Time for a new Republican Party

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2013 Jan 7, 2:51am   13,012 views  41 comments

by 121212   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

The Republican Party did not lose last Tuesday's election. It was obliterated, crushed, slaughtered, massacred, squashed, annihilated — and, let’s hope, extinguished.

For the party of Lincoln, it’s been a week of sifting through the carnage: What went wrong? How could a party that just a decade ago controlled all of government have been so completely nullified that an incumbent Democrat who was quite possibly the worst president in a century handily defeated the Republican nominee?



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21   CL   2013 Jan 9, 12:45am  

curious2 says

I agree with 121212 and Peter P that Republicans should move away from social issues, but I don't see that happening.

Sure. They can embrace the Democratic positions, and lose the voters that crave what they've left behind. The old adage is that, if given a choice of {Party} and {Party-lite} they'll choose the real one every time. The GOP is screwed...hoisted on their own petards.

curious2 says

The 10 million drop that thomaswong.1986 mentioned shows that people are unhappy with current policies

Or, that the economy is still in trouble, people are in pain and that Obama was given all of our goals and aspirations and was expected to solve them all in his first term. I suspect as the economy improves, all of those numbers will too.

22   Peter P   2013 Jan 9, 12:51am  

CL says

They can embrace the Democratic positions, and lose the voters that crave what they've left behind.

They can have the same positions for certain issues. They do not need to oppose each other for everything.

23   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 9, 1:16am  

Let's give the GOP Utah and be done with it. They can all go live with baby Jesus and his army of fat white guys in camouflage defending their god given right to subjugate poor minority homosexual atheists.

24   CL   2013 Jan 9, 4:10am  

Peter P says

CL says

They can embrace the Democratic positions, and lose the voters that crave what they've left behind.

They can have the same positions for certain issues. They do not need to oppose each other for everything.

Yeah, except that's not the way politics works. If there is a constituency out there, they want representation. They vote and get like-minded people to run for the office. There is a reason that the GOP embraced racists, misogynists, and so on in the past. There is (or at least, was) electoral gold to be mined there.

The races are won in the margins many times. Can they abandon the nativists and gain hispanic or black votes at a rate that renders the need for the nativists obsolete? That's for the part leaders to calculate.

I suspect the answer is no, because when elections get tight, they fall back on those positions every time.

25   socal2   2013 Jan 9, 7:52am  

121212 says

tatupu70 says

thomaswong.1986 says

and GOP ranks can only increase in coming years.

With which demographic foolish imp? Hey, wake up delusional Republican fool this is why you cannot win the White House. You cannot gerrymander the districts for President! You have no more increasing demographics, NONE!

Dude - you really think the Liberals have a strong and durable coalition of:

- Single mothers
- Minorities
- Welfare recipients
- Young and stupid
- Unions

I think it is safe to say that our country will have to be even in worse shape if we have more single mothers (and guaranteed poverty) welfare recipients and dopey college kids with no jobs and a mountain of debt.

Seriously, doesn't it mean that the Democrats are a total failure if their constituency grows in the coming decades?

26   socal2   2013 Jan 9, 7:58am  

121212 says

Your side is breaking the government decision making process apart at the
seams with no option but austerity, European style austerity, how does that make
any sense?

In the Uk they have adopted craziness lowering capital gains, income taxes on
the rich, lowering seniors benefits to pay for it! and much much more austerity
on students and more.

This is causing the UK to face another recession, it's 3rd since 2008. It
does not work.

There has been no austerity in Europe. Certainly no austerity in the US.

We just raised taxes on "the rich" and we are still trillions in debt. We will never get more than 18-20% of GDP in taxes. Yet our government spending is 24% of GDP and growing.

Not hard math dude. We either need to tax the shit out of EVERYONE to pay for this big government that 51% of the population apparently wants. Or we are going to have to cut spending. Either way, you, the poor and the rich are going to feel the pain. Either in increased taxes or reduced services.

Pick your poison.

Then again, we could follow former Enron-advisor Paul Krugman's advice and mint a trillion dollar coin.

27   CL   2013 Jan 9, 8:09am  

socal2 says

this big government that 51% of the population apparently wants.

We don't want big government. We can cut the Pentagon by a whole lot and that majority you mentioned will be quite happy.

28   curious2   2013 Jan 9, 8:17am  

CL says

We can cut the Pentagon by a whole lot....

Perhaps, but even reducing it to zero would not balance the budget.

The current deficit exceeds $1T/year. Not coincidentally, federal medical spending (Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare) also exceeds $1T/year, and is the biggest single category. You can't balance the budget without reducing medical spending, unless you increase annual taxes by $4k/person to pay for it.

The trend is in the opposite direction though. Obamacare increases federal medical spending, in addition to increasing total national medical spending. Whether the Obamacare taxes will exceed the spending remains to be seen, but most people doubt it, and in this instance I think most people are right.

29   curious2   2013 Jan 9, 8:45am  

Tim Aurora says

I get the point but in 2013 the estimated deficit is exactly the same as estimated defense budget.

Whose estimates? Everything I've seen puts the deficit at nearly twice the defense budget. The only category that adds up to as much as the deficit is medical spending (Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare).

30   Bellingham Bill   2013 Jan 9, 8:47am  

socal2 says

We will never get more than 18-20% of GDP in taxes

dogmatic belief not fact in evidence. Other countries -- countries with AAA credit ratings still -- get double that.

31   Bellingham Bill   2013 Jan 9, 8:49am  

curious2 says

Everything I've seen puts the deficit at nearly twice the defense budget


that would be $1.6T

your data is bad

32   Bellingham Bill   2013 Jan 9, 8:49am  

Tim Aurora says

SS costs need to be reigned

SS has very little cost to rein in.

Now, if you want to cut SS benefits, screw you, LOL

33   Bellingham Bill   2013 Jan 9, 8:52am  

curious2 says

The trend is in the opposite direction though. Obamacare increases federal medical spending, in addition to increasing total national medical spending.

this is very true. PPACA is very troublesome from a budget standpoint. Many families are going to get $10,000/yr insurance subsidies. I don't think this is going to be paid for by the law's tax rises, either, though they will bring in a bit more money from the 1% now.

$50B a year in revenue:


34   curious2   2013 Jan 9, 8:54am  

Bellingham Bill says

your data is bad

Even your link showed a deficit of $1.1T, which is around 70% of $1.6T. I said "nearly," which might be somewhat more than your link (which is based on White House data) but is consistent with other estimates.

35   curious2   2013 Jan 9, 8:57am  

Bellingham Bill says

SS has very little cost to rein in.

True, Social Security operates quite efficiently. If we have a choice between subsidizing Social Security vs subsidizing Medicare, I'd rather subsidize Social Security and let the recipients decide for themselves how to spend the money. FDR said Social Security should protect people from having to worry about going hungry in their old age, an affordable goal that I support; Medicare is a totally different story.

36   Bellingham Bill   2013 Jan 9, 9:21am  

I agree about Medicare.


As long as the SSTF has money in it SS doesn't need any subsidization, FICA payers just need their damn bonds they were made to collectively buy 1989-2009 paid on.

37   carrieon   2013 Jan 9, 10:29am  

When the Republican Party starts another currency that is tax-free, the Democratic Party will self-destruct.

38   Bellingham Bill   2013 Jan 9, 11:30am  

^ good luck with that

39   carrieon   2013 Jan 9, 9:04pm  

The Red State Socialism chart demonstrates how each State ranks at managing their Federal spending and showing a profit. Where is the glamour in being on the bottom of this chart?

40   socal2   2013 Jan 10, 2:03am  

Bellingham Bill says

socal2 says

We will never get more than 18-20% of GDP in taxes

dogmatic belief not fact in evidence. Other countries -- countries with AAA credit ratings still -- get double that.

Double that? Really? Which countries?

How much would taxes have to go up on EVERYONE in America to get where you think we need to go?

41   Vicente   2013 Jan 11, 12:26pm  

socal2 says

Double that? Really? Which countries?

Example, Sweden. Hardly a "commie gulag hellhole".

How far will they have to go DOWN before we achieve Perfect Freedom?

Afghanistan has very low tax vs GDP. Also Angola, Algeria, Congo, Iran.

This notion that endlessly cutting taxes will sooner or later lead to Utopia..... doing the same thing over and over and expecting better results next time is one definition of insanity.

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