2 weeks to find a new Rental!

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2012 Jun 6, 7:52am   28,422 views  74 comments

by RentingForHalfTheCost   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

So, the most feared event happened to me as a renter. The worst thing that could happening in the world. It has been talked about here in arguments why you are okay with owning and risking losing gobs of wealth. Many have argued that the stress of the event I just went through is massive. It ages you and reeks havoc on your family and friends. Addictive tenancies that you thought you beat years before come back to life. Woh is me, how horrible life gets. I wish I had owned and lost 100's of thousands of dollars, so I didn't have to go through this mess.

You guessed it smarty, I had to move. It took me a total of 2 weeks of checking the listings, visiting places, talking to landlords, doing applications and then voila. I had to choose between 3 places, all of them equivalent to my alias "RentingForHalfTheCost". So, folks, I got to tell you it really stressed me out. It took two whole weekends out of my life. Getting in and our of the car, walking around peoples houses, talking to potential landlords. Oh, the misery of it all.

Then during the week, each day after work I was packing. I had to miss my favorite shows, I had to eat ordered in pizza and drink my least favorite drink (beer). This is so hard for me to even write about here. Just the memories of losing all that time to save a few $100K seem so crazy. If I had it all back, I would have bought in 2006 and I wouldn't have had to give up these 2 weekends. So sad.

And to top it all off, I now have to move these boxes and furniture. I haggled hard with some people offering to help me move and the lowest I can get them down to is $500 for the day. So, I get everything moved for $500. The disappointment of not having to carry anything is just hard to take. I am lucky, though, because I worked it into the contract that as long as I don't get in their way, I can also put on a moving jacket and join them. They didn't want my help at first, but after they saw how miserable it was making me they agreed.

I tell you Patnet users, this rental stuff is not for the weak. After being right in the middle of the best argument from the existing owners or sellers, I have completely changed my mind. Buy now! It doesn't matter the cost, it doesn't matter the cash flow comparisons to rentals, the lack of employment, the fact that we have empty houses all over the country. Just do it! Avoid the pain I am now going through. I can only sleep 9 hours every night now. I don't even enjoy the second serving of dessert I give myself for staying debt free all these years. It sucks! BUY BUY BUY!

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36   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jun 29, 3:56am  

toothfairy says

BoomAndBustCycle says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

$2500 gets you close to a 1mil house if you look hard enough and are lucky enough to have great credit and no pets/smokers.

Oh shut up... show me a link to a million dollar home that rents for $2500.

Doesnt exist. he needs to change his name to Rentingforthreequartersthecost.

I'll find you guys a house for a small fee if you want.

www.mapliv.com and you can do it yourself. Took me about 2 weeks of searching to change my renting status

Foster City 2900 for a 1.2m house
Pleasanton 3000 for a 1.2m house

Easy as pie. In total I visited about 10 houses in 2 weekends. There were a lot of 2500/mth for houses that could sell for 1mil+. Each area I checked the redfin sales data to see the prices. You can do the same if you are such inclined. I'd rather spend my time thinking about how to spend the other half of my ownership costs each month. Life is hard.

37   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jun 29, 4:00am  

sheltielover1 says

Lucky you! Most people aren't so lucky! Look on Craigslist to see reality... I

That is the problem. People look on craiglists one day and make up there mind. If you are serious then you search multiple site daily until you find a place that fits. They are out there. Not everyone is trying to sneak every last dollar out of their rental. Some people actually love their house and are just looking for someone to do the same.

People will spend months to years looking for a house to buy, but look for days for a rental and then cry there are none cheap. Crazy behavior for such a large financial event. Invest your money to become rich, rent a pile of crappy wood to keep yourself safe from the outside elements. ;)

38   sheltielover1   2012 Jun 29, 4:07am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

sheltielover1 says

Lucky you! Most people aren't so lucky! Look on Craigslist to see reality... I

That is the problem. People look on craiglists one day and make up there mind. If you are serious then you search multiple site daily until you find a place that fits. They are out there. Not everyone is trying to sneak every last dollar out of their rental. Some people actually love their house and are just looking for someone to do the same.

People will spend months to years looking for a house to buy, but look for days for a rental and then cry there are none cheap. Crazy behavior for such a large financial event. Invest your money to become rich, rent a pile of crappy wood to keep yourself safe from the outside elements. ;)

Life's too short to live in a shithole! You can't take the money with you! Our payment is 25% of our monthly income. Quite reasonable. I don;'t want to be under someone's thumb..

39   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jun 29, 4:11am  

sheltielover1 says

Life's too short to live in a shithole! You can't take the money with you! Our payment is 25% of our monthly income. Quite reasonable. I don;'t want to be under someone's thumb..

Huh? Being indebted to a bank in not under someone's thumb, it is under their whole body while they gyrate on you. I'd rather be paying 1/2 the cost of ownership to a person with a heart. Banks only care about your money, no heart. Good luck the next 30 years, hope you can always cover the payment. ;)

Btw, most owners in the bay area live in a shithole while they are indebted to the bank.

40   sheltielover1   2012 Jun 29, 4:12am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

sheltielover1 says

Life's too short to live in a shithole! You can't take the money with you! Our payment is 25% of our monthly income. Quite reasonable. I don;'t want to be under someone's thumb..

Huh? Being indebted to a bank in not under someone's thumb, it is under their whole body while they gyrate on you. I'd rather be paying 1/2 the cost of ownership to a person with a heart. Banks only care about your money, no heart. Good luck the next 30 years, hope you can always cover the payment. ;)

30 Years? I don't think so! Because we bought so cheaply - 10 years!

41   sheltielover1   2012 Jun 29, 4:13am  

sheltielover1 says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

sheltielover1 says

Life's too short to live in a shithole! You can't take the money with you! Our payment is 25% of our monthly income. Quite reasonable. I don;'t want to be under someone's thumb..

Huh? Being indebted to a bank in not under someone's thumb, it is under their whole body while they gyrate on you. I'd rather be paying 1/2 the cost of ownership to a person with a heart. Banks only care about your money, no heart. Good luck the next 30 years, hope you can always cover the payment. ;)

30 Years? I don't think so! Because we bought so cheaply - 10 years!

If I wouldn't be able to make my mortgage I would not be able to make the rent payment either - hence why we bought! LIFE is DIFFERENT for everyone!

42   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jun 29, 4:17am  

sheltielover1 says

If I wouldn't be able to make my mortgage I would not be able to make the rent payment either - hence why we bought! LIFE is DIFFERENT for everyone!

You don't live in the bay area then, cause rent is half of ownership costs around here. If you live outside then I am in agreement with you. Hardly anyone in the bay area can pay down a house in 10 years. They will be lucky to meet all the obligations while they tick away at the 30 years. I got many at my work that can't put any money in their 401k, or company share programs because it all goes into their overpriced house. Good thinking when they could have rented the same place for 1/2 the cost and actually be accumulating wealth each paycheck.

43   sheltielover1   2012 Jun 29, 4:18am  


44   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jun 29, 5:41am  

sheltielover1 says


Funny, I searched in Danville for a rental and that is where I found the most number of overpriced houses renting for next to nothing. I had a few landlords ask me why I wouldn't rent their house when I said 'No thanks'. People are in a world of hurt with housing around here, especially in Danville.

45   sheltielover1   2012 Jun 29, 5:44am  

Good for you! I will live my life and you can live yours... I AM much happier now than in my "shared" rental for more money! My landlord got $400/mo. with the next idiot! RENTS are going UP not down! Many people on this board think certain people here are in "dreamland" when it comes to the cost of rents. And I am one who agrees!

46   zesta   2012 Jun 29, 7:25am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

I'll find you guys a house for a small fee if you want.

www.mapliv.com and you can do it yourself. Took me about 2 weeks of searching to change my renting status

Foster City 2900 for a 1.2m house
Pleasanton 3000 for a 1.2m house

So I took a look..

I found only one house in Pleasanton and it was renting for $2500
Zillow puts its value at $350k (sold in 2008 for 500k)

There were 3 in Foster City for $2900, but only one had an address included
Zillow puts it at $635k (failed to sell for $740k in both '08 and '09)


47   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jun 29, 7:39am  

zesta says

So I took a look..

Look every day for 2 weeks if you are serious. Rental properties are not like buying a place. The good ones are gone immediately. What you see hanging around are the ones you just posted. Junk. There is a completely different approach you need to find a rental as opposed to buying. Most houses for sale sit for long enough that if you search weekly or bi-weekly you will see them all. The rental I currently got lasted up on craigslist for all of 1/2 day. Yup, that would be my doing. Cash and good credit talks. ;)

48   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jun 29, 7:43am  

sheltielover1 says

Good for you! I will live my life and you can live yours... I AM much happier now than in my "shared" rental for more money! My landlord got $400/mo. with the next idiot! RENTS are going UP not down! Many people on this board think certain people here are in "dreamland" when it comes to the cost of rents. And I am one who agrees!

Rents on 1m+ homes have been in decline and continue to be falling. I don't know how long I can enjoy the benefits of pool/spa/built in everything on a >10K lot and >2k sqft for less than 1/2 the mortgage, but I'll take it as long as they are willing. If it stops then I always have the option of downsizing or even moving. Buying in the BA is definitely not for me anytime soon. Maybe in a few years when the sellers realize the good times are actually gone to stay. Maybe.

49   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jun 29, 8:14am  

zesta says

So I took a look..

I spent 15 minutes just to get a feel for todays deals out there. Just focused on Foster City.

House on Vega sold for 1m+ just 6 weeks ago. 2000 sqft on a crappy 5200sqft lot.


In the same area here is a 1800 sqft house for rent for $3500 (which means you can get it for $3000).


I actually think the rental house is nicer than the one that sold. Don't get me wrong, I think they are both junk and their true value is more in the 400-500K range IMHO.

Enough of me for now.

50   swebb   2012 Jun 29, 8:20am  

I just got done with a short-notice move and I have to say that it sucked. Having children tends to increase the amount of stuff you have, and the fortress I choose to live in is difficult to find rentals I can afford. It was stressful, involved staying up until 1:00 am every weekday night for a week to pack and move, and we still aren't all the way out of boxes yet. Truly a bad and stressful sequence for me and my family. Wouldn't have happened that way if we owned.

It's a tradeoff I will make, though, because of the other downsides of owning. I won't pretend like it wasn't a walk in the park -- it sucked.

51   tatupu70   2012 Jun 29, 8:48am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

I actually think the rental house is nicer than the one that sold. Don't get me wrong, I think they are both junk and their true value is more in the 400-500K range IMHO.

if it rents for 3500 (or even 3000), it's worth a heck of a lot more than 400K.

52   guruoracle   2012 Jun 29, 8:54am  

zesta says

I'll find you guys a house for a small fee if you want.

www.mapliv.com and you can do it yourself. Took me about 2 weeks of searching to change my renting status

Foster City 2900 for a 1.2m house
Pleasanton 3000 for a 1.2m house

Patio Home and TownHouse?? GAG!! Both are dumps and higher than my mortgage payment! You couldn't pay me enough to live in either place... Give me a real house that's not a dive in a shitty area!

53   BoomAndBustCycle   2012 Jun 29, 9:25am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

In the same area here is a 1800 sqft house for rent for $3500 (which means you can get it for $3000).

Nice assumption, ass.

54   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jul 2, 12:31am  

guruoracle says

zesta says

I'll find you guys a house for a small fee if you want.

www.mapliv.com and you can do it yourself. Took me about 2 weeks of searching to change my renting status

Foster City 2900 for a 1.2m house

Pleasanton 3000 for a 1.2m house

Patio Home and TownHouse?? GAG!! Both are dumps and higher than my mortgage payment! You couldn't pay me enough to live in either place... Give me a real house that's not a dive in a shitty area!

Huh? Waterfront house in prime area in Foster City, and a updated family home with pool, spa, BBQ, redwood trees, gazebo, etc. I wouldn't want you living with me, so it works both ways. ;) Both these places are more house than what people are paying over 1,000,000 of the banks money to buy. Silly stuff.

55   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jul 2, 12:31am  

BoomAndBustCycle says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

In the same area here is a 1800 sqft house for rent for $3500 (which means you can get it for $3000).

Nice assumption, ass.

Name calling is for the fat.

57   rufita11   2012 Jul 2, 3:21pm  

guruoracle says

We did buy below market due to many years of research and watching the market plus some luck!

Are you the one who bought the house that needed a new foundation right next to the cemetery and freeway? Location is everything when trying to resell.

There are plenty of very good buys next to the freeway in Danville and Walnut Creek. There are also steals within 500 feet of high tension power lines in these fortresses as well. I've passed on several of these deals. Even drove out to that cemetery house, but realized how CLOSE it was to that sad place.

58   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jul 2, 3:43pm  

tatupu70 says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

I actually think the rental house is nicer than the one that sold. Don't get me wrong, I think they are both junk and their true value is more in the 400-500K range IMHO.

if it rents for 3500 (or even 3000), it's worth a heck of a lot more than 400K.

Only because we live in a country that subsidizes home ownership. You wouldn't get 400K of my money for a place I could rent for 3.5K while making 10K/mth. I'd rather keep growing my 400K cash pile than making it stagnate in a pile of aging lumber and nails. Houses are shelter, and most in the BA are not even good shelters. ;)

59   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jul 2, 3:46pm  

sheltielover1 says

This is what most rents are going for in our area:



Oh, I see your single data point. Enough said. You are correct. Rents are going threw the roof and buying now is the only option or we will all be doomed. Owners will get filthy rich! Renters will starve. I get it.

60   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jul 2, 4:02pm  

sheltielover1 says

This is what most rents are going for in our area:



Just walk down the road and rent this larger house for $800/mth less. Unless you like paying $4k/mth for some reason.


61   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jul 4, 4:38pm  

toothfairy says

BoomAndBustCycle says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

$2500 gets you close to a 1mil house if you look hard enough and are lucky enough to have great credit and no pets/smokers.

Oh shut up... show me a link to a million dollar home that rents for $2500.

Doesnt exist. he needs to change his name to Rentingforthreequartersthecost.

Here is a house that would sell close to 1mil now and you can rent it for $3k/mth. Makes absolutely no sense to buy from a financial point of view. You have to be betting on house appreciation in order to justify the 2x cost of ownership around here.


62   KILLERJANE   2012 Jul 4, 4:50pm  

1960s fixer sells for less than 175,000 anywhere but CA.

63   JodyChunder   2012 Jul 4, 5:01pm  

My God if this thread does not serve as one of the most vibrant examples of the much hated numbnut-Californian with his Californian dream-math.

Luckily, there are still a few of good ones left. Like myself for example: I am a 12th generation Californian and a great man. It's like they say, Thank God for Jody.

64   tatupu70   2012 Jul 4, 11:50pm  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

You wouldn't get 400K of my money for a place I could rent for 3.5K while making 10K/mth

I'm not sure I understand your logic here. It's clearly cheaper to own than rent with the above figures. You don't disagree, do you?

And your salary has no bearing to the rent vs. buy discussion. It determines your budget, but not whether you rent or buy...

65   tatupu70   2012 Jul 4, 11:51pm  


1960s fixer sells for less than 175,000 anywhere but CA.

Thinking saying and doing need to line up.

That's not really true at all. CA is very expensive, but in no way the only expensive areas of the US...

66   dunnross   2012 Jul 5, 12:03am  

sheltielover1 says

Lucky you! Most people aren't so lucky! Look on Craigslist to see reality...

Craigslist is not reality. Craigslist rentals are overpriced. Everyone knows that. Some of those rentals have been on the market for years. I keep checking them. I rent a $900K house for $3000/mo. Another friend I know rents a $700K house for $1900/mo. Another - a $500K condo for $1600/mo. It gets even better in places like Palo Alto or Los Altos, where house prices are very high. As far as I can see, "RentingForHalfTheCost" should be everyone's user name, that is, if you are from the "Real Bay Area" ...

67   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jul 5, 12:07am  

tatupu70 says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

You wouldn't get 400K of my money for a place I could rent for 3.5K while making 10K/mth

I'm not sure I understand your logic here. It's clearly cheaper to own than rent with the above figures. You don't disagree, do you?

And your salary has no bearing to the rent vs. buy discussion. It determines your budget, but not whether you rent or buy...

It all comes down to virtual verses real. A 1 million dollar house in the BA needs to justify the value. To me it doesn't. There is a 600K virtual component that can evaporate right before your eyes. If the fools never realize this, then I'll just sock way 1 million in cash and go elsewhere with my money. However, like the last 5 years, the next will be just as exciting.

I ask myself if I would rather have 400K of my savings into a 35 year old house on land that without irrigation would just be dead grass, verses 400K in dividends/gold/cash and the answer is the later. YMMV. I don't trust the virtual world at all, and California is mostly virtual.

68   sheltielover1   2012 Jul 5, 12:13am  

dunnross says

sheltielover1 says

Lucky you! Most people aren't so lucky! Look on Craigslist to see reality...

It's not only Craigslist, but on realtor and other sites as well... At least I am not upset and angry all the time defending my position! Yes, I agree prices will probably go down this winter, but right now prices are up. After I refinance next month my payment will be lower than rent and I'll have $150k in equity. After refinancing and lowering my payment I don't really give a shit what happens to prices. A house is NOT an INVESTMENT! It is a place to live! We will pay our house off in 10 years (btw.. it's not the one by the cemetery) and be happy.. I love my house and all our friends do as well. I have gotten nothing but comments on the remodeling we have done (both from renters and owners). Everyone tells me I should not feel guilty for owning and we bought at the right time for US.

Craigslist is not reality. Craigslist rentals are overpriced. Everyone knows that. Some of those rentals have been on the market for years. I keep checking them. I rent a $900K house for $3000/mo. Another friend I know rents a $700K house for $1900/mo. Another - a $500K condo for $1600/mo. It gets even better in places like Palo Alto or Los Altos, where house prices are very high. As far as I can see, "RentingForHalfTheCost" should be everyone's user name, that is, if you are from the "Real Bay Area" ...

69   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jul 5, 6:00am  

sheltielover1 says

sheltielover1 says

Lucky you! Most people aren't so lucky! Look on Craigslist to see reality...

It's not only Craigslist, but on realtor and other sites as well... At least I am not upset and angry all the time defending my position!

Is it just me, or do the people that come back sounding angry with their arguments, think everyone around them are angry?? Weird. When you read my posts, picture a guy smiling while he is typing. No anger here folks, nothing to see, keep it moving. I probably would be angry if I bought into the realtor bull around here back in 2005-2007 though. Again, I just smiled and ate the cookies at the open houses and took a huge dump in the guest bathrooms. ;)

70   JodyChunder   2012 Jul 5, 7:32am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

When you read my posts, picture a guy smiling while he is typing. No anger here folks, nothing to see, keep it moving.

Same here good buddy. Picture a guy with a smile as wide as a canyon and bright as a sunflare, sitting in nothing but his aligator slippers and an open front silk shirt with the sunlight glinting off his many solid gold chains and silver chest hair, chest hairs put there by a life of hellraising, and that hellraising made possible through REAL ESTATE!

I don't agree with doing a number 2 in the open house though, bud.

71   JodyChunder   2012 Jul 5, 9:46am  

And remember: for every turkey you see riding around on his big shiny Harley Davidson or with his busty blonde in his new Crovette, you are 9 times out of a hundred looking at a Landlord or Professional House Flipper.

72   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Jul 6, 4:13am  

JodyChunder says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

When you read my posts, picture a guy smiling while he is typing. No anger here folks, nothing to see, keep it moving.

Same here good buddy. Picture a guy with a smile as wide as a canyon and bright as a sunflare, sitting in nothing but his aligator slippers and an open front silk shirt with the sunlight glinting off his many solid gold chains and silver chest hair, chest hairs put there by a life of hellraising, and that hellraising made possible through REAL ESTATE!

I don't agree with doing a number 2 in the open house though, bud.

REAL ESTATE is a great investment. That is why I am also invested and always have been. Just have never seen the value in California real estate since I have been here. Now, I would say it is close, but still a ways to contract before any of my skin gets in the game. If it drops another 20% then I am interested, otherwise, I'll forever be a renter here while I collect rents from other more sane places in the world. ;)

73   JodyChunder   2012 Jul 6, 8:01am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

If it drops another 20% then I am interested, otherwise, I'll forever be a renter here while I collect rents from other more sane places in the world. ;)

Plenty a good pickings out here whereabouts I am.

74   zesta   2012 Jul 6, 2:46pm  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

If it drops another 20% then I am interested, otherwise, I'll forever be a renter here while I collect rents from other more sane places in the world.

Don't you mean 50%?

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