Sheriff Arpaio tries to prove Obamas B-Certificate is real. HE FAILED!

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2012 Mar 31, 6:51am   25,795 views  41 comments

by solver   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

For those who are not Patriots. Who are not honorable... do not click on the link below, because it will not upset you.

However, if you believe in JUSTICE for one and for ALL, then please do click on it. IT'S OFFICIAL AND GAINING A SOLID RESPONSE.

Sheriff Joe is going after the forger and is doing it officially.

Fast forward to 42 minutes and hold on to your shoes, because it's lift off.


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1   nope   2012 Mar 31, 8:31am  

You know, I haven't seen this before.
our democracy is clearly at risk. I'm glad to see Alex Jones exposing the lies,
unlike the cowardly lame-stream media.

Are you doing your part to bring this to the attention of the public? I'm sure
retired police officers and FBI investigators could help spread the news, hell
even pro-Obama people should be outraged!

Amazing discovery!

From the evidence presented here, it's completely
understandable for people to be skeptical about such bold
claims, but it's important that we let the facts shine through. We can't
kill the foundations of our government. We all need to act,
instead of just sitting by and letting this crime
never be punished. Once again,
great work bringing this up.

My personal belief is that nobody even realized that when
obama was first running that he wasn't born in the U.S. The discovery was the
result of some background checks being done by the clinton campaign, and
once they discovered Obama wasn't qualified, they panicked. I'm glad that
now we know the truth, and we can get a real American in office!

2   solver   2012 Mar 31, 8:40am  

Well, Arpaio was trying to prove it as a credible document to put it to rest once and for all. Unfortunately, the end result was just the opposite and it's thoroughly gone through from the absolute point of origin and by professionals.

There's just no disputing the facts for what they are. I suspect that the rabbit hole is very deep on this one. In tracking down the actual digger of this hole, I'm certain that there will be a tribunal backed by the duped public to bring all guilty to justice.

The best part is that this is picking up quite a bit of momentum and much of it in disbelief. In the end, the facts speak for themselves.

What I don't understand is why anyone, elite or not, would set another person and group up for failure. it just doesn't make sense to me. I know that who ever released this PDF had to have one of two motives. 1: They just didn't know what they were doing and were just dumb. 2: They know the facts and this was their way of stumping the whole program by releasing it for the authorities to find.

No matter which you believe, the sad fact is that now we know that the document is an ABSOLUTELY MANUFACTURED DOCUMENT. Now we're ultimately left with the final question, WHY?

3   tatupu70   2012 Mar 31, 8:43am  

How can I join Sheriff Joe's gang? I've always wanted to be in a posse.

4   solver   2012 Mar 31, 8:50am  

I personally want to see all those who declared publicly without having exercised their due diligence in falsely reporting that it was official, pay for their crimes as well.

To me, this was an obvious one. Hell, even Trump and Dr. Jerome Corzi were both on board with this and now it's obvious that someone must have flexed muscle on Trump as well as all the mainstream media to keep their mouths shut. If they intentionally lied despite the overwhelming evidence that is now being shown, then they need to be held accountable as well and not just with an apology.

Heads need to roll, because this is far worse than anything that Clinton ever did with Monica. AMERICA HAS BEEN DUPED and taken to be an ignorant mindless nation of idiots.

The ultimate power brokers who now reside at the bottom of this hole need to also pay. I personally think that this will trickle back tot he banksters and everyone else.

5   solver   2012 Mar 31, 9:06am  

To me if you report that it's official when it's not and while reporting factually that it's good, then they're just as guilty. It was a LIE. Now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that both the Left and the Right are working toward a common cause.

This has also shed more clarity on my upcoming vote. At first I was going to vote Ron Paul and I was very secure in my mindset. However, I was being progressively won over by Romney and I was seriously considering him as my vote.

Now, I'm reverting back to Ron Paul and that's that. Even though he may be running under the umbrella of the Right, he's really not and it's no wonder why they keep ignoring him.

He represents the true change that we all need, despite his running under the Republican ticket. The last thing I want is to have another wasted vote for someone that doesn't represent any true change. Obama ran under a lie and has continued to lie and lie and lie. If he's a puppet, then he ought to have a strong enough backbone to take a stand and say ENOUGH.

How does he represent our value systems in America? How does he represent the American people when he allows others to call the shots or when he allows crimes to be committed against teh American people and all that America represents? There's something desperately wrong with this picture.

6   solver   2012 Mar 31, 9:07am  

Fast forward to 43 minutes on the timeline, unless you want to watch the entire show first.

8   Tenpoundbass   2012 Mar 31, 9:23am  

Your Facts are no match for the Patnet collective sense of self righteous indignation.

9   solver   2012 Mar 31, 10:10am  

You better think twice about your declarations. Osama bin laden was on ice and that's why they never showed his actual body. Why would they show Saddam and not Osama?

Why then did the power bandits breach a Seal Team protocol and off them in the helicopter? Maybe because the rumor amongst them was that they were going to go public with the charade. Why? Maybe, because it's very dishonorable to go against all that they represent and defend when you lie.

Our Seal Team 6 were offed the same as Pat Tillman was, by our own. They couldn't have the scandal spread from such an official body of official representatives. Instead they boarded them in a copter that wasn't part of protocol and killed them all.

The corruption is super deep and all of them are guilty. Watch the video and if your so certain that your princely president is still so princely, then you should contact Arpaio and his posse and defend your knowledge base. Refute the facts with facts. All Arpaio is asking for is the micro fish.

He should defend his honor with the transparency that he promised. Where's the transparency, when he won't even give facts for what they really are.

"Life IS like a box of chocolates". You keep eating them and you'll wonder why your overweight. The question is, will you still be in denial as to how you gained the weight or will you confront your reality and lose it?

Osama was on ice and was used when they most needed him.

10   nope   2012 Mar 31, 10:31am  

It's true! The conspiracy is right in front of our faces, and nobody is talking about it!

I hear that they're also passing secret messages in message boards! Like, sometimes if you just look at the first letter of each line in a message, you get their secret code!

11   solver   2012 Mar 31, 10:50am  

I don't know anything about that, but nothing surprises me anymore.

I keep getting asked why didn't anybody say anything in the past with all the other presidents.

I simply respond, because we're all awake now. Why are we now awake? Well, it's human nature to get up when you fall or are thrown down. If it's broken, we try to fix it.

Now the system is broken and we had to wake up to realize that we're being called upon to fix it. From the Bush's, the Clintons and not the Obamas. The American people are going to start fighting back with their votes.

Almost all of us are awake. Some are still in denial and some have already taken the reality pill. One thing is for sure. The worlds people are now tuned into the tyrannical deceptions that are being enforced upon them.

It's not rocket science. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that the birth certificate was faked. WHY? Why release the faked certificate? Who is trying to alert us? Surely someone fabricated it and that person has names and bosses.

If they knew Obama wasn't a credible candidate, then why allow him to run? Why fabricate everything only to have it released on a manufactured birth certificate? Sounds like someone might be cleaning house over there. I still don't understand what they had to gain by destroying us like that. That's a level of ignorance that I just can't comprehend.

Shortly, they'll be scared and then they'll start spilling the beans. When that happens, there's going to be holy hell to pay, because this involves everyone. I keep tracing it down in my mind as to who else gets implicated and there's no end.

All the media outlets have know this and they just classify everyone as a Birther. Well, if that's what I am, then that's what I am and I'm proud of it. Call me a Birther. Call me what ever you want. I watched the video and I saw what I saw. The damn thing is a fake.

12   solver   2012 Mar 31, 10:58am  

Maybe they are, but this is their America too. Their families as well as ours, are all governed by the same body of lies and corruption. In the end, we're all one big family. What goes for us, goes for them and they too have a vote and a right to know what's happening.

All we're all doing is passing along the reported information. We're sharing the reported information that is our reality. My America is everyone elses America.

In the end, we all have to vote and when we do, I hope that we all vote for the correct person. Ron Paul. The writer of The Matrix really had it going on. Do you want the Red pill or the Blue pill. Be careful, because once you take the reality pill there's no going back.

Even if I was shut up. I'll always know in my heart that we're living a lie and that the world is a bunch of sellouts. Nobody honors their oaths anymore.

13   solver   2012 Mar 31, 11:16am  

No, never squatted. We occupied until we sold it. No, I do not blame Obama for it. I do blame him for not taking a stronger stand for the people.

Whether he's a legitimate president or not, doesn't change the fact that he is occupying the seat of the president and therefore is the president.

He could've quite simply said no to the puppermasters on behalf of what is right and wrong. Our tax dollars pay into the system that is ultimately owned by the banks. Why did he pay them back with the bail out money, which is our tax dollars?

Why did we the people not really see anything substantial even in the fight for us? He sure didn't take a stand against them for the people. Instead he caved.

The circle of life is this. Our tax dollars bailed them out and left millions of us on the streets in one way or another. I remember 2008. It was the perfect storm. We worked a total of about 3 months throughout the year. We like many others in the construction industry wondered how we were supposed to be able to survive when the economy tanked.

Why did the economy tank? Who was it? The banksters did it. They created the mess that we're in and then they got bail out money that should have rightfully come back to it's point of origin, the tax payer. Maybe if we had received a hundred thousand or a million of our own money, maybe then we'd still have a house. Maybe then we'd be Ok not working for that year, because ultimately, we'd still have a place to exist in and the same goes for millions of others.

14   solver   2012 Mar 31, 11:20am  

Doesn't it bother you that others are making billions and trilions on lies? It's a capitalist market and kudos to them for making money on it. If you're going to slam the one for making money, then you should really go after the ones that are making it a hundred times over by way of deceit. It takes money to produce. These guys are simply showing what the obvious is. Look beyond two feet in front of you and you might just pierce the fog and see color on the other side.

15   marcus   2012 Mar 31, 11:30am  

I still can't get over the fact that a negro was elected president.

That's suspicious in and of itself. Right ? What are we just supposed to bury our heads in the sand and ignore it ?

16   solver   2012 Mar 31, 11:38am  

Hey, you should get a life. It doesn't matter what color his skin is. The people voted him in because they believed in him. Next election, everyone will vote differently or the same again. If you have what it takes to win votes, then you have what it takes, despite the color of your skin. The only thing that matters is that we all qualify legitimately.

17   marcus   2012 Mar 31, 11:43am  

I just think there's something suspicious that a negro even could become PResident. So my hat is off to you for finding this information, you know even with the governor of Hawaii weighing in, and newspaper announcements from the weeek he was born in Hawaii (I wonder how easy microfiche historical newspapers are to forge ?)

MY hat is off to the persistent people who know how to find new facts to disprove all of the previously accepted facts. Because if we can just at least keep the legitimacy of his presidency in question I will be a little less uncomfortable about the whole Negro in the white house issue.

18   Vicente   2012 Mar 31, 12:32pm  

marcus says

I wonder how easy microfiche historical newspapers are to forge ?

Alice, you just have NO idea what you're in for

19   solver   2012 Mar 31, 2:50pm  

You call it squatting, I call it sitting. We were also in the process of trying for a loan mod that in the end my parents didn't qualify for. So, the hatchet came down and bye bye we went. Oh, it wasn't my home, but my parents. Ok, now you have me on the defensive which is where you wanted me. Congrats.

American's alike were willing to go out and make a living. We all went out and never complained about making that living. We're Capitalists. We farm/produce our territories with the intent of making a living and are proud to do so. Flash, the conspiring bankers implode the planet.

It's amazing to me, how people like you can be as ignorant as you are. You simply jump the gun and judge without knowing. It's easy to classify and judge.

To further this argument. I'm among dozens of others that I know who have and still are losing their homes. Many of them just got laid off because the projections were not enough to sustain them in the workforce. You represent shit.

Americas tax dollars are paid out to the cities, states and federal government that ultimately get funneled to the Fed which is privately owned by the 12 big banking families. Obama, I guess out of fear bails them out with more of our present and future tax dollars and we're all kicked to the curb.

WHAT MONEY DID I BORROW? Know it all's like you don't know shit. Why didn't the American people get stimulated with some of their own tax dollars? Why instead did those tax dollars go full circle and wind right back up with the very thieves that imploded us to begin with. Why is it that the banks can steal and lose billions of our money like the thief John Corzine and yet, we the people are held accountable for every nickel and dime.

Where are the police when we need them? So, do we need justice. OH YEAH. We sure do. When the system picks a fight with you in an attempt to bully, not all of us are willing to take it in the rear. Even when we submitted a huge partial repayment in good faith, while hoping for more jobs, the bastards still refused it and sent it back.

WHY DID THE ECONOMY TANK? They knew the economy would tank. It takes a very sick and delusional mind to want to set another up for failure. It's a level of perversion that I've never understood and never will. GREED. Eat Shit.

20   solver   2012 Mar 31, 3:04pm  

We take great pride in reaping our harvest and have never asked for a hand out. All my folks asked for was time. We were willing to work for it and still are. People like us represent the heart beat of the American spirit.

There's no conspiracy at the root of the birth certificate. Anyone with half a brain can go on to Youtube and watch it for themselves. IT'S ABSOLUTE FACT and nothing less.

You apparently don't give a crap about your rights or those of your countrymen. You should move to another country. It's people like you who demonize honest truth telling people to move forward your own agenda. If you can't beat them, you have to destroy character.

Get a life and stop taking handouts. Earn your own living and maybe someday your value of where you live and exist will have more meaning. Until then you need to close your pie hole, because you're as worthless as everyone else who is on the take. You take and take and take and never give back. Your kind is the yellow bellied lizard licking bullied type who is spineless.

21   nope   2012 Mar 31, 7:15pm  

People who live with their parents and are not children are pretty much the opposite of "the heart beat of the American spirit".

Are you even old enough to vote?

22   marcus   2012 Apr 1, 1:40am  

Nomograph says

Doesn't it bother you they are promoting conspiracy theories to sell you books and advertising?

I don't think he can fathom that it's people like him are the reason why there is so much money to be made promoting that kind of BS.

23   freak80   2012 Apr 1, 3:24am  

I've got Solver's birth certificate right here:

27   tatupu70   2012 Apr 2, 5:13am  

How did they all miss Roswell? And 9/11?

28   solver   2012 Apr 2, 5:14am  

It amazes me how people like you can denounce FACTUAL information by classifying us with an unproven "speculative theory".

Someone needs to write one on how some people allow themselves to be so easily taken over for sake of security. I'm sure it would probably have something to do with not being breast fed as an infant or worse, being breast fed without love.

The world that they create is one profoundly based on the codependency of stability and when that stability is threatened or compromised, these same individuals will fabricate false senses of security in an attempt to tell themselves that all is well and OK with their immediate and expanded environment.

The end affect results in the INSECURE aggressively attempting to destroy any reality that counters their delusions of what cloaks them in the real world.


Well, I'm sorry, but I prefer reality. Disprove the birth certificate and you, YES YOU ALONE will be a far richer person and you'll have a tremendous amount of fame as well, because the believers out there will set you on the pedestal of praise. YOU WILL CONTINUE TO BE A GOD TO THEM.


29   tatupu70   2012 Apr 2, 5:17am  

solver says

It amazes me how people like you can denounce FACTUAL information by classifying us with an unproven "speculative theory

It amazes me how a website can classify gold going to $2000 as a "conspiracy" that was proven correct.

Or that the JFK assassination is a conspiracy that was proven correct.

You really need to do a little more critical thinking.

30   marcus   2012 Apr 2, 5:36am  

solver says


The difficult thing is that there are some true ones. But many of these have to be viewed as entertainment. For many people, reading this type of stuff only adds fear and confusion, which might be part of the goal.

It gets pretty Machiavellian if you think about it. Just more confusion to limit peoples ability to ever know the truth.

31   freak80   2012 Apr 2, 5:40am  

The 911 conspiracy is a government conspiracy! At least according to South Park...

32   Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq   2012 Apr 2, 8:57am  

JFK was never assassinated. I was on a yacht with him in 1987 when he banged that pop star who looked like that Monroe girl. Jack died in 1996 from bladder cancer. The guy was a K-hole junky who faked his death to get away from his cunt wife, and he was sick of answering to underclass wretches.

Yes, I'm a Deather.

33   leo707   2012 Apr 2, 9:22am  

Nomograph says

Be careful what you say here; the FBI, CIA, and Homeland Security are monitoring this site.

Darth Vader, of planet Vulcan, and the Computer Frankenstein Gangster God, living in his base on the dark side of the moon, are also known to monitor the messages on this site.

I always take care to wrap my fingertips in tinfoil before I start typing. That way I can be sure that my posts are invisible to their nefarious spying eye site television, and I avoid any brain melting.

34   solver   2012 Apr 2, 10:14am  

Hmm, all these conspiracy theorists who have been brainwashed into not believing reality are really nuts. How is it possible that so many of you keeping pushing the conspiracy theories that there was a lone gunman who shot Kennedy acted alone?

How many of you crazies still believe that big Pharma loves you and takes care of you, despite how sick they want to make and keep you? How many of you conspiracy theorists are going to keep pushing this idea that there is global warming? How many of you are going to keep pushing the idea that the banksters love you and won't rip you off?

How many of you will continue to believe that vaccines don't contain mercury, despite the public admittance that they will not remove thimerosal from vaccines? Why won't the masses of you believe what is presented by documented testimony to be fact, despite the fact that the government and their pretty media whore presstitutes are paid to cover up the reality.

Us normal people, who outnumber you crazy ones wholeheartedly know and believe that the Government is governed by the banks and controlled by the military industrial complex. We know that there is life on other planets and that we're not alone.

We understand that there are large groups out there who want to depopulate the planet for sake of being crazy and power hungry. We further know and understand that the government and their agencies lie. Even if you conspiracy theorists can't see the forest through the trees, we can and we will continue to walk you through it.

We further understand that you guys just don't get the idea that because you belong to a party, it doesn't mean that they wouldn't double cross you. Some day, all of you crazy conspiracy theorists will wake up and recognize that your realities have all been as manufactured as the Obama Birth Certificate. Then what will you do?

Until then, you conspiracy theorists had better start waking up and seeing the world for what it really is. Until then, I'll just assume that you were all trained very well in school to be dumb and not ask questions about what you know and feel is wrong.

36   solver   2012 Apr 2, 10:23am  


Don't read this, because nobody would've ever lied to you conspiracy theorists misleading you to believe that hey didn't have a hand in it.

37   tatupu70   2012 Apr 2, 10:35am  

@ solver

That's nothing. You probably believe that aliens aren't walking among us today. Go ahead and live in your fairy tale world where you have free will...


For god's sake, the aliens were reading the paper and dancing. How can you continue to pretend otherwise...

38   solver   2012 Apr 2, 10:40am  

Hmm, I can't prove it or disprove it. Until then anything is possible just like flight, atomic power, microwaves and space shuttles. Is there a secret space program? Until you disprove it 100%, there might be.

Why is it that you conspiracy theorists can call a normal person crazy for believing what you can't disprove factually. Instead you call us normal people crazy for questioning why things happen. We want to understand everything the same as you guys, only we're willing to say maybe where many of you have been told a big absolute NO and therefore that is fact.

Why is that a fact? Imagine where all of you crazies wouldn't be if it weren't for us real people who stand up for all of you.

39   leo707   2012 Apr 2, 11:03am  

solver says

Why is it that you conspiracy theorists can call a normal person crazy for believing what you can't disprove factually.

Well... you can't disprove 100% that you are not crazy, so you just might be. I will have to assume you are until you have disproved it 100%.

40   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Jul 18, 6:59am  

Arpaio - "Longform Birth Certificate a Computer Generated Forgery"


Man, is this guy angling for a second career as an activist base spokestard. You think he'll make more than Ann Coulter for speaking engagements?

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