Jobs are coming back!!!

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2012 Feb 17, 10:33am   46,668 views  141 comments

by SFace   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

Little have been said about the improving job situation.

The commerce department reported about 243K new jobs created in January 2012, notwithstanding government layoffs. Furthermnore, unemployment claims appears to be at the lowest level since the great recession.

These indicators are the most positive they have been for at least 4+ years. (Note that I am not saying the job situation is good, but it is obvious things are developing for the better) It appears the econoomy is turning the corner and finally lead by jobs and ultimately consumer confidence which will surely lead to housing price turnaround.

The next follow-up leading indicator will be consumer confidence which I predict will be up.

Last year around this time, gasoline price, Japan earthquake and Greece pretty much killed the positive momentum. Am really hoping that gas doesn't slow things down again. 2012 may be the best yet.



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1   TPB   2012 Feb 17, 10:58am  

The Fucknuts are already talking about $4.00 gasoline by summer, for the whole week. Of course that's going to kick any glimmer of hope for an election time recovery sugar rush. Oil ended today over 104.00 after a week of the Policy makers reiterating, to a skittish market that wouldn't dare touch it for a little over 100, "Gas will be $4.00 by the Summer."

It's counter productive and just more incompetence of this administrations, that will screw up a good opportunity to have a productive year, with good job growth. That wont happen if we have to Give Exxon an extra 15% to 20% extra on every single purchase across the board to get raw goods and materials from source, manufacture, distribution, wholesale, retail, to consumer.

You want more labor on top of that? Good luck.

This pattern comes up every 6 months or so. People grow bored with Oil, leave it alone. Oil and Gas prices goes down. Growth happens, jobs get added, policy makers tout the virtue of high Oil prices. Everything goes south, and takes a chunk of the Stock market with it. Rinse and repeat.

2   john222   2012 Feb 17, 11:29am  

2012 may be the best yet.

LOL, you must be a realtor. You need to stop drinking the coolaid and come back to reality. You dont remember the 1980's real estate bubble do you?

3   clambo   2012 Feb 17, 11:35am  

2012 may be the "best yet"is unintentionally funny.
That's like being happy you have a broken neck because at least the brain cancer diagnosis was wrong.
We have 1. higher taxes coming 2. higher deficits and total debt 3. unfunded social security and medicare (passed again) 4. higher oil, energy, gasoline prices 5. california has cap and tax 6. california has impossible deficits from illegal aliens 7. california has ever increasing foreclosures 8. fewer people employed every month. 9. more people on government assistance every month 10. falling value of dollar every month 11. increasing food and commodities prices
Did I leave anything out?

4   Bigsby   2012 Feb 17, 11:48am  

All the things that don't fit with your argument.

5   clambo   2012 Feb 17, 12:05pm  

let's see bigsby
1. we were not yet hit by an asteroid
2. global warming is a hoax and earth is not buring up
3. mexican flatulence is not causing destruction of the ozone layer
4. locusts, pestilence and floods haven't gotten us yet
5. arab spring is not coming over here
6. 50 million people on food stamps means no unsightly bread lines
7. high speed rail between stockton and fresno will become reality
8. long term unemployed are cleverly filing for permanent disability, for being "depressed" over being unemployed.
Bigsby, you are correct. I did leave out all of the good news.

6   monkframe   2012 Feb 17, 12:23pm  

Approximately 80% of the jobs created were burger-flipping, service sector, low wage-type jobs.
The twenty percent or so that were manufacturing were nice, but so small as to not matter much.

"These indicators are the most positive they have been for at least 4+ years."

Wow, we are in trouble.

7   Bigsby   2012 Feb 17, 12:30pm  

clambo says

let's see bigsby

1. we were not yet hit by an asteroid

2. global warming is a hoax and earth is not buring up

3. mexican flatulence is not causing destruction of the ozone layer

4. locusts, pestilence and floods haven't gotten us yet

5. arab spring is not coming over here

6. 50 million people on food stamps means no unsightly bread lines

7. high speed rail between stockton and fresno will become reality

8. long term unemployed are cleverly filing for permanent disability, for being "depressed" over being unemployed.

Bigsby, you are correct. I did leave out all of the good news.

I presume you are trying to be funny. There's a lot of ridiculous hyperbole on this website these days. Some of the posts would make more sense if it was back at the peak, but we are a long way from that now, and US prices in general are relatively inexpensive compared to pretty much all other Western nations. Even CA isn't that expensive comparatively, and the US has a stronger economy than many and a relatively straightforward path to solving its issues (read taxing appropriately), so I'm not quite sure why there is such an increasing level of doom mongering on here.

8   Bigsby   2012 Feb 17, 1:01pm  

Yes, Tony, because that's clearly what I said.
I couldn't care less if people want to buy a house or not. That's up to them, but clearly houses are very affordable in many parts of the US and particularly with current interest rates. This site seems to completely revolve around the bay area where prices are much higher, but far too many people on here generalise that situation outwards for the entire country. I guess that is the nature of discourse these days - facts don't matter, you just have to keep shouting loud enough.

9   bubblesitter   2012 Feb 17, 1:58pm  

Aha,finally those $8.50/hr jobs are coming back and that will thrust the housing market into new highs,higher then the 2006 highs. LOL.

11   Grimydazzle   2012 Feb 17, 11:51pm  

The BLS this month admitted that their 8.3% is total BS. At that rhythm, they'll soon invent the world's first negative unemployment rate. They made 1.2M people disappear from the stats last month, while every 4 months there are 1M more Americans.

12   TPB   2012 Feb 18, 2:01am  

robertoaribas says

bring on $4 gas, my properties are all located near light rail and/or close in to employment centers. I ride my bicycle to work..

Wow Robert, you don't say? What is your secret for being unscathed with the important drawbacks of higher gas prices. Like paying double for minimal food, than we were before this all started, because gas is more expensive, everyone is paying 20% inflation a year, for everything across the board, as a direct result of our last and current President Rat fink bastards selling the American people out to Wallstreet and greedy ass speculators.

I think that's great Robert, you live in your own little Snow Globe, wow, no I mean WOW! how in the hell did you fit your over inflated since of bike riding self, in such a little space?

13   tdeloco   2012 Feb 18, 3:35am  

bubblesitter says

Aha,finally those $8.50/hr jobs are coming back and that will thrust the housing market into new highs,higher then the 2006 highs. LOL.

Let's get back to the boom times! Give these burger flippers who earn $18k/yr a zero down zero percent ARM mortgage on a $600k home, and we're once again back in the boom times.

14   bob2356   2012 Feb 18, 11:17am  

Last year population rose 3.5 million, labor force rose 1.1 million. The labor force participation rate is the lowest since the 70's. There's a long way to go. That's not gloom and doom, just an objective look at facts.

15   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 18, 11:51am  

Nomograph says

Wow. I'm shocked at this reaction.
Employment is trending up with manufacturing leading the way. It's amazing how the pessimists, doom-and-gloomers, and permabears seem genuinely threatened by positive economic news that is good for everyone.

Im shocked by your ignorance.. when was the last time you saw a mfg plant in the South Bay... Semiconductor Fab, Drive, component, PC or any other gadget being manufactured...
At least back in the 80s we had 3 day/night shifts 24/7 employing well over 100,000s people. See any of these numbers lately! We certainly have more retail today..

16   dunnross   2012 Feb 18, 11:09pm  

Nomograph says

It's amazing how the pessimists, doom-and-gloomers, and permabears seem genuinely threatened by positive economic news that is good for everyone.

The only thing that's good for everyone is the deleveraging of debt and lower house prices which future generations can actually afford. A return to growth without either, is the return to a fake economy driven by more debt and money printing.

17   dunnross   2012 Feb 18, 11:23pm  

Nomograph says

You're living in the past; low-margin mass production using decades-old, public domain technology isn't where it's at.

Yes, we are living in the new jobs era now. The era of burger flipping and toll booth operators. Soon the burger flippers will be using i-phone 4's to flip those burgers. Then, I'll say we've really seen progress!

18   mdovell   2012 Feb 19, 1:13am  

Nomograph says

Yeah, and there aren't any Frisbee plants in the Bay Area either. You're living in the past; low-margin mass production using decades-old, public domain technology isn't where it's at.


Like I've said before manufacturing cannot be viewed as a place as a dumping ground for the unemployed. Grunt work, assembly line work probably isn't going to comeback mostly because it isn't sophisticated. But when you talk about inspection of things so precise then you have to be able to diagnose the problem.

I had a great aunt that put together spark plugs. It was the same constant work each time so it wasn't that sophisticated.
(such a job would be pointless in europe because most use diesel and diesel engines don't use let alone need spark plugs)

Sometimes even jobs that were around in the 80's would be baseless today because there's electronics. I know people that were paid to watch a meter and if it redlined to call someone up. Modern electronics pretty much eliminated the need for that.

There's nothing wrong with establishing a set of standards for any job. It might be a degree, a certification, some industry standard etc.

There's never going to be some simple job that requires little training or effort that pays a viable wage for someone.

19   Buster   2012 Feb 19, 2:43am  

I work in biotechnology development, a profession that did not exist 30 years ago. For those of us who have 'updated our skill sets' that may be utilized in this work environment, things have never been better. There are jobs galore, all in the six figures. I tried for years to encourage friends who were in dying industries to go into my line of work by simply updating their skill sets. Apparently, too much work was involved. They would rather bitch about doom and gloom and their poverty. I came to believe that there was a payoff for them. Victim thinking. I stopped trying to help them...'you can lead a horse to water but you cannot force them to drink' applies here.

20   TPB   2012 Feb 19, 3:25am  

An interview with Normograph's ideal employee

Yeah I push a Name tag it's 5 days a week, it's an honest living.
Hey, I feel like I'm making a difference and you can rest a sure, with the name printed on this Name Tag, that Jerrod, that's me, you are getting the best service I can provide. (ring ring) excuse me, let me get this...
"Oh no you'll have to call back Monday, nobody is here that authorize that. Oh no can't I leave in ten minutes. OK well good luck with that..."(click)...
Where was I... Oh yeah, there's a certain amount of pride that goes into counter customer interfacing. It's a long great American tradition, this country was founded on a good corporate formula. People ask me all the time, "But wouldn't you like to be building something?" Well I am building something. I'm building trust with the public. excuse me...
"I'll ring you up here when you are ready. Oh no we don't honor those Coupons, and the sale ended on this item two weeks ago. No I can't take anything off the display price, we have to either keep them or sell them full price. Well you most certainly are welcome to take your business else where. OK bye now."
Sorry about that, that's me taking care of business, and that's my business taking care of the customer. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a ton of work to do?

[Takes out iPhone and starts playing angry birds]

21   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2012 Feb 19, 3:33am  

Buster says

I work in biotechnology development, a profession that did not exist 30 years ago. For those of us who have 'updated our skill sets' that may be utilized in this work environment, things have never been better. There are jobs galore, all in the six figures. I tried for years to encourage friends who were in dying industries to go into my line of work by simply updating their skill sets. Apparently, too much work was involved. They would rather bitch about doom and gloom and their poverty. I came to believe that there was a payoff for them. Victim thinking. I stopped trying to help them...'you can lead a horse to water but you cannot force them to drink' applies here.

Okay, no... Jobs galore in the six figures is pure BS. Biotech pays crap compared to High tech and other industries. Always has and likely will until overhead such as the FDA gets streamlined among other things. Sure some do well in marketing, sales etc. It is possible to make six figures in R&D - I do but that is really rare. Biotech gets hyped a lot but I haven't heard anyone say anything like that before and have worked at 7 companies. Yup, mass layoffs, bankruptcies; that sort of thing goes along with the trade as well.

Scan the headlines - mostly sad:


Horrible histories:


Advice for a new kid:


Most people work like slaves for well under 6 figures and often in toxic conditions with plenty of overtime that they don't get paid for.

I'm continuing the career as long as I'm getting paid as well as I do and because I enjoy it but always have my second career in the back of my mind. Biotech is getting offshored as fast as high tech was but is much smaller. More people work at walmart for instance than our industry as a whole. I think that nanotech companies will be the next 'boom' and we'll be skipped entirely for the most part. We've been money pits since the 80s as a whole and so far haven't dug our way out.

22   TPB   2012 Feb 19, 3:47am  

just_passing_through says

Okay, no... Jobs galore in the six figures is pure BS. Biotech pays crap compared to High tech and other industries. Always has and likely will until overhead such as the FDA gets streamlined among other things.

As a high paid developer I'm amazed at what shitty wages graphic people get. I think a good graphics person that can conceptualize innovative UI graphics, that aren't copies or cookie cutter crap. Are worth as much as any developer on their best day. Of course I've only worked with two of such people in my career.

Though Graphics people aren't long term minded. They want what ever you'll pay them now for their job performed now. They aren't interested in building companies on the ground floor, and deferring potential earnings until the company takes off. Developers are bigger risk takers in that regard.

So as a result, they are stuck at the relative low wage they we're willing to accept early on. So when the company does take off, they don't have a reward coming to them. Since it's industry standard, they are all stuck in low wages, as none of graphics guys blow up with the companies as they hit it big.

23   clambo   2012 Feb 19, 4:10am  

You all miss the point. The people like you guys who have some education or high tech skill or both are not the norm.
See who is lurking around the malls?
Slack jawed illiterate punks, shuffling around with expensive sneakers, baggy pants, hats on backwards, some with chains others with tattoos.
Don't forget the illegal alien anchor babies who are mostly high school dropouts or maybe have attended community college.
These guys are not going to be finding much work and they sure have no particularly useful "skill sets"(formerly called "skills").
The above mentioned are all of course Obama voters hoping to squeeze the smarter ones who have studied and worked to have some money.

24   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2012 Feb 19, 4:23am  

Fully agree with you clambo - I just hate to hear Biotech get hyped.


I have a former HP executive uncle who recommended my much younger cousin forgo a college degree and instead obtain training to become a welder - which he did. The kid makes plenty of money and is using it to get a license flying helicopters.

He's kind of scruffy like lots of Sierra Nevadans but keeps his pants up. So proud of him...

25   mmmarvel   2012 Feb 19, 4:49am  

The $4.00 a gallon gas is actually predicted to be here by May. By the end of summer it's suppose to hit $5.00 a gallon. Both prices will hurt business and individuals BIG TIME. If we are lucky it will be enough to send Obama packing. Not that I think any of the republican candidates are the solution, just that the dust bunny under my desk would have done a better job over the last three years than Obama has.

26   toothfairy   2012 Feb 19, 4:50am  

TPB says

The Fucknuts are already talking about $4.00 gasoline by summer, for the whole week.

it's because the economy is turning around.
It's becoming obvious that they cant beat Obama on the economy so they need to manufacture a new crisis.

That's the clearest admission of any that things are turning around.

They even passed the payroll tax cut this week so it seems like the new strategy rather than holding the economy hostage they will most likely let it go and send gas prices through the roof.

27   tdeloco   2012 Feb 19, 4:51am  

Nomograph says

You REALLY need to update your skillsets.

You can't look at small upticks in the economy and immediately conclude that everything is going up from here. You'd be no different from these Realtors who have been claiming that the bottom is already here every month since 2008.

Buster says

I tried for years to encourage friends who were in dying industries to go into my line of work by simply updating their skill sets. Apparently, too much work was involved. They would rather bitch about doom and gloom and their poverty. I came to believe that there was a payoff for them. Victim thinking. I stopped trying to help them..

Good well-intended thoughts. Unfortunately, there are only so many jobs in smarter fields. What you need to look at is the market size. Most jobs still produce low end products.

Nomograph says


That's a nice feel-good article, but provides no real statistical data on how many jobs are being brought back. In fact, this is not news at all. This article could've been written at any time between 2004 and now. We never stopped on-shoring. I read articles a couple years back talking about off-shoring and on-shoring, and that on-shoring was a drop in the bucket compared to the jobs being lost. Of course, that was a couple years ago. The reason we have to on-shore is because off-shoring is never seamless, and many companies fail in the process.

Fact of the matter is, the U.S. never stopped manufacturing. Our production is down to only 21% of the world's goods. We're just not producing low end stuff anymore; we mostly produce capital goods and durable goods nowadays. But if that's the case, then why is there a huge trade deficit? The answer is Simple. We consume more than we're producing. Our standard of living is high compared to everyone else.

The reason why I'm still negative is this. The treasury department provides a report of their daily income here: http://www.fms.treas.gov/dts/index.html and there isn't a significant increase in payroll taxes from a year ago. It is statistically flat. When did the 2% payroll tax cut come into effect? December 2010? Anyways, there was a huge increase from two years ago, but negligible increase from last year.

28   dunnross   2012 Feb 19, 4:53am  

Nomograph says

We live in an era of cutting edge design engineering, genomics-driven biotechnology, stem cells researcher, and high-tech manufacturing.

Yes, except none of those technologies generate jobs like low-tech manufacturing used to.

29   Waitingtobuy   2012 Feb 19, 6:26am  

I was a moderate, voted for Reagan in 1984, and now all these nutjobs have driven me to the left of the center.

You can never make some people happy. Here's a look at the near past under Bush vs Obama:

Losing 750,000 jobs in Dec 2008 and 4.5M from 2005-09 under Bush/gaining 2M under Obama so far. War created in Iraq with no bid contracts back in 2003/ full troop withdrawal this last year, TARP created under Bush with no conditions/ TARP carried out under Obama but with strict payback rules, complaints about bailouts for GM and Chrysler to save both the auto (and parts of the defense) industries under Obama/ GM with $8B in profits, medical insurance premiums increasing 20-25% annually with no coverage of preexisting conditions/ a healthcare bill with state created exchanges and coverage of preexisting conditions in 2014. Railing about the national debt/cutbacks in everything from education to defense to save $800B over 10 years.

While I would agree with other posters about the sellout to Wall Street and not being happy about the lack of any substantial progress in financial regulation, Obama has done a decent job with the cr@p sandwich handed to him. He could come up with a cure for all cancers tomorrow and some people would complain he is putting the drug industry out of business.

Who do you want from the Republican side? The serial adulterer/Fannie Mae historian, the guy who wants to eliminate contraceptives and whose sugar daddy suggests women put Bayer aspirin between their legs as a form of birth control, a guy who guts companies, fires people and then sells off the remnants of the companies to the highest bidders? A guy with decent foreign policy ideas, but is in favor of letting people die in the hospital waiting room? Or a half-term "governor"?

The choice is pretty obvious this year. Until you have a better solution, and better policy than just "let's cut taxes and blow a bigger hole in the deficit" because that solves everything, you don't have much to stand on or for.

30   TPB   2012 Feb 19, 6:48am  

toothfairy says

it's because the economy is turning around.
It's becoming obvious that they cant beat Obama on the economy so they need to manufacture a new crisis.

That's the clearest admission of any that things are turning around.

They even passed the payroll tax cut this week so it seems like the new strategy rather than holding the economy hostage they will most likely let it go and send gas prices through the roof.

Because it's a Republican administration right? I know those Republicans are so in full control of everything, they are so well organized even the voters are in unison over who should be in charge. What color are the stars and bars in your world?

31   Katy Perry   2012 Feb 19, 7:40am  

um What jobs where? I don"t see it. Me thinks the numbers are a bunch of BS.

32   Bigsby   2012 Feb 19, 9:44am  

mmmarvel says

The $4.00 a gallon gas is actually predicted to be here by May. By the end of summer it's suppose to hit $5.00 a gallon. Both prices will hurt business and individuals BIG TIME. If we are lucky it will be enough to send Obama packing. Not that I think any of the republican candidates are the solution, just that the dust bunny under my desk would have done a better job over the last three years than Obama has.

I'm not a US citizen. What exactly has he done that is so bad? He looks like he's done a pretty good job considering the situation he was dropped into and the fact that he gets blocked at every turn. And as for you rather voting for any one of the Republican candidates no matter how bad they are (and they are), well what can I say?
And you are overblowing the effect of $4 a gallon - have you seen the prices for it in other Western countries?

33   TPB   2012 Feb 19, 10:06am  

Bigsby says

And you are overblowing the effect of $4 a gallon - have you seen the prices for it in other Western countries?

That's not our fault the rest of the world don't stand for something, just because they take up the can at the pump, we won't stand for it, not while any hope of viable alternatives are being presented to us in over engineered green cars, with Bluetooth kegorators for a mere $50,000.00 while they tell us we should pay more in gas. Not because it's a precious resource and at this rate future generations will depend on it for the foreseeable future. At least through out this Century. But because the icecaps are melting and if you don't buy that, then it's foreign dependency. But your Japan green import is fine. It's a damn scam and an out right rigging. We have the refinery capability the capaicity and more importantly the supply, we're not the UK or France we're the freaking US of goddamn "Aye" and gas is our birth right. Henery Ford(god rest his soul) invented it.

34   tatupu70   2012 Feb 19, 10:07am  

Katy Perry says

um What jobs where? I don"t see it. Me thinks the numbers are a bunch of BS.

That's funny. So if you don't see the job created, it doesn't exist then?

Why don't you just stick with your "debt is slavery" mantra--you've kind of got a schtick going...

35   B.A.C.A.H.   2012 Feb 19, 10:11am  

Bigsby says

well what can I say?

Bigsby says

I'm not a US citizen.

36   tdeloco   2012 Feb 19, 10:28am  

Bigsby says

And you are overblowing the effect of $4 a gallon - have you seen the prices for it in other Western countries?

That's simple. In the U.S. we subsidize fuel via tax breaks and whatnot. In other developed countries, they massively tax fuel consumption. Germany, for instance, adds about 40% in taxes.

The bottom line price is based on global demand (with, of course, some adjustment/manipulation by OPEC.) Countries can then subsidize that number, or they may tax it.

37   TPB   2012 Feb 19, 10:31am  

Bigsby says

He looks like he's done a pretty good job considering the situation he was dropped into and the fact that he gets blocked at every turn.

So if the Democrats are so useless and they can blame their failures on Republicans, then why not cut out the middleman? Vote republican, since our votes don't count if the people we elect can invoke blame to excuse ineffectiveness.

38   Bigsby   2012 Feb 19, 10:46am  

TPB says

Bigsby says

He looks like he's done a pretty good job considering the situation he was dropped into and the fact that he gets blocked at every turn.

So if the Democrats are so useless and they can blame their failures on Republicans, then why not cut out the middleman? Vote republican, since our votes don't count if the people we elect can invoke blame to excuse ineffectiveness.

William E Baughb

That makes no sense. If you want change to actually be implemented, then you could just as easily say vote Democrat. This is an issue of policies. The fact your country finds it so difficult to implement positive measures because they get blocked at every turn by recalcitrant politicos and paid lobbyists is not a sign of Obama's failure but that your system has been usurped by big business and self-interested and simple-minded politicians who don't belong anywhere near the seat of power. Obama may not have achieved the kind of measures that people initially hoped for, but he was never going to - that is the nature of the system that leadership is confined by. I mean seriously, the rest of the world looks on and wonders why the hell you have such an enormous debt and yet can't even manage to reach agreement to tax the richest at a level that simply reverts the amount back to the level it was before Bush implemented a war era tax cut for the wealthiest. A tax cut for the wealthiest during war time - completely laughable.
And some people defend this Republican intransigence. Why exactly? Ah yes, job creators (umm...), trickle down economics (shouldn't that be rush upwards economics?) etc. etc. There's too much defending of the indefensible in the US and not enough tackling of core problems and trying for cross party cooperation. Until that changes nobody will be able to make a real difference. That's been Obama's problem - he's tried to compromise with a party that no longer seems interested in cooperating for the greater good of your nation.

39   TPB   2012 Feb 19, 10:55am  

Yeah right Bigsby is just some objective observer from another country.
Talking all of the Liberal BS talking points that only matter to Californian Liberals.

Or maybe you are, and you're new here. Here let me give you some advice. It's hard to get people to Vote Democrat when you don't have respect for anyone that doesn't see it the way you do. Liberals in the last decade has done more to kill any notion of third party ideas in this country, while their party has grown so far from a rational center, it's a horror show of a different genre than the GOP. If I have to vote 5 more administrations of Republicans until Democrats come up with a new game plan rather than ostracizing others, and calling the people they expect to vote Democrat stupid, and Independents can get a fair go in politics. Then I'll vote GW Bush in office like Ground Hog day, for a thousand years. Now normally I wouldn't want to chose between being bitten by one of two venomous snakes, but I am going to be weary if one of the snakes tells me, hey let me bite you stupid, he just wants inject you with venom.

40   Bigsby   2012 Feb 19, 10:58am  

TPB says

That's not our fault the rest of the world don't stand for something, just because they take up the can at the pump, we won't stand for it, not while any hope of viable alternatives are being presented to us in over engineered green cars, with Bluetooth kegorators for a mere $50,000.00 while they tell us we should pay more in gas. Not because it's a precious resource and at this rate future generations will depend on it for the foreseeable future. At least through out this Century. But because the icecaps are melting and if you don't buy that, then it's foreign dependency. But your Japan green import is fine. It's a damn scam and an out right rigging. We have the refinery capability the capaicity and more importantly the supply, we're not the UK or France we're the freaking US of goddamn "Aye" and gas is our birth right. Henery Ford(god rest his soul) invented it.

You are the USA? Big f-ing deal. Such arrogance does you no favours. Gas is not your birth right. It's something that you stick in your car to go from A to B, and most certainly wasn't something invented by Henery (sic) Ford.
Getting a few more mpg is a good thing however you decide to do it. Oil may have quite a few more decades to go, but hasn't peak oil already passed? - presumably that gives a pretty strong pointer to the direction of oil prices in the future, so it's about time that strong measures were taken to move away from dependence because of the obvious long-term benefits (and that's outside of whether or not you choose to ignore the warnings of the overwhelming majority of climate scientists and instead believe the blatherings of self-interested and ill-informed politicians).

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