From where all this money is coming ?

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2012 Feb 22, 8:45am   6,423 views  32 comments

by leo9   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

We were outbid more than 3 times in 2 months by all cash buyers in bay area.
We are talking about houses in range of $500-$650k. From where the hell all this money is coming from ? In few situations almost all the bid were from all cash buyers except us.

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11   JodyChunder   2012 Feb 22, 11:11am  

I know of at least four and am related to one military contractor. These fellows made 400K a year in Iraq. That will buy a lot of rentals!

12   Patrick   2012 Feb 22, 11:16am  

toothfairy says

Last time I tried calling their bluff i ended up losing the house.

No, you ended up saving the money.

And are you really sure it sold, and what it sold for? How are you sure?

13   toothfairy   2012 Feb 22, 11:26am  

Its pretty easy to know if it sold for cash. The status changes to pending instead of pending wo release. Then it changes to sold. This one sold for full price. There were 3 other people at the house the day it was listed.

Realtors may be bluffing in some cases but some realtors wont even give you the time of day if you require financing and will hold out for the all cash offer

Especially with new listings that are priced well.

14   dasai   2012 Feb 22, 1:02pm  

Somewhere along these lines... I just looked at a place and the listing agent stated that they already have multiple offers above the list price. Is this (especially disclosing the prices of the other offers part) legal?

If I was at an auction I would understand, but I thought buying a house was more confidential than that.

Thanks for any insight.

15   Patrick   2012 Feb 22, 1:06pm  

toothfairy says

Its pretty easy to know if it sold for cash. The status changes to pending instead of pending wo release.

You mean the MLS? That's a set of private databases controlled by realtors, with no government oversight whatsoever.

Lots of funny things happen in the MLS if the realtors think it will get more money out of you. Not good to base a huge financial decision on its supposed honesty.

The only way I think you really know if a house sold for cash is to go to the county and see the liens on the property. If there are no liens, then there is no mortgage, and it sold for cash.

But trusting the honesty of the realtors' database? Not for me thanks.

16   JodyChunder   2012 Feb 22, 1:06pm  

toothfairy says

Realtors may be bluffing in some cases but some realtors wont even give you the time of day if you require financing and will hold out for the all cash offer

That is dumb. Their cut is not any more juicy than it would be with financing.

17   Patrick   2012 Feb 22, 1:16pm  

dasai says

Somewhere along these lines... I just looked at a place and the listing agent stated that they already have multiple offers above the list price. Is this (especially disclosing the prices of the other offers part) legal?

If I was at an auction I would understand, but I thought buying a house was more confidential than that.

Thanks for any insight.

Why would you believe the realtor?

They have no motive to tell the truth. Their only motive is to get as much money out of you as quickly as possible.

Just say to yourself:

1. If there are other offers, the realtor is unethical in telling me about them.
2. If there are not other offers, the realtor is unethical in lying to me about them.

Then you will approach enlightenment about realtors.

18   dunnross   2012 Feb 22, 1:27pm  

PockyClipsNow says

Probably lots of buyers now sold during the peak and are now getting back in.

The object of a bubble is to suck as many people in as possible. Even if you were lucky and sold in 2006, the bubble will get you later, one way or another.

19   toothfairy   2012 Feb 22, 3:41pm  

JodyChunder says

toothfairy says

Realtors may be bluffing in some cases but some realtors wont even give you the time of day if you require financing and will hold out for the all cash offer

That is dumb. Their cut is not any more juicy than it would be with financing.

Ya but they would rather not let some pesky appraiser or mortgage company get in the way of them getting paid.

20   JodyChunder   2012 Feb 22, 3:46pm  

toothfairy says

Ya but they would rather not let some pesky appraiser or mortgage company get in the way of them getting paid.

Could always bribe them to see things your way. This could consist of anything from a couple twenty dollar bills to fresh tomatoes from the garden.

21   clambo   2012 Feb 22, 3:54pm  

Foreigners with cash bought them. It's slightly ironic :)

22   tiny tina   2012 Feb 23, 12:47am  

Why don't you post the addresses of these places so we can all see in about a month if these houses are actually being sold or if the agents are lying to you?

23   TPB   2012 Feb 23, 1:03am  

toothfairy says

Realtors may be bluffing in some cases but some realtors wont even give you the time of day if you require financing and will hold out for the all cash offer

Especially with new listings that are priced well.

And you'll have that too. Though "Priced well" is subjective. Nor does it mean they always get the cash offer.

24   tatupu70   2012 Feb 23, 1:17am  

Realtors have a huge motive to lie to get your money.

Really? They make money when the house sells. Is the risk of losing a sale worth trying to get another few hundred bucks of commission?

Maybe you're right, but I don't see a huge motive there.

25   Patrick   2012 Feb 23, 1:23am  

tiny tina says

Why don't you post the addresses of these places so we can all see in about a month if these houses are actually being sold or if the agents are lying to you?

Yes! Please give exact addresses.

26   TPB   2012 Feb 23, 1:37am  

tatupu70 says

Maybe you're right, but I don't see a huge motive there.

The motive is, the Realtor does not want to sell the house to a cheap low balling pigeon plucker. 250K median makes a lot more commission, than 150K median price. In the good ole days, a realtor only needed to sell a few a month to make good money. So it's not a numbers game where they are interested in working quantity. They want large commissions for adorning their Korean Luxury car in the drive way of the houses they are showing.

Obviously there aren't a conga line of buyers lined up out the door, or the house would be off the market, wouldn't it? The realtors hope to play on the psychology of the 2003 buyer. Buy now or be priced out for ever. Sales people are like old dogs with tricks. They stick with what has worked in the past. Not with the reality of the day.

27   tatupu70   2012 Feb 23, 1:45am  

TPB says

The motive is, the Realtor does not want to sell the house to a cheap low balling pigeon plucker

That's not what we're talking about here though. The poster is offering reasonable bids, afaict.

28   TPB   2012 Feb 23, 1:49am  

tatupu70 says

That's not what we're talking about here though. The poster is offering reasonable bids, afaict.

Define reasonable, I did see a 600K listing for a 1100sqft house the other day, over there in Lala land.

We are talking about houses in range of $500-$650k.

The OP just said the house was in the range of 500K-650K there are no other facts given. Nor did the OP disclose what they offered.

29   sheltielover1   2012 Feb 23, 1:53am  

I see many houses pending in the Danville/Alamo area.. Especially if they are under $700k. More money than sense out there...

30   leo9   2012 Feb 23, 2:03am  

It is getting very common in bay area to have cash offers. Realtors now got facebook IPO as a reason to attract/intimidate buyers. Buy now or you will end up paying more once facebook go live.

31   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Feb 23, 11:03am  

Any and everyone who sold into the crazy 2000-2007 run up. For all the people that are now underwater on their mortgage, they have the lucky folks that sold them magic beans for a cool million to thank.

32   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Feb 23, 11:07am  

leo9 says

It is getting very common in bay area to have cash offers. Realtors now got facebook IPO as a reason to attract/intimidate buyers. Buy now or you will end up paying more once facebook go live.

Pull up the charts for Netflix, Groupon, FusionIO, Zygna, etc. etc. There is no guarantee that Facebook will fair any different. You think we would have learned our lesson from the dot com days. It seems this country is still drinking the "get rich quick" lemonade. Sad for the people who get caught up in the hype and end up passing on their savings to the insiders who are selling. You will hear about retired people in Florida all over Facebook because they use it to see pictures and videos of their grandchildren. They think they understand the money model, but all they know is that the tool is useful for socializing. Sad...

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