Is Bay Area housing crash over?

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2012 Feb 27, 1:41am   96,838 views  406 comments

by fewy   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Like many of you here I have been waiting for the prices in the bay area to come falling back to earth. Over the past year, the things that I'm seeing make me believe that a huge correction will no longer happen and the prices in most area's have already corrected themselves.

The main reason why the Bay Area was spared from the large housing crash seems to come from the fact that the great recession didn't hit us as hard as other places. This let people keep their jobs and save money. Now as the U.S. is coming out of this recession, the stock market is rising, and people in the Bay Area didn't get scared of investing in housing because there was no major housing crash. We might get a good rise in housing prices. The last example that turned my opinion around is the amount of homes for sale in santa clara county. The inventory is half of what it used to be last year and it seems like the inventory that comes onto the market is quickly bought up. What do you guys think?


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182   freak80   2012 Feb 29, 5:53am  

I guess only time will tell who is right. Like most investing.

183   rootvg   2012 Feb 29, 5:54am  

wthrfrk80 says

rootvg says

There was an article in the Wall Street a number of years ago that said California was America's France. These days, that would be step up.


So if California is Greece, does that make Texas our equivalent of Germany?

That's a good question.

We lived in Texas for a number of years and I can tell you they don't like Californians. They also just got four more Electoral votes from the collective losses of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Those seats won't all be Republican but I'll bet most of them will be. If they are Democratic seats they won't be filled with liberals. That's not how things work down there.

This is why I keep saying Boehner will simply call in the California Congressional delegation and lay down the law. We've already seen several bills come out of the House with stipulations that none of the money be used for high speed rail, which is the next big thing the libbies want to build here.

This could get interesting in the next several years.

184   freak80   2012 Feb 29, 6:24am  

I'm a mechanical engineer, and it seems like Texas is one of the few places with lots of good engineering jobs. They've got real industries that make real stuff.

California still has Silicon Valley, but how can companies (even high tech ones) afford to be there when the cost of living is so high? You need a six figure income just to have a middle-class existence there.

185   bmwman91   2012 Feb 29, 6:31am  

FunTime says

Yes, but there is opportunity for leadership and education which shows people ways to better meet their needs. People who spend more money than they have are trying to get their needs met. I don't think they're really getting their needs met, though. They're getting their dream met and wondering why it is so unsatisfying. Part of the reason is that significant numbers of people in leadership positions in government and private are willing to sell people who don't understand the unrest caused by a life of debt to the benefit of the people with the money to sell.

Sure, leadership COULD do a 180 and start trying to encourage fiscal responsibility and helping people to unshackle themselves from their own perceptions of happiness and life. I don't see it happening because the system, as it is set up now, is very lucrative for the those up top that have the power to make these changes. Believe me, it seems really sad to see so many people that are convinced that money and "stuff" will bring them happiness, if they could only get that "one more thing" they are after. The thoughtless pursuit of material wealth is what our whole economy has become completely dependent on. If people stuck their thinking caps on and did a little rumination about it all, they would see the answer loud and clear: the problem isn't "not enough money." The problem is, "wanting too much shit that I don't need."

Now with that said, this certainly is not to say that money is totally unnecessary. Money does not buy happiness, but it can buy options. Having options in how you live your life can help lead to happiness, if the right ones are chosen. So, as far as I see it, money + smarts can lead to happiness in western society, but there is no guarantee of it, and you need to have some sort of vision about your own destiny.

186   freak80   2012 Feb 29, 6:32am  

rootvg says

We've already seen several bills come out of the House with stipulations that none of the money be used for high speed rail, which is the next big thing the libbies want to build here.

Maybe we can afford a High Speed Bus system:

187   Patrick   2012 Feb 29, 7:20am  

sheltielover1 says

Stupid, stupid, stupid... I think I am done with you libs.. Too much stress for reading your idiot posts...

Comment deleted.

188   FunTime   2012 Feb 29, 7:38am  

bmwman91 says

Sure, leadership COULD do a 180 and start trying to encourage fiscal responsibility and helping people to unshackle themselves from their own perceptions of happiness and life. I don't see it happening

I agree. I was thinking of leadership at our level. People are thinking about these subjects. The popularity of patrick.net is an indication. So the influence of regular people has its own power. People can vote.

I hope some of the politicians taking money from Goldman are secretly biting Goldman's hands at the same time. Big money companies like Goldman and Morgan Stanley don't care who gets elected so long as they establish a friendship with them as they're getting elected. That's what the campaign contributions say to me. If Morgan Stanley is happy giving money to both Obama and McCain, but a bit more to Obama, they're just hedging on the way government policy effects their profits.

189   CL   2012 Feb 29, 8:12am  

rootvg says

It's also why Republicans in the House are gonna cut off the flow of money to the California Congressional delegation next year.

They'll be lucky to hold the House at this rate. No leadership, no direction and pissing off major constituencies left and right for personal, petty political gain. I've never seen the party so in shambles.

190   rootvg   2012 Feb 29, 10:26am  

CL says

rootvg says

It's also why Republicans in the House are gonna cut off the flow of money to the California Congressional delegation next year.

They'll be lucky to hold the House at this rate. No leadership, no direction and pissing off major constituencies left and right for personal, petty political gain. I've never seen the party so in shambles.

If that were really true, Pelosi wouldn't be talking about retirement and Jerry Lewis/Barney Frank wouldn't have announced they're not running again.

It's NOT the United States of California! With regard to political culture, California is the exception, not the rule. I've lived all over and speak from experience.

191   rootvg   2012 Feb 29, 10:28am  

wthrfrk80 says

I'm a mechanical engineer, and it seems like Texas is one of the few places with lots of good engineering jobs. They've got real industries that make real stuff.

California still has Silicon Valley, but how can companies (even high tech ones) afford to be there when the cost of living is so high? You need a six figure income just to have a middle-class existence there.

I lived in Texas and there were so many issues with the place that we had to leave. We were constantly sick from the allergies and I hear the same complaints about Austin, Houston, Tampa and Orlando. If you grew up in a place where it freezes solid, those markets are good for a few years to get experience but then you have to move somewhere cleaner.

192   rootvg   2012 Feb 29, 10:31am  

Realtors Are Liars says

When rootvg says

How do I get hurt

You're already hurt. Prices are falling.

Realtors Are Liars.

You apparently don't retain what you read. I told you where it was, what it was, what we paid for it, the conditions under which we bought it and what the houses around it are selling for.

Why are you so bitter?

193   rootvg   2012 Feb 29, 10:34am  

Realtors Are Liars says

rootvg says

One of the many things you don't know

This isn't about me kiddo. It's all about your depreciating used house.

Would your knee jerk response be the same if the house was in a place that doesn't boom and bust, like suburban Akron or Columbus or Cincinnati or State College PA?

I mean, what the hell's your problem? Act like an adult, why don't ya!

194   rootvg   2012 Feb 29, 10:38am  

joshuatrio says

gregpfielding says

Deep down, we're all cavemen.

lol. nice one.

Reminds me of that scene in Mel Brooks' History of the World Part I with the caveman and the club...

195   rootvg   2012 Feb 29, 10:42am  

tatupu70 says

By that logic, a one-income family should never buy a house?

In the Bay Area? Possibly not.

196   rootvg   2012 Feb 29, 11:08am  

edvard2 says

Ok, well I suppose we can agree to disagree then. I am a fairly conservative and careful person with my money and 600k definitely bridges the acceptable limit for me even though I could technically pay for a house such as that. My opinion also comes from having experienced being laid off not once but twice and even though I've been fortunate and gotten good jobs including the one I have now, I also realize that fortunes can change quickly and thus putting ourselves into a situation where we have this huge debt hanging over our heads that is relentlessly due regardless is daunting and concerning.I am simply not really a fan of taking major risks, which an expensive house to me most certainly is.

That said, I am sure that what I think as being more reasonable- as in the 350k-450k range- is equally absurd in most of the country's eyes where 200k or less buys a decent house in a nice area.

I agree with you but if you're going to stick with that, you need to relocate. Close in areas that are within commuting distance of either SF or SJ will never be in that range. Yes, there's Brentwood, Antioch and Oakley. We looked out there and decided against it. They aren't safe.

197   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 29, 11:37am  

bmwman91 says

Is the CRASH over? My bets would all be on "yes." The bubble popped and prices tumbled in all but two Bay Area locales (SF & SJ/Silicon Valley). The latter two started their decline & then suddenly ceased due to exorbitant demand, a variety of manipulative measures by the government, banks and RE cartels and the fact that the higher paying jobs are all around these areas. Now, prices are continuing to slide down slowly, and rightfully so in most areas. All of the big exciting activity is over, assuming that there is not some nationwide economic meltdown (which there may well be).

We were the first to see the boom in prices, along with the Boston region, well known for its share in the tech boom of the late 90s. So we will be the last to feel the ultimate pinch...

198   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 29, 11:41am  

wthrfrk80 says

California still has Silicon Valley, but how can companies (even high tech ones) afford to be there when the cost of living is so high? You need a six figure income just to have a middle-class existence there.

Actually the headcount has shrunk in Silicon valley and most SV Company jobs are outside the region. It far more typical to see 1000-2000 jobs in SV for companies that have overall employee count well above 50K or 100K. They are not all here!

199   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 29, 11:43am  

FunTime says

I don't share your experience. I've met many, many Californians who seem quite thoughtful.

Only 1 our of 3 can truly call themself a Californian (born here) ... many today came the east coast.

200   rootvg   2012 Feb 29, 11:52am  

Here again, it depends.

We only bought because after it was all said and done, it would be cheaper than rent. We hadn't owned for eight years because the values both here and in LA where we lived previously were completely out of line with our income. We found a place we liked, we met the previous owner (kids from the trust all live in the neighborhood, house was built by their father), we worked a deal we could afford, the rate was something we'll never see again and we pulled the trigger. It's just that simple.

All the houses in the neighborhood are selling $100-150K higher than what we paid. The lawyer sold the house cheap to get money for upgrades to commercial properties that were still in the trust. No Baby Boomer emotions to deal with, no last minute screwball shades of gray cultural horseshit to navigate...right house, right time, right price, right realtor. Put the airplane over the numbers, pull the throttle and grease it on. Nice.

We're lucky and we know it.

201   JodyChunder   2012 Feb 29, 12:10pm  


Hrere's some interesting price histories. My old man poured the slab for this house when I was a squirt.

202   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 29, 12:18pm  

JodyChunder says

Hrere's some interesting price histories


Price History
07/13/2005 Sold $1,220,000 43.5% $718 Public Record
05/21/2003 Sold $850,000 58.9% $500 Public Record
02/16/2001 Sold $535,000 -- $315 Public Record

203   bmwman91   2012 Feb 29, 12:51pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

We were the first to see the boom in prices, along with the Boston region, well known for its share in the tech boom of the late 90s. So we will be the last to feel the ultimate pinch...

That's what lots of people are hoping for. I used to hope for it, but I find that too agonizing since anyone & everyone that makes money on RE is fighting it. At this point I'll take stagnant/slowly declining prices since that is still far more attractive than rampant debt-fueled appreciation.

If it does happen, you won't hear any complaints from me, though.

204   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Feb 29, 2:20pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

JodyChunder says

Hrere's some interesting price histories


Price History

07/13/2005 Sold $1,220,000 43.5% $718 Public Record

05/21/2003 Sold $850,000 58.9% $500 Public Record

02/16/2001 Sold $535,000 -- $315 Public Record

Amazing how each transaction was a "good time to buy and a good time to sell". Simply amazing. It must be one of them problems that use imaginary numbers that you can't see unless you square everything, cause it was definitely a dumbass more to sell in 2001 and then a double dumbass move to buy in 2005. Greedy pigs, and now our tax money is used to bail out the idiots. Pisses me off.

205   JodyChunder   2012 Feb 29, 11:11pm  

wthrfrk80 says

So if California is Greece, does that make Texas our equivalent of Germany?

Maybe one of the better looking lepers in the colony, but I wouldn't be so bullish on Texas. Way too much herd mentality chasing the TX Miracle these days.

207   freak80   2012 Feb 29, 11:27pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

Actually the headcount has shrunk in Silicon valley and most SV Company jobs are outside the region. It far more typical to see 1000-2000 jobs in SV for companies that have overall employee count well above 50K or 100K. They are not all here!

I can certainly understand why!

208   freak80   2012 Feb 29, 11:28pm  

JodyChunder says

Maybe one of the better looking lepers in the colony, but I wouldn't be so bullish on Texas. Way too much herd mentality chasing the TX Miracle these days.

Probably true. As they say, the counter-cyclical crowd is always in demand.

209   edvard2   2012 Mar 1, 12:22am  

rootvg says

I agree with you but if you're going to stick with that, you need to relocate. Close in areas that are within commuting distance of either SF or SJ will never be in that range. Yes, there's Brentwood, Antioch and Oakley. We looked out there and decided against it. They aren't safe.

Of course there are. In fact, a 3 bedroom older house not far from us went for 365k. Another is pending for 425k. A pretty nice house not far from us is 500k. And so on. This is in a safe, walkable, fairly well-to-do east bay neighborhood that we rent in and commute to our jobs in SV from. All told takes us 30 minutes each way.

Then again.. shhhhh... All of you tech workers HAVE to live either in SF or on the Peninsula. Otherwise you'll be doomed like us to a Looooooonnnnggg commute! doomed!~

210   edvard2   2012 Mar 1, 12:25am  

thomas.wong1986 says

Only 1 our of 3 can truly call themself a Californian (born here) ... many today came the east coast.

That's pretty much true. I'd say the breakdown is as follows in regards to where people are from who live in Cali these days.

In order of percentage:

1: Midwest. Ohio, Michigan, and so on
2: East Coast and in particular NJ, NY, and MA

Its a rarity that I actually ever run into another Southerner like myself out here. We're probably at the bottom of that list.

211   rootvg   2012 Mar 1, 12:29am  

We looked at Brentwood and almost bought there. As soon as I saw the neighbors with great big dogs and then checked out the crime statistics and talked to the police department, we changed our mind. You should see what happens to Bay Point BART after dark. It's not a place I want my wife waiting for a train at five in the morning.

Configured as we are, we can afford the deal I got in Danville. Yes, I know it's a one off. Yes, I know I got lucky. We waited for that "special one" and it came along.

212   edvard2   2012 Mar 1, 12:57am  

There are plenty of Bay Area cities that are affordable and within striking distance of the work centers.JodyChunder says

Maybe one of the better looking lepers in the colony, but I wouldn't be so bullish on Texas. Way too much herd mentality chasing the TX Miracle these days.

I don't think that the whole "Texas" thing is overblown. Its not just TX. Its that entire region. I know because my folks are in NC and there has been a lot of growth there too along with a lot in the neighboring states.

The reason is that a person who has what most in the Bay Area would consider a working class or lower middle class job can do reasonably well there. A school teacher, carpenter, secretary, or any number of other similar type jobs in the Bay Area means you're going to rent for life. In NC, TX, GA, AL etc etc you can buy a decent house in a decent neighborhood and live about the same as someone who makes 150k in the Bay Area. The East and West coasts are basically slowly emptying out their middle class populations to these areas- like TX as a result.

213   freak80   2012 Mar 1, 1:03am  

edvard2 says

The reason is that a person who has what most in the Bay Area would consider a working class or lower middle class job can do reasonably well there. A school teacher, carpenter, secretary, or any number of other similar type jobs in the Bay Area means you're going to rent for life. In NC, TX, GA, AL etc etc you can buy a decent house in a decent neighborhood and live about the same as someone who makes 150k in the Bay Area. The East and West coasts are basically slowly emptying out their middle class populations to these areas- like TX as a result.

Yep. Average people can actually do ok there, unlike in much of California.

214   gregpfielding   2012 Mar 1, 1:25am  

rootvg says

You apparently don't retain what you read. I told you where it was, what it was, what we paid for it, the conditions under which we bought it and what the houses around it are selling for.

Why are you so bitter?

Sounds like you got a great deal. Danville is an awesome place to live. Unfortunately, there are some folks here who can't appreciate that it still makes reasonable sense for some people to buy, even though prices aren't at their absolute bottom.

Good luck to you!

215   rootvg   2012 Mar 1, 1:43am  

gregpfielding says

rootvg says

You apparently don't retain what you read. I told you where it was, what it was, what we paid for it, the conditions under which we bought it and what the houses around it are selling for.

Why are you so bitter?

Sounds like you got a great deal. Danville is an awesome place to live. Unfortunately, there are some folks here who can't appreciate that it still makes reasonable sense for some people to buy, even though prices aren't at their absolute bottom.

Good luck to you!

East Bay Real Estate Agent and Blogger

Some of these folks are just really nasty people.

What I would tell them is, if there's one there's more.

The prices here are never going to be like Brentwood. That's just how it is but having said that, demographic patterns and the law of averages suggest that deals WILL be there. You just have to be ready.

We don't buy anything blind. Our cars came from Craigslist. Our clothes come from either sales at the Dillard's in Stockton or from when we go back to Ohio where prices (and sales tax) are much lower.


216   freak80   2012 Mar 1, 1:46am  

Realtors Are Liars says

Really? REALLY? Prices are falling.

The Fed won't allow prices to fall too much, at least in nominal terms. Too many big banks' asses are on the line.

Nontheless it's insane to pay a half a million for a shitty little house in a bad neighborhood. Even if the weather is nice.

217   rootvg   2012 Mar 1, 1:50am  

wthrfrk80 says

Realtors Are Liars says

Really? REALLY? Prices are falling.

The Fed won't allow prices to fall too much, at least in nominal terms. Too many big banks' asses are on the line.

Nontheless it's insane to pay a half a million for a shitty little house in a bad neighborhood. Even if the weather is nice.

True, and that's precisely why I didn't buy in Brentwood, Antioch or Oakley.

The children of the guy who built "our" house (funds today, possession Friday) all live in the neighborhood and stopped in when we were there yesterday to let us know there's already mail in our box.

I think we're gonna be real happy there.

218   Tude   2012 Mar 1, 2:46am  

rootvg says

Close in areas that are within commuting distance of either SF or SJ will never be in that range. Yes, there's Brentwood, Antioch and Oakley. We looked out there and decided against it. They aren't safe.

This is such BS. Nice parts of West Contra Costa and many parts of Alameda County are an easy commute to SF and a lovely place to live, and you cn now find decent homes in nice neighborhoods with lovely neighbors in the 200-500k range.

219   FunTime   2012 Mar 1, 3:48am  

Tude says

200-500k range.

Big range!

220   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Mar 1, 4:00am  

FunTime says

Tude says

200-500k range.

Big range!

(sarcastic on)
The range is really 10% (or less) of that number for most buyers, so 10K-50K. Doesn't seem that big anymore. Why in the would one look at the full number when the monthly payment is much nicer.
(sarcastic off)

221   gregpfielding   2012 Mar 1, 6:28am  

rootvg says

I think we're gonna be real happy there.

Danville rocks. Welcome!

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