Asians 74 to 25 for Obama

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2012 Nov 7, 3:18am   3,599 views  7 comments

by DukeLaw   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

According to some readers on Patrick, all those people voting for Obama are "shiftless loafers" which I guess encompasses the best educated (and supposedly the hardest working) minority population in the US.

The Republicans have "easy" stories on how African Americans vote, on how Latinos vote but what's the meme on the Asian vote? How do you frame that story?

David Brooks tried on PBS last night. Maybe the evangelical side of the Republican Party is a turn off to both the Asian Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Muslims, and moderate Christians? Perhaps that notion of individual self-sufficiency is a turn-off to populations raised on communal family values which espouses taking care of your extended family and friends.

I don't know, but Republican strategists should start dissecting why their message didn't resonate at all with nearly all of the well-educated Asians I know.

Just sayin'.....


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1   curious2   2012 Nov 7, 3:48am  

DukeLaw says

Maybe the evangelical side of the Republican Party is a turn off to both the Asian Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Muslims, and moderate Christians?

I certainly hope so. And it isn't just the "evangelical side," even "mainstream" Republicans declare America a "Christian country" and try to impose Pat Robertson's definition of that upon us all.

2   thomaswong.1986   2012 Nov 7, 4:22am  

DukeLaw says

David Brooks tried on PBS last night. Maybe the evangelical side of the Republican Party is a turn off to both the Asian Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Muslims, and moderate Christians?

Do you see Christians killing ourself like the Muslim sects are doing today, do you ?

Kind of a turn off.. dont you think

No wonder Christianity +2 BIllion and still growing...

The World Evangelical Alliance is "a network of churches in 128 nations that have each formed an evangelical alliance and over 100 international organizations joining together to give a worldwide identity, voice and platform" to an estimated more than 600 million evangelical Christians.

Catholic Church membership (both lay and clerical) in 2007 was 1.147 billion people, having increased from 437 million in 1950 and 654 million in 1970

On 31 December 2011, membership was 1.196 billion, an increase of 11.54% over the same date in 2000, which was only slightly greater than the rate of increase of the world population (10.77%). The increase was 33.02% in Africa, but only 1.17% in Europe. It was 15.91% in Asia, 11.39% in Oceania and 10.93% in the Americas. As a result, Catholics were 17.77% of the total population in Africa, 63.10% in the Americas, 3.05% in Asia, 39.97% in Europe, 26.21% in Oceania and 17.09% of the world population.

3   Tenpoundbass   2012 Nov 7, 4:30am  

DukeLaw says

all those people voting for Obama are "shiftless loafers"

...and a slovenly house keeper too!

4   Bobpak   2012 Nov 7, 4:42am  

I am Asian but I did not vote for Obama, the liar in chief! I will never vote democrat.

5   DukeLaw   2012 Nov 7, 5:44am  

Thomas, you seem to be confusing evangelicals with Christianity as a whole. I'm not even sure why you're lumping in Catholics in with them but whatever floats your boat. I really only mentioned Muslims because of the Indonesians in the population. I'm not even sure what the Indonesian American population is in the US.

@Mel, that just then begs the question why there wasn't any Republican outreach. Frankly for the ABI and ABCs, I'd say that our parents vote Republican (mainly due to anti-communism sentiment) but that the Gen 1.5/Gen 2 are trending Democrat (and yes, you can try to shoehorn in your "facts" on how those of us with graduate degrees somehow didn't cover econ or history in college/grad school--As if rural Deep South white voters w/o high school degrees are somehow mysteriously better educated on econ or history).

6   DukeLaw   2012 Nov 7, 5:57am  

"Moral Authority"? That's usually derived as an inherent contract of society to provide mutual support and infrastructure for each other. If you have problems with a military, police, firefighters, highways, schools, feel free to go to a place where people aren't "cattle".

I'm intrigued by the notion that Democrats who vote are cattle. What are you? Are you swallowing the notion that whites are genetically superior? That dinosaurs roamed the earth with mankind? That starting two wars and cutting taxes was fiscally responsible? That a blastocyte is a human being? It's more scary to think that you put thought into these positions and think that they are reasonable.

7   AvinashTyagi   2012 Nov 11, 4:08pm  

Melmakian says

Tim Aurora says

And BTW my house hold income is more than 250K and both my wife and I have a masters

Which only shows that you have more education than rationality, from what I've been reading. That is your right, of course.

You DO realize that you and your wife are nothing but cattle to the Dems, right?

And even if you are ok with that, where do you get the moral authority to decide what to do with OTHER people's money?

The GOP is not perfect, for many of the reasons you outlined. But a world w/o a GOP is a world the Dems will be unchecked to turn America into New Argentina.

The constitution delivers the legal authority for the Federal government to not only levy taxes but decide where it gets spent.

I thought you baggers loved the constitution?

You attitude towards other people's decisions is just one of the reasons we Indian-Americans and other Asian-Americans are turned off to the GOP.

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