
United States, joined 2011 Feb 9   Has 0 followers.   Is following 0.
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threads pinned by swebb
authored 647 comments and 30 threads

swebb's threads

Zerohedge "Unsold cars" debunked
by swebb on 20 May 2014   2 comments, latest 10 years ago
I find Zerohedge to be alarmist and over-the-top scare mongering most of the time...I tended to chalk it up to them to interpreting the data with a heavily bearish ...

by swebb on 13 Nov 2012   40 comments, latest 11 years ago
I was in and out of AGNC for a while, and then have been out for good since the beginning of 2012 (?), so I missed most of the ...

Getting stock options into an IRA, etc..
by swebb on 17 Jul 2013   5 comments, latest 11 years ago
I have a good deal of stock options at the company I work for -- they currently have no value, but I think it's quite possible that we will ...

When demand is high...people get clever.
by swebb on 28 Feb 2013   1 comment, latest 11 years ago
http://www.guardian.co.uk/worl It was confiscated last week after US officers told Mexican police that they had been confiscating a large number of drug packages that appeared to have been fired ...

How many bears could actually afford a house in their market..
by swebb on 22 Feb 2013   55 comments, latest 11 years ago
It has occurred to me (many times) that the super-negative bears are probably just not able to afford the house they want in the market they live in. So ...

Has Ford topped out? Is Apple a buying opportunity? Boeing?
by swebb on 24 Jan 2013   Posted 12 years ago
I've done well with Ford recently -- wondering if it's profit taking time. Thoughts? Apple took a bigger tumble than I would have predicted -- a buying opportunity? Boeing's ...

Just closed on a house
by swebb on 24 Jan 2013   2 comments, latest 12 years ago
I thought I would share my experience for those who might be interested. This is central Denver. We have been looking in some form or another for about 2-1/2 ...

Price pushing in Carmel Valley, no takers
by swebb on 13 Jan 2013   3 comments, latest 12 years ago
Interesting post on calculatedrisk: http://www.calculatedriskblog. "Since the market is "hot" in Carmel Valley, San Diego, and there is very little inventory, some sellers are pushing up the price -- ...

Possible asbestos on ductwork
by swebb on 16 Dec 2012   17 comments, latest 12 years ago
I'm under contract on a house and initial inspection turns up possible (probable) asbestos on some of the ducting. I have researched it "extensively" on the web and I'm ...

Sewer line problems? (video)
by swebb on 20 Dec 2012   24 comments, latest 12 years ago
I had the sewer line scoped on the house we are looking at. The video is here if anyone cares to watch it: http://www.youtube.com/embed/u I have had opinions ranging ...

Good 410K plan for small business
by swebb on 4 Dec 2012   5 comments, latest 12 years ago
After several years of having nothing, we now have a 401K plan at work. This was very important to me, so I was happy just to get anything. The ...

Denver market very tight inventory, multiple offers
by swebb on 1 Dec 2012   Posted 12 years ago
I have been in the market for about 2 years now. Various reasons for the long duration including personal uncertainty with job / job location, market uncertainty, and financial ...

AGNC, dividend reduced, price increases...
by swebb on 7 Feb 2012   5 comments, latest 12 years ago
I own a bit of AGNC. I was surprised today at the news and stock price movement. "American Capital Agency Corp. (AGNC: News ) reported that its fourth-quarter net ...

Facebook lockup period
by swebb on 17 Aug 2012   62 comments, latest 12 years ago
I have enjoyed watching the whole FB thing unfold, partly schadenfreude, I guess, but it's also just interesting (the RedHat IPO was the last one I watched so closely) ...

How Much Is Enough..?
by swebb on 6 Jul 2012   2 comments, latest 12 years ago
http://www.policyinnovations.o Well, the springboard for our inquiry was a little-known essay by John Maynard Keynes, the great economist, called "Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren." It came out in 1930, ...

Business school for 8 year olds...
by swebb on 15 May 2012   Posted 12 years ago
Not exactly investing, but something I read several months back and enjoyed: "My dad taught me cashflow with a soda machine" After a brief, failed experiment paying me to ...

Lending Club "review"
by swebb on 14 May 2012   2 comments, latest 12 years ago
I posted several weeks back asking if anyone had any experience with The Lending Club. There were a few comments, but not from anyone who had actually used it. ...

Anyone have experience with Lending Club
by swebb on 7 Apr 2012   2 comments, latest 12 years ago
I have been toying with the idea of opening an account, and I have been trying to research how it all works on the website. Without actually opening an ...

New Redfin fee/rebate structure
by swebb on 19 Feb 2012   Posted 12 years ago
http://blog.redfin.com/blog/20 Disappointing.

Why gold?
by swebb on 31 Jan 2012   18 comments, latest 12 years ago
I'm sure this has been discussed here before, but I haven't found a good explanation. Anyone care to explain why gold is considered to be some universal store of ...

Incentive stock options vs. Non Qualifying stock options...
by swebb on 11 Nov 2011   16 comments, latest 13 years ago
I am in a situation where I will be getting stock options as an employee of a company. I am not yet sure whether they will be of the ...

Traditional vs. Roth
by swebb on 18 Oct 2011   42 comments, latest 13 years ago
I have read a lot of web articles on how to decide between a traditional and a Roth IRA. While there are many complexities, one of the big "rules ...

Comedy troupe has something to say about our current situation.
by swebb on 20 Oct 2011   Posted 13 years ago
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v This certainly doesn't pass for "news", but for one of your high-volume the-sky-is-falling news days it would be a bit of comic relief.

Understanding shareholder of record date and ex-dividend date...
by swebb on 19 Sep 2011   1 comment, latest 13 years ago
I have a question regarding dividends. I will use AGNC as an example: "American Capital Agency Corp. announced that its Board of Directors has declared a cash dividend of ...

Did the government "mandate" that banks made bad loans?
by swebb on 14 Jun 2011   40 comments, latest 13 years ago
I have heard some variation of this assertion several times in the past few years when discussing the housing collapse with family/friends: "The government had made it a priority ...

What analysis do you apply to residential investment properties?
by swebb on 7 Jun 2011   16 comments, latest 13 years ago
I'm continuing to dip my big toe into the housing market, and I am considering multi-family properties primarily right now. I would occupy one unit and rent the other(s). ...

My beef on rent/buy arguments.
by swebb on 15 May 2011   28 comments, latest 13 years ago
They are, in a word, simplistic. I will pick a few of my pet peeves. 1. If the price is less than X times annual rents, it's reasonable to ...

Living in same building with your tenants?
by swebb on 24 Apr 2011   7 comments, latest 13 years ago
I'm starting to consider a house purchase, and I have been trying to keep my eyes open to all options (including not buying). One of the properties I recently ...

Good personal finance / investing books?
by swebb on 24 Apr 2011   1 comment, latest 13 years ago
Can anyone offer any suggestions on good books? I have read Dave Ramsey (and while I think he might be great for a large swath of the population, I ...

Realtor on tax advantage of owning a home.
by swebb on 13 Apr 2011   38 comments, latest 13 years ago
I thought the forum readers might enjoy the email I received in my inbox this morning: "You've heard again and again how buying a home is the best tax ...
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