BobH deleted

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2013 Feb 9, 3:15am   20,727 views  98 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Account BobH deleted. Freedom of speech does not extend to implied threats of violence, or even humor about physically attacking the president:

BobH started this thread:

The REAL reason for all the talk about gun control!

By BobH Follow Fri, 8 Feb 2013, 3:22pm 249 views 16 comments
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And then made this comment on it:

BobH says

Obama's first low pass over Texas


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31   AverageBear   2013 Feb 11, 4:41am  

KarlRoveIsScum says



Is Vicente going to call you an 'Angry Bear' for screaming at strangers, by using CAPS? He did when I occasionally used CAPS. Vic is a hypocrite...


32   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 11, 4:50am  

KarlRoveIsScum says

Patrick will you please put CptIdiot on mutual ignore for me, for the sake of this forum please.

Shut up you loser, I haven't even addressed you.
You know what you're a "Shit dictator" your dictation is shit.

33   Patrick   2013 Feb 11, 5:11am  

Hmmm, maybe "make yourself invisible to another user" should be a new premium feature?

34   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 11, 5:38am  

KarlRoveIsScum says

I will not stop unless you stop him.

Let's be civilized capitalists about this.
I'll start the bid.
I'll pay Patrick $100 to delete your profile. What's your bid, or are you all demand and no cheddar?

35   Y   2013 Feb 11, 5:39am  

Here....let me help you then...

TheDayToday said:
Patrick will you please put CptIdiot on mutual ignore for me, for the sake of this forum please.

TheCaptain said:
Shut up you loser, I haven't even addressed you.
You know what you're a "Shit dictator" your dictation is shit.

KarlRoveIsScum says

I'm so glad I cannot see CptIdiot anymore,

36   AverageBear   2013 Feb 11, 5:49am  

This sums up the promises of Pelosi and Obama...

38   AverageBear   2013 Feb 11, 6:01am  

KarlRoveIsScum says

BULLSHIT!, anecdotal and has nothing to do with Obamacare and everything
to do with GREEDY BUSINESSES!!!!

are you stupid? none of what you says makes any sense.

none at all!

Name calling so soon in the discussion? Geez, I've must have hit a nerve..

You wail about 'Greedy Business', but fail to mention what's causing the businesses to force their hand. And what's forcing their hand is Obamacare. I know you think I'm already stupid, but you do know the Congressional Budget Office has already confirmed that 7 million workers will be pushed out of their job based insurance coverage, BECAUSE OF OBAMACARE.... NOT 'Greedy businesses'.


....."President Obama's health care law will push 7 million people out of their job-based insurance coverage — nearly twice the previous estimate, according to the latest estimates from the Congressional Budget Office released Tuesday.

CBO said that this year's tax cuts have changed the incentives for businesses and made it less attractive to pay for insurance, meaning fewer will decide to do so. Instead, they'll choose to pay a penalty to the government, totaling $13 billion in higher fees over the next decade.

But the non-partisan agency also expects fewer people to have to pay individual penalties to the IRS than it earlier projects, because of a better method for calculating incomes that found more people will be exempt.

Overall, the new health provisions are expected to cost the government $1.165 trillion over the next decade — the same as last year's projection.

With other spending cuts and tax increases called for in the health law, though, CBO still says Mr. Obama's signature achievement will reduce budget deficits in the short term.

During the health care debate Mr. Obama had said individuals would be able to keep their plans.

.... i Pantalones en fuego !

39   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 11, 6:05am  

AverageBear says

Name calling so soon in the discussion? Geez, I've must have hit a nerve..

I urge you all ignore 121212isscum, he is a fukwit!

He will not converse with you, he will not respond to anything you say, he will not listen. You are talking to a Snot Whistle!

40   AverageBear   2013 Feb 11, 6:21am  

KarlRoveIsScum says

It's true Obamacare is not perfect, it needs more work.

Single payer option is they way to go.

WTF?! I go from being called stupid to this?? You race from 0-60 to call me stupid, and that Obamacare has NOTHING to do w/ losing the doctor you want to use, to saying Obamacare is not perfect? HAHA... Please join the circus, because i just found out that you are a clown.....

BULLSHIT!, anecdotal and has nothing to do with Obamacare and everything
to do with GREEDY BUSINESSES!!!!

41   leo707   2013 Feb 11, 6:22am  

CaptainShuddup says

KarlRoveIsScum says

I will not stop unless you stop him.

Let's be civilized capitalists about this.

I'll start the bid.

I'll pay Patrick $100 to delete your profile. What's your bid, or are you all demand and no cheddar?

*YAWN* Yeah, right...last time you started this all I got was the sound of crickets in return. So much for you being a capitalist.

leo707 says

leo707 says

CaptainShuddup says

121212 says

Stop already.

I tell you what pony up $100 to Patrick and I will stop posting for a week.

This offer is only good for Iatola 121212.

I will give Patrick $200 if you stop posting until the new year.


So, what is it going to be? Are you going to deny Patrick the money and deny us the pleasure of not hearing from you for a while? I need to know in the next hour because after that I may not be on Pnet again until Monday.

42   AverageBear   2013 Feb 11, 6:23am  

KR....Consider yourself one of the elite... You are now the only person I chose to ignore on this site. Cheers!

43   leo707   2013 Feb 11, 6:31am  

CaptainShuddup says

But I do remember some colorful remarks in the old(deleted) forum when GW Bush had a shoe thrown at him in Pakistan.


If you are going to continue your MO of baseless accusations lacking any evidence whatsoever, you should have at least used the time someone threw a grenade at Bush.

A shoe? Christ...give me a break.

44   Homeboy   2013 Feb 11, 12:05pm  

CaptainShuddup says

That's not a death threat.

But I do remember some colorful remarks in the old(deleted) forum when GW Bush had a shoe thrown at him in Pakistan. So I call your shut the fuck up, and raise you a "I don't have to this is a free country". You Commie Pissant!

Joking about Bush having a shoe thrown at him is the same as joking about Obama being shot? Really? That's what you're going with?

You don't HAVE to shut the fuck up, but you should. You sound like an idiot.

45   🎂 Bap33   2013 Feb 11, 12:21pm  

cheese and rice, what the hell?? anyone work today??

I have read many many many many threats against Bush (and other Repubs and Conservo) on this site ... it may have been a long long while ago, but there were absolute calls for him and his wife to be mistreated and killed. Lots of times. But, like I said, it was a long while ago, probably on the original blog system.

46   curious2   2013 Feb 11, 12:47pm  

Homeboy says

By what reasoning do you conclude that Obamacare will cause people to lose the ability to choose their doctor?

Although off topic, that's an easy question to answer. Better doctors who have a choice are opting out of the insurance system entirely, opting instead for "concierge" subscriptions or direct payment where they work directly for their patients. That is how medicine used to be practiced, before the insurance companies took over. Many doctors are already refusing Medicaid rates. Obamacare will require you to pay all you can afford (that's their definition of affordable) to an insurance company in exchange for a policy, but there is no guarantee that the policy will cover the doctor you want or the service you need. You'll spend all you can afford, they'll hand you a 100 page contract, and the doctor you want to see might tell you that contract isn't worth the paper it's printed on, and having spent all you could afford on those magic beans you won't have enough left to pay your own way.

Of course, some doctors might take you, especially if they are employed by HMOs and have no choice but to do what their employer tells them, which will be whatever is most lucrative for the executives running the HMO. Congratulations, you're "winning," Homefool. Swallow your toxic disproved SSRIs that you're addicted to, which were falsely advertised as not habit forming, and good luck with those nasty side effects. Since many doctors are already taking "gifts" from PhRMA, you'll find plenty who will keep you hooked on the latest toxic pills you see advertised on TV. Just don't fool yourself into thinking those salesmen are working for you, when they're getting paid by someone else.

47   Homeboy   2013 Feb 11, 2:38pm  

Bap33 says

I have read many many many many threats against Bush (and other Repubs and Conservo) on this site ... it may have been a long long while ago, but there were absolute calls for him and his wife to be mistreated and killed. Lots of times. But, like I said, it was a long while ago, probably on the original blog system.

Um, yeah- sure....

48   Homeboy   2013 Feb 11, 2:47pm  

AverageBear says

"Private medical care" does not equal keeping the same doctor...If you lose your job, or when your employer switches plans, or when your previously full time job goes to part-time (already happening w/ businesses affected by Obamacare), using the newly minted laws and regulations of ObamaCare, many will not 'keep your same doctor'....

WTF? How is any of that a result of Obamacare? Are you trying to say nobody lost their jobs, nobody ever got cut from full time to part time, and employers never switched plans before the ACA was passed?

I live in the U.S.; what country do YOU live in?

49   Dan8267   2013 Feb 11, 4:05pm  

Hmmm, maybe "make yourself invisible to another user" should be a new premium feature?

Would it include new threads?

50   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 11, 10:13pm  

Homeboy says

Joking about Bush having a shoe thrown at him is the same as joking about Obama being shot? Really? That's what you're going with?

I remember some comments and knee slapping to the effect, "To bad it was only a shoe".

51   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 11, 10:15pm  

Homeboy says

You don't HAVE to shut the fuck up, but you should. You sound like an idiot.

Is that your favorite phrase? "Shut the fuck up" You sure seem to say that a lot.
As does a lot of Liberals, it's no wonder Obama is stripping away our rights and freedom, Liberals think, the new rules will only apply to tea party members and the GOP.

52   🎂 Bap33   2013 Feb 12, 12:14am  

Homeboy says

Bap33 says

I have read many many many many threats against Bush (and other Repubs and Conservo) on this site ... it may have been a long long while ago, but there were absolute calls for him and his wife to be mistreated and killed. Lots of times. But, like I said, it was a long while ago, probably on the original blog system.

Um, yeah- sure....

my good fellow, you are new here, but others that came before you suffered from the same mental condition the you suffer from. That mental condition results in some crazy thoughts and posts, kinda like you put up. Posts that are liberal, vile, crude, disgusting, and anti-everything good in the world..... and that is not new on PatNet. I assure you there were direct (fantasy) threats made on here against many Repubs and Conservos, INCLUDING the then POTUS - Bush.

I know, I know, "shut the fuck up!" .... save your breath.

53   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 12, 12:32am  

Bap33 says

I assure you there were direct (fantasy) threats made on here against many Repubs and Conservos, INCLUDING the then POTUS - Bush.

Selective memory, I was a Patnet darling when I was spanking Bush's ass red.
Obama... not so much.

54   FortWayne   2013 Feb 12, 12:55am  

CaptainShuddup says

Bap33 says

I assure you there were direct (fantasy) threats made on here against many Repubs and Conservos, INCLUDING the then POTUS - Bush.

Selective memory, I was a Patnet darling when I was spanking Bush's ass red.

Obama... not so much.

It's kind of how that works isn't it. People are biased even if they know their guy is wrong. When I was slamming Bush for his cronyism it was all right, when I do that with Obama it's a tabu.

It's like Fox News vs NBC, unilateral one-sided propaganda, their man can do no wrong and the other guy can never do a thing right. And that constant bias in media probably affects an average poster, who also turns that way, falling in love with their choice of the big brother.

I don't know why so many people can't wrap their head about not being partisan, just because I don't agree with Obama doesn't mean I agree with Romney. But for some it's a complicated concept I guess.

55   leo707   2013 Feb 12, 2:00am  

Bap33 says

I have read many many many many threats against Bush (and other Repubs and Conservo) on this site ... it may have been a long long while ago, but there were absolute calls for him and his wife to be mistreated and killed. Lots of times. But, like I said, it was a long while ago, probably on the original blog system.

You are in luck. Archived comments on Bush go back to 2005, comments that mention a shoe go back to 2006.

Guess when the shoe was thrown at Bush?


You should have no problem going through the archive and finding examples.

...Well, unless of course if there are no actual examples, and you preconceived notions and strong illogical bias has been selectively editing your memory while you sleep.

56   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 12, 2:16am  

leo707 says

You should have no problem going through the archive and finding examples.

Then YOU should have no problem finding the thread, where YOU said you hoped he was alright after the incident.

57   leo707   2013 Feb 12, 2:22am  

CaptainShuddup says

leo707 says

You should have no problem going through the archive and finding examples.

Then YOU should have no problem finding the thread, where YOU said you hoped he was alright after the incident.

Sure, as soon as I make a claim such as that I will find the comment supporting it.

58   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 12, 2:31am  

Asking people to search for anything in this forum is a tall order. When one or two topics contribute to 98% of the threads.
"Bush Bad" and "Obama Good"

I can't even muster up the effort to find all of 121212's threads so I can dislike them all. Somethings just aren't worth the bother.

59   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 12, 2:46am  

Karl are you an allegory for all of the Clams on the half shell I've eaten in my lifetime?
You're like a bad clam that wont stay down.

60   leo707   2013 Feb 12, 2:49am  

CaptainShuddup says

Asking people to search for anything in this forum is a tall order. When one or two topics contribute to 98% of the threads.

"Bush Bad" and "Obama Good"

I can't even muster up the effort to find all of 121212's threads so I can dislike them all. Somethings just aren't worth the bother.

Don't worry, no one is accusing you of being honest, through, and diligent when backing up the outrageous claims you make when posting.

Sometimes it takes all of 60 seconds on Google to "blowing holes" in your "blind rants." (your words not mine)

...Want and example?

If you insist.

leo707 says

CaptainShuddup says

You know I took hunters saftey in Highschool it was the first and only time in my life I ever shot a long barrel 12 gauged shotgun. That would never happen to day, in a public school.

? I know this does not fit with your narrative, but...

Maybe you missed the fact that the US if full of High School shooting teams.

Here is one for example:


61   leo707   2013 Feb 12, 2:50am  

CaptainShuddup says

Karl are you an allegory for all of the Clams on the half shell I've eaten in my lifetime?

You're like a bad clam that wont stay down.


This sounds like you only eat bad clams.

62   leo707   2013 Feb 12, 2:50am  

CaptainShuddup says

Asking people to search for anything in this forum is a tall order.


So is your excuse for not backing up your comments also laziness?

63   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 12, 3:03am  

First of all smugley!

The class I took was hunters safety, it was not an after school extra curriculum activity where we had to show up to a gun range off school campus. We were firing guns out back into a dirt mound by the smoking area(Another one that's probably gone by now). And shooting skeet traps on the track field.
The hunters safety course was part of our "Shop Class" I also learned arc welding, Acetylene welding, wood tools and small engine repair.

The Ankeny Schools Trap Team is a program organized and supported through the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation (“SSSF”) through which gun clubs, shooting facilities, and other organizations provide youth with opportunities to participate in organized, adult-supervised trap shooting activities leading to the Olympic styles of Bunker Trap and International Skeet...

We just choose not humor you when you demand answers, because you blindly Google and grab the first damn thing you see to back up your claims. It's a clear as plastic, I'm sorry if we don't hop to, to respond to your nonsense. It's just some things are best left unsaid. Like taking only a small fraction of a post, and misrepresenting it in a totally unrelated thread.

64   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 12, 3:06am  

KarlRoveIsScum says

You see, he will never answer, his silence is his answer. Which is yes, he voted for Bush twice, but held his nose over Iraq. LMFAO

That's a flame war? Your flint rock is no match for my coffee roaster.

I voted for Nader twice you bag the spent douche bag is discarded in.
I did vote for Palin though if I win prize for that.

65   leo707   2013 Feb 12, 3:43am  

CaptainShuddup says

The class I took was hunters safety, it was not an after school extra curriculum activity where we had to show up to a gun range off school campus.

While I am shocked that you were able to--through a tremendous force of will I am sure!--actually click on the link I provided, and force your eyes to focus on the words as you mouthed each one aloud before going through the herculean effort of cut-and-pasting the text.

I do understand that this effort in and of itself must have exhausted you. So, before posting yet another unfounded claim, you were not able to continue on and dig a little deeper to discover that much of the actual shooting and matches do happen on campus, while only the larger shoots happen off campus at gun clubs.

CaptainShuddup says

you blindly Google and grab the first damn thing you see to back up your claims.

Um, yes...often times, in response to your unfounded claims, I do just need to blindly grab from Google to back up my claims. I am sorry that you can't find the energy to spend 30 seconds on Google to prevent yourself from making foolish comments.

CaptainShuddup says

The hunters safety course was part of our "Shop Class"

Oh, yes--while I am not sure if they are included in shop class--High Schools still do offer Hunter Education Courses, both basic and at times even advanced (did your smoking mound include advanced courses?)

Want evidence of this?

Hint: *Google*

66   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 12, 3:51am  

leo707 says

So, before posting yet another unfounded claim, you were not able to continue on and dig a little deeper to discover that much of the actual shooting and matches do happen on campus, while only the larger shoots happen off campus at gun clubs.

Is that why they are pictured in front of a School bus?
I read the whole site, they are Gun enthusiast club geared to getting youth in the shooting culture. And ME getting YOU to argue any pro gun stance related topic. Why I should play the lottery tonight.

I'll make an honorary redneck out of you yet.
Let's talk bass fishing next, but this time I have to be right.

67   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 12, 3:56am  

leo707 says

did your smoking mound include advanced courses?

IIRC the 3H club Horticulture hydroponics tomato lab was on the other side.

68   Homeboy   2013 Feb 12, 3:56am  

Bap33 says

my good fellow, you are new here, but others that came before you suffered from the same mental condition the you suffer from

So you claim there were death threats against Bush. We ask you to come up with even one concrete example, and your response is a stupid personal insult. Nice job.

Oh, and shut the fuck up.

69   leo707   2013 Feb 12, 3:58am  

CaptainShuddup says

Is that why they are pictured in front of a School bus?

Yes, because like any other High School team they often have to travel to other campuses in order to compete. Each year they only have a few "home" shoots.

CaptainShuddup says

I read the whole site, they are Gun enthusiast club geared to getting youth in the shooting. And ME getting YOU to argue any pro gun stance related topic.

Why? I am pro-gun. I like guns. I own guns. When my kids are old enough they will lean to field strip, clean, shoot guns and most importantly gun safety.

I am just anti stupid knee jerk politically motivated gun policy.

I am way more of a gun enthusiast than someone who, against all reason, will not let a gun in their home even if carried by a trained professional.

70   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 12, 4:15am  

I'm not a gun person, but I'm not anti gun either.
I know if they wantcha they'll getcha.
and no gun or lack there of will stop it.
And neither will locks on the doors or gates at the entrance to your neighborhood.

But I'm also the type would rather be blown to smithereens if it meant my time was up, than to be a participant in what Flying has devolved into.

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