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No he benefited from a trust fund, you could argue his Dad made his money, but then you have admit the Kennedy's weren't worth a shit either.
Here I found this on the internet that might make you feel better...
Romney's VP pick Paul Ryan and his wife have accumulated millions of dollars in assets and generated income last year that is MORE than his congressional salary, according to his most recent financial disclosure statement. How did he do it? Almost all is INHERITANCE. Ryan's work career outside government or politics is very, very short, lasting less than a few months. In fact, driving the Weinermobile may be his most significant NON-GOVERNMENT work experience.
A "Weinermobile" well I say that would make him more qualified than those Prohibition Liquor money Trust fund Kennedy's experience before they started in Government.
A "Weinermobile" well I say that would make him more qualified than those Prohibition Liquor money Trust fund Kennedy's experience before they started in Government.
Captain are you neglecting JFK's wartime experience? John Kennedy DID serve in the military. On the front lines of a shooting war no less. What has Ryan done?
Democrat Erskine Bowles praises Paul Ryan And His Budget Plan
Erskine Bowles: Ryan budget is "sensible...honest, serious"
Paul Ryan: Entrepreneurial Capitalism vs Crony Capitalism
If your an independent.. this is your guy !!
Obama was called this Generation's JFK, and we all know he fell short on that assessment. Now We have given this much consideration, and we think it needs a do over. Take the JFK achievement award next to the Nobel peace prize and give it to Ryan. He seems just as deserving.
We can discuss his 100 day do nothing accolades, when that day comes.
But for know all hail this Generations JFK, or TGI-JFK for short.
I haven't heard anyone address the subject of this story. Paul Ryan is a rich kid who doesn't know anything about running a business. He just knows how to cash the checks from his (his wife's, actually) trust fund. He's never worked (except for a short stint driving the Wienermobile). He's never served in the military. He has worked for the government that he rails against for his entire working life.
He's telling business owners that "you built that business." What does this man know about building a business?
He's telling business owners that "you built that business." What does this man know about building a business?
He's good at brown nosing. That's 90% of sales right there.
I haven't heard anyone address the subject of this story.
Fixing roads and revamping rail roads isnt going to fix our problems today.
We need to get govt out of the way, reduce our cost structures, fix the tax code, and get investment incentives back into manufacturing/R&D. We need to employ the US worker back into the economy. We need to relearn how to build " insane stuff" again so we can all consume and export to other global consumers.
We need .... "Made in the USA".
He's good at brown nosing. That's 90% of sales right there.
Good point.
And bullshitting. That's the remaining 10%.
We need to employ the US worker back into the economy. We need to relearn how to build " insane stuff" again
That won't happen w/o tarriffs and protectionism. The global financial elite won't let that happen. It's bad for their bottom line.
"There is no world anymore...only corporations!"
-- Number Two (Austin Powers movie)
That won't happen w/o tarriffs and protectionism. The global financial elite won't let that happen. It's bad for their bottom line.
"There is no world anymore...only corporations!"
-- Number Two (Austin Powers movie)
ok.. i will talk your Hollywood lingo!
"you Improvise, adapt, overcome! "
"you Improvise, adapt, overcome! "
Good luck with that.
How are we going to compete with Asians and Indians who are used to the threat of starvation?
(thanks to Serpentor for the image)
Apologies if this has already been posted.
When President Obama said that we succeed in America “because of our individual initiative but also because we do things together,†he was actually speaking in more general terms — about manufacturing companies that ship their goods on our railways and highways and thus indirectly benefit from that public infrastructure. With a net worth of up to $3.2 million and ranking as the 124th richest member of Congress, Paul Ryan very directly and very significantly benefited from the federal spending he now rails against.