Polling update

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2012 Sep 25, 10:24pm   12,148 views  32 comments

by tatupu70   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

All numbers from RealClearPolitics polling averages

Florida--Obama +3.1
Ohio--Obama +5.2
Virginia--Obama +4.5
New Hampshire--Obama +1.0
Iowa--Obama +4.0
Colorado--Obama +2.3
Wisconsin--Obama +7.8
Michigan--Obama +8.6
Pennsylvania--Obama +8.2
Nevada--Obama +4.2
North Carolina--Obama +1.0

Missouri--Romney +7.3

Intrade odds have Obama 74.1 to Romney 26.0


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12   zzyzzx   2012 Sep 26, 11:41pm  

Most pollsters are weighting their data on the assumption that the 2012 electorate will turn out in the same proportion as the 2008 voters did. But polling indicates a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the president among his core constituency. He’ll still carry them by heavy margins, but the turnout will likely lag behind the 2008 stats. (The 2008 turnout was totally unlike that in other years with all-time historic high turnouts among Obama’s main demographic groups).

Specifically, most pollsters are using 2008 party preferences to weight their 2012 survey samples, reflecting a much larger Democratic preference than is now really the case.

In my own polling, I found a lurch to the Democrats right after their convention, but subsequent research indicates that it has since petered out. Indeed, when one compares party identification in the August and September polls of this year in swing states, the Democratic Party identification is flat while the ranks of Republicans rose by an average of two points per state.

13   marcus   2012 Sep 26, 11:50pm  

Quick, open an account for $500 with IEM. It's legit, and has been around for several election cycles.

All of you who claim it's a close race,...

YOU CAN GET 4:1 ODDS BETTING ON ROMNEY. THAT's RIGHT !! BET $500, and you get $2000 if he wins (or just under), and you lose $500 if Obama wins.

The money seems to think it isn't that close. But if you think it is, this is a great opportunity.


This is an example of fact based reality I never hear a response to. I'm guessing that's because your position is something like this:

"My reality is actually a fantasy bubble of things I imagine to be true. I've found that basing bets on my fantasy perception of reality is not wise."

Therefore, at least on some level, you know what's what, it's just that you prefer to view things through the prism of lies that the right wing bases its existence on.

14   Tenpoundbass   2012 Sep 26, 11:57pm  

zzyzzx says

Most pollsters are weighting their data on the assumption that the 2012 electorate will turn out in the same proportion as the 2008 voters did.

That is a big Ole wet dream, the Liberals are going to wake up any minute now with mystery sauce on their bellies, three hours late for work.

He's the way I see it breaks down.

Obama's supporters are so passionate about Obama, they will click on every Poll and Poll the same poll often. But they are far fewer than in 2008. Not even close, they seem like a large number, well in part because the media controls the information. And the media wants another Kumbya moment like 2008 but the sheer numbers with blind faith just isn't there. There is a large number that thinks Obama is better than Romney because the media has conditioned them so. But will they be motivated to actually get out and vote? I highly doubt it.

If you want to see a motivated lot, watch Romney's voters, they aren't even thrilled with him. They are motivated to Vote against Obama, not so much for Romney. And they are as passionate about it as the "Change" crowd were to vote him in, 4 years ago.

So even though Romney most definitely get the Nod and WILL be the next president. The majority of his Voters, just aren't as motivated about voting for him, to even spend one single second talking about it with a pollster. Perhaps if a poll were to ask who will you be voting against, we might get a more honest accurate poll.

15   marcus   2012 Sep 27, 12:01am  

That's your dream.

4:1 you can get if you only had the balls to put your money where your mouth is.

Although this probably is the pre debate low right in here for Romney. And there might not be time to open an account before the debate bounce starts (probably before the debate).


16   freak80   2012 Sep 27, 12:05am  

marcus says

YOU CAN GET 4:1 ODDS BETTING ON ROMNEY. THAT's RIGHT !! BET $500, and you get $2000 if he wins (or just under), and you lose $500 if Obama wins.
The money seems to think it isn't that close. But if you think it is, this is a great opportunity.

That's just it. Anyone can say "I believe that X will happen." But will they bet money on those beliefs?

Romney is toast. His recent comments show just how out-of-touch he is. Why the RNC thought they should nominate a corporate raider for president (in the middle of a massive depression) is beyond me. Romney will get 100% of the "hate Obama vote" and that's it. It won't be enough to win.

17   bdrasin   2012 Sep 27, 3:13am  

zzyzzx says


Shows Romney way ahead.

If the homeowner isn't insulted by your offer...you didn't bid low enough!!!

Oh noes! We're getting creamed! *ph33r*

18   bdrasin   2012 Sep 27, 3:18am  

freak80 says

marcus says

YOU CAN GET 4:1 ODDS BETTING ON ROMNEY. THAT's RIGHT !! BET $500, and you get $2000 if he wins (or just under), and you lose $500 if Obama wins.

The money seems to think it isn't that close. But if you think it is, this is a great opportunity.

That's just it. Anyone can say "I believe that X will happen." But will they bet money on those beliefs?

Romney is toast. His recent comments show just how out-of-touch he is. Why the RNC thought they should nominate a corporate raider for president (in the middle of a massive depression) is beyond me. Romney will get 100% of the "hate Obama vote" and that's it. It won't be enough to win.

Well, if I remember the Republican primary correctly, it was robot vs lunatic vs embodied id vs aging crank vs moron vs lunatic #2

That's romney, santorum, gingritch, paul, perry, bachman if you've blocked out the memory. Of those, Romney was probably the least bad. Huntsman or Pawlenty might well have been better but they weren't willing to conform to the alternate reality that the republican base lives in...

19   leo707   2012 Sep 27, 11:21am  

freak80 says

That's just it. Anyone can say "I believe that X will happen." But will they bet money on those beliefs?

Yep, but with the confidence that some people on this site state that Romney is going to win they should be betting the farm.

20   curious2   2012 Sep 27, 11:24am  

bdrasin says

Well, if I remember the Republican primary correctly, it was...romney, santorum, gingritch, paul, perry, bachman.....

That leaves out Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico, who went on to win the Libertarian Party nomination for President. It also leaves out former Governor of Louisiana and former U.S. Representative Buddy Roemer, who was shut out of the debates and ended his campaign. And it leaves out a pizza guy named Herman Cain, whose campaign manager gained fame by blowing smoke into the camera; he seemed to be angling for the pizza-eating-adulterers-who-smoke-and-are-proud-of-all-that vote, which is a significant number of people when you think about it.

21   bdrasin   2012 Sep 27, 2:02pm  

curious2 says

bdrasin says

Well, if I remember the Republican primary correctly, it was...romney, santorum, gingritch, paul, perry, bachman.....

That leaves out Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico, who went on to win the Libertarian Party nomination for President. It also leaves out former Governor of Louisiana and former U.S. Representative Buddy Roemer, who was shut out of the debates and ended his campaign. And it leaves out a pizza guy named Herman Cain, whose campaign manager gained fame by blowing smoke into the camera; he seemed to be angling for the pizza-eating-adulterers-who-smoke-and-are-proud-of-all-that vote, which is a significant number of people when you think about it.

How could I have forgotten the Hermanator! I admit to having a soft spot for him because
1) He attended my alma mater, and
2) He had this refreshing way of just blurting out any idea that popped into his head
Nice guy, good radio host...but c'mon, really!

I'll admit I don't know anything about Gary Johnson or Buddy Roemer.

22   curious2   2012 Sep 27, 2:07pm  

bdrasin says

I don't know anything about Gary Johnson or Buddy Roemer.

Gary Johnson was possibly the Republicans' best candidate, though within the party he was eclipsed on the libertarian side by the more famous Ron Paul. Now that former former Governor Johnson has the Libertarian nomination, he will likely get millions of votes from Republicans who had voted for Rep. Paul in the primaries.

I don't know as much about former Governor Roemer's campaign, it didn't take off as well.

I wouldn't call Herman Cain a nice guy though. I started out thinking highly of him, until I learned about his policies.

23   rooemoore   2012 Sep 27, 2:39pm  

For all the folks here bashing these biased polls, you do realize that many of them are in the polling business. They make money doing polls for the private market.

There financial reputations are at stake. They very much want to be accurate.

CaptainShuddup says

meddling by the Liberals feel the same way.

In other words it's none of their damn business who I'm voting for.

Fuck, I wish you had that attitude with us.

Get a job and stop boring us with your whines.. Oh, that's right - no one wants to hire an old programmer. Obama and the liberals fault, right? Certainly not your fault!

Just teasing, Captain. Glad to have you back from your hiatus!

24   msilenus   2012 Sep 27, 5:46pm  

Lots of places are happy hiring old programmers. Far fewer would hire a programmer who acts old.

Tired, crotchety, bitter: experience trumps age for those who are the opposite of these things.

25   freak80   2012 Sep 28, 12:57am  

bdrasin says

Well, if I remember the Republican primary correctly, it was robot vs lunatic vs embodied id vs aging crank vs moron vs lunatic #2
That's romney, santorum, gingritch, paul, perry, bachman if you've blocked out the memory. Of those, Romney was probably the least bad.

Fair enough.

26   BobMSN   2012 Sep 28, 2:34am  

Vote for Obama if you care the following:
1. Enjoy the life today and tomorrow, not care about the future. Obama will help you suck the money out of the “superrich” and redistribute to you if you happen to be one of the victims of other people’s success.
2. You are unemployed, but have no interest to get a job as long as you can get food stamps.
3. Your house equity is underwater. You don’t care to get out, but rather enjoy squat.
4. You don’t want to work hard, but rather hide behind a union so you can get paid well before the employer bankrupt or moving overseas.
5. You don’t care about your kids’ school performance as long as the teacher get paid well regardless performance.

Don’t vote for Romney, he said too much truth which we don’t want to handle or even to hear about. Who cares if US business is competitive, who cares U.S. is safe, who cares the big national debt and who cares if our children will have to pay for our irresponsibility.

27   edvard2   2012 Sep 28, 2:37am  

You forgot to mention anything about communism , socialism, and so on.

28   Patrick   2012 Sep 28, 2:48am  

BobMSN says

Vote for Obama if you care the following:

It's very interesting to me how people who hate Obama see in him a one-dimensional caricature of lazy "socialists".

It's intense hate and fear (same emotion really) because they see their own position in society slipping and don't quite understand why it is happening. Must be the black guy's fault! Couldn't have anything to do with eight years of Bush tax cuts for the super-rich, unnecessary wars, and corporate raiding via government office, because Bush was white...

And that hate and fear is super-stoked with propoganda by the exact people that are causing his position in society to slip by exporting his job to China, evading taxes, eliminating the possibility of financial security in the face of medical bills, etc etc.

So they scream "God damn it, if you limousine liberals keep trying to stop the forced transfer of wealth from the middle class to the very top we're going to show you! We're going to cut your taxes!"

29   leo707   2012 Sep 28, 2:54am  

BobMSN says

Don’t vote for Romney, he said too much truth which we don’t want to handle or even to hear about.

Well, you are right about this.

Romney is certainly willing to tell anyone any "truth" that he thinks they want to hear, and that is a lot of truth. And, as we know every "truth" told to someone is something another does not want to hear.

Oh what a tangled web Romney weaves when he *er*...tells to many conflicting "truths".

I would say he has way too much "truth" for my tastes, so yes I will take your advice and not vote for him.

30   BobMSN   2012 Sep 28, 3:06am  

Vote for Obama if you care the following:
1. Enjoy the life today and tomorrow, not care about the future. Obama will help you suck the money out of the “superrich” and redistribute to you if you happen to be one of the victims of other people’s success.
2. You are unemployed, but have no interest to get a job as long as you can get food stamps.
3. Your house equity is underwater. You don’t care to get out, but rather enjoy squat.
4. You don’t want to work hard, but rather hide behind a union so you can get paid well before the employer bankrupt or moving overseas.
5. You don’t care about your kids’ school performance as long as the union teacher get paid well regardless performance.

Don’t vote for Romney, he said too much truth which we don’t want to handle or even to hear about. Who cares if US business is competitive? who cares U.S. is safe? who cares the big national debt and who cares if our children will have to pay for our irresponsibility?

31   freak80   2012 Sep 28, 8:00am  

So they scream "God damn it, if you limousine liberals keep trying to stop the forced transfer of wealth from the middle class to the very top we're going to show you! We're going to cut your taxes!"

I agree. It's completely insane.

But when one party says, "if you don't vote for us, you're an idiot" (while simultaneously mocking everything you hold sacred) and the other party says, "those people think you are idiots", which party do you vote for?

32   Wanderer   2012 Sep 28, 8:21am  

It's intense hate and fear (same emotion really) because they see their own position in society slipping and don't quite understand why it is happening. Must be the black guy's fault!

Mind you I'm no conspiracy theorist but I'm really starting to wonder if it was a coincidence that a black man was handed this shit storm.

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