When do you think the next real estate downturn will occur? Why?

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2012 Jul 28, 12:06pm   53,431 views  109 comments

by hrhjuliet   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I've been following a lot of very knowledgeable people on Patrick.net for a long time. Patrick.net saved my family from buying during the bubble, so I tend to trust the info he posts. What do the experts on his forum truly believe? When will the next downturn hit? Will it just flat-line, or dive? Why? We live in the Bay Area and the prices still seem suspicious. Do any of you know why? Would you buy here? Thank you.


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42   Cheeseus Sonofdog   2012 Aug 1, 3:14am  

".blind assertions and actually present some data."

You have the internet. Charts are a plenty. Just note that robo-signing became exposed late summer of 2010 and the settlement was this spring. Note that most foreclosures were being done by gse's like fannie/freddie/hud, and they pretty much stopped in all states, judicial and non-judicial. Note that many states saw foreclosures go up 50%, 100% this spring compared to last. Even California saw a 20% spike last month....

43   Cheeseus Sonofdog   2012 Aug 1, 3:56am  

Going into 2010 we had rocket docket. Many states ramping foreclosures. That is the spike you see. Mid 2010 rumors of robo-signing. By late summer most banks froze foreclosures. GSE's kept them stalled in judicial and non-judicial. Inventory starts crashing by 2011.

Rocket docket was exposing factual shadow inventory. It was coming out. Robo-signing stopped it. Let's pretend this is March of 2010. Looking at the chart, would you be buying here? No. You would see that inventory is spiking. Did inventory come down because everyone decided it was a great time to buy, or because foreclosures were stalled. To buy now, one is assuming that all past foreclosures have been cleared.

44   Cheeseus Sonofdog   2012 Aug 1, 4:00am  

I didn't say foreclosures were stopped. I said they were stalled. Banks canceling most, but not all, courthouse sales. Freezing current cases. Not filing new notice of defaults. The increase after the settlement clearly proves they were doing this. Past press releases from Fannie, etc, shows they were slowing down to a trickle.

45   bmwman91   2012 Aug 1, 4:15am  


I am with you in hoping that the shadow inventory gets liquidated and we all get cheap houses. There are mountains of logical reasons for why housing prices should go lower and the shadow inventory should be released to individual buyers for the long-term health of the nation.

However, I am not counting on it, at all. Most underwater government loan owners will be given no-doc refinancing opportunities, and I am more than willing to bet that the government will do some number principal write-downs for people with government loans. If there is a large sell-off of foreclosures, most of which are held by the GSEs, they will be sold to large institutional investors that will work them to maximize their own profit. Reality is dictated by the government and big banks, and regardless of how abhorrent or unsustainable it may prove in the long run, it is and will be the case for a very long time as far as you & I are concerned.

My advice is to stop searching for the light at the end of the tunnel and focus on learning to live IN the tunnel. The next decade is going to be interesting.

46   everything   2012 Aug 1, 4:22am  

You guys fret, but low interest rates, or easy money juiced the RE market back to life, just like it did the equities market. Now RE is getting more expensive just like it is supposed to when you've got to much easy money chasing fewer goods.

The next downturn will come when the easy money runs out.

Also, regarding property taxes.., states are all different regarding that so you can't really argue over it without differentiating them individually. In my state, I can rent for less than twice what I would pay just in property taxes on your everyday 3 bedroom home.

47   freak80   2012 Aug 1, 4:22am  

bmwman91 says

Reality is dictated by the government and big banks, and regardless of how abhorrent or unsustainable it may prove in the long run, it is and will be the case for a very long time as far as you & I are concerned.

Sick, isn't it? But as my late grandmother always said, "don't fight city hall."

48   CDon   2012 Aug 1, 4:41am  

Cheeseus Sonofdog says

In 1998 I could buy a brand new 3/2/2 on an acre of land for $110k in my area.... Today, that 15yo home sells for $160k.

If you go by the notoriously conservative CPI inflation calculator, 110K in 1998 is equal to 155K today. Is the 5K discrepancy (155K vs 160K) much more than a rouding error? What do you think that 3/2/2 going for 110K 14 years ago "should be" today?

49   bmwman91   2012 Aug 1, 4:43am  

freak80 says

Sick, isn't it? But as my late grandmother always said, "don't fight city hall."

Yup. You can't beat the system. All you can do is understand it and either operate within it as best you can, or be clever and find ways to operate outside of it.

50   B.A.C.A.H.   2012 Aug 1, 4:43am  

We're still in the downturn. Just bouncing along in it.

51   B.A.C.A.H.   2012 Aug 1, 4:45am  

bmwman91 says

The whole thing resembles an unstable, spring-loaded machine that that defies the second law of thermodynamics

It's only because of your USA-oriented frame of reference. For immigrants from crowded parts of the world, The Fortress prices are Bargain Prices.

52   freak80   2012 Aug 1, 4:46am  

bmwman91 says

or be clever and find ways to operate outside of it.

That's what the Mexican drug cartels did.

Of course, by now, the ARE the system. ;-)

53   freak80   2012 Aug 1, 4:48am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

It's only because of your USA-oriented frame of reference. For immigrants from crowded parts of the world, The Fortress prices are Bargain Prices.

It may be a bargain for *wealthy* immigrants. How many Chinese peasants do you know who can afford to live in San Jose?

54   edvard2   2012 Aug 1, 4:59am  

bmwman91 says

I have not been interested / paying attention nearly as long as you have (not calling you old or anything), but this looks like all anyone needs to know. The BA has a very limited supply of housing, NIMBY and enviro craziness preventing new development, high paying jobs and more people that want to live here than available space.

LOL! Its ok. I'm actually in my 30's, which I guess is sorta... "old"
But anyway, The only reason I waited as long is because when I first moved here I didn't make much money and so buying was totally out of the question anyway. When I started making more dough the housing bubble was going like mad and so the more I made, the more the prices went up and by that time I said the heck with it and waited it out.

So in reality the bubble more or less forced me into saving and waiting out of necessity. In the end I sort of got tired of trying to make sense out of something that will never make sense: Bay Area housing.

55   Cheeseus Sonofdog   2012 Aug 1, 5:04am  

Inventory came down because existing inventory was being bought while new inventory was being kept from entering the market. If walmart sets out a dozen TV's for sale and doesn't add more, the inventory on the shelf will become depleted. But if they have a hundred more TVs in the warehouse, did inventory fall?

56   B.A.C.A.H.   2012 Aug 1, 5:20am  

freak80 says

How many Chinese peasants do you know who can afford to live in San Jose?

I don't know any.

But that's not who it is. It's the kids of their 1%'ers (in a poor country of a billion, there's millions of them), their parents sending them to the top universities in North America to get'em out of Dodge before the coming next Great Unraveling.

And it's not San Jose. Except for a tiny polyp of amaeba-shaped San Jose that protrudes into the school district of a coveted Fortress Community, they are not interested in San Jose.

And yes, considering what you get, and how many hours of your engineering salary you have to trade each month for the mortgage payment and property tax bill, compared to where they came from housing in the coveted Fortress Communities in the big urban areas along the Left Coast are Bargain Prices.

57   freak80   2012 Aug 1, 5:25am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

But that's not who it is. It's the kids of their 1%'ers (in a poor country of a billion, there's millions of them), their parents sending them to the top universities in North America to get'em out of Dodge before the coming next Great Unraveling.

I get it now. That makes sense.

B.A.C.A.H. says

And it's not San Jose. Except for a tiny polyp of amaeba-shaped San Jose that protrudes into the school district of a coveted Fortress Community, they are not interested in San Jose.

I guess I misunderstood what "The Fortress" was. I thought it was just a synonym for Silicon Valley and/or San Jose.

B.A.C.A.H. says

And yes, considering what you get, and how many hours of your engineering salary you have to trade each month for the mortgage payment and property tax bill, compared to where they came from housing in the coveted Fortress Communities in the big urban areas along the Left Coast are Bargain Prices.

True that. I've heard it takes 50 years of an average Chinese salary to buy an apartment/condo in Shanghai and other coastal cities.

Maybe part of the Chinese coastal RE bubble is being "imported" to the Bay Area, Vancouver BC, and other West Coast areas.

58   dublin hillz   2012 Aug 1, 9:14am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

freak80 says

How many Chinese peasants do you know who can afford to live in San Jose?

I don't know any.

But that's not who it is. It's the kids of their 1%'ers (in a poor country of a billion, there's millions of them), their parents sending them to the top universities in North America to get'em out of Dodge before the coming next Great Unraveling.

And it's not San Jose. Except for a tiny polyp of amaeba-shaped San Jose that protrudes into the school district of a coveted Fortress Community, they are not interested in San Jose.

And yes, considering what you get, and how many hours of your engineering salary you have to trade each month for the mortgage payment and property tax bill, compared to where they came from housing in the coveted Fortress Communities in the big urban areas along the Left Coast are Bargain Prices.

So to add insult to injury, first they pillage our manufacturing jobs, then they made homes less affordable in the fortress! Bastards!

59   FortWayne   2012 Aug 1, 2:25pm  

November, maybe sooner. Droughts are no, doubt will affect everything. Food prices will go up.

More worried about overall economy.

60   bubblesitter   2012 Aug 2, 12:55am  

FortWayne says

Food prices will go up.

..and some people think home prices will go up too....while good paying jobs are gone...I have to see how that works out.

61   Rouxben   2012 Aug 2, 1:57am  

hrhjuliet says

I've been following a lot of very knowledgeable people on Patrick.net for a long time.


62   edvard2   2012 Aug 2, 2:37am  

Again- the problem with trying to apply logic to places like the Bay Area real estate is in some ways a lost cause. Prices out of line with incomes? Surprise surprise. Its been that way literally for decades. Prices have also been ob average 2 or 3 times higher than the national average. People also tend to spend higher percentages of their incomes on houses.

As someone who waited for well over a decade, in my opinion the single biggest reason for this is because of the lack of supply either due to the prevalent NIMBYism that permeates the area or from physical limitations due to the area already being heavily developed and built-out.

Looking at this from another perspective, take collectibles for example. Sometimes valuable items are based purely on their rarity. It might be the most boring, plainest, most uninteresting item. But if only 10 are known to exist in the world then it can also be extremely valuable. Its all about the rarity.

The same goes for houses. Now- where my parents live in the Southeast they've been throwing up cookie-cutter Mcmansions as fast as they can build them and they stick them anywhere and everywhere. You could go have your pick of 2 story, 3 car garage, giant plastic siding coated Mcmansions for under $150k. Not because the house itself is any worse than a house anywhere else, but because there are 100's of new subdivisions filled with these houses and more are being built all the time. On the other hand a 60's single story 2 bedroom tract home in the more desirable, commutable Bay Area city is 500k or so. Not because the house is necessarily nice, but because its rare. Throw in lots of high-paying jobs and there you have more people with the financial means competing over less homes overall and thus why these ordinary homes in the Bay Area become by economic default become precious commodities whereas anywhere else they would be boring starter homes.

Its pretty much that. Trust me- It makes zero sense to me either and as mentioned- I bought.

63   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Aug 2, 2:46am  

edvard2 says

Its pretty much that. Trust me- It makes zero sense to me either and as mentioned- I bought.

As history always has shown, time has a funny way of eventually making sense out of anything financial. The problem is people think a few months or a few years is a long time horizon. I'm willing to wait this thing out for the necessary period. In the meantime, I'll keep saving faster than I could as an owner. Easy as taking candy from a sleeping baby. ;)

64   CDon   2012 Aug 2, 2:59am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

edvard2 says

Its pretty much that. Trust me- It makes zero sense to me either and as mentioned- I bought.

As history always has shown, time has a funny way of eventually making sense out of anything financial. The problem is people think a few months or a few years is a long time horizon. I'm willing to wait this thing out for the necessary period.

How long is that? I ask because I happen to know someone who did not buy in 1989 because home prices were "ridiculously inflated". 23 years later, he is still waiting...

65   edvard2   2012 Aug 2, 3:10am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

As history always has shown, time has a funny way of eventually making sense out of anything financial. The problem is people think a few months or a few years is a long time horizon. I'm willing to wait this thing out for the necessary period. In the meantime, I'll keep saving faster than I could as an owner. Easy as taking candy from a sleeping baby. ;)

Well, in that case the situation we're in right now has been going on in the Bay Area for well over 30 years. So had that been the mantra of those waiting then they would have been waiting and probably continue to wait for perhaps many more decades.

Also- as someone who rented dirt-cheap for well over 17 years, I can also say the exact same thing: My mortgage is the same as rent at this point thanks mainly to having a very low interest rates. Thus I too save money and yes- as you say- its as easy as " taking candy from a baby"

I'm not saying that no- one day home prices in the BA won't come back to earth and "behave" itself. Personally I could care less. As mentioned I bought the house to live in- not view as an investment, nor is my financial success tied to it. But I've lived here long enough to see that the market here does not perform as it "should".

66   FunTime   2012 Aug 2, 4:01am  

edvard2 says

in my opinion the single biggest reason for this is because of the lack of supply

Although, supply and demand work together. In this case, society keeps the demand always high. People are dead-set on buying houses. So I agree that if the supply is somehow limited in the Bay Area, then prices would tend to be higher compared with other areas. I haven't read anything showing lmited supplies, but I'd believe it for certain kinds of houses because you just don't see them everywhere in San Francisco, for example.

67   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 2, 4:02am  

This is more of a where question, than a when question.

68   edvard2   2012 Aug 2, 4:24am  

FunTime says

Although, supply and demand work together. In this case, society keeps the demand always high.

Delving into this further, another totally unscientific , undefined element would be the absolute intense desire for real estate that exists in the BA and other places like it. This too would add to the lack of mathematical, economic sense when it comes to prices.

69   freak80   2012 Aug 2, 4:30am  


How reliable is "shadowstats.com" as a source of information? It looks like a typical conspiracy-theory website.

70   Massive Housing Inventory   2012 Aug 2, 6:52am  

What do you mean "the next downturn"?

Housing prices are falling in every statistical area in the country.

71   Bellingham Bill   2012 Aug 2, 7:39am  

This guy again

72   Massive Housing Inventory   2012 Aug 2, 7:42am  

We never left kiddo.

73   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Aug 2, 8:34am  

freak80 says

Are they? I'm not rushing out to buy a house, but nationally the bubble is mostly deflated:


True, I should have said specifically in the BA. Right now the only area that I care about.

74   edvard2   2012 Aug 2, 8:45am  

I guess I don't understand the reasoning behind these arguments. Obviously those who invest in real estate and have a financial interest in seeing it rise are going to likely put a positive spin on things. Those that rent and want to buy obviously have an equally compelling reason to see prices fall. But in the end if all you want is a place to live in then it boils down to dollars and cents and that is going to depend on individual financial situations. If you can afford to buy and want to, have your ducks in a row, then you can do so. If you'd rather rent, then do so. If you can't afford to buy then continue to save money. Its really as simple as that.

75   Massive Housing Inventory   2012 Aug 2, 8:46am  

In the meantime, prices are falling.

76   JodyChunder   2012 Aug 2, 10:00am  

Phil -- when interest rates go down, asking prices go up. That has been my experience over nearly 40 years as a home buyer

77   JodyChunder   2012 Aug 2, 10:17am  

Philistine says

So, for me, nothing's changed. We continue to sock away our money because it's always been roughly $1500 month cheaper to keep renting.

If I tell you to keep renting I'm just gonna sound like a landlord preaching his sermon, but if I were in your shoes, I would keep on with the deal you got now. I told my daughter the same thing, and she's all worked up about owning a house so she can have herself a sewing room.

Like the guy says in that link I posted, we don't have a succulent bottom.

78   CL   2012 Aug 2, 10:25am  

JodyChunder says

Like the guy says in that link I posted, we don't have a succulent bottom.

The ladies seem to like mine, so speak for yourself.

79   JodyChunder   2012 Aug 2, 10:29am  

CL says

The ladies seem to like mine, so speak for yourself.

I lost my ass both in the financial sense and the anatomical sense in my liftetime. I got the first one back but I fear the second one is probably gone forever. : (

81   Goran_K   2012 Aug 2, 5:13pm  

Philistine says

So, intrigued by all this Rah Rah the Bottom's In stuff, we went tirekicking last weekend in our preferred neighborhoods in LA.

Even with 3.5% interest rates, our estimated mortgage comes out to $3500/mo all in for a house of the same quality and location of the house we are currently renting for $2000/mo. Just our experience, though; anecdotes are anecdotes.

We have paid $2000/mo since 2008. Never had an increase.

I have the same experience. I'm renting in a gated community for about 60% of the PITI to mortgage the home. My rent has been stable since 2009.

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