Who dunnit? Who benefits? How did those towers come down?

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2012 Sep 3, 1:23am   303,949 views  820 comments

by coriacci1   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  


Congress rolled over for the White House(again), and did not preform it's Constitutional Duty. 11 years ago we were hoodwinked by the NeoCons and the Controlled Media. You can't cover up the fact that Explosives were used on all 3 buildings that collapsed on September 11. Many people still do not Realize Building 7 dropped in a free fall demolition at 5 thirty in the Afternoon in a classic Controlled Fashion. It is way past time to reconcile the Lies. The Tide will turn our way now as the Financial and Political Systems implode like building 7. This is what

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287   Homeboy   2012 Sep 18, 5:15am  

Ya gotta love how one of the truthers' arguments is the fires weren't that hot, and another one of their arguments is that the fires were really hot.

288   coriacci1   2012 Sep 18, 6:21am  

what does conspiracy mean anyway?

289   KILLERJANE   2012 Sep 18, 6:23am  

The earth is flat Batman.

290   Jeremy   2012 Sep 18, 8:42am  

I don't believe in conspiracy theories, but I would just like to have my mind put at ease.

-Why did multiple witnesses claim to hear multiple explosions before each of the twin towers came down?

-Building 7 was not seriously damaged, and was clearly not fully engulfed in flames. It housed all of the SEC's documents relating to investigations into Enron and other major corporations at the time. Why would it implode straight down?

-Why did the coroner that arrived on scene of the wreckage of flight 93 not find one drop of blood or sign of any human remains?

-Why is there not one single video capturing a plane hitting the Pentagon?

- How is it possible that not one single black box was recovered from either plane (2 on each plane) in the rubble at ground zero?

- How good of a pilot would you have to be to fly a 757 at close to its maximum capable speed, and bank a turn, and score a direct hit dead center of a building?

- What the hell was Dick Cheney talking about?

The list goes on and on...
I am really not one to believe in conspiracy theories. I simply think there are a ton of questions with no good answers.... or no answers period.

291   Y   2012 Sep 18, 8:57am  

What's more hilarious is that you think Ockham had a razor....

Homeboy says

It's hilarious how one of you "disliked" Occam's Razor.

292   Homeboy   2012 Sep 18, 4:50pm  

SoftShell says

What's more hilarious is that you think Ockham had a razor....

Looks like he shaved his head.

293   Homeboy   2012 Sep 18, 5:09pm  

coriacci1 says

what does conspiracy mean anyway?

It's that thing you believe in.

294   coriacci1   2012 Sep 18, 6:17pm  

Homeboy says

It's that thing you believe in.

you presume much.

295   Homeboy   2012 Sep 18, 6:48pm  

coriacci1 says

you presume much.

You lie much.

296   exsevie   2012 Sep 19, 12:18am  

Why would "they" need to bring down building 7? Wouldn't the two towers be enough? Wouldn't it arouse unnecessary suspicion? The two towers failed at the point of impact. (or did "they" know where the planes were going to hit and place explosives only below those points?)

297   coriacci1   2012 Sep 19, 1:44am  

Homeboy says

Down is the direction that buildings fall, because of gravity. If you knew anything about physics, you would know that it is actually more difficult to make a skyscraper fall over sideways than it is to make it fall down.

you know nothing of physics, obviously.

298   Bigsby   2012 Sep 19, 2:06am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Er, you mean you trust the opinions of a group of architects and engineers who share your conspiracy theory as opposed to accepting the views of the vast majority who don't. Remarkable.

The vast majority, as you say, are stupid. Wake up. Here is the video that should put your little misguided thinking into it's proper place:

If you dare watch that video, you will see absolute evidence that the government was totally involved in 911. I dare you to watch it.

Gary Anderson strategicdefaultbooks.com

Oh for FFS, your proof is a Youtube video with 130 views of a couple of firemen in a state of shock trying to get a handle on what is happening. You really are stretching it, aren't you?

299   Bigsby   2012 Sep 19, 2:07am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Please provide link. I can't find a single picture of an airliner hitting the pentagon.

So they blew up the Pentagon as well, did they?

300   Bigsby   2012 Sep 19, 2:09am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Homeboy says

YOU are the one making an alleged scientific conclusion. Are you trained in building collapse forensics?

Homeboy, what are your credentials? Education? Profession? Are you trained in building collapse forensics?

I rather think you are missing the point.

301   Bigsby   2012 Sep 19, 2:21am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Maybe. What is the point?

What exactly do you think Homeboy is basing his arguments on? And you?

302   Bigsby   2012 Sep 19, 2:27am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Bigsby says

Squatting in East CoCo says

Maybe. What is the point?

What exactly do you think Homeboy is basing his arguments on? And you?

Internet Info.

What is the point I am missing?

He's referencing scientific reports. You and your ilk are using Youtube videos with 130 views.

303   Bigsby   2012 Sep 19, 2:47am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Can you define and describe your ilk?

People who don't rely on Youtube videos posted by unqualified 9/11 conspiracists to form their opinions.

304   Bigsby   2012 Sep 19, 2:58am  

Squatting in East CoCo says


Do you believe the official story 100%?

Do you believe the engineers at www.ae911truth.org/ are 100% wrong?

I believe that your opinion that the WTC buildings (along with the Pentagon) were blown up as part of an inside job (with an enormous cover up ever since) is wrong if that's what you are asking me.

305   Bigsby   2012 Sep 19, 3:11am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

I don't want to believe it either.

Oh, I think you do.

306   Homeboy   2012 Sep 19, 6:47am  

coriacci1 says

you know nothing of physics, obviously.

Obviously I know more than you, which isn't saying much.

307   Homeboy   2012 Sep 19, 6:56am  

Look, this is very easy to settle. Those of you who are claiming that the "normal" way for a skyscraper to fall down is sideways, simply provide your scientific evidence to prove that fact. You are making a very specific claim:


The burden of proof is on those of you claiming that something happened OTHER than what we saw in the video footage. I already posted a video of a very tall model tower falling, which shows that gravity causes tall structures to fall vertically. The principle is the same, whether it's a scale model or a full size building. If you believe otherwise, all you have to do is show us your evidence - EVIDENCE, not just somebody SAYING it. Just SAYING something does not prove it is true.

If you cannot prove that skyscrapers ALWAYS fall over sideways in the absence of explosives, then your point has no merit, and you have no business posting that nonsense here.

308   Homeboy   2012 Sep 19, 6:59am  

Bigsby says

Squatting in East CoCo says

I don't want to believe it either.

Oh, I think you do.

Yep, desperately.

309   Bigsby   2012 Sep 19, 1:54pm  

bgamall4 says

You got better eyewitnesses??? I didn't think so.

You are reading into it what you want to hear. Ask another dozen firemen who were in the same place at the same time and you'll more than likely get 12 different opinions about what was going on.
Ask those same firemen today, in the cold light of day, what they think happened.
Ask them what they actually meant when they talk about 'explosions.' I don't see how that automatically translates into a controlled explosion except in the mind of someone who wants to hear that.
And there are a million eyewitnesses, and no doubt a million different versions of what happened, which is precisely why eye witness accounts are notoriously unreliable.
And I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but didn't they say they escaped from the lobby? Isn't that the lobby that you lot think was rigged with explosives to bring down the building?

310   Homeboy   2012 Sep 19, 3:47pm  

bgamall4 says

They cannot be pulverized into dust on the way down without explosives. There is some grey matter between your ears right? Think about it.

A. They weren't "pulverized into dust".

B. Explosives don't pulverize buildings into dust anyway.

C. Prove that skyscrapers always fall down sideways, or shut up.

"Think about it" is not proof. That's very weak.

But it did make clouds of dust. You obviously have no clue how heavy a 110 story building is, or how much energy is released when it falls. It's not like when you play with your legos.

311   Homeboy   2012 Sep 19, 4:45pm  

bgamall4 says

If you dare watch that video, you will see absolute evidence that the government was totally involved in 911. I dare you to watch it.

Wait. Are you saying the building was undergoing a controlled demolition, the firemen were INSIDE the building as the explosive charges were detonated, and they got out alive? You actually believe that, huh?

Man, you are even dumber than I thought.

312   Homeboy   2012 Sep 19, 5:18pm  

O.K, I think I'm starting to understand what happened. Apparently, Enron hired some hijackers to fly planes into buildings, but they also planted thousands of pounds of explosives in the buildings, because they wanted to make it look like the planes made the buildings fall down. Except they demolished the buildings in a very precise, controlled way, so it didn't actually look like the planes did it. I'm not sure why they wanted it to look controlled if they were trying to make it look like it was uncontrolled, but apparently they just did that for no particular reason. Oh, and they planted explosives in one of the buildings but didn't fly a plane into it. Again, it's not clear why they would leave huge clues like that for us to discover and figure out their plot, but I guess we shouldn't question that.

Oh, but also, the hijackers learned on small planes, so they didn't actually know how to fly a passenger jet well enough to crash it into a building, so maybe the planes were some sort of illusion or remote-controlled or something. And they also crashed another plane into the ground, also for no particular reason, I guess. But maybe that one was an illusion also. And then they blew a hole in the side of the pentagon and said a plane flew into it, but they forgot to make the hole the right size. So they wanted us to see planes flying into the twin towers, but they DIDN'T want us to see a plane flying into the pentagon, even though they wanted us to think it did, so they confiscated all the film (apparently there are a whole bunch of movie cameras pointing at the pentagon at all times). Also they somehow got ahold of every tape made that day and cleverly erased the sound of deafening explosions that would be heard during a controlled demolition, but somehow managed to leave all other sounds on the tape.

Yes, that makes perfect sense. You guys are geniuses.

313   Bigsby   2012 Sep 19, 5:46pm  

What are you talking about Homeboy? They weren't planes, they were missiles. I saw it on a Youtube video.

314   coriacci1   2012 Sep 20, 1:24am  

homeboy says:

Obviously I know more than you, which isn't saying much.

obviously you missed that paragraph in your 8th grade physics textbook on resistance and free fall speed, huh?

315   Y   2012 Sep 20, 1:51am  

That was 3rd grade physics at my school.
What sort of developmental disabilities did you inherit?

coriacci1 says

obviously you missed that paragraph in your 8th grade physics textbook on resistance and free fall speed, huh?

316   Chris Sarns   2012 Sep 20, 1:55am  

WTC 7 imploded [collapsed in on itself]. The entire upper part of WTC 7 fell at free fall acceleration for about 100 feet. That means all the supporting structure was removed in a precisely controlled manner. This video is enough for a reasonable objective person.
If you need more:

317   coriacci1   2012 Sep 20, 3:58am  

SoftShell says

That was 3rd grade physics at my school.
What sort of developmental disabilities did you inherit?

thank you for highlighting one of the myriad benefits of a"good catholic school" education.

318   coriacci1   2012 Sep 20, 4:04am  

coriacci1 says

You have overwhelming evidence.

you also had then mayor of san francisco, willie brown, receive a warning not to take his flight to ny next morning.

319   Homeboy   2012 Sep 20, 5:16am  

bgamall4 says

Silverstein said they were going to pull WTC7. Get it man!

If it was supposed to be a secret conspiracy, why would he later publicly admit to it? Could you at least explain that?

Also, how many people were involved in this conspiracy? So far we seem to have Bush, Cheney, Enron, Silverstein, Chevron, Saudi Arabia, Warren Buffet, David Boren, Unocal, PNAC, and presumably all the security and maintenance people at the World Trade Center and the pentagon.

Would it be easier if I asked who WASN'T in on the conspiracy?

320   Homeboy   2012 Sep 20, 5:21am  

robertoaribas says

since a controlled demolition is only about 10,000 times harder than a simple destructive event, (not to mention taking months to set up with people drilling and wiring it up... and leaving tons of evidence of your plot] It would make zero sense to any terrorist ever.

THEN, if you are going to bomb the building, why bother with the slightly difficult part of hijacking planes and flying them into them?

Maybe they're like James Bond villains, where they give away their whole secret plot and then leave Bond in a position where he can escape.

321   Homeboy   2012 Sep 20, 5:25am  

Leonard Nimoy comments on the 9/11 conspiracy theory:


322   bdrasin   2012 Sep 20, 5:56am  

Jesus H Christ, people are still talking about this? This is so far beyond insane that it takes the light from insane 50 years to get to it...

323   coriacci1   2012 Sep 20, 10:44am  

Homeboy says

Leonard Nimoy comments on the 9/11 conspiracy theory:

911 trekkie poker game.


324   Bigsby   2012 Sep 20, 1:15pm  

bgamall4 says

bdrasin says

This is so far beyond insane that it takes the light from insane 50 years to get to it...

If you are afraid to face the facts, I can understand it. Your life will have moments of misery that you can avoid by being oblivious to the obvious.

Gary Anderson strategicdefaultbooks.com

You must be as happy as a pig in shit then.

325   bob2356   2012 Sep 20, 1:31pm  

bgamall4 says

bdrasin says

This is so far beyond insane that it takes the light from insane 50 years to get to it...

If you are afraid to face the facts, I can understand it. Your life will have moments of misery that you can avoid by being oblivious to the obvious.

Gary Anderson strategicdefaultbooks.com

When are you going to put up any facts to face?

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