Alternate commentary on the NRA video (or people who fear guns fear the truth)

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2013 Jan 16, 1:27am   6,942 views  20 comments

by drew_eckhardt   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Thedaytoday fears guns so much he or she can't even handle comments that disagree with his world view.

For instance

Great ad!

Politicians like Dianne Feinstein disgust me when they recognize the value of concealed carry, get a permit for themselves and deny them to the rest of us.

Politicians like Barack Obama disgust me when they realize their children are safer with armed guards and then deny the same protection to ours because it does not fit their political agenda.

I'm so happy the NRA is no longer just about duck hunting, is addressing real issues, and has moved beyond their acceptance of slow defeat with the NRA-ILA endorsing anti-gun Republicans over less unfavorable Democrats.


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1   drew_eckhardt   2013 Jan 16, 1:28am  

And this

Thedaytoday says

No FortHood, you are a moron.

Equating your own personal security to that of the President and the Presidents children is PATHETICALLY SMALL MINDED.


Allow me to summarize your views more eloquently with an Orwell quote:

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than other"

2   mell   2013 Jan 16, 1:37am  

drew_eckhardt says

Politicians like Dianne Feinstein disgust me when they recognize the value of concealed carry, get a permit for themselves and deny them to the rest of us.

Agreed, disgusting indeed.

3   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 16, 1:37am  

drew_eckhardt says

Thedaytoday fears guns so much he or she can't even handle comments that disagree with his world view.


4   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 16, 1:38am  

mell says

drew_eckhardt says

Politicians like Dianne Feinstein disgust me when they recognize the value of concealed carry, get a permit for themselves and deny them to the rest of us.

Agreed, disgusting indeed.


5   FortWayne   2013 Jan 16, 1:39am  

It is sad to read comments like that one from Thedaytoday (121212), although he is probably trolling, but on some level he believes his own trolling in some naive gullible way.

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." - Benjamin Franklin.

6   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 16, 1:40am  

Scared little children, when will you reach adulthood, your government is not coming for you.

Your Republican leaders can barely keep the Government open! Yet you expect them to come for you?

Children living in fear!

7   leo707   2013 Jan 16, 1:43am  

leo707 says

The analogy of the Secret Service--or any private security for that matter--and citizens right to carry is a poor one. When getting a CCW--or buying a gun for that matter--has the same barriers to entry as does serving in the Secret Service then the analogy would be accurate. I am not aware of a state in the union that requires a psych evaluation, or extensive training, before being able to own a gun.

I agree that guns for personal security should not be the sole providence of the rich, and that private citizens should also be able to own and carry.

...but...for anyone to carry they should have to go through a "mini" police academy and pass the same type of psych evaluations that police and private security have to pass. Also, they should be required to periodically demonstrate that their skills and psyche have not diminished bellow set standards. One of the reasons I stopped renewing my CCW was that I was no longer finding time to make it to the range very often and practice.

The NRA choosing to frame the discussion on guns using tactics like this is just one more reason I am glad that I let my membership expire a long time ago.

8   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 16, 1:48am  

FortWayne says

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." - Benjamin Franklin.

Funny, Didn't Ben own slaves?

9   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 16, 1:50am  

Moderate Infidel says

FortWayne says

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." - Benjamin Franklin.

Funny, Didn't Ben own slaves?

If the NRA could pass gun legislation banning minorities owning guns it would make FortHood happier.

10   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 16, 1:52am  

Not if he's in California cause white people are minorities here.

11   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 16, 2:41am  

This is not a a right or left issue, this is an NRA issue.

They don't want any changes to gun ownership, that's the NRA's plan.

They have zero justification for "no" change, they offer zero substantiative arguments for why there should be no change, the status quo is untenable, change is imminent.

12   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 16, 2:43am  

Yes this again!

Do you wonder why?

You have no clue, do you?

13   mell   2013 Jan 16, 2:56am  

robertoaribas says

Good thing an armed guard was at Columbine, otherwise there could have been a tragedy there too!

Ok, but If this is so futile why do politicians keep sending their kids to schools with private armed security?

14   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 16, 3:02am  

mell says

robertoaribas says

Good thing an armed guard was at Columbine, otherwise there could have been a tragedy there too!

Ok, but If this is so futile why do politicians keep sending their kids to schools with private armed security?

Wait, what? Rich people get special treatment? In the USA? that can't be true.

15   mell   2013 Jan 16, 3:04am  

Moderate Infidel says

mell says

robertoaribas says

Good thing an armed guard was at Columbine, otherwise there could have been a tragedy there too!

Ok, but If this is so futile why do politicians keep sending their kids to schools with private armed security?

Wait, what? Rich people get special treatment? In the USA? that can't be true.

I don't dispute that and it is big problem, esp. if they get special treatment before the law. However you did not answer why anybody would think armed private security is useless if politicians / rich people keep sending their kids to those schools. Please stay on topic.

16   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 16, 3:16am  

mell says

Moderate Infidel says

mell says

robertoaribas says

Good thing an armed guard was at Columbine, otherwise there could have been a tragedy there too!

Ok, but If this is so futile why do politicians keep sending their kids to schools with private armed security?

Wait, what? Rich people get special treatment? In the USA? that can't be true.

I don't dispute that and it is big problem, esp. if they get special treatment before the law. However you did not answer why anybody would think armed private security is useless if politicians / rich people keep sending their kids to those schools. Please stay on topic.

I don't think it's useless and am all for it, I'm just wondering how were going to pay for it. Maybe the NRA would like to donate a large sum of money for the cause? Or are they expecting the elitist socialist Obama to pay for it?

17   FortWayne   2013 Jan 16, 3:22am  

Call it Crazy says

drew_eckhardt says

Thedaytoday fears guns so much he or she can't even handle comments that disagree with his world view.

And when you post alternative views on one of his threads, he'll continually delete them...

I guess those multiple voices in his head won't allow a different point of view to enter!!

His single digit IQ was not enough for him to comprehend that someone does not share his love for "Big Brother". He probably wouldn't even get the reference, since anti tyranny material like that goes into a memory hole.

18   mell   2013 Jan 16, 3:23am  

Moderate Infidel says

I don't think it's useless and am all for it, I'm just wondering how were going to pay for it. Maybe the NRA would like to donate a large sum of money for the cause? Or are they expecting the elitist socialist Obama to pay for it?

That's a fair point. They can release all the people imprisoned for weed possession/sale and with the money saved on prison guards / size of prisons and the extra tax money that legalized weed sales would bring in they could probably easily pay for it.

19   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 16, 3:32am  

Call it Crazy says

Moderate Infidel says

I don't think it's useless and am all for it, I'm just wondering how were going to pay for it.

If you have been paying attention, there have been numerous former LEO's, veterans, first responders, parents and other groups who have volunteered to protect the schools at NO COST. Also, there have been many teachers who have volunteered to CCW.

Hell, bring back soldiers from the sandbox or use national guard, we are already paying them now...

If you're not willing to get past the "pay for it" mantra, you can't start with formulating a solution...

Yeah, I want a suicidal soldier with PTSD guarding my kid at school. The National Guard unfortunately have a history of killing students.

20   FortWayne   2013 Jan 16, 3:36am  

mell says

That's a fair point. They can release all the people imprisoned for weed possession/sale and with the money saved on prison guards / size of prisons and the extra tax money that legalized weed sales would bring in they could probably easily pay for it.

That's a great idea, and I think they can, but I don't think they are interested in that.

Over years seeing how this government works, these people are like a giant club of parasitic plague. They are only interested in their own power, their own wealth, taking more from the taxpayers for themselves, screwing taxpayers and retirees, and leaving less and less for everyone else every year while taking more and more for themselves. And when citizens rise up to protest corruption, they try to find legal ways to calm or silence us.

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