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It's amazing how soon ideology takes a back seat when reality hits, isn't it?
What do you call Republicans that want taxpayers money that's paid in from the whole country?
How much Federal money went to fortify the levees after Katrina?
La. Republicans,you didn't build that.
If its a LEGITIMATE hurricane, doesn't God have a way of shutting the whole thing down?
Yeah because Bush's laxed attitude about Katrina went over so well.
At the end of the day folks, Jindal has done his part of his obligation to his constituency, what Obama chooses to do. Politicizing the request, or acting on it. Will weight heavy in the voting booths, let's not kid our selves.
And you want to know what's really cool. The only people making an issue out of Jindal's request are the Liberals, let your true color shine boys.
See, unlike most Democrats, Reps pay income taxes. So when they want some of it back like in this case, that isn't a hand-out, it's a demand for services paid for.
Which (SHOCKER!) is whey they are loath to give up their money for taxes in the first place -- they sure as hell hardly ever get back the same value from the government as was taken for them. Obama holding back aid for tens of thousands of people just because their governor is a Rep is Current Exhibit A.
Do we need to post the chart showing which states get back more than they give and which give more than they get back? Because it's pretty obvious that the Blue states pay more than their fair share.
Nope. Just people who want some of THEIR MONEY back.
Lousianna got back $1.78 for every dollar they paid in Federal Taxes in 2005. They haven't paid more than they received since 1983.
Don't let the facts bother you though...
Not so bootstrappy as they claim