UC Davis pepper Spray Incident - Preceding Events Recorded

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2011 Dec 4, 2:31pm   4,645 views  10 comments

by bmwman91   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  


I will refrain from interjecting my opinions on this for now. Please watch this and arrive at your own conclusions about the pepper spraying incident and whether it was warranted or not. Watch the entire thing. The first minute or so is of the end, where the students are sprayed. Thereafter, if moves back about 15 minutes in time and shows the events leading up to that.

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1   Vicente   2011 Dec 4, 3:24pm  

Edits, text leading to a certain conclusion, yeah this really lets you form your own opinion.... NOT!

I like that comment near the end about "the guy on the shoulders seems to be the leader but does not appear to be a student". Yeah WHAT THE FARK does one "appear like"?

Chanting? OK. Throwing rocks or posing other physical menace? Plainly not.

The entire original justification about "we had to spray them because we were SURROUNDED & THREATENED" just doesn't hold water in this version of events either. Did they spray the people SURROUNDING THEM? No, therefore they didn't feel threatened by those people, end of story.

I work not far from where this incident took place.

2   elliemae   2011 Dec 4, 10:16pm  

It's not worth 15 minutes of my life, at least right now.

Vicente says

The entire original justification about "we had to spray them because we were SURROUNDED & THREATENED" just doesn't hold water in this version of events either. Did they spray the people SURROUNDING THEM? No, therefore they didn't feel threatened by those people, end of story.

that works for me. cops failed.

3   TPB   2011 Dec 5, 1:31am  

They should thank their lucky stars for the invention of pepper spray. Quite a few 60's protestors ended up with special needs after a cop baton met their noggin.

I'm curious what would have been a good out come?
Were the Cops supposed to leave befuddled and defeated because they were shouted down?
If the Cops give the appearance that these kids are in charge, then what does that say about our society?

"If you let them go, we will let you go peacefully."

If that would have been on MLK blvd any town America, there would have been bullets and body bags in this story.

Vicente says

The entire original justification about "we had to spray them because we were SURROUNDED & THREATENED" just doesn't hold water in this version of events either. Did they spray the people SURROUNDING THEM? No, therefore they didn't feel threatened by those people, end of story.

Did you watch the whole thing? Of course not, who has time for the Whole story and perspective when the Liberal media is just so damn more entertaining?

This was totally justified, "Don't taser me bro!" incident was not called for.

4   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Dec 5, 1:55am  

I would have taken this apart piece by piece, but Vincente said it best. They didn't pepper spray the crowd around them that was standing and could have been in their way. They sprayed the sitting people.

I bet this wouldn't have happened if protesters had CCW permits.

Both this and the "Don't Taze me Bro" incident are commie nazi bullshit. There is nothing in the Constitution about "Free Speech applies only in certain zones" or can be "Nullified by the Administration of Public Universities or their security teams at their convenience."

5   bmwman91   2011 Dec 5, 2:12am  

This is why I posted the video. As Vicente pointed out, it isn't exactly "unbiased" thanks to the author's overlaid text commentary. Nevertheless, it gives more perspective on why the kids were sprayed, and a perspective on the effort the police put into verbally warning them prior to dousing them. I would encourage anyone that wants to have a strong opinion about the events to watch the video, take the commentary however they want, and conclude what they may.

If someone can find a video without the editorial commentary, that is not also obviously biased in favor of the demonstrators, please post it. I can't seem to find a completely unbiased one, and the one that everyone has seen is completely pro-demonstrator biased, so I posted one that has pro-police commentary, but the footage itself seems relatively neutral. Sure, it is slightly discontinuous, but it is more fair than only showing peaceful kids getting sprayed.

elliemae says

It's not worth 15 minutes of my life, at least right now.

Vicente says

The entire original justification about "we had to spray them because we were SURROUNDED & THREATENED" just doesn't hold water in this version of events either. Did they spray the people SURROUNDING THEM? No, therefore they didn't feel threatened by those people, end of story.

that works for me. cops failed.

Eschew Obfuscation

6   TPB   2011 Dec 5, 2:18am  

You may not impede the rights of Others even in your peaceful assembly.

I'm curious though how come these kids get so much play, who here has never been told by a Police that you had to move along?
Standing somewhere that a cop didn't want you to be, because he was conducting and arrest or anything or any reason at all.

The Police tells you to move along. Tell him "It's a free country, I can be here if I want to, and you can't make me leave."

Tell them that and then get back to me.

Language Folks! Language...

You can't defend these over privileged shit heads and expect overwhelming support, with out demanding change for every one, and the return of the rights of all Americans that we used to enjoy alot more of than we do now. But to be on the bottom of the Shit heep, looking up at the top and see these kids that have never wanted for nothing, and you expect what...

For us to shout up to the top of the dung pile, "Leave them alone you Bastards!!!! Why don't you leave them alone!?"

Yeah right...

7   Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq   2011 Dec 5, 2:59am  

The GOP says

You can't defend these over privileged shit heads and expect overwhelming support, with out demanding change for every one, and the return of the rights of all Americans that we used to enjoy alot more of than we do now. But to be on the bottom of the Shit heep, looking up at the top and see these kids that have never wanted for nothing, and you expect what...
For us to shout up to the top of the dung pile, "Leave them alone you Bastards!!!! Why don't you leave them alone!?"
Yeah right...

Agreed. The underclass needs to wallow in shit lest I drop another load on their heads. I just ate a Mexican dinner so I'm ready to fire away.

You can lick my boots like a good bootlicker or get stomped into poop like a good boot bottom. Both are equally entertaining to me.

8   Vicente   2011 Dec 6, 4:04pm  


9   American in Japan   2011 Dec 6, 9:02pm  

All I can say is- "where will this all end?"

10   Vicente   2011 Dec 7, 1:08am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Tony Manero says

It will end with FEMA helicopters napalming vast tribes of starving nomadic cannibals and Fox News cheering them on and decrying the 'commie scum liberal goat sodomists of the left' who refuse to understand a normal economy produces winners and losers, and sometimes there are tens of millions of losers who refuse to take advantage of their freedoms and become self-employed billionaires and must be napalmed.

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