Troll zzyzzx starts racist thread; other racists think it's funny

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2013 Jan 3, 1:14pm   27,038 views  115 comments

by Homeboy   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


He appears to have changed the title, which originally said "Black guy steals iPad....", even though the person's race has absolutely nothing to do with the story. I guess the usual gang of right-wing creeps thought that was hilarious, and made jokes about it. Worst of all, I posted a comment saying I don't think racism is funny, and he DELETED it.

Well, congratulations. You got a rise out of me, and I'm sure that was your intention. Hate speech is where I draw the line. It offends me.

Patrick, are you still sure you want trolls moderating their own threads?

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62   mell   2013 Jan 5, 11:52pm  

I don't think you widen your horizon and perspective by only talking to people that you approve of.

63   Peter P   2013 Jan 6, 2:54am  

Call it Crazy says

If they can't handle the heat, they need to stay away from their keyboard!!

Or they can start a thread on puppies.

64   121212   2013 Jan 6, 3:25am  

Sure, it is racist. But he has the right to be racist, IMHO.

And you give racists protection to post racism, no one else.

65   elliemae   2013 Jan 6, 3:32am  

Homeboy says

I don't think you read anything that I wrote. Or if you did, you weren't paying attention.

I did read it. I paid as much attention as I believed your comments were worth.

Homeboy says

Seems like you've gone out of your way to be here, telling me I shouldn't decry racism.

I didn't say that you shouldn't decry racism. You stated your opinion, both in the title and in posts, so you've made your point. You succeeded in getting zzyzzx to change his headline, yet you won't give it up. If your goal is to change zzyzzx into a warm, fuzzy tolerant person, you're beating a dead horse here.

Both you and 12x3 have voiced your opinion that Patrick supports racists. If you truly believe that, why are you still here?

Homeboy says

For someone who allegedly doesn't give a shit, you sure seem to have your panties in a wad about this.

You're trying to bait me into a fight. This is the very definition of a troll. Yet you accuse others of trollish behavior:

Homeboy says

Now I can't figure out if you guys are trolls or if you're just stupid.

If we're talking about you - I vote the latter.

66   elliemae   2013 Jan 6, 3:36am  

121212 says

Sure, it is racist. But he has the right to be racist, IMHO.

And you give racists protection to post racism, no one else.

Do you think you're going to change Patrick's stance on people who can post? He allows you to post, even though your comments are offensive at times. Should he ban you?

67   121212   2013 Jan 6, 3:40am  

Homeboy, your not beating a dead horse, you need to continue to fight racism, hatred, bigotry and ignoramuses.

68   Peter P   2013 Jan 6, 3:40am  

You can't just fight racism.

People must realize that differences are what make the universe interesting. They need to appreciate other cultures from the inside.

Hatred is a emotional reaction to fear and/or misunderstanding. The problem is that people do not take the time to understand others.

69   curious2   2013 Jan 6, 4:00am  

Homeboy says

121212 says

The original headline he made read : "Obama Supporter steals iPad Mini after FedEx delivered it"

I don't find that offensive. He should have left it that way.

The original article headline said a UPS delivery worker stole a FedEx package, which is the real story here; the headline also mentioned iPad, because any mention of Apple products gets a lot of clicks. The photo showed the UPS worker was black; that wasn't left out by "liberal media," but it also didn't belong in a headline, because it isn't relevant. The article does not mention whether he supported Obama, or ever worked as a realtor, so those assertions are baseless unless somebody has information beyond the article. Personally, I think it would be worse to assume the guy was an Obama supporter based solely on stereotyping, regardless of how people feel about President Obama.

The original headline specified the UPS delivery worker was a delivery man, i.e. not a woman, yet nobody seems to call that sexist. zzyzzx's headline said he was black, yet some call that racist. I can understand how some might genuinely feel that way, because presumably there must be some motive for elevating an irrelevant detail to the level of a headline, but I also can't help noticing the discrepant reactions.

elliemae is one of the nicest people on PatNet, so baiting her into a fight is a sign of trollishness.

70   Peter P   2013 Jan 6, 4:02am  

curious2 says

elliemae is one of the nicest people on PatNet,

And that is almost an understatement. :-)

71   121212   2013 Jan 6, 4:22am  

Peter P says

curious2 says

elliemae is one of the nicest people on PatNet,

And that is almost an understatement. :-)

Eh! No way, she's awful, she's a female version of a few assholes on this forum.

72   Homeboy   2013 Jan 6, 4:28am  

Peter P says

To me, crossing the line means making illegal or non-protected speech. I have a rather high tolerance for speech. But inciting violence or crime will definitely be crossing the line.

Nah, you're reading in something I didn't write. I meant crossing the line of being offensive to a reasonable person, not crossing the line where it should be censored.

Maybe a good rule of thumb would be, if you are going to make some kind of comment about black people, is it something you would say in a social situation with a black person standing next to you.

73   Peter P   2013 Jan 6, 4:30am  

Homeboy says

I meant crossing the line of being offensive to a reasonable person, not crossing the line where it should be censored.

I guess I am just hard to offend.

But the entire content of this site can be considered offensive to many "reasonable" homeowners/investors/agents.

74   121212   2013 Jan 6, 4:33am  

Peter P says

But the entire content of this site can be considered offensive to many "reasonable" homeowners/investors/agents.

Yes it is offensive.

75   Homeboy   2013 Jan 6, 4:37am  

Peter P says

But the entire content of this site can be considered offensive to many "reasonable" homeowners/investors/agents.

I can't tell if you are really this obtuse, or if you're just trying to fuck with me. If you see no difference between racial stereotyping and disagreeing about the state of the housing market, then you are beyond being educated. If you DO understand the difference, and are pretending not to, then you are just a troll.

76   Peter P   2013 Jan 6, 4:42am  

Homeboy says

If you see no difference between racial stereotyping and disagreeing about the state of the housing market, then you are beyond being educated.

You haven't seen the face of those people when I informed them of the possible housing bubble in 2005.

You could have called them any names and you would not have made them any madder.

It is about things being offensive. Not about any possible moral values attached to those statements.

77   Homeboy   2013 Jan 6, 4:44am  

curious2 says

The article does not mention whether he supported Obama, or ever worked as a realtor, so those assertions are baseless unless somebody has information beyond the article. Personally, I think it would be worse to assume the guy was an Obama supporter based solely on stereotyping, regardless of how people feel about President Obama.

That is possibly the most idiotic thing I have ever heard.

78   121212   2013 Jan 6, 4:46am  

Is there anything that these people don't make apologies for?

79   Homeboy   2013 Jan 6, 4:49am  

Peter P says

You haven't seen the face of those people when I informed them of the possible housing bubble in 2005.

You could have called them any names and you would not have made them any madder.

It is about things being offensive. Not about any possible moral values attached to those statements.

It is reasonable to disagree about the direction of the housing market. It is NOT reasonable to assume all black people are thieves. I don't think it's humanly possible to be as obtuse as you are pretending to be. Therefore you are a troll.

80   121212   2013 Jan 6, 4:51am  

Homeboy says

It is reasonable to disagree about the direction of the housing market. It is NOT reasonable to assume all black people are thieves.

Conservatives don't see race, only credit scores and zip codes

That way they can continue to deny racism has been a major issues over the past 4 years.

81   Peter P   2013 Jan 6, 4:51am  

Homeboy says

It is reasonable to disagree about the direction of the housing market. It is NOT reasonable to assume all black people are thieves.

Reasonability is subjective.

Homeboy says

don't think it's humanly possible to be as obtuse as you are pretending to be. Therefore you are a troll.

I am not. But if I were, what are you going to do? :-)

82   121212   2013 Jan 6, 4:53am  

Peter P says

Homeboy says

don't think it's humanly possible to be as obtuse as you are pretending to be. Therefore you are a troll.

I am not. But if I were, what are you going to do? :-)

No you are a Troll, Sorry Peter.

83   Homeboy   2013 Jan 6, 4:53am  

Sure, it is racist. But he has the right to be racist, IMHO.

Well I hope that I have the right to point it out, then.

Here are some ways to deal with it which don't require anyone to tell him what he can or cannot say:

* Use the "ignore" link (now on the author page for each user; just click on their name or icon)

* Start your own thread that you can moderate.

I believe that's what I did.

By the way, Patrick - I didn't say anyone should tell him what he can or can't say, I simply asked if you thought you should reconsider letting trolls moderate their own threads. In fact, zzyzzx censored ME in his thread. So he is telling ME what I can or cannot say.

84   121212   2013 Jan 6, 4:54am  

Peter P says

Reasonability is subjective.

Just like Gun Control.

85   Peter P   2013 Jan 6, 4:57am  

121212 says

Peter P says

Reasonability is subjective.

Just like Gun Control.

Maybe. I am a believer in dialectics. So I do think history has been, will be, and should be driven forward by opposing forces.

86   Peter P   2013 Jan 6, 5:06am  

Homeboy says

So he is telling ME what I can or cannot say.

You are saying whatever you want now, aren't you?

87   curious2   2013 Jan 6, 5:20am  

Homeboy says

That is possibly the most idiotic thing I have ever heard.

I've lost count how many things are "the most idiotic" you've ever heard. Comments like that are why your trollishness score is so high. You can't just disagree with people, you need to bait them and pick fights.

Homeboy says

It is NOT reasonable to assume all black people are thieves.

Who assumed that? Who said anything like that? You seem to be shadowboxing with phantoms again, trying to bait people into becoming the phantoms in your mind.

88   121212   2013 Jan 6, 5:22am  

curious2 says

Homeboy says

It is NOT reasonable to assume all black people are thieves.

Who assumed that?

Obviously the Troll zzyzzx

89   curious2   2013 Jan 6, 5:26am  

121212 says


If it's "obvious," can you please link to the quotes to support the accusation?

90   121212   2013 Jan 6, 5:28am  

why? is this my thread? your welcome to read for yourself.

it is obvious, very obvious.

the quote was the title of the particular thread until it was changed

this is no isolated incidence, it's an on going attack on woman and race

91   Peter P   2013 Jan 6, 5:32am  

Homeboy says

It is NOT reasonable to assume all black people are thieves.

True. But his title referred to just one case. Only a racist would generalize that to include all black people.

Frankly I don't like that title at all. His subsequent revisions were arguably worse.

92   curious2   2013 Jan 6, 5:37am  

121212 says

the quote was the title of the particular thread

Can you please supply any quote about "all black people" from anyone other than Homeboy's quote above?

93   121212   2013 Jan 6, 5:37am  

Peter P says

Only a racist would generalize that to include all black people.

The poster was the generalizer and this is not an dissociated incidence, their is a pattern

94   Peter P   2013 Jan 6, 5:40am  

121212 says

The poster was the generalizer and this is not an dissociated incidence, their is a pattern

Perhaps. I do keep a mental account of what other people say. I form opinions about them using this "account."

However, free speech is important to me. Calling out "offensive" speech is not always the best way to remove prejudice. People know.

95   Homeboy   2013 Jan 6, 5:44am  

121212 says

Peter P says

Only a racist would generalize that to include all black people.

The poster was the generalizer and this is not an dissociated incidence, their is a pattern

The trolls are just trying to screw with you now. They think it's funny to defend racism, and they get excited if they can make you mad about it. Just children playing their childish games.

96   Peter P   2013 Jan 6, 5:49am  

There is a difference between defending X and defending someone/something from being accused of X. And that is also different from joking about X.

For example, criminal defense lawyers are NOT all bad people.

They CERTAINLY do not defend a murder suspect by defending the act of murder.

97   Homeboy   2013 Jan 6, 5:54am  

Says the troll.

98   Homeboy   2013 Jan 6, 5:55am  

elliemae says

Do you think you're going to change Patrick's stance on people who can post? He allows you to post, even though your comments are offensive at times. Should he ban you?

When did I say anyone should be banned?

99   Homeboy   2013 Jan 6, 5:56am  

curious2 says

elliemae is one of the nicest people on PatNet, so baiting her into a fight is a sign of trollishness.

I didn't say she wasn't nice. I was just surprised that she didn't stand up for what's right. I didn't bait anyone. She baited me, if anything.

100   elliemae   2013 Jan 6, 6:08am  

Homeboy says

I didn't say she wasn't nice. I was just surprised that she didn't stand up for what's right. I didn't bait anyone. She baited me, if anything.

Holy shit! I agreed with you - if indeed the headline said "black guy..." it certainly had the appearance of being racist. Then I moved on, something which you have shown your inablity to do.

You've stated that you believe it to have been racist. Ad nauseum. We get it. Now you're just being redundant.

The most offensive comment on this thread is the following:

curious2 says

elliemae is one of the nicest people on PatNet, so baiting her into a fight is a sign of trollishness.

"one of????" Only one of? I wasn't aware that there was a competition, and therefore I didn't get a chance to bring on the "nice." I can do better.

Unless I'm having a discussion with someone who lacks the ability to communicate effectively (including spelling & grammar that detracts from the message), or if they're just plain dicks.

Just sayin'.

101   Patrick   2013 Jan 6, 7:35am  

Peter P says

Call it Crazy says

If they can't handle the heat, they need to stay away from their keyboard!!

Or they can start a thread on puppies.

Yes, and please create a new "Puppies" category for it when you start that thread:


Seriously, I hope people will take advantage of the ability to create new categories as well as new threads.

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