Intelligent republicans, what would you do? CO Springs burns...

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2012 Jul 3, 12:34am   47,049 views  150 comments

by kentm   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

CO Springs, center of anti-tax, anti-gov movement, cuts police & fire fighters, burns down, turns to federal gov for help. (bloomberg.com)


What would you do? Your choice apparently is to let the city burn or to admit your philosophy is a fraud & hypocrisy based on the unspoken assumption that after youve stripped away all the services and amenities the culture will still come to rescue you. Or can you offer a third?

I know one of you will accuse me of using CO Springs suffering to make a political point, but stuff it, the point was made months ago when the vote was taken to reduce and eliminate essential services.

So let's hear the great wisdom. School me please.


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130   leo707   2012 Jul 11, 1:05pm  

wthrfrk80 says

Mormon news media?

The Blaze.

It is Glen Becks' "news" outlet that Bap subscribes to.

131   freak80   2012 Jul 11, 1:08pm  

Ah ok. I knew Glenn Beck was Mormon, but I did not know he had his own propaganda...er...news outlet.

132   leo707   2012 Jul 11, 1:11pm  

Bap33 says

There is no such thing as "moderate conservative".

Thanks Bap I forgot that one for the list.

-No true scots... *er* ... conservative would hold any political position that would be considered "moderate" by the Mormon/NewsCorp propaganda machine.

133   freak80   2012 Jul 11, 1:14pm  

Bap33 went on my "ignore extremist noise" list a long time ago.

134   leo707   2012 Jul 11, 1:20pm  

wthrfrk80 says

Ah ok. I knew Glenn Beck was Mormon, but I did not know he had his own propaganda...er...news outlet.

Yes, Bap was on here not too long ago touting Becks' virtues and talking about how great The Blaze is and trying to get others to get subscriptions to GBTV.

135   Bap33   2012 Jul 11, 2:13pm  

you know you fibbed. but, you also know that nobody cares. it's all good.

136   leo707   2012 Jul 11, 2:27pm  

Bap33 says


you know you fibbed. but, you also know that nobody cares. it's all good.

Fibbed about what?

137   Bap33   2012 Jul 11, 3:57pm  

leoj707 says

wthrfrk80 says

Ah ok. I knew Glenn Beck was Mormon, but I did not know he had his own propaganda...er...news outlet.

Yes, Bap was on here not too long ago touting Becks' virtues and talking about how great The Blaze is and trying to get others to get subscriptions to GBTV.

just go re-read the post you are talking about. so libtastic of you. lol

138   leo707   2012 Jul 11, 5:27pm  

Hey Bap,

This does not ring a bell?

Bap33 says

you may wanna subscribe to GBTV and ready yourself to find anything false in what Beck is trying to get people to hear. Beck is 100% right. You are a very smart person, go read The Blaze or spend a few bucks and get GBTV. If there is something not correct I would trust you to share it.

Was I misreading something there? It read to me like you were touting virtues and trying to get people to subscribe.

139   freak80   2012 Jul 11, 11:41pm  

Glenn Beck is a nutjob. Rush Limbaugh is pretty normal by comparison. Rush might be a dick, but at least he's generally not crazy.

140   Leecal2   2012 Jul 12, 12:29am  

Republicans can't back up their arguments.

And yet, they want to keep their services and cut yours.

They are selfish, dishonest and most are incapable of honest argument.
They'll usually bring up a different topic .

Now, there are many republican women out there ready and willing to throw the younger women on the bonfire of conservatism. Touting their greed of lower taxes with no choice. No birth control.

Greed, selfishness and dishonesty. I think that covers it.

141   freak80   2012 Jul 12, 12:30am  

Leecal2 says

Now, there are many republican women out there ready and willing to throw the younger women on the bonfire of conservatism. Touting their greed of lower taxes with no choice. No birth control.

Are there any politicians trying to make birth control illegal? That sounds like a far-left talking point.

142   bdrasin   2012 Jul 12, 1:59am  

wthrfrk80 says

Leecal2 says

Now, there are many republican women out there ready and willing to throw the younger women on the bonfire of conservatism. Touting their greed of lower taxes with no choice. No birth control.

Are there any politicians trying to make birth control illegal? That sounds like a far-left talking point.

As far as I know, explicitly outlawing birth control is a fringe position. However, the line between birth control and abortion isn't so clear if you believe that personhood starts the nanosecond the sperm and ovum make contact. Some anti-abortion legislation probably would effectively outlaw some forms of [what most people would call] birth control:


143   Bap33   2012 Jul 12, 12:14pm  

leo, it was free to get the story detail that was part of that discussion at that time and Beck had opened up the pay-for site so everyone could get the info ... all of this you know, as I shared it, and you admitted to not even reading anything on the news site Beck runs. Yet, you know it's all bad poopoo. I think that is how a silly lib would behave.

At any rate, Beck's news outlet is a good source, until you show me otherwise. Meanwhile, have you seen the pics of Trevon at 17 years old? lmao. You guys were duped.

144   leo707   2012 Jul 12, 1:51pm  

Bap33 says

Meanwhile, have you seen the pics of Trevon at 17 years old? lmao. You guys were duped.

? Us guys ? duped ?

So, I guess Zimmerman's using the donations for his defense to pay of old credit card debt and clearly trying to manipulate the court through lies still has not shaken your faith in him, eh?

145   leo707   2012 Jul 12, 1:59pm  

Bap33 says

leo, it was free to get the story detail that was part of that discussion at that time and Beck had opened up the pay-for site so everyone could get the info ... all of this you know, as I shared it, and you admitted to not even reading anything on the news site Beck runs.

Um, I am not quite sure what you are saying here. Are you claiming that you did not suggest that others get a subscription to GBTV?

Yes, you did mention something about a free trial to his site, but you did say this about GBTV.

Bap33 says

you may wanna subscribe to GBTV

Bap33 says

spend a few bucks and get GBTV

Bap33 says

his pay-site, GBTV has stuff he said.

Given your difficulty with remembering what you have said in the past I understand that you would not remember that I did in-fact post that I had read the Blaze.

leoj707 says

Bap33 says

#2) I figured a time frame that was not under the Fox News situation, that is the only reason I placed a time on the suggestion.

Has is message changed after leaving FOX? From what I have read on theBlaze it does not seem to have changed. Why would you think that his rampant dishonest claims would have changed? Did he suddenly come up with honest well reasoned arguments to support his outrageous claims? Some how I doubt it and quite frankly it is not worth my time to sift through all his garbage and do the research on his claims.

146   leo707   2012 Jul 12, 2:04pm  

Bap33 says

At any rate, Beck's news outlet is a good source, until you show me otherwise.

Well, you are free to absorb propaganda from someone who adheres to scripture that calls you a corrupt abomination. Don't worry I am sure that does not affect the content of Beck's message at all.

As you probably don't remember from the previous thread, you failed to convince anyone that Beck had suddenly turned over a new leaf and left all his deception and lies back at Fox. No one including myself thought it was worthwhile to fact check his new mormon propaganda outlet. Yes, some people might be fooled by a con-man who changes hats and puts on a fake mustache, but to most he is still a liar and a scumbag.

147   Bap33   2012 Jul 12, 2:05pm  

what is it you say Beck is wrong about again?
what story does The Blaze have wrong?
leoj707 says

Bap33 says

Meanwhile, have you seen the pics of Trevon at 17 years old? lmao. You guys were duped.

? Us guys ? duped ?

So, I guess Zimmerman's using the donations for his defense to pay of old credit card debt and clearly trying to manipulate the court through lies still has not shaken your faith in him, eh?

he should not be in court, he broke no law. Spike Lee should be in court for attempted murder, terrorist threats, ect ect.

p.s., it is true, I did not recall that you claimed to read something in the past. My error.

148   Bap33   2012 Jul 12, 2:07pm  

rabid liberals do not like Beck. I heard ya the first time.

149   Peter P   2012 Jul 12, 3:00pm  

But Scranton is where Dunder Mifflin is, right?

150   Peter P   2012 Jul 12, 3:10pm  

Hi Bap!

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