Washington Post "The Republicans are the problem."

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2012 Apr 27, 10:28pm   3,328 views  7 comments

by kentm   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Opiinion piece from the Washington post, of all places. I'm totally biased but I present this here as something well worth reading if not discussing.

"Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem.


We have been studying Washington politics and Congress for more than 40 years, and never have we seen them this dysfunctional. In our past writings, we have criticized both parties when we believed it was warranted. Today, however, we have no choice but to acknowledge that the core of the problem lies with the Republican Party.

The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.




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1   Tenpoundbass   2012 Apr 28, 12:54am  

Yeah it's a rare moment in the past few decades when the Republicans are for the Little Guy.

Someone's got be there. Seeing how the Liberals have abandoned the little guy, and would rather put them on the poor house dole, and hold them there in a holding pattern, rather, than allow them to advance to the next level.

If they seem dysfunctional, it's because they are in conflict with the advocates for the little guy, clashing with the old money standard, that has gripped the GOP, since Regan.

One thing for sure, there is no room in the Democrat party for that CRAP.
Looking out for the little guy and the middle class that is...
I say, I say Pay attention Son, is this thing on? That boy is sharp as a 1 meg video card.

2   msilenus   2012 Apr 28, 4:10am  

If you liked the essay, there's more where that came from. This is probably a synopsis of their new book: "It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism"


Ornstein is a member of the American Enterprise Institute, the same conservative think tank David Frum got fired from for criticizing the GOP's handling of the Health Care act.

One wonders if this suggests that AEI might be open to taking Frum's resume again, or if Ornstein should be circulating his own. One might hope, in the interest of freedom of thought, that the prior is the case.

3   nope   2012 Apr 28, 4:29pm  

CaptainShuddup says

Yeah it's a rare moment in the past few decades when the Republicans are for the Little Guy.

Someone's got be there. Seeing how the Liberals have abandoned the little guy, and would rather put them on the poor house dole, and hold them there in a holding pattern, rather, than allow them to advance to the next level.

If they seem dysfunctional, it's because they are in conflict with the advocates for the little guy, clashing with the old money standard, that has gripped the GOP, since Regan.

One thing for sure, there is no room in the Democrat party for that CRAP.

Looking out for the little guy and the middle class that is...

I say, I say Pay attention Son, is this thing on? That boy is sharp as a 1 meg video card.




4   clambo   2012 Apr 29, 2:49am  

We don't hate the liberal lefties as much as pity them. They hate us however. They envy us.
Find a guy who is 6'1", blue eyes, has education, made money, saved money, got chicks, traveled a little, isn't a chickenshit loser: he's not a liberal lefty.
Find a fat slob weirdo like Michael Moore. Find an incredibly ugly dude whose mother was abducted by outer space aliens, like Bill Maher.
Find a LGBT who feels he's been "judged" for chugging random cock and dressing like a girl.
All of them are liberal lefties who hate the first guy. They want to take his money.
Minorities and foreigners also have a chip on their shoulder. They sometimes are not QUITE as successful here as they hoped and they also have a chip on their shoulder. They blame the first guy somehow.
I talk to them, I know them. I was laughing my illegal alien friend complaining that she makes "only" $12/hour at Jack in the Box.
She of course is a Mexican illegal who never finished high school in Mexico.
I reminded her "Well, before I graduated high school, I didn't make much money either. How successful do you expect to become if you have no education and you work for a fast food company? If you want to make more money, you need to start your own business."
Silence and a dumb stare followed.
The millions of people taking from the productive people via taxes will increase enough and the USA will end up being Greece or Spain, without the hot chicks and great food.
Oh I left out, among the liberal lefty voters is of course the bitter ugly or dried out or obese chick who also envies/hates the first guy.

5   marcus   2012 Apr 29, 4:26am  

clambo says

All of them are liberal lefties who hate the first guy.

This is as fictional as anything the right wing offers.

The thing is that our political landscape is far to the right of the policies of Ronald Reagan or Richard Nixon. So what does "liberal" even mean now? You want to tie it to weirdos and the lazy for political reasons.

THe whole point of the editorial above is how totally out of touch republicans (especially most of congress) are. THe extent to which your blond, blue eyed success (scary way of framing it in and of itself), represents a typical winner in America is bullshit.

What's really happening is just your pathetic attempt to create a false "us against them" to counter a much more real "us against them" that exists between the interests of the owners of republican extremeist politicians, and the interests of 90% of America.

6   therapy   2012 Apr 29, 5:02am  

clambo says

Find a guy who is 6'1", blue eyes, has education, made money, saved money, got chicks, traveled a little, isn't a chickenshit loser: he's not a liberal lefty.

Hahaha, are you 14 years old? Your idea of not being a loser is a tall, blue-eyed guy who bangs chicks and has money?

Jesus christ. What about being able to provide for your family? What about doing good things for society?

I'm an attractive, married man with a family. I've owned homes and made money, I've got my education and so does my wife. I had a decent number of girlfriends before my wife. If somebody were to ask me if I were a loser, I'd say no. And if asked for evidence, none of my presented things would be my appearance or the number of girls I banged or my eye color.

I'd say "I've put myself through college, my family is happy and healthy, I've paid every debt I have had on time, I've got a good job that I love doing, and I contribute to charities."

And I vote Democrat more than Republican. Why? Because the Republican party is playing this country for a fool - arguing against basic, simple things like contraception, healthy food, gay marriage - really? None of these things fucking matter. They're just arguing them to drive a wedge. I know so many people that are completely broke that vote Republican because of gay marriage or abortion - and are completely oblivious to the fact that supply-side economics has never, ever worked.

7   nope   2012 Apr 29, 9:08am  

clambo says

Find a guy who is 6'1", blue eyes, has education, made money, saved money, got chicks, traveled a little, isn't a chickenshit loser: he's not a liberal lefty.


As if conservatives travel anywhere but florida or have any education.

Examples of attractive, well educated, well travelled, non-chickenshit conservative leadership:

Rush Limbaugh
Bill O'Reilly
Glenn Beck
John Boehner
Mitch McConnell

By comparison, here's someone who matches your description nearly perfectly, and yet is more liberal than any federal american politician:

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