President Obama's campaign admits he is a loser.

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2012 Mar 14, 5:27pm   9,106 views  28 comments

by LarryPatrickMaloney   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

... "Campaign manager Jim Messina sent out an e-mail last night saying, “According to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll, if the general election were held today, we would lose to Mitt Romney. Let me say that again: According to this poll, if the general election were today, we would lose.” ...



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8   rootvg   2012 Mar 16, 2:03am  

tatupu70 says

rootvg says

That's why Gallup's statewide race totals show him getting smashed in the Electoral College.

Can you post a link? The last one I saw showed Obama winning over Romney in the electoral college fairly substantially.

I've posted this several times.


It's Gallup which is almost never wrong.

If you look at this map and then at the 1980 Electoral results, he looks a hell of a lot like Carter. He's even starting to act like Carter, talking about how we're getting soft and running us down to our allies overseas.

This isn't the sort of leadership Americans expect from a President and his administration. There are only 55 Electoral votes out here. We don't live in the United States of California!

9   tatupu70   2012 Mar 16, 2:42am  

Interesting. I don't recall seeing you post that one, but I must have missed it.

Here's the one I remember seeing-it's uses a model to predict the winner based on a variety of factors.


10   rootvg   2012 Mar 16, 2:59am  

tatupu70 says

Interesting. I don't recall seeing you post that one, but I must have missed it.

Here's the one I remember seeing-it's uses a model to predict the winner based on a variety of factors.


I've been watching campaigns for over thirty years.

Do you really believe Obama can win two out of three among Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida again? After the results of the 2010 House races, I don't.

Did you know Scott Brown is leading Liz Warren by eight points in Massachusetts? That wouldn't be happening in an environment in which Obama would be electable to a second term.

No President since FDR in 1936 has been elected to a second term with eight percent unemployment. This isn't 1936 and Obama ain't FDR.

Obama was the first Democrat to carry Virginia since 1964 and North Carolina since 1976. All of the polling data we have suggests those two states and then Ohio and Florida reverting to historical norms. Gallup has Pennsylvania going for the unnamed Republican and that only happens in years that are Electoral routs for the Republicans.

I really think the race is over and has been over for two years. He's no longer needed. We need a new President who's a better fit (with a compliant House and Senate) for solving the problems at hand. The bust is over and we need a change in monetary policy to wring out all this slop. That (as I've said) will require another Fed chief and another recession...just as it did when Volcker came in the door in 1979.

11   freak80   2012 Mar 16, 3:22am  

I can't see PA going for Santorum if he wins the nomination. Santorum was booted out of his PA senator seat. I do think Romney has a good shot at winning PA.

Oregon would never go for Santorum. Would it even go for Romney? Oregon is pretty liberal, like CA and WA.

At the end of the day, I don't think Santorum will get the nomination. His negatives are too strong and he's doesn't represent Big Business (which always wins in the end) as much as Mitt "Yes Man" Romney.

12   rootvg   2012 Mar 16, 3:32am  

wthrfrk80 says

I can't see PA going for Santorum if he wins the nomination. Santorum was booted out of his PA senator seat. I do think Romney has a good shot at winning PA.

Oregon would never go for Santorum. Would it even go for Romney? Oregon is pretty liberal, like CA and WA.

At the end of the day, I don't think Santorum will get the nomination. His negatives are too strong and he's doesn't represent Big Business (which always wins in the end) as much as Mitt "Yes Man" Romney.

Romney will be the nominee and he will carry Ohio and Florida in huge numbers. Gallup has him down as carrying Pennsylvania. We'll see.

The whole Santorum thing is a cable news media mindfuck. He was never going to be the nominee.

I'm more interested in who the new Fed chief will be.

13   tatupu70   2012 Mar 16, 3:33am  

rootvg says

I've been watching campaigns for over thirty years.

So have I.rootvg says

Do you really believe Obama can win two out of three among Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida again? After the results of the 2010 House races, I don't.

Pennsylvania is almost a lock. Ohio and Florida will be competitive. The thing you have to remember is that he hasn't even started campaigning yet. And he's not running against a nameless Republican--it will either be Romney or Santorum. Not exactly heavyweights and both come with a lot of baggage.

Check back with me in August or September and let's see what your polls say.

14   rootvg   2012 Mar 16, 3:46am  

tatupu70 says

rootvg says

I've been watching campaigns for over thirty years.

So have I.rootvg says

Do you really believe Obama can win two out of three among Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida again? After the results of the 2010 House races, I don't.

Pennsylvania is almost a lock. Ohio and Florida will be competitive. The thing you have to remember is that he hasn't even started campaigning yet. And he's not running against a nameless Republican--it will either be Romney or Santorum. Not exactly heavyweights and both come with a lot of baggage.

Check back with me in August or September and let's see what your polls say.

It won't be Santorum. If you think it will, you don't know anything about how American politics work.

Let's say Obama gets another term. He turns out his people in the SEIU, they steal Ohio and Florida and he wins again. We know the Senate's gonna flip. That's a done deal. We know the House will remain in Republican hands because (1) it doesn't normally flip back and forth and (2) we just had redistricting in the states and that's an incumbency friendly event.

So...in your scenario, we have Barack Obama waking up to Darrell Issa's bomb throwing and then the inevitable House hearings next summer leading impeachment and trial in Mitch McConnell's Senate. The Republican majority there is likely to be nowhere near as docile as the one during Clinton's trial and they almost certainly would fry him like an egg. All of this is going on while we have seven or eight percent unemployment and old people are getting 1-2 percent on a CD while continuing to receive a weekly high colonic at the grocery store and gas pump.

We'll also go another two to possibly four years without a Federal budget.

This would NEVER happen. It would destroy the two party system.

Washington isn't Sacramento.

We will have Romney (because the party fathers on both sides have probably already agreed on it and made peace) and then a Republican Senate to go with the Republican House.

AND...a new Fed chief:


What I want to know is whether or not he has Volcker's guts...because in order to clean this up, that's what it's gonna take.

15   tatupu70   2012 Mar 16, 3:58am  

rootvg says

It won't be Santorum. If you think it will, you don't know anything about how American politics work

I agree that it's very likely that it will be Romney. The Republican base is completely nuts, though, so I don't rule anything out.

rootvg says

We know the Senate's gonna flip. That's a done deal.

I also agree that it's likely that the Senate will flip. Although Snowe's decision muddles up the waters a bit. If that seat goes D and Warren can win Mass, things get interesting.

rootvg says

We know the House will remain in Republican hands because (1) it doesn't normally flip back and forth and (2) we just had redistricting in the states and that's an incumbency friendly event.

That's very weak logic. Try again.

rootvg says

So...in your scenario, we have Barack Obama waking up to Darrell Issa's bomb throwing and then the inevitable House hearings next summer leading impeachment and trial in Mitch McConnell's Senate. The Republican majority there is likely to be nowhere near as docile as the one during Clinton's trial and they almost certainly would fry him like an egg. All of this is going on while we have seven or eight percent unemployment and old people are getting 1-2 percent on a CD while continuing to receive a weekly high colonic at the grocery store and gas pump.
We'll also go another two to possibly four years without a Federal budget.
This would NEVER happen. It would destroy the two party system.

That makes no sense at all. Voters won't elect Obama because you have a vision of the future that CAN'T happen?? Sorry, that's not how it works.

Bottom line: If the economy continues to improve over the summer and gas prices come down, then Obama probably wins. If the economy goes back in the toilet and unemployment rises and/or gas prices rise, then Obama is in trouble.

It's a long time until election--lots of things will change between now and then.

16   rootvg   2012 Mar 16, 4:05am  


Americans don't re-elect someone whose record sucks simply because the unions turn out and everyone feels so good and the food and wine are good so what the hell...let's do what continues to make us feel good.

This isn't the United States of California!

If the House were going to flip back, why would Barney Frank have retired?

Did you know that one of Romney's picks for VP is Rob Portman? He's a very popular guy in Ohio and if that happens, he's assured of carrying the state. Ohio has picked the winner in every race for the White House since 1960.

This is over. You just haven't gotten the memo yet...

...and as I said, if Obama would win again, he'd be facing the most unfriendly Congress in memory. That just doesn't happen and of course, it won't.

17   tatupu70   2012 Mar 16, 6:27am  

rootvg says

This isn't the United States of California!

Buddy--I don't live in CA. Why do you keep bringing it up?

rootvg says

Americans don't re-elect someone whose record sucks simply because the unions turn out and everyone feels so good and the food and wine are good so what the hell...let's do what continues to make us feel good.

Well, unfortunately for you, lots of people don't think Obama sucks.

18   freak80   2012 Mar 16, 6:37am  

I don't think it even matters who wins. We're an aristocracy.

We have the best government money can buy.

Just stay home on election day and watch the Kardashians. Ah TV, the new Opiate of the Masses now that relgion is mostly gone.

19   rootvg   2012 Mar 16, 6:42am  

tatupu70 says

rootvg says

This isn't the United States of California!

Buddy--I don't live in CA. Why do you keep bringing it up?

rootvg says

Americans don't re-elect someone whose record sucks simply because the unions turn out and everyone feels so good and the food and wine are good so what the hell...let's do what continues to make us feel good.

Well, unfortunately for you, lots of people don't think Obama sucks.

But they don't live in states that will actually decide the race.

That's what I'm trying to tell YOU.

20   tatupu70   2012 Mar 16, 8:03am  

rootvg says

But they don't live in states that will actually decide the race.
That's what I'm trying to tell YOU.

lol--we shall see. Like I said, check back with me in August and we'll see how certain you are then...

21   rootvg   2012 Mar 16, 8:08am  

tatupu70 says

rootvg says

But they don't live in states that will actually decide the race.

That's what I'm trying to tell YOU.

lol--we shall see. Like I said, check back with me in August and we'll see how certain you are then...

We won't see. We've already seen.

Go back and look at the footage from the 2000 election. Look at Tim Russert holding up his whiteboard talking about Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida...and Florida is even more important now than it was then.

I'm paying a lot less attention to the political races than I am to all the political intrigue that will go into who becomes the next Fed chief.

I think the November elections are already decided.

22   rootvg   2012 Mar 16, 9:42am  

Nomograph says

More on the Washington Examiner. Always consider the source...

Wikipedia says

When Anschutz started the Examiner in its current format, he envisioned creating a conservative competitor to The Washington Post. According to Politico.com, "When it came to the editorial page, Anschutz’s instructions were explicit — he 'wanted nothing but conservative columns and conservative op-ed writers,' said one former employee."

The Examiner's conservative writers include Byron York (National Review), Michael Barone (American Enterprise Institute, Fox News), and David Freddoso (National Review, author of The Case Against Barack Obama).


If you're right and I'm wrong, what are you afraid of?

If I'm wrong about Ohio and Florida determining that the unnamed Republican will be the victor, why are you so concerned?

What in the hell are you afraid of?

You go ahead and put your guy back in. If you really believe he can win two out of three among Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida...go for it. He'll be facing a rabidly Republican Congress. We know that for sure. They'll find something to impeach him over (Syria, maybe something he's done that we don't know about yet) and they'll have hearings and ratify the Articles of Impeachment and drag his sorry ass in front of the Senate next summer. He may or may not be convicted but from that day forward, he'll be tagged with that shit everywhere he goes.

Washington is NOT Sacramento! Progressives don't get a pass there "just because".

Alexandra Pelosi was telling someone recently that her mother is only holding onto her seat because the donors are begging her to. The general consensus seems to be that we're headed for many years of Republican governance across the board. Why? We can't continue what we have. We're broke.

23   freak80   2012 Mar 16, 2:49pm  

rootvg says

They'll find something to impeach him over (Syria, maybe something he's done that we don't know about yet) and they'll have hearings and ratify the Articles of Impeachment and drag his sorry ass in front of the Senate next summer. He may or may not be convicted but from that day forward, he'll be tagged with that shit everywhere he goes.

You think the Republicans will actually try to impeach Obama? I don't know about that. What would they charge him with?

That said I don't think Obama's reelection is a "slam dunk." I guess it all comes down to how many rednecks in Ohio, PA, and FL vote for the Mormon candidate or just sit out.

24   rootvg   2012 Mar 16, 3:30pm  

Nomograph says

rootvg says

If you're right and I'm wrong, what are you afraid of?

What in the hell are you afraid of?

You got exposed as someone who spreads lies and propaganda, and now you're mad at ME?

So which is it, rootvg? Are you ignorant or dishonest?

I've been posting in forums like this one probably since before you knew what a computer was. I go back to Fido and Usenet, before widely available TCP/IP. I was on the mainframe for over a decade. If I gave you my old Usenet/Bitnet ID to search in Google, you could read for hours. It's all there. Some of that stuff is VERY entertaining. If you think I'm wild here, you ain't seen nothing yet!

What you think are "lies and propaganda" are generally accepted as truth where my wife and I come from. There are more of us than there are of you...and WE KNOW IT. I don't care what you think. I don't have to. The more you squeal like a fucking pig, the harder I will beat you.

I am not here to make you comfortable.

What I've been telling you all along is how it is.

The coalition McGovern tried to assemble in 1972 and the one Obama assembled in 2008 are the same group of people. Paul Begala called them the "African Americans and eggheads" coalition. Nixon's sharpshooters took you out in 1972 but you won with Obama in 2008 because he was the compliant errand boy for the insurance companies, auto companies and banks. Those issues have all been dealt with, he is no longer needed and the polls are reflecting that people in most states are wanting a strong leader again...and probably a change in our monetary policy. Those are all coming.

We should have had Hillary in 2008. The Democratic party fathers know it. Dick Cheney admitted it publicly...but no, you had to have your smooth talking three card monte guy, your street hustling rock thrower from Chicago. It cost you 63 seats in the House of Representatives, it cost the Kennedys their family's Senate seat and now it's gonna cost your party the Senate, executive branch and probably control of our national agenda for 15-20 years. That's why Paul Ryan is having all those bipartisan meetings in the House right now. This is over, he knows it and he and his people are laying the groundwork for the big takeover.

Now, is there anything else stupid you want to say?

25   rootvg   2012 Mar 16, 3:47pm  

wthrfrk80 says

rootvg says

They'll find something to impeach him over (Syria, maybe something he's done that we don't know about yet) and they'll have hearings and ratify the Articles of Impeachment and drag his sorry ass in front of the Senate next summer. He may or may not be convicted but from that day forward, he'll be tagged with that shit everywhere he goes.

You think the Republicans will actually try to impeach Obama? I don't know about that. What would they charge him with?

Right now? Who knows...but I'm sure they would find something.

This is why I say it won't happen. Obama will take the beating and walk away with his pension. He won't want to face a Republican Congress, as weak as he is. Yes, he has the media in his corner but if Congress is completely Republican (and the Court throws out Obamacare) that's not gonna buy him much.

Did you know that Steve Burke, president of NBC Universal, has already announced a reorg of their news division that doesn't include Phil Griffin? He's President of MSNBC...for now. Maybe there won't be one.

Don't you see what's happening?

Can you imagine what hearings in the House would be like? Can you imagine dragging those czars before the cameras?

Why hasn't it happened already?

Because, that's not how things work.

Someone's already made a deal. You can feel it.

Obama is finished and he's made a hell of a mess. Next, we have to clean it up.

26   rootvg   2012 Mar 16, 3:55pm  

As I indicated above, I'm not the sort who frightens easily.

Bring it on...but know in advance, I don't screw around.

27   nope   2012 Mar 16, 4:05pm  

What I find amusing about the stupidity on this thread is that it almost exactly mirrors what political wonks were saying about Democrats in 2008.

The united states is going to remain the same purple country that it has been for the better part of the last 50 years.

As in the last several elections, http://electoral-vote.com/ is the place to watch for real, informed, and remarkably good predictions.

The idea that the house doesn't flip very often is simply wrong: http://artandhistory.house.gov/house_history/partyDiv.aspx

Holding the house for more than 3 elections is something that is a relatively recent phenomenon, and it's an era that has clearly ended; the house has flipped two times in the last four elections.

The senate is looking like a complete toss up at this point. We have around 45 safe seats for either side.

Lets also remember that you don't need a majority to set the agenda in this country. If that was the case, Obama wouldn't have had to bend over backwards for everything he tried to do during his first two years in office.

My prediction:

- Obama wins re election
- The house remains republican
- The senate remains democratic

When all is said and done, congressional republicans will still be their obstructionist selves.

28   Honest Abe   2012 Mar 17, 12:52am  

You could say the repub's are obstructionists, but what they are obstucting is creeping socalism and tyranny.

Maybe you prefer those things for America, I don't.

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