God is Higgs ? 7/4/2012

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2012 Jun 22, 3:17pm   8,614 views  16 comments

by TMAC54   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


The more we learn, the more we dunt understand.
Is dark matter the same as dark energy ?
Will we discover another Cosmos beyond the 13,700,000,000 years kepler provides ?

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1   Tenpoundbass   2012 Jun 23, 2:23am  

Every time a particle collides Jesus dies a little.

2   New Renter   2012 Jun 23, 5:32am  

CaptainShuddup says

Every time a particle collides Jesus dies a little.

I think it was the particles of the spear that collided with him that finally did him in...

3   Vicente   2012 Jun 24, 1:09am  

TMAC54 says

The more we learn, the more we dunt understand.

The more we learn, the more we know.

We may also learn there are new mysteries beyond that one, but new questions ADD to our body of knowledge as well.

4   Dan8267   2012 Jun 24, 1:52am  

The discovery of a long sought-after particle known as the Higgs boson — which has been nicknamed “the God Particle” because physicists theorize it is the missing piece to understanding how all matter in the universe has mass — could be announced Wednesday, July 4.

This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS!
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.

Wow, the discovery of the Higgs Boson and Alan Turing's 100th birthday so close together. Great week.

5   TMAC54   2012 Jun 24, 2:23am  

Vicente says

The more we learn, the more we know.

We may also learn there are new mysteries beyond that one, but new questions ADD to our body of knowledge as well.

I do love & appreciate your perspective, Vicente. Your glass might be half full, but is it half full of questions ? Once again, we are being taught that we are at the center of it all. For millenia, mankind absorbed EXPERT testimony that the earth was at the center of the universe. Radio telescopes now relay signals from the "cosmic microwave background" at 13.7 billion miles in all directions (back in the center ?). So is that all there is, or is that all that our present state of the art equipment will measure ? How long till we discover COSMOS # 2, III, IV. ?
More mayhem ? Everything in the universe is reportedly expanding (except earth-www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/earth20110816.html) and moving away from everything else but some galaxies are crashing into each other While "The great Attractor" is causing a river of galaxies all traveling in one direction. ADD the confusion between the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics and I am left with less than I started.

What are we to do, when we finally make contact with intelligent life and they are muslim ?

7   HEY YOU   2012 Jul 3, 5:18pm  

If one doesn't think GOD has a sense of humor, just look in a mirror.

8   TMAC54   2012 Jul 4, 12:59am  

Wouldn't it be comforting to really KNOW (if God exists), rather than put on the pretentious confidence ? Arrogance that murders under the name of religion. How many believe this to be an intelligent human trait ?
Why do we convince ourselves we are clear on ANYTHING ?

10   HEY YOU   2012 Jul 4, 1:19am  

I believe everything I read on the net.

11   TMAC54   2012 Jul 4, 3:39pm  


It's about time. They have been looking for the little bastard for 50 years !

12   StoutFiles   2012 Jul 4, 10:07pm  

Finding the Higgs isn't a big deal, physicsts were 99% sure it existed anyway. The only way this will be a big deal is if we can manipulate it.

13   TMAC54   2012 Jul 5, 12:24am  

StoutFiles says

The only way this will be a big deal is if we can manipulate it.

Manipulate it ? I plan to see what's inside of the God particle, But I don't have another 50 years to wait !

14   nope   2012 Jul 7, 3:55pm  

Every time someone refers to the HB as the "God Particle", Peter Higgs kills a kitten.

The Higgs is why things have mass. That's really important, but reading more into it than that is pseudo science at best.

15   freak80   2012 Jul 7, 4:00pm  

StoutFiles says

Finding the Higgs isn't a big deal, physicsts were 99% sure it existed anyway. The only way this will be a big deal is if we can manipulate it.

Yeah, that way the human race can hurtle toward self-destruction even faster...

16   Auntiegrav   2012 Jul 13, 7:37am  

TMAC54 says

ADD the confusion between the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics and I am left with less than I started.

I recommend "The Quantum Story" by Jim Baggott. I've read a lot of physics books in my futile quest for understanding, and this is the best one I've found to understand the roots and logic of quantum theory and what the search for the Higgs means to the model.

Just remember, it's a model. That's the part that 99.99999% of the world forgets. Just because you draw a picture of a horse, it doesn't mean that horses are made of paper and crayons.
There are other models with less support and research, but they do exist.

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