More Racism from Republican Presidential Candidates

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2012 Jan 5, 2:26am   2,184 views  4 comments

by HousingWatcher   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

First it was Santorum, and now it looks like Newt Gongrich is competing in the racism department.

Oh, and for all those who don't think this comment was racist (you know who you are) can you please tell us why Republicans have to constantly use the words "Black" and "Welfare" in the same sentence?

“I will go to the NAACP convention, and explain to the African-American community why they should demand paychecks instead of food stamps,” said Gingrich.


Are there no white people on food stamps? Does Gingrich have no intentions of expalining to white people why they should "demand paychecks instead of food stamps"?

And Gingrich will NEVER go to an NAACP convetion. He doesn't have the guts to.


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1   anonymous   2012 Jan 5, 7:59am  

shrekgrinch says

More unfounded BS by HousingWatcher.

Shrek, please be a little nice to the AnonymousoneWatcher will yah? He's just trying to get us informed about one of the members of the fake quartet.


2   HousingWatcher   2012 Jan 5, 10:02am  

shrekgrinch says

nevermind all the absolutely racist crap that Biden has been caught on camera as saying.

Like what?

3   david1   2012 Jan 5, 1:18pm  

shrekgrinch says

Santorum never said anything racist in his quotes that HW claimed he did, for starters.

More Lies. What Santorum did was was racist, and I told you on the other thread about this but you didn't respond...even he realizes what he said was racist. That's why he backtracked on O'Reilley last night and claimed he didn't say "black" - now claims he got caught up with his words and mumbled "blla" but he wasn't going to say black.

He claimed he hardly ever says black and mostly says African American.

Having seen the video..he said black.

He wouldn't be trying to claim he didn't day black unless he knew what he said was racist.

Some of the stuff you say from time to time makes sense and has merit, but when you obviously shill like this, you lose so much credibility. Don't call out other for being an Obama cheerleaders when you do the same thing on the other side - that is hypocrisy.

Call a spade a spade. What Santorum said was racist. End of story.

And just so you don't think I am a one minded Obama supporter, what he allowed to happen to the public option in Obamacare was wrong, signing NDAA was despicable, and making those recess appointments was cowardly - to name three criticisms.

Why do you want to stick up for Santorum anyway? Have you done any research into the guy? He is a first class scumbag and isn't going anywhere in this primary.

4   clambo   2012 Jan 6, 2:56am  

So, don't vote for Santorum.

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