Bobby Jindal: " GOP needs to stop being the stupid party"

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2013 Jan 25, 12:34am   41,285 views  108 comments

by edvard2   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I thought this was rather interesting: A rising star in the GOP at a major RNC convention not only said of the GOP "stop being the stupid party" but he also said:

"It’s time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults,” “We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I’m here to say we’ve had enough of that.”

OMG. I think this is actually one of the few times I've totally agreed with a Republican politician.


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87   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jan 28, 7:19am  

Vicente says


MBA, 4 year BA/BA or even 2 year Community College.. pick one.

either way, it just illustrates the hate by the left of anyone being successful.

your world view is a twisted Utopian fantasy..
isnt that what No. 6 fought against in the village ?

or am i talking to schizoid man ?

88   Vicente   2013 Jan 28, 7:22am  

thomaswong.1986 says

illustrates the hate by the left of anyone being successful.

My Dad was a very successful businessman, now retired. He didn't need an MBA to do that. The only people who think you need an MBA to run a small business, are people who've been brainwashed about the value of MBA degree.

89   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jan 28, 7:28am  

Vicente says

he only people who think you need an MBA to run a small business, are people who've been brainwashed about the value of MBA degree.

skip the MBA and take a few night classes at the Community College..

or just pick up a $20 text book..it doesnt matter either way..

its the same info/facts for internally growing a business.

You can see every day down main street.. some guy/gal owns

a beauty salon, coffee shop, restaurants, etc etc...

90   tatupu70   2013 Jan 28, 7:31am  

thomaswong.1986 says

so emotional you are...


Cost of Capital.. Debt or equity financing higher than internal Retained
Earning IRR... go figure it out..

Very good Thomas. Care to actually make an argument or will you keep mentioning business terms of which you appear to have a very limited understanding?

91   tatupu70   2013 Jan 28, 7:34am  

thomaswong.1986 says

either way, it just illustrates the hate by the left of anyone being successful.

thomaswong.1986 says

so emotional you are...

You appear to be one talking about emotions....

92   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jan 28, 7:35am  

tatupu70 says

Very good Thomas. Care to actually make an argument or will you keep mentioning business terms of which you appear to have a very limited understanding?

only you have the limited understanding..else
go talk to guy who grew McDonalds or StarBucks to what it is today.

93   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jan 28, 7:42am  

tatupu70 says

You appear to be one talking about emotions....

i have a better one for you....

"[I]f you don't have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare the voters," he proclaimed, "If you don't have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from."


94   tatupu70   2013 Jan 28, 7:46am  

thomaswong.1986 says

only you have the limited understanding..else
go talk to guy who grew
McDonalds or StarBucks to what it is today.

Thomas--seriously, what is your point?

95   edvard2   2013 Jan 28, 7:49am  

thomaswong.1986 says

either way, it just illustrates the hate by the left of anyone being successful.

Why would anyone " Hate" anyone that is successful? That's a fairly gross assumption. Clearly people on the left like music just like those on the right. They also like various companies that make the products they like. And of course many on the right Like President Obama who is a success as well.

96   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jan 28, 8:00am  

edvard2 says

Why would anyone " Hate" anyone that is successful?

oh no... you continue.. tell me why YOU or anyone else deserves a little more from that pie.. and what will you do with a little more of that pie for yourself..

better off the business owner keeps greater portion and grows his business which has shown to employ and give incomes to more people than paying higher taxes to fund govt hand out programs. In such extremes.. Socialism failed.

Time to pull yourself by the bootstrap if you want to make it.

97   edvard2   2013 Jan 28, 10:39am  

thomaswong.1986 says

oh no... you continue.. tell me why YOU or anyone else deserves a little more from that pie.. and what will you do with a little more of that pie for yourself..

better off the business owner keeps greater portion and grows his business which has shown to employ and give incomes to more people than paying higher taxes to fund govt hand out programs. In such extremes.. Socialism failed

I do very well financially and I started making $4.25 an hour, working my way up the ladder to the point where I am probably within the upper 10% earning bracket for the Bay Area. So if you think I'm going to whine and complain, well again- it just comes to show that its a misrepresentation to assume that ALL liberals are

A: Socialist
B: Don't like people who have lots of money

Interesting because some of the world's richest people also happen to be very wealthy.

98   David Losh   2013 Jan 28, 11:17am  

thomaswong.1986 says

Time to pull yourself by the bootstrap if you want to make it.

OK, alrighty then, bootstraps huh?

If you are talking about business owners that make, or keep, $400K per year, yes they can afford to pay more in taxes, but that isn't the point at all.

Anybody can make as much money as they want, it's just that most people don't want to make money. That is just a fact.

When you ask people about goals, and ambitions most people have a long list of helping others, before they think to build wealth.

I have had this conversation with hundreds of hot shots over the years that talk about all kinds of stuff before they ever get around to building wealth.

Most guys want fancy cars, fancy clothes, and fancy women. Most women want fancy houses, fancy cloths, and fancy retirement programs.

Rich is much different than wealth, but to be rich, or to be wealthy is very simple, and anyone can do it.

This class warfare myth that the Republican Party tries to project is a diversion from the true problems that face our country, and global financial markets.

We are way past a full employment eutopia. There will need to be more quality to life than just what one individual can provide for a family.

So, yes, we need to raise taxes, yes we need to cut spending, and yes we need to Provide more for the Public Welfare.

It's in the Constitution, one of the greatest documents ever written, if you don't like it there are plenty of other places to go.

99   nope   2013 Jan 28, 11:48am  

thomaswong.1986 says

either way, it just illustrates the hate by the left of anyone being successful.

Nobody hates anybody for being successful.

What I do *hate* is the moronic misunderstanding of progressive taxation. When you take your first economics class (MANDATORY if you're trying to get an MBA), you'll learn all about why progressive taxation has proven to be the most successful model in the world, and how it saved capitalism in the 20th century.

If a guy makes $400k a year, that's fantastic. Good for him. But yes, he should be paying a higher tax rate than the guy making $200, and the guy making $200 should be paying a higher rate than the guy making $50.

It's just sound economic policy.

By the way -- I am successful. I didn't quite hit $400k last year, but I came really close. I've started, run, and sold my own business more than once. Don't give me this bullshit lie.

Unless you live in a state with a B&O tax (I'm guessing you don't even know what that is), taxes come on your profits. As a result, taxes have fuck-all to do with the success or failure of a business or what you invest in it. If you want to invest to grow your business, that's called an "expense", and you DON'T PAY TAXES ON IT. All taxes impact are, at most, the disposable income of the person receiving the profits.

No real business owner makes any real business decisions based on what his tax rate is going to be (other than, perhaps, figuring out how to avoid paying taxes). They hire based on demand. They grow based on revenue. They succeed or fail not because of their tax rate, but because they figure out how to make a profit to be taxed in the first place.

If you want to talk about government policy that helps or harms small businesses, you can legitimately gripe about regulations, business license fees, etc. Taxes don't mean shit.

100   edvard2   2013 Jan 28, 12:47pm  

This is yet another one of those
"Lazy hippies!" diatribes: Another cliche where any and all liberals are deemed to be not only lazy, but probably also incapable of working hard , love anything that smells like socialism, and detests anyone with money.

All part of the ongoing influence of right wing entertainment.

101   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jan 29, 3:49pm  

KarlRoveIsScum says

Wait, We're Winning the War on Poverty? A New Study Says: Absolutely

"It sounds disastrously wrong to claim that we're winning the war on poverty 24 hours after the Census reported more people living in poverty than the combined populations of California and Missouri.

this is what happened after you go after all the dirty air and dirty water as you call it.

congratulations for winning the war on polluters and thus put many Americans out of job.

102   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jan 29, 4:07pm  

Kevin says

No real business owner makes any real business decisions based on what his tax rate is going to be (other than, perhaps, figuring out how to avoid paying taxes). They hire based on demand. They grow based on revenue. They succeed or fail not because of their tax rate, but because they figure out how to make a profit to be taxed in the first place.

Kevin says

Unless you live in a state with a B&O tax (I'm guessing you don't even know what that is), taxes come on your profits. As a result, taxes have fuck-all to do with the success or failure of a business or what you invest in it. If you want to invest to grow your business, that's called an "expense", and you DON'T PAY TAXES ON IT. All taxes impact are, at most, the disposable income of the person receiving the profits.

Clearly even the most well know CEO from CA would disagree with you..


FYI.. I do have Undergrad in Accounting, CPA, plus MBA from Santa Clara University... not to mention 3 decades of Tech experience.. your just a child compared to me.

If you really worked in business especially a large public company which staffs large numbers of Financial Planning and Analysis (FPA) professionals who make quarterly plans related to top line revenues, spending, and EPS.. you know exactly that spending no matter what the demand may be will be placed in check.. and the whole forecast will include the tax impact to get to EPS (after tax). We see this everday during earning seasons announcements. Estimates and Actuals.

103   tatupu70   2013 Jan 29, 8:36pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

If you really worked in business especially a large public company which
staffs large numbers of Financial Planning and Analysis (FPA) professionals who
make quarterly plans related to top line revenues, spending, and EPS.. you know
exactly that spending no matter what the demand may be will be placed in check..
and the whole forecast will include the tax impact to get to EPS (after tax). We
see this everday during earning seasons announcements. Estimates and Actuals.

Thomas--clearly you are not a big picture kind of guy. Every company forecasts earnings and those forecasts include estimates for revenues, capital spending, fixed and variable costs, earnings, etc. So what?

They make decisions based on forecasted demand. If sales are expected to be up 100%, you can damn well bet that the company will have plans to expand. Conversely, if sales are expected to be down, they will plan reducing capacity and spending, if possible.

Compare that to what they would do if their tax rate changed. If their tax rate is expected to be reduced, the company will simply raise the earnings/share estimate. They will NOT plan to hire.

No company makes day to day decisions based on tax rate.

104   David Losh   2013 Jan 30, 8:49am  

Kevin says

Taxes don't mean shit.

When you get to that point of $400K per year taxes are simply another cost of doing business.

The employees on the other hand get smacked hard for every dollar they lose.

105   David Losh   2013 Jan 30, 11:01am  

SFace says

I never met someone who is afraid iof making money because of income tax.

This is a stupid thing, but I was one of those who spent more time trrying to beat the taxes than actually looking at the big picture.

I would have these long complicated discussions with my accountant, who is very nice, and he listened for a couple of years, until one day he just said, "Stop talking, and learn to be a happy tax payer."

Once you get to a certain point in business taxes are just another set of numbers.

106   CL   2013 Jan 31, 8:06am  

Vicente says

brainwashed about the value of MBA degree.

There are a lot factors to determine the value of an MBA. For example, is it one-ply or two-ply?

I mean, Bush had one, right? And that dude was drunk and on coke the entire time he was a bad businessman. Do they teach that at MBA school?

107   leo707   2013 Jan 31, 8:21am  

CL says

And that dude was drunk and on coke the entire time he was a bad businessman.

Hey, hey. No need to be nasty, let's be fair.

Bush was not drunk and on coke the entire time he was a bad businessman. At some point he quit the drink and drugs and was a perfectly sober bad businessman for a good part of his career.

108   CL   2013 Jan 31, 8:26am  

leo707 says

At some point he quit the drink and drugs and was a perfectly sober bad businessman for a good part of his career.

I guess if you count the shady Saudi deals at Arbusto, or the Tax-payer subsidized land-stealing eminent-domain abusing Sports Authority deals.

Ahh...it would be nice to have a "businessman" with an "MBA" in the Whitehouse.

Obama hasn't even run a lemonade stand!

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