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2006 Jun 21, 3:33am   33,296 views  280 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Here's your chance, have at it. The grumpiness level is rising. Longtime readers probably have sensed the subtle shift in discourse here at Patrick.net. We do have a lot more readers now, and this will only continue to grow as the correction proceeds. But us authors are also increasingly disagreeing over issues that before seemed minor, but now seem more fundamental. In the beginning it was easy: do you believe there is a real-estate bubble or not? But now debate is mired in details of sticky this, hard or soft that, or inflation/deflation the other.

So, take this opportunity to whack-the-authors. Let us know what each of the "on-air personalities" here does that annoys, disturbs or bores you. Is it Randy H's never ending econobabble? Or HARM's fundamentals fundamentalism? Maybe Peter P's metaphysical contrarianism? Surfer-X's descriptive suggestions to select commentors? Maybe even SQT's unshakable reasonableness pisses you off, or astrid's philosophical introspection. Perhaps it's just the daily digressions on sushi and kitchen knives...

If we can't laugh at ourselves then we'll never hope to improve upon the lot we've drawn. Consider it a roast. Help us to see ourselves as you see us. (Obviously, the definition of "Troll" will be a bit different for this thread. Feed surfer-X at your own risk.)

--Randy H

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65   skibum   2006 Jun 21, 6:36am  

Posse HELOC?
HELOC Posse?

Owner of

66   HARM   2006 Jun 21, 6:39am  


I approved your comment. Certain common spammer keywords will automatically trigger moderation, inlcuding: Paxil, Viagra, Zocor and Lipitor (and you used all four). Because CIALIS is also on the list, any post with the the word soCIALISm also gets moderated as well.

67   surfer-x   2006 Jun 21, 6:41am  

Posse HELOComptus

68   Claire   2006 Jun 21, 6:41am  

drop in home values, but not in prices - perhaps they are refering to inflation

69   skibum   2006 Jun 21, 6:43am  

Yes, I went to the doctor in Elko and he had a clock on the wall with the big V. Too funny.

Yes, we get innundated with plastic pharma crap all the time. At least the Viagra folks have a sense of humor. They've sent out calculators that "rise up" when you push a button, and retractable pens...

70   requiem   2006 Jun 21, 6:43am  

T Lynch:

Inflation. It's as if the 5¢ loaf of bread your grandparents talked about still cost 5¢ today, only not quite so extreme. The price stayed the same, but the "value" dropped. It would be nice if the article used terms like real and nominal, but that's be too far above their target audience.

71   HARM   2006 Jun 21, 6:45am  

PRC sucks!! I’d hate to live with 1.2 billion other people…bad enough I have to deal with the 300 million idiots in America!

T Lynch,

Are you being sly here ? ;-) P.R.C. = People's Republic of California. Or perhaps that should be P.R.K. (Kalifornia).

72   surfer-x   2006 Jun 21, 6:49am  

ahahahahah it's the Chewbacca defense,

It just doesn't make sense, if value falls but prices stay the same how can there be a crash, it just doesn't make sense.

The economists cautioned that the projected dip in home values is not a decline in prices. They actually expect home prices in California will stay flat and inflation will push values lower. The forecast is for the state overall -- some areas may fare better, some worse.

But Brown, a 26-year veteran of the local market, recently cautioned that buyers who plan to stay in a home less than five years need to be careful. Real estate moves in cycles, he said.

Ratcliff writes that there are a number of variables that could still upend his soft-landing forecast, and even lead to a statewide recession. One is the potential for another large drop in manufacturing employment, another the unknown effect of the adjustable rate mortgages that became popular with buyers in the past few years.

Sounds a lot like talking out both sides of ones mouth. I hear capitulation. Nice usuage of the Chewbacca defense.

Value down, prices flat, doesn't make sense, walla soft landing.

73   DinOR   2006 Jun 21, 6:49am  


What would the purpose be of having translucent mags? Just curious.

74   skibum   2006 Jun 21, 6:50am  

Actually I have been to a few states where I felt like I should add, “I am speaking English here, excuse me?”

I felt that way in Boston all the time.

75   Peter P   2006 Jun 21, 6:50am  

One is the potential for another large drop in manufacturing employment

Or the potential for a large drop in housing employment?

76   surfer-x   2006 Jun 21, 6:51am  

What would the purpose be of having translucent mags? Just curious.

Think of the translucent mag as the 26" Spreewells* for guns.

*Wheels with the stupid spinning middle part that continues to rotate when Escalade is stopped. Named after Latrel Spreewell, thugball playa best known for choking his coach when playing for golden state.

77   HARM   2006 Jun 21, 6:51am  

But when you see all the spam that comes in from people selling pharmaceutical drugs, then you realize how important that spam filter is.

I'm thinking of adding the following to our blog's spam filter:

"_____ only goes up"
"they're not making any more of it"
"Everyone wants to live in _______"
"I know a guy who sold his house in ______ for $__,000,000.00 over asking."
"David Lereah/Leslie Appleton-Young/Gary Watts/anyone from Harvard says ________"

78   skibum   2006 Jun 21, 6:51am  

The mercury news is a total rag of a paper. It makes the Chronicle read like Shakespeare.

79   Claire   2006 Jun 21, 6:52am  

From the Mercury news report....."Ratcliff writes that there are a number of variables that could still upend his soft-landing forecast, and even lead to a statewide recession. One is the potential for another large drop in manufacturing employment, another the unknown effect of the adjustable rate mortgages that became popular with buyers in the past few years."

I'm picking reason number 2 for a big bubble burst here!

80   HARM   2006 Jun 21, 6:54am  

What would the purpose be of having translucent mags? Just curious.

Actually there is a pratical reason for this: you can quickly see how much ammo you have left without having to remove the magazine. Comes in very handy when fending off wave after wave of oncoming bank repo men.

81   surfer-x   2006 Jun 21, 6:55am  

I just can't get past The economists cautioned that the projected dip in home values is not a decline in prices. Amazing.

Might as well have written, consequent contraction of the liquid was not sufficient enough to return the product to a post-manufacturing condition upon removal from storage*

In an actual report submitted to the FDA by a labmate when I worked for an evil German company.

82   Claire   2006 Jun 21, 6:59am  

bank repo men

will they be Men in Black?

They would probably have ill-fitiing suits and no style

83   skibum   2006 Jun 21, 6:59am  

bank repo men

will they be Men in Black?

More like Emilio Estevez and Harry Dean Stanton.

84   Peter P   2006 Jun 21, 6:59am  

will they be Men in Black?

In black helicopters?

85   DinOR   2006 Jun 21, 7:01am  


Good one! At first I thought it was a "cut-away" to show the ample mag capacity, then in the write up you find it's real. I guess I was wondering why the hi-tech show and tell? A 1/4" slot or "window" might work just as well.

*not design advice

86   Claire   2006 Jun 21, 7:02am  

So when do you thik they are going to start calling? The MIB that is?

87   Peter P   2006 Jun 21, 7:05am  

A 1/4″ slot or “window” might work just as well.

It is made of plastic... I mean polymer. May just as well make it translucent.

It does look cool.

88   Claire   2006 Jun 21, 7:08am  

Okay, joking aside - when do you guys forecast the foreclosures?

89   StuckInBA   2006 Jun 21, 7:10am  

People are getting so worked up over that UCLA report. They had started changing their tune a while back.

I see a parallel. Greenspan first warns of "irrational exuberance". Then 3 years later says, "productivity gains" support the new valuations. Then just before the bubble is going to burst forever, says, "bubbles can be identified only in retrospect".

I trust my common sense far more than economists, analysts etc.

90   lunarpark   2006 Jun 21, 7:11am  


Northern CA DQ numbers are out - we've got some negative YOYs.

91   DinOR   2006 Jun 21, 7:16am  

Peter P,

Oh don't get me wrong I like it and it may even be a nice safety feature as well.

92   skibum   2006 Jun 21, 7:19am  

NICE! Not only are some YoY median $$'s down, but every single BA county has YoY sales declines. Also, a side observation is that this data is confirmation of how much median prices are a lagging indicator - it's the outlying areas that continue to show median price gains. Santa Clara cty is the exception, although I bet if you broke it down by SJ and south vs. more established northern SCC the trend would be confirmed.

93   lunarpark   2006 Jun 21, 7:24am  

skibum -

Yes, that is what I'm seeing - I've been tracking inventory in parts of SC County since last year. While Cupertino is only showing a slight inventory increase, other "less desirable" areas are showing large increases in inventory. I'm actually surprised by the small .3% gain in SF - could we see negative YOY in SF by next month?

94   DinOR   2006 Jun 21, 7:32am  

To BA or not BA,

Agreed! I'll admit the A/R and LA-Y response were anything but candid about the current state of affairs, but suprised? No not really. I firmly believe that so many in RE are convinced that we can not have an economy without RE as the primary engine that to lie in it's defense is not to lie at all! Who cares if the comments and observations don't make sense? If it "buys" us another quarter, another month until they can figure out their next 11th hour move then it was a "good lie". It's just another glaring and obvious sign as to how desperate things have become for them.

95   skibum   2006 Jun 21, 7:33am  

T Lynch,
Before you go off and finish the last 10min of your daily workload, try this:


The DQ site has all of Cali's numbers accessible via the left panel.

96   Claire   2006 Jun 21, 7:35am  

So I have a friend who I asked if she thought house prices would go down in our area (Mountain View) - she is a realtor - and of course she said - it never goes down in this area. For the sake of friendship I left it at that, but I'm wondering how many are completely deluded or just desperate?

97   DinOR   2006 Jun 21, 7:45am  


bated? I've seen it both ways so I wasn't sure which was more proper.

Anyway, has anyone else noticed that? I think we'll see many an instance where analysts and economists are willing to bend over backwards to give RE every benefit of the doubt. And why not? Since 69% are "homeowners" and if they can sign their life away for a mortgage they can potentially vote so where's the sin in trying to "protect" them.

Well gee, uh had you guys not contorted to craft and justify the bubble on the way up, would we be in this mess now? Some of the rationalization has come from blogs just like this one. Incomes will rise to fill the hole? Yeah, right.

98   Claire   2006 Jun 21, 7:45am  

"A lot of the angst, bitterness and stupidity seems to be caused by people thinking that they cannot have a home unless they buy a house."

For us, it is the fact that a landlord means: restricted pets; no painting and decorating; - wait a minute - this sounds like a good deal.......

I guess it galls us that we have to be careful of someone elses property and he could do what he wants with it (i.e sell) without consulting us.

99   skibum   2006 Jun 21, 7:57am  

DinOR Says:
Anyway, has anyone else noticed that? I think we’ll see many an instance where analysts and economists are willing to bend over backwards to give RE every benefit of the doubt. And why not? Since 69% are “homeowners” and if they can sign their life away for a mortgage they can potentially vote so where’s the sin in trying to “protect” them.

A major flaw with MSM reporting of RE news is that more likely than not, the analysts and reporters own property, ie, have conflicts of interest in reporting and analyzing RE news. It's a fundamental flaw and one that's difficult to get around.

100   DinOR   2006 Jun 21, 8:05am  


It would be pretty silly on my part to deny that! Maybe when we have RE analysts appear on CNBC they should have to disclose that they have an interest in real estate, (partially not kidding). Was it Ed Leamer (Anderson Report) that disclosed that he had sold his Los Angeles area home not long ago? Perhaps CAR brow beat him into making "atonement"?

I'm perfectly serious though, I'll bet right now housing bears are being coerced into "seeing the bigger picture".

101   FRIFY   2006 Jun 21, 8:25am  

Surfer-X: Some great one-liners. Too often they're lost in a sea of fuck.

HARM: Much higher yield on the funnies along with good commentary.

Randy H: Maestro

Peter P: RH Sidekick. Needs more meat and less sushi.

Astrid: MIA

SQT: Sorry, I know I've seen some good posts from you, but during my usual quick scan read, your TLA (Three Letter Acronym) gets smacked with SP etc. I guess I haven't been reading long enough.

As a general rule, the quick repartee doesn't work as well for me personally as the 3-5 paragraph posts. WW2's heartfelt musings, DinOr's negotiation suggestions, RC's Free Market Position papers or JH's angry bearish commentary are usually more coherent and enjoyable than the quick back and forth banter. Randy's remarks are not obfuscatory. If you don't understand them, you should probably stick with Vanguard Investment Funds or ask him for clarification. He's always quick to reply.

102   tsusiat   2006 Jun 21, 9:30am  

Sir Rick of Shmend Said:

"hey, I would highly recommend ‘Confessions of an Economic Hitman’. Its interesting because the author describes the tactics America uses on third world nations. It interesting because those are exactly the tactics they use on us!"

Thanks for the democracy.org link, I found the transcript very interesting reading indeed.

103   DinOR   2006 Jun 21, 9:31am  


I'll take it that you've never been a "homeowner" then?

Take it from me, it's not all it's cracked up to be. From crummy neighbors that you are now stuck with to a whole laundry list I will spare everyone else from for the 569th time!

Let's just say that Oregonians believe in their "propitty rights".

104   lunarpark   2006 Jun 21, 9:42am  


Mercury News now has a real estate blog.

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