Watch your wallet, Obama and his cronies are at it again

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2013 Feb 27, 1:00am   6,794 views  33 comments

by AverageBear   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


........"Listen, everybody who’s on a payroll took a 2 percent pay cut Jan. 1 when the Social Security taxes went back up.

Learn to live with it, the peons in the Dreaded Private Sector were told. Two percent — big deal. But when the privileged class — the government — takes a 2 percent “cut,” which isn’t really a cut, it’s “draconian.”......"

I'm worried that voters will never learn from the tax and spend ponzi-scheme/House O' Cards. Obama hasn't passed a budged in how many years? 4 and counting? Republicans can surely be blamed for spending as well, but Obama owns this one, especially when Democrats had control of the Presidency and both houses of Congress. Why wasn't a budget passed then? Nobody was in the way, and they could have done whatever they wanted.


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1   zzyzzx   2013 Feb 27, 2:22am  

They just raised taxes, and now Obama wants another tax increase!! Typical Obama.

2   CL   2013 Feb 27, 2:25am  

zzyzzx says

They just raised taxes, and now Obama wants another tax increase!! Typical Obama.

How is that typical? Best I can tell he has extended Bush tax cuts, added payroll cuts, gave us the single largest tax cut in history via the stimulus, and so on.

Sure, there are the tanning booths are stupid tax, and the recent reversion tax for rich people.

But, "typical"?

3   edvard2   2013 Feb 27, 2:43am  

Actually, taxes for the middle class have been lower than they've been in well over 60 years. But since Obama is a Democrat and all, taxes could be down to zero and the GOP would still rant and rave.

4   Vicente   2013 Feb 27, 2:50am  

So what we should worry about, is how much TAXES are taken out of our stagant or shrinking paychecks. We should not worry at all about how the CEO wants us to "do more with less" and polish their shoes. Frankly most Americans wouldn't give 2 figs if their taxes were actually going up a smidge, if corporate America had delivered on it's promise of rising wages any time in the last 30 years.

5   CL   2013 Feb 27, 3:16am  

AverageBear says

especially when Democrats had control of the Presidency and both houses of Congress. Why wasn't a budget passed then? Nobody was in the way, and they could have done whatever they wanted.


April 29, 2009 – The last time the Democrat-led Senate adopted a budget resolution. Also the last time the Majority brought a budget plan to the floor.


Is it normal for Congress not to pass a federal budget?

Unfortunately, yes. It turns out that we’re a pugilistic people by nature, and when you put money into the mix, things just escalate like a Gambino family reunion. The last time that we had a full-on, real-life federal budget that was signed into law, it was 1997. Bill Clinton was president, and Newt Gingrich was speaker of the House (and only on his second wife).

6   marcus   2013 Feb 27, 11:36am  

AverageBear says

Obama hasn't passed a budged in how many years?

THe president doesn't pass budgets. Just FYI.

How are things in the bubble ? Getting a good fix of all that nonsensical jibberish on FOX ?

7   marcus   2013 Feb 27, 11:40am  

But Obama has presided over trillions in budget cuts.

He has increased spending less than any President in many decades.



It's true that the great recession has decreased GDP to be way below what projections were, when the Obama era trajectory of spending was put in place (hint - before Obama). Hence tax revenues have been way lower. (remember: revenues minus sending = annual deficit)

But you hate Obama, and want to blame everything on him (hey - it sets things up to bring another borrow and spend republican in). Nice try, but only retarded rednecks are going to buy what you're selling.

But I'm getting way over your head now and too far from Fox's talking points, so yeah....I know. Back to the bubble.

8   marcus   2013 Feb 27, 11:49am  

zzyzzx says

They just raised taxes, and now Obama wants another tax increase!! Typical Obama.

Yeah, borrowing and spending is the way to go (oh and talking about cutting spending).

Anyone who thinks that actually paying your bills or trying to might help a person or a country learn a little spending restraint just doesn't get it.

Let's just talk about how it's all the democrats fault, and keep on taxing way less than what we're spending. Yeah, that's the ticket.

9   thomaswong.1986   2013 Feb 27, 2:12pm  

Vicente says

if corporate America had delivered on it's promise of rising wages any time in the last 30 years.

more propaganda by the left.. no such promise was made. Frankly they dont teach that in Business School.

10   zzyzzx   2013 Feb 27, 10:54pm  

Vicente says

if corporate America had delivered on it's promise of rising wages any time in the last 30 years.

When did this "promise" happen?

11   zzyzzx   2013 Feb 27, 10:55pm  

marcus says

Yeah, borrowing and spending is the way to go (oh and talking about cutting spending).

Anyone who thinks that actually paying your bills or trying to might help a person or a country learn a little spending restraint just doesn't get it.

Let's just talk about how it's all the democrats fault, and keep on taxing way less than what we're spending. Yeah, that's the ticket.

You forgot about the option of keeping taxes the same and cutting entitlement spending.

13   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Feb 27, 11:25pm  

Vicente says

if corporate America had delivered on it's promise of rising wages any time in the last 30 years.

Yep, where are all those jobs promised from those "1 BILLION CUSTOMERS!!!1!!1 So pass NAFTA and give China MFN. Don't need manufacturing, we'll have high tech jobs of the future (tm)" arguments back in the 90s.

14   CL   2013 Feb 28, 6:16am  

zzyzzx says

I wonder if there was a GOP caused recession at any point between 2007 and 2013? And where are the automatic stabilizers in this pie?

15   socal2   2013 Feb 28, 6:21am  

CL says

I wonder if there was a GOP caused recession at any point between 2007 and
2013? And where are the automatic stabilizers in this pie?

Didn't the Democrats win control of both houses of Congress in 2006?

Do you think Democrats share ANY of the blame for our current economic situation?

16   CL   2013 Feb 28, 6:56am  

socal2 says

Do you think Democrats share ANY of the blame for our current economic situation?

I do. When they decided to embrace conservative economic philosophy, primarily under Clinton.

That's a bit like blaming them for Iraq though. They only supported it because the public is stupid and knee-jerk. I blame them for being weak-willed and misreading the tea leaves. Of course, they can't influence anything if they lose and liberal economics was "modernized" and moved to the right. If they had stuck to their true bearings, they would have been even better positioned to place the blame on Reaganomics.

17   edvard2   2013 Feb 28, 7:05am  

An argument I think worth having is to debate exactly how many billions of dollars the GOP has cost the US economy over the last 4 years by basically obstructing any and all bills- including debt ceiling bills and other issues that had been formalities in the past. I say this because they have in fact stalled on many, many bills where they had not before and this in turn brings uncertainty to Wall Street.

18   socal2   2013 Feb 28, 7:29am  

CL says

I do. When they decided to embrace conservative economic philosophy, primarily
under Clinton.

Can it be said that Governor Brown and the Democrats running Sacramento are also embracing "conservative economic philosophy"? Is that why California has one of the least business friendly climates in the country and have some of the biggest deficits?

19   CL   2013 Feb 28, 8:00am  

socal2 says

Can it be said that Governor Brown and the Democrats running Sacramento are also embracing "conservative economic philosophy"? Is that why California has one of the least business friendly climates in the country and have some of the biggest deficits?

Kind of. First, you can't be serious if you blame Brown for any problems that have plagued the previous administrations, which have been largely Republican.

Plus, you have/had the tyranny of the minority on the right, with a supermajority required for tax issues.

You had the "Taxpayer revolt" that spawned Prop 13.

You had the Energy Deregulation from Governor Pete.

You have the Conservative "tough on crime" 3 strikes nonsense that led to the overburdened and expensive Prison-Industrial Complex.

And for all the talk of us being unfriendly to business, I wonder why so many of our nation's best and brightest come here, thrive here, and export our goods throughout the world. Even Hollywood's in there.

Despite the GOP's best efforts, the world would suffer without California.

21   AverageBear   2013 Feb 28, 9:57am  

Vicente says

Frankly most Americans wouldn't give 2 figs if their taxes were actually going
up a smidge, if corporate America had delivered on it's promise of rising wages
any time in the last 30 years.

What's this? A 'promise' by Corporate America? This is news to me. Who is the spokesman for "Corporate America", and can you get a quote or a link on when he/she made this promise??

Vic, are those eagerly awaiting payment on this 'promise' the 50% that don't pay any income taxes at all?? Because a 'smidge' of zero is , yep, zero. Because if ANYONE believes or depends on any promise outside of family or friends is a fool. Same goes for politicians on both sides of the isle.

How about taking it upon one's self to figure out how to succeed, instead of relying on a bloated, nanny gov't....

22   AverageBear   2013 Feb 28, 10:16am  

marcus says

But Obama has presided over trillions in budget cuts.

Obama also presided over the theft of over $760 Billion in Medicaid from the elderly who EARNED that money over their lifetime, and giving it to illegals and those that DIDNT earn it in 'free' healthcare. Then in the same breath, accusing the GOP w/ scare tactics of the very act he just committed. Then we have his 'Pelosi-Puppet' lying through her teeth, and then saying the Senate has to pass Obamacare so they can then look at it. You can't make this shit up...

Now when you talk about Obama presiding over 'budget cuts', are these the shell game tactics nobody outside of Fox wants to talk about? War budgets still counted towards a war that is over? Hmm? Or are these 'budget cuts' just imagined cuts in the GROWTH of said budgets?

23   Nobody   2013 Feb 28, 10:20am  

If you don't wanna pay federal tax, you gotta be the 1%. I mean the 1% of the top earners in US.

My federal tax is a lot lower than my employees. Yet, I am making more. My guys are working as hard as I. I went to school with both federal and state's scholarship. Yup, I used your tax dollars to go to school and become successful. I was not asked to pay back a dime of that scholarship. And I am paying close to 0% on federal tax. One must wonder why kids can't get adequate education here in US.

24   AverageBear   2013 Feb 28, 10:34am  

marcus says

THe president doesn't pass budgets. Just FYI.

How are things in the bubble ? Getting a good fix of all that nonsensical
jibberish on FOX ?

Marcus, you are absolutely correct, but Obama's Chicago thug-tactics still goes a long way in his 'message' or 'warnings' when one publically disagrees with him...Just ask Bob Woodward....

In fact, I happen to blame Bush who started this deficit mess, w/ SCHIP, no child left behind, etc. Obama just double- and triple-downed on Bush's idiocy. We loved to bash Bush, but when Obama does the same 2-3x more, crickets...

Although I don't watch Fox, I do happen to read a couple of their contributors online (Malkin and Krauthammer).... Thanks for projecting though. You do sound cute when you project.

Funny how you and Vic get your panties in a twist over Fox, when I don't refer, acknowledge or mention Fox at all. Because at the end of the day, I just bet you despise the fact that there is only 1, yes 1 major network out of what, 7 or 8 networks that doesn't carry the Democrats water? You can't handle the fact that this one lone network is CRUSHING everyone else in the ratings. And it makes me smile knowing that it bothers you that much....

I know you pine for the days when liberals had a complete lock, monopoly on political opinion in media when there were 3 broadcast TV networks back in the day. But then again, we had fiscally-conservative democrats back then too. "Condemn the sources of your enemies' info", and turn a blind eye to the facts they bring up that the other networks try to spike. Benghazi anyone? Nice try.....

25   AverageBear   2013 Feb 28, 10:44am  

zzyzzx says

if corporate America had delivered on it's promise of rising wages any time
in the last 30 years.

When did this "promise" happen?

HA! Same question I posed to Vic as well... Too funny.

26   AverageBear   2013 Feb 28, 10:46am  

robertoaribas says

Obama also presided over the theft of over $760 Billion in Medicaid from the
elderly who EARNED that money over their lifetime, and giving it to illegals and
those that DIDNT earn it in 'free' healthcare.

hey, are you running in the low IQ tea party quote of the day contest?

Can you disprove what I actually said, or are you gonna continue in trying to win the name calling contest?....

27   AverageBear   2013 Feb 28, 10:53am  

Nobody says

If you don't wanna pay federal tax, you gotta be the 1%. I mean the 1% of the
top earners in US.

28   futuresmc   2013 Feb 28, 11:52am  

robertoaribas says

zzyzzx says

They just raised taxes, and now Obama wants another tax increase!! Typical Obama.

good grief. So social security went back to what it had been for most of my life... cry a freaking river already, grow up! you nitwits bitch about deficits, particularly social security, and yet want the special lower pay in rate to last forever?

The libertarian ideology wants Social Security to fail so that all human life is devoted soley to what benefits the market and elderly, orphaned, and disabled folks who aren't useful enough to the market to justify their continued existance die off as quickly as possible. Without the return of the older rate, and possibly an increase in the cap, Social Security will be in the red sooner and they can make their big push to end it sooner, no matter what that does to the human beings who rely on it.

29   Vicente   2013 Feb 28, 1:02pm  

AverageBear says

Nobody says

If you don't wanna pay federal tax, you gotta be the 1%. I mean the 1% of the

top earners in US.

Elmo is 4 so he probably thinks stork population correlates with babies:

I like more information before making analysis than Elmo.

30   marcus   2013 Feb 28, 9:52pm  

Yo, retards.


Quick, find some lies and propaganda before this sinks in. You're going to need to double down on your emotional resistance to the truth.

31   marcus   2013 Feb 28, 9:58pm  

The republicans were all about closing loopholes in the election campaigns. But since we had one tax cut suspension at the end of the year, it's off the table.


"Googoo gaga, waaaaaa...........waaaaaaaa"

32   zzyzzx   2013 Mar 1, 12:47am  

Nobody says

If you don't wanna pay federal tax, you gotta be the 1%

Don't you really mean If you don't wanna pay federal tax, you got to be one of the 47%???

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