
United States, joined 2011 Jul 18   Has 5 followers.   Is following 0.
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threads pinned by bmwman91
authored 1,476 comments and 40 threads

bmwman91's threads

Who ARE The Cool & Hip Hipsters, Driving BA Prices?
by bmwman91 on 30 Jan 2012   3 comments, latest 9 years ago
I see a few members here make frequent mention of the "cool & hip" DINK'ers that are keeping things expensive in the Bay Area. I have a picture in ...

The SFBA's Continued Decline To 3rd World Status
by bmwman91 on 21 Aug 2013   92 comments, latest 11 years ago
Well comrades, it looks like the landed gentry are still ramping up their rent seeking. The dated 2BR unit in a 10-plex that I am renting now for $1845 ...

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by bmwman91 on 4 Jun 2013   7 comments, latest 11 years ago

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by bmwman91 on 13 Jul 2013   Posted 11 years ago

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by bmwman91 on 29 Apr 2013   Posted 11 years ago

Best Language for Web-Based Image Editor?
by bmwman91 on 18 Apr 2013   Posted 11 years ago
I am pretty into audio, and I developed a rudimentary tool for digitizing loudspeaker response curves and doing a bunch of interpolation and whatnot so that I could do ...

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by bmwman91 on 11 Apr 2013   Posted 11 years ago

Recommend Me A Good Macroeconomics Book
by bmwman91 on 21 Dec 2012   38 comments, latest 12 years ago
Anyone have a good macro-econ book to recommend? I didn't take any econ electives when I was in college, and I'd like to see about getting a firmer grip ...

Implications of recently announced QE4?
by bmwman91 on 3 Dec 2012   18 comments, latest 12 years ago
So the Bernanke announces that the Fed will buy $40B of t-bonds per month, on top of the $45B in MBSs per month. That equates to them monetizing 90% ...

More Radio Ad Silliness
by bmwman91 on 3 Oct 2012   6 comments, latest 12 years ago
I was installing my rebuilt engine over the weekend and had the radio on. A month or so ago I was hearing lots of ads for refinancing products, from ...

Every other radio ad is for mortgage re-fi's
by bmwman91 on 21 Sep 2012   10 comments, latest 12 years ago
So I was out in the garage doing final assembly on my car's new engine and I had 98.5 KFOX on. KFOX has been my trusty go-to radio station ...

Silicon Valley P.netters, Anyone Up For Lunch?
by bmwman91 on 12 Sep 2012   Posted 12 years ago
Anyone here work in the Mountain View area and want to meet up for lunch sometime? I find that it is always an adventure meeting people from various internet ...

A FB Stock "What If?"
by bmwman91 on 1 Aug 2012   29 comments, latest 12 years ago
OK, so the stock has been trending down since the IPO. The employee lockup ends in less than a month. Stock bears are probably setting up short positions on ...

How About a Better Metric of Sales & Pricing
by bmwman91 on 23 Jul 2012   3 comments, latest 12 years ago
It seems like there is constant debate in here about whether prices are going up or down, and sales volume usually works its way in somehow or another depending ...

Help Me Get Birds At My Feeder
by bmwman91 on 14 Jun 2012   6 comments, latest 12 years ago
So, the people that used to live in the apartment next to me would toss bird seed out into their little back yard. It attracted all sorts of birds, ...

by bmwman91 on 4 Jun 2012   5 comments, latest 12 years ago
I picked up this book a month ago and started reading it last week. I have always liked Hunter S. Thompson's writing style, so Matt Taibbi's writing has sort ...

So the FB IPO Is Tomorrow...Predictions & Trash Talk
by bmwman91 on 17 May 2012   48 comments, latest 12 years ago
According to the SJ Murky News, and most of the intertubes, Facebook is going to have its IPO tomorrow. Just for fun, let's get some guesses going in here. ...

Fellow PatNet Woodworkers / DIY Junkies?
by bmwman91 on 9 May 2012   10 comments, latest 12 years ago
Time for a break from all the negativity & bickering in the RE section. Who here is into woodworking, or maybe other hands-on type hobbies? Post up your work! ...

God Bless America (Movie)
by bmwman91 on 10 Apr 2012   5 comments, latest 12 years ago
I am not sure I'd go to see it in theaters, just because someone there might think that the movie is an instruction manual. I don't own a TV ...

The Crisis of Credit
by bmwman91 on 20 Apr 2012   Posted 12 years ago
I watched this and thought that it was very well put together. It does a good job of explaining how & why things were done the way that they ...

Folks, It's An Election Year
by bmwman91 on 13 Apr 2012   3 comments, latest 12 years ago
A lot of us are perpetually hopeful that there will be some sort of "correction" in the Bay Area (and perhaps the rest of the nation) where house prices ...

Why I am Swapping Motors
by bmwman91 on 9 Apr 2012   16 comments, latest 12 years ago
I sort of spammed-up a thread in the RE section with details of my latest car project, so I figured I would off-load some of that in here. I ...

Accurate BA Foreclosure Maps
by bmwman91 on 15 Mar 2012   9 comments, latest 12 years ago
We all love to talk about how unhealthy the housing market is in the Bay Area, but it would be nice to get some actual data into one place ...

If You Think The RE Agent Is Lying...Can You Do This?
by bmwman91 on 23 Feb 2012   23 comments, latest 12 years ago
We have had a few recent threads where people indicate that realtors are either ignoring their offers, not presenting them to the sellers, or maybe telling the truth that ...

The Epic of Ryan's Steakhouse
by bmwman91 on 22 Feb 2012   1 comment, latest 12 years ago
I read this years ago, and someone on another forum recently posted it again, which reminded me of how great this story is. This is one of those stories ...

Caltrain: Mountain View to San Francisco
by bmwman91 on 30 Jan 2012   Posted 12 years ago

Ruminations on "Inflated" / "Overpriced" Real Estate
by bmwman91 on 17 Jan 2012   51 comments, latest 12 years ago
This pertains to the SF Bay Area, particularly the south bay & the peninsula since that is where most people here seem to be located & paying attention to. ...

It looks, based on the debt thresholds, like the Bay
by bmwman91 on 11 Dec 2011   Posted 13 years ago
It looks, based on the debt thresholds, like the Bay Area could get hit with a lot of this with its bubblicious prices. However, I sort of doubt that ...

What Would You Do If Nothing Changed?
by bmwman91 on 28 Nov 2011   95 comments, latest 13 years ago
Many participants in here, myself included, are in the "wait for the free market to return" camp. The government subsidies for housing via GSE loans, the MID, prop 13, ...

UC Davis pepper Spray Incident - Preceding Events Recorded
by bmwman91 on 4 Dec 2011   10 comments, latest 13 years ago I will refrain from interjecting my opinions on this for now. Please watch this and arrive at your own conclusions about the pepper spraying incident and whether it ...

Who ACTUALLY Has Money On The Sidelines?
by bmwman91 on 22 Nov 2011   62 comments, latest 13 years ago
There seem to be a lot of people with some sort of interest in buying property in this forum (as opposed to passively commenting just for kicks). Many of ...

Bill: US citizens can be siezed by the military without charges
by bmwman91 on 28 Nov 2011   Posted 13 years ago A bill is being voted on that would basically define US soil as a battlefield in the War on Terror. As such, the military could seize any person, ...

A More Costly Way to Mess With Banks With Their Pre-Paid Mail
by bmwman91 on 1 Nov 2011   8 comments, latest 13 years ago
One of today's links, shows people an easy way to mess with banks by sending their pre-paid envelope back to them, and even stuffing it with more stuff. ...

Recommend Me A SF Bay Area Credit Union
by bmwman91 on 2 Nov 2011   4 comments, latest 13 years ago
What are some south-bay credit unions that people have positive experiences with? I am getting 0.9%APY on my savings with ING right now and would like to keep something ...

Rick Santorum - The Definition
by bmwman91 on 21 Sep 2011   7 comments, latest 13 years ago
Go to google and search "Rick Santorum" and read the caption for the first hit. Comedy gold!

What are YOUR reasons for wanting to buy?
by bmwman91 on 16 Sep 2011   75 comments, latest 13 years ago
Obviously, anyone posting in here has some amount of interest in real estate, and that interest is probably centered around buying & owning it. There are a myriad of ...

Shadow Inventories - Can We, Taxpayers, Take Action?
by bmwman91 on 17 Aug 2011   45 comments, latest 13 years ago
As I am sure most readers of Patrick (and Dr. Housing Bubble / Irvine H.B.) know, there are loads of properties out there that banks are silently holding as ...

Why Pay House Premium "for Schools" Instead of Private Schooling?
by bmwman91 on 31 Jul 2011   147 comments, latest 13 years ago
I am not a parent yet, but this has always sort of irked me. People get frenzied over which school district they are buying into and certainly, will seem ...

Places to go do Woodworking / Projects in South Bay?
by bmwman91 on 17 Aug 2011   3 comments, latest 13 years ago
My only reason for being interested in a house is so that I can get a garage and fill it with tools. I happen to love woodworking and car ...

Silicon Valley Rent vs. Buy - Simple Analysis
by bmwman91 on 19 Jul 2011   44 comments, latest 13 years ago
Being a big fan on MS Excel, I like to toodle around in it & manage my personal finances. I got into a little debate with my fiancee the ...
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