearing the argument), moot, lacked standing, etc…

If I have misrepresented your insinuation and you agree that all 12 cases have been rejected because they are baseless and without merit, them my apologies.

Until then I call shenanigans on you.

6238   leo707   2011 Apr 7, 12:59pm  

shrekgrinch says

PROVE that I am a birther. Especially since I have never claimed any stance stating belief that Obama was not born in the US.

Why? when some guy says that he is totaly striaght, but just likes to go down on men a couple times a year I don't have to prove he is not straight. He already did if for me.

6239   leo707   2011 Apr 7, 1:11pm  

Ray I am not going to do your research for you. In this day and age ignorance is a choice. Remember just because they say it on FOX “news” does not make it true, in fact it is probably not.
RayAmerica says

The only thing that’s changed under Obama is that the national debt has exploded beyond what the reckless spending Bush could have ever dreamed.

Haha, no.

Wall Street and the Mega Bankers power has grown even more under Obama,

Um, no again.

and in case you haven’t noticed, he has dramatically expanded the war in Afghanistan

Uh, yeah… that is where we should have been fighting instead of Iraq. Or don’t you want to get ben Laden?

along with new aggression into Libya.

Too soon to tell.

I could go on and on.

Don’t bother.

6240   terriDeaner   2011 Apr 7, 1:47pm  

6242   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 8, 2:56am  

leoj707 says

Haha, no.

leoj707 says

Um, no again.

leoj707 says

Uh, yeah… that is where we should have been fighting instead of Iraq. Or don’t you want to get ben Laden?

leoj707 says

Too soon to tell.

leoj707 says

Don’t bother.

I admit it. I'm overwhelmed by the sheer power of your in depth analysis and incredibly intelligent responses. You win (ummm, just like Charlie Sheen).

6243   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 8, 3:03am  

Nomograph says

- Focus on Afghanistan to root out enemies who attacked the U.S.

I thought the attackers on 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia? CIA estimates that there are only 200 al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, which of course proves beyond all doubt that Obama was right when he dramatically increased the number of troops there.

PS: you also forgot to mention Obama's expansion into Libya. I wonder why?

PS #2: you also forgot to mention Obama's incredible expansion of the National Debt. I wonder why (part 2)?

PS #3: you also forgot to mention Obama's failure in "renegotiating NAFTA & GATT" which he repeatedly promised during his campaign. I wonder why (part 3).

6244   leo707   2011 Apr 8, 3:06am  

RayAmerica says

I admit it. I’m overwhelmed by the sheer power of your in depth analysis and incredibly intelligent responses.

Don't worry, I understand how one of you intellectual capabilities could feel overwhelmed by what I would consider limited analysis. However, remember that there is much more behind my short answers, but as I said...
leoj707 says

Ray I am not going to do your research for you. In this day and age ignorance is a choice.

Ray, your inability (borne either by choice, or natural mental capacity) to "face facts" give me little desire to illuminate you further.

6245   Vicente   2011 Apr 8, 3:12am  

When do we see the first inkling of spring results?

It's hilarious to me, I've been saying since 2006:
"I think I'll rent until about 2012"

For which I was constantly ridiculed as "missing" the bottom which had already passed.

I can wait until a real cessation of price drops is readily apparent. I want to see a real floor not a monthly ledge.

6246   leo707   2011 Apr 8, 3:19am  

RayAmerica says

I thought the attackers on 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia?

Some did that is true and a troubling and unanswered issue.

On thing that we do (or did rather) know the answer to was where the al Qaeda leadership was based, and supported. Ray, do you know the answer to that?

I don't want to hold your hand too much, but here is a hint: when you discover the answer to where the al Qaeda leadership was during 9/11 you will then find out why we are at war in Afghanistan.

RayAmerica says


Look deep... you don't even have to leave this web page.

Nomograph was responding to a single statement you made. Once you understand what Nomograph was responding to you will understand why all you PS's are moot.

You Can Do It Ray! We can't do all your thinking for you. Think of it as a exercise to grow your brain's abilities.

6247   klarek   2011 Apr 8, 4:11am  

Vicente says

When do we see the first inkling of spring results?

We should be in "spring rebound" mode, which I had been assured by one individual that it would occur early this year since the "winter doldrums" apparently began in August. Somehow that bounce is elusive.

Vicente says

“I think I’ll rent until about 2012″

For which I was constantly ridiculed as “missing” the bottom which had already passed.

You were able to see through the fog, that the false bottom was a fool's trap. Those who ridiculed are backpedaling faster than Lance Armstrong.

6248   bubblesitter   2011 Apr 8, 4:59am  

Vicente says

When do we see the first inkling of spring results?
It’s hilarious to me, I’ve been saying since 2006:

“I think I’ll rent until about 2012″
For which I was constantly ridiculed as “missing” the bottom which had already passed.
I can wait until a real cessation of price drops is readily apparent. I want to see a real floor not a monthly ledge.
“Eagles are dandified vultures” - Teddy Roosevelt

Same here. Been waiting since 2004. People at my work were buying left and right in 2004 and I went a different direction and I am delighted I did. Now just waiting for a true bottom. :)

6249   thomas.wong1986   2011 Apr 8, 5:54am  

bubblesitter says

Same here. Been waiting since 2004. People at my work were buying left and right in 2004 and I went a different direction and I am delighted I did. Now just waiting for a true bottom.

We are pretty much at 2004 prices today. Back in 2004 and even still today way way out from the norm/bottom in prices. It was rather mindboogling how much people were bidding/buying up home in 2002-2004 for compared to 5-6 years prior.


6250   HousingWatcher   2011 Apr 8, 6:32am  

If the Republicans won't fund the govt. now, just imagine what will happen on May 15th when the debt ceiling is reached. If the Republicans remain stubborn, we could be in a Great Depression on May 16th.

6251   2fayfays   2011 Apr 8, 7:23am  

The best people talking about is to hold physical silver because when the Comex default, price will shoot up to the sky and none of those contracts traded will honor the delivery. While I accumulate physical gold with my cash, I trade silver ETF in my 401k and so far so good. I use couple technical indicators to trade and came across this one which is pretty helpful. Once you got the fundamental correct, the only thing you need to worry is to use technical to optimize your profit.

6252   2fayfays   2011 Apr 8, 7:26am  

I don't think shorting China is a good idea, BTW shorting is not a good idea either because you can't fight against inflation over time. In other words, time is not on your side and China GDP eventually will break today's record multiple times or 10 or 20 times who knows; and that will smash you really bad.

6253   HousingWatcher   2011 Apr 8, 7:30am  

The bill that Obama said he would veto would only fund the govt. for ONE WEEK. All it does is postpone a shutdown, not avoid it.

6254   Vicente   2011 Apr 8, 7:48am  

"Most of the policy issues have been dealt with and the big fight is about spending," Boehner said Friday afternoon.

Most? Planned Parenthood still the sticking point for TGOP eh?

Interesting, I was just reading some articles about the 1995 shutdowns. It is illegal for government workers to show up at the workplace when it's closed down. Many did anyway, and they had to resort to locking the doors. So much for the idea that Federal workers are all layabouts.

6255   wagamama   2011 Apr 8, 8:45am  

They're accusing each other now.
Repubs are telling the Dems: "You are willing to shut the government down just because of funding for Planned Parenthood?"
Dems are telling the Reoubs: "You are willing to shut the government down just because of funding for Planned Parenthood?"

The webs we weave...

6256   Vicente   2011 Apr 8, 8:51am  

Well the Dems have met more than halfway already. So that this point it seems pretty clear it's not about budget compromise.

Here's an idea, shutdown IS the actual GOP strategy for budget cuts. It's not really all about cuts, or they wouldn't care so much that it MUST come out of this one tiny agency. How long would they have to close the gov't down to get the 100 billion they claim to want to save?

6257   pkennedy   2011 Apr 8, 9:06am  

Everyone in government backs back wages, except contractors who don't regain their wages.

If someone isn't working, then their work is piling up, and they'll need some overtime to catch up.

The savings won't come from shutting down the government.

6258   Ptipking222   2011 Apr 8, 9:10am  

$1.5 trillion deficit, most of it on pure waste.

Democrats are moaning and bitching over $30 billion in cuts.

GOP takes a stand on less than a billion or so because it somehow has to deal with abortions.

This just shows both parties are truly worthless and a budget/fiscal nightmare will happen by the end of the decade.

Look, I lean GOP but I'm not going to defend them anymore. This planned parenthood shit is ridiculous. I think democrats are slightly worse simply because they will just spend until we're absolutely broke and have a budgetary meltdown. However, clearly at this point, the GOP has no intelligent leadership and is not a viable alternative.

6259   Vicente   2011 Apr 8, 9:20am  

I'm rethinking this. Perhaps the GOP *needs* that Planned Parenthood win. Maybe it's more than just a negotiating token to trade for more cuts, perhaps they need a bone to throw to the Tea Party crowd, otherwise they lose face.

6260   MarkInSF   2011 Apr 8, 9:44am  

Looks like Obama's Birther strategy may pay off big time.

6261   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 8, 10:16am  

RayAmerica says

I thought the attackers on 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia?

leoj707 says

Some did that is true and a troubling and unanswered issue.

"... a troubling and unanswered issue?" LOL !!!

6262   leo707   2011 Apr 8, 10:44am  

RayAmerica says

RayAmerica says

I thought the attackers on 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia?

leoj707 says

Some did that is true and a troubling and unanswered issue.

“… a troubling and unanswered issue?” LOL !!!

Sigh... is this you trying? Come on Ray you can do better than this, or can you?

While this is the kind of response I expect from you. I bet if you really dig deep you can do more than take a quote out of context and giggle, and instead craft a thoughtful response.

Come on give it a go, you have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Once you have learned to intelligently converse with others a whole world will open up to you. Not just online, but in your real life as well.

I am being blunt with you due to the nature of the internet. In RL I would probably just talk to you as little as possible.

Once, you lean the skills of civil discourse you will see a dramatic change in how people respond to you.

Your life changes now, reread this entire thread... get ready to post... OK, GO!

6263   resistance   2011 Apr 8, 10:44am  

RayAmerica says

I thought the attackers on 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia?

Bingo! But Saudi Arabia is NEVER criticized in the US press. Seriously. Find me an example. Now why would that be?

Bush kissing Saudi

6264   leo707   2011 Apr 8, 10:46am  

RayAmerica says

I thought the attackers on 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia?

Bingo! But Saudi Arabia is NEVER criticized in the US press. Seriously. Find me an example. Now why would that be?

Yes, this is the troubling and unanswered issue.

Or perhaps I should say ignored issue.

6265   MarkInSF   2011 Apr 8, 11:05am  

leoj707 says

RayAmerica says

I thought the attackers on 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia?

Bingo! But Saudi Arabia is NEVER criticized in the US press. Seriously. Find me an example. Now why would that be?

Yes, this is the troubling and unanswered issue.
Or perhaps I should say ignored issue.
Cute Ganesha

Criticized for what? It's not like the Saudi government was involved in 9/11. Laden was an ENEMY of the Saudi regime post Desert Storm.

6266   Ptipking222   2011 Apr 8, 11:24am  

Vicente says

Well the Dems have met more than halfway already. So that this point it seems pretty clear it’s not about budget compromise.
Here’s an idea, shutdown IS the actual GOP strategy for budget cuts. It’s not really all about cuts, or they wouldn’t care so much that it MUST come out of this one tiny agency. How long would they have to close the gov’t down to get the 100 billion they claim to want to save?
“Eagles are dandified vultures” - Teddy Roosevelt

They're not that smart. I really think the level of partisanships and dumb emotions are so high in Washington it's pretty much come down to this petty shit.

The one thing I've learned from watching politicians, especially in terms of fiscal/budgetary measures (after watching the Tarp hearings), is that they really are just fucking stupid.

6267   resistance   2011 Apr 8, 12:35pm  

How about criticized for systematically teaching hatred of all non-Muslims?

Bin Laden was a pure product of Saudi education. Sure, he hated them too, but not as much as he hated us.

6268   FortWayne   2011 Apr 8, 1:01pm  

It's not about whats best for the nation, it's about shielding special interests from taxes. Both parties are very very guilty.

For the top 400 US taxpayers with highest adjusted income the tax rate fell from 30 to 17% in 2007, and to 23% from 29% for the top 1% of America. Many of them are paying 0% in taxes through loopholes. In 2010 11th Congress and Obama signed a legislation that kept taxes very very low.

If they cared to fix the budget, they would get together cut the loopholes and lower taxes for the middle class. But thats not the case and never will be the case. Right now it's just political games.

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