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140   Dan8267   2012 Jul 15, 5:01am  

Auntiegrav says

Yup. That was kinda my point. The wealthy get to vote 'like' as many times as they want (in the millions and billions), vs. the one technical 'dislike' that a few actually exercise with any real thought.

Then the system you are imagining is not the one I'm describing. Voting power would be allocated on a per person basis with all individuals having the same total voting power.

141   JG1   2012 Jul 15, 7:00am  

bob2356 says

sbourg says

Republican fiscal conservatives

Where are you going to find these mythical republican fiscal conservatives? The only difference between the parties used to be democratic tax and spend vs republican borrow and spend. The democrats have simply evolved with the election of Obummer.

OMG! Using the first letter of the last name of a person, combined with the word bummer is code racism. Patrick, when will this user forever be banned!?

HRH, I'm not going to waste my time debating with someone whose first move is to cry racism where none exists. (My black ex-girlfriends may find your accusations amusing.) But you can take just about any economic indicator and compare it to just about any point in time in the Bush Admin., and Obummer will compare unfavorably.

142   sbourg   2012 Jul 15, 9:00am  

Hey Bob2356: Republican fiscal conservatives are not 'mythical'. They're alive and well and have passed good responsible legislation/budgets in the House of Reps. LIke last summer during the debt-ceiling debate. Boehner and budget chairman Paul Ryan passed an incredibly responsible long-term solution and budget proposal to reduce the annual deficit VERY significantly and responsibly. Guess what Harry Reid and the Democrat-controlled Senate did? They basically threw it in the trashcan. It didn't get a vote in the Senate.
That's a fact.

143   bob2356   2012 Jul 15, 12:08pm  


LIke last summer during the debt-ceiling debate. Boehner and budget chairman Paul Ryan passed an incredibly responsible long-term solution and budget proposal to reduce the annual deficit VERY significantly and responsibly.

Which one, there were like half a dozen. I didn't see any that I would call incredibly responsible. Where was all this responsible legistlation/budgets from 2000 to 2008 with a Republican president, senate, and congress. The debt grew like crazy. So now these same people are incredibly responsible? There is only the demapublican party now. I don't like the democrats much, but at least pre obama they would raise taxes to pay for their foolishness. Obama is just bush's third term.

144   sbourg   2012 Jul 15, 9:12pm  

Bob2356: Your opinion and my opinion are surely different on what is 'incredibly responsible'.......but the Republicans passed responsible budgets.
As for the '01 to '08 years, remember that Reid and Pelosi controlled the Congress starting Jan '07.......the deficit each year was NOT a reckless, unsustainable disaster under Bush and the Republican Congress in Bush's 6 years. You forgot that Reid & Pelosi took over Jan '07......and BOY did they HATE Bush. They announced and were proud to say how irrelevant they were ready to make Bush regarding federal spending and policy decisions. Remember that.
My next post in a minute will show the federal budget.

145   sbourg   2012 Jul 15, 9:21pm  

Bob2356: See this chart of spending and let it sink in. During the 6 years of Bush-Republican budgets, federal annual deficits averaged $300B/year. Then even FY 9/30/08 was not so bad. But look at federal spending madness and annual deficits as they jumped to $1.2T/year.
Federal govt spending $1.2T/year MORE than revenue (the annual deficit for 4 yrs in a row now), is the equivalent of pumping money into the economy (BORROWED from our CHILDREN's working careers!) and is so large it's enough each year to give $20,000 to 60 MILLION people. That buys alot of votes Bob.....mostly Democrat voters! If you have children you should be pissed and worried:

146   CL   2012 Jul 16, 9:57am  

JG1 says


That was a great book! I liked "Operation Chickenhawk".

And of course, Supply Side Jesus


147   sbourg   2012 Jul 16, 9:46pm  

Hey JG1 and Honest Abe: Check out the book recommended by CL !!!!!!!!!!!

It's Al Franken's unserious, supposedly comic........trash. I perused it for 15 minutes at the bookstore. Here's my review:

Franken's book is childish humor filled with name-calling and with the obvious message that Conservatives are wrong on everything. But Franken's economic, fiscal understanding of our country is absolute zero. He proves nothing, supports nothing, yet slams conservatives like a typical Libtard.

And he doesn't even undestand Rush LImbaugh. The quotes he slams Rush for, are quotes that Rush meant to be funny. Rush jokes alot on his show and Franken doesn't understand that. Our country became alot worse in July '09 when Franken was seated as the 60th non-Republican in the Senate.

This is an important book for Leftists. Figures.

148   CL   2012 Jul 17, 2:58am  

sbourg says

Hey JG1 and Honest Abe: Check out the book recommended by CL !!!!!!!!!!!

Someone is not very good at reading comprehension! I quoted JG1 (that's what that "JG1 says" part means).

Unlike Limbaugh fans, I don't get my vital information from comedians or rodeo clowns. That said, I think Franken has been a great Senator and am glad I donated money to his successful campaign!

149   freak80   2012 Jul 17, 3:29am  

bob2356 says

Where are you going to find these mythical republican fiscal conservatives? The only difference between the parties used to be democratic tax and spend vs republican borrow and spend.

Fiscal conservative Republicans died out a long time ago. They have to buy the "old vote." Example: Medicare D.

bob2356 says

Obama is just bush's third term.

150   Peter P   2012 Jul 17, 3:32am  

USD is still a preferred "risk off" currency. America is still great.

151   JG1   2012 Jul 17, 3:59am  

wthrfrk80 says

Fiscal conservative Republicans died out a long time ago. They have to buy the "old vote." Example: Medicare D.

Rand Paul will be interested to hear that.

152   freak80   2012 Jul 17, 4:01am  

Peter P says

USD is still a preferred "risk off" currency. America is still great.

You have a point. Maybe the US is the worst country on earth, except for all the others.

I'm tempted to think some of the northern European countries are better, but of course they rely on Uncle Sam to defend them. They're like the adult children that live at home rent free. What happens when the parents go bankrupt and can no longer afford to be "guardians"?

153   freak80   2012 Jul 17, 4:04am  

JG1 says

Rand Paul will be interested to hear that.

One (or two) politicians does not a party make.

And if the Paul's had their way, we'd be right back to the Gilded Age (assuming we're not back there already).

154   bob2356   2012 Jul 17, 5:11am  

sbourg says

Bob2356: See this chart of spending and let it sink in. During the 6 years of Bush-Republican budgets, federal annual deficits averaged $300B/year. Then even FY 9/30/08 was not so bad. But look at federal spending madness and annual deficits as they jumped to $1.2T/year.

Federal govt spending $1.2T/year MORE than revenue (the annual deficit for 4 yrs in a row now), is the equivalent of pumping money into the economy (BORROWED from our CHILDREN's working careers!) and is so large it's enough each year to give $20,000 to 60 MILLION people. That buys alot of votes Bob.....mostly Democrat voters! If you have children you should be pissed and worried:


Only 300b AVERAGE deficit a year in the middle of the greatest bubble/boom economy in the history of the nation? When they took over it was plus 230. So the fiscally responsible republican's in total charge took 230+ turned it into average 300- while the economy boomed?

You're right, my definition of responsible fiscally conservative republican is a lot different than yours. Fiscal responsibility like this is why I became independent after 30 years as a republican in 2002.

What relevance does Obama's mess have to to with it? We were talking about responsible fiscally conservative republicans. At least Obama has the excuse of the greatest crash since the depression. What excuse is there for the Bush years?

155   freak80   2012 Jul 17, 5:20am  

bob2356 says

So the fiscally responsible republican's in total charge took 230+ turned it into average 300- while the economy boomed?

I wouldn't say the economy ever boomed during the Bush years. Unless you consider the artificial boom of the housing bubble.

The last time we had a real "boom" was back in the late 90s when the internet and computers changed everything. Even much of that boom was a bubble, as we all know.

But you're correct that fiscal conservatism is dead. Republicans have to buy votes too, particularly the votes of Old People, a major Republican constituent group.

156   JG1   2012 Jul 17, 6:04am  

bob2356 says

Only 300b AVERAGE deficit a year in the middle of the greatest bubble/boom economy in the history of the nation? When they took over it was plus 230. So the fiscally responsible republican's in total charge took 230+ turned it into average 300- while the economy boomed?

Bob - U have to realize and account for GOP fights for lower budgets, less spending, except on the item for which the federal government was primarily created to handle in the first place - national defense - but they are almost always saddled with Dems who have a majority or at least not a fillibuster-proof minority in one or both houses of Congress. And the Dems won't hesitate to accuse the GOP of racism, ageism, throwing granny off a cliff, etc. in the name of avoiding spending cuts. So it's a compromise. The last time the GOP really got its way, 1994, we had budget surpluses.

157   freak80   2012 Jul 17, 7:34am  

JG1 says

The last time the GOP really got its way, 1994, we had budget surpluses.

Fair enough, but what spending was the GOP really able to cut? There was welfare reform, but how much money did that actually save? Didn't Clinton successfully play the "grandma will be eating dog food" card and turn public opinion against the Republicans?

158   JG1   2012 Jul 17, 10:27am  

bob2356 says

Which one, there were like half a dozen. I didn't see any that I would call incredibly responsible. Where was all this responsible legistlation/budgets from 2000 to 2008 with a Republican president, senate, and congress. The debt grew like crazy. So now these same people are incredibly responsible? There is only the demapublican party now. I don't like the democrats much, but at least pre obama they would raise taxes to pay for their foolishness. Obama is just bush's third term.

He's waiting until he is reelected to raise taxes. On top of those already raised by Obamacare, that is.

159   sbourg   2012 Jul 17, 1:45pm  

Hey JG1, HonestAbe and CapnShuddup: We're in this together, watching Patrick's Libtards on display. They actually do NOT realize how dangerous Obama is. He's FDR x 2 on economic issues, and that's a problem ! Remember to get my recomm book "FDR: New Deal or Raw Deal "

They're not very good on History 2011 either. Who proposed a responsible budget? Boehner/Ryan and the Repubs voted it IN, passed it in August. But the Libtards don't care. In fact, they ridicule anything serious and responsible.

160   sbourg   2012 Jul 17, 1:51pm  

JG1: You're so right, 4 posts above about the Repubs during '01 to '07....they had to 'compromise' with the Dems because they didn't have 60 votes in the Senate. They wanted entitlements/Medicare to only grow by 30% in 5 years, Dems wanted 40%. The compromise by the petulant Dems was 39%.
Bush compromised and agreed to sign Ted Kennedy's prescrip drug plan.....and now Liberals bash Bush for adding to the deficit. Libs don't like it when Repubs don't compromise, and then they bash Repubs for being fiscally irrresponsible when they DO compromise. Hopefully President Romney will have a backbone against these jackwads in the Senate led by Harry Reid the senior jackwad.

161   Honest Abe   2012 Jul 17, 11:59pm  

Ryans plan doesn't even come close to repairing the damage caused by decades of radical liberal give away "free lunch" policies, programs, subsidies and the like.

Any one who fails to understand that is simply too ignorant to have any right to cast a vote, or being allowed to post at Pat.net.

And what anyone makes, or pays in taxes is none of YOUR business. Stop being a nosey, busybody...typical liberal.

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