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Doesn't anyone make a distinction between Fox's hard news coverage vs the entertainment shows(O'Reily, Hannity, Gretta)?
Although I will admit that Fox unecessarily and to their detriment went ahead and blurred the lines to unreasonable levels in the weeks leading up to the presidential election.
And MSNBC? Gimme a break...that would be like Fox eliminating their hard news coverage.
Doesn't anyone make a distinction between Fox's hard news coverage vs the entertainment shows(O'Reily, Hannity, Gretta)?
Although I will admit that Fox unecessarily and to their detriment went ahead and blurred the lines to unreasonable levels in the weeks leading up to the presidential election.
And MSNBC? Gimme a break...that would be like Fox eliminating their hard news coverage.
Look, the study says we are not intelligent enough to make that distinction ;)
I noticed the other morning on our local Fox affiliate tv station's morning news. They had a Dude reporting the weather. Now for the last 10 years, WSVN has dreaded up the most gorgeous hot babes they could find to report the weather. The last gal just quit last month. She couldn't handle the Social Media critiques on her fashion and body flaws. Which I couldn't find any, she was probably the wrong sex for those passing judgment on her. But that's for another post.
They replaced her with a hot Latina chick who at first was more Earthy looking. Big bright eyes, long black hair parted in the middle, a voluptuous back side accented by her tight fitting short dress.
It only took a couple of days, before they had her hair dyed light brown parted on the side, thick eye liner and a fashion that resembled the girl she replaced.
Back to my point, so a few days ago, a guy was sitting in for this new weather girl that was apparently out. I noticed, when a guy does the weather, we tend to listen to what he is saying in regard to meteorology. He seemed more like he knew what in the hell he's talking about. Even though he was doing the same moves, the same talk and the same walk. He just wasn't a hot and sexy 20 something to 30 something chick. When a female is giving the report and she leans over to point at the ridge of high pressure moving in the from the north, and where the front will create rain in the coming days. I tend to be more focused on her curves than what she is actually saying.
Even though Julie Durda actually got a degree in meteorology.
" Durda graduated with a degree in Broadcast Meteorology from Mississippi State University in 2009 and later that year earned her AMS (American Meteorology Society) Seal of Approval. "
I guess the point is, does it matter what channel a hot chick is on, or what she's saying?
The middle class though will be funding the whole Communist pageant will be left to fend for them selves. They will have less than the poor that live on benefits and government programs. That the middle class wont qualify for, unless they quit their jobs.
Actually, I believe the theory is that communist alien larva from outer space will descend down to earth and start their own liberal media and brainwash everyone to go out and start digging in the mud and start collective mud communes. So its important to counter this threat with media that is even more ridiculous and also contains its own number of wacky conspiracies.
Will Fox die along with it's viewers?
Is it just me? But Fox appears to have the hottest anchors.
Which is exactly why watching Fox for news makes as much sense as watching Baywatch for news.
Fox is just reaffirming what I've already learned by listening to NPR.
Those Liberals are fucking crazy and want to create communist state, where the middle class work feverishly to support those at the top, who in turn dole out monthly stipends to the poor and lower class. Which the first step is to create more poor so they will vote for the crap.
The middle class though will be funding the whole Communist pageant will be left to fend for them selves. They will have less than the poor that live on benefits and government programs. That the middle class wont qualify for, unless they quit their jobs.
It sure seems like it's going in that direction. It is a frightening observation when on numbers some people are better off unemployed on government dole than being employed in a dying private sector. And meanwhile government unions are clueless expecting Joe the unemployed to somehow pay enough taxes to support their retirement benefits... that'll be the rude awakening when we as a nation fall apart like the soviets did.
Umm, look I am an unapologetic liberal and avid Fox News hater...but this is obviously a hoax.
Assuming a normal distribution, given a mean IQ of 100 and standard deviation of 15, 9.1% of the population has IQ 80 or below. Basically this means that if you sample 11 people on the street, the dumbest one will have an IQ of 80 or below.
There were 2,650 Fox Viewers in the test group of 5,000. Given the IQ demographics, a true researcher would reject these findings. To have a number so large (53% of the total) with a mean IQ so skewed from the population would lead a researcher to reject the randomness of the sample.
In short, they oversampled simpletons.
Since they didn't really do the study, it doesn't matter. The spread is just too large - if they would have said a Fox viewer had an average IQ of 98 while CNN had average IQ of 100, then it would have been more believable. 80 is just too far from the mean.
And my suspicion is confirmed:
...but this is obviously a hoax.
You don't say?
Though "Hoax" isn't the word you're looking for.
"Propaganda" Yes Propaganda, sorry you don't win DWTS ten season DVD box set.
Fox news causes 60% more erections than the competing networks. As is well known, those guys with 160 IQ's drop from blood loss to the brain to about 60, that accounts for the difference, otherwise FOX viewers would be 80 points higher.
that'll be the rude awakening when we as a nation fall apart like the soviets did.
We've been promised this sort of so-called demise by Republican proponents for the better part of 60+ years, and in particular by McCarthy. We're still waiting.
it's being reported as a fake study!!
I bet that must make some people relieved...
I bet that must make some people relieved...
Yes because Marxist propagandists are so endearing to the American psyche.
Absolutely the hottest anchors, no doubt.
I think a lot of them are hideous, but have big hair. Megyn Kelly is attractive when she's not talking, but really? Most of them look like Jersey Shore hairspray trannies.
Fox News viewers have an IQ that is 20 points lower than the US National average
this is sorta common knowledge as people in blue states have higher IQ on average.
Fox News viewers have an IQ that is 20 points lower than the US National average
this is sorta common knowledge as people in blue states have higher IQ on average.
People in the blue states are also more likely to be obsessed with IQ. It really does not mean much.
Your 'gem' just proves you are either a willing 'useful idiot'
He said it was a gem, he didn't say it was true.
OBviously, Fox viewers aren't that close to retarded.
But coming from you Shrek, this is pretty amazing. One time somebody postt a liberal piece like this, you jump on them and call them a useful uidot, when everything you post is in this category, total propaganda.
You're a "useful idiot" for the plutocracy, and probably don't even deny it. Sort of the Pot calling the kettle black, don't you think ? Except this is virtually all we ever hear from you.
Looks like Yahoo got taken... it's being reported as a fake study!!
I thought it read a bit "oniony".
Those Liberals are fucking crazy and want to create communist state, where the middle class work feverishly to support those at the top, who in turn dole out monthly stipends to the poor and lower class.
No, it's for gems like THIS that I come here for. There's just no way to respond to this, it's just so weird.
The story may be false but I'll come back when I'm drunk and are on the verge of rambling nonsense, then maybe we'll speak the same language.
And this gem
Intelligence Institute Study shows Fox News viewers have an IQ that is 20 points lower than the US National average (news.yahoo.com)