Another Christian terrorist attack that nobody is talking about

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2013 Apr 29, 4:51am   12,906 views  73 comments

by Homeboy   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


A 24-year-old man jumped several pews and rushed toward the choir with a knife in his hand, screaming, "Fake preacher!"

He stabbed four choir members during the attack Sunday morning -- before several parishioners jumped on the suspect and held him down until officers arrived.

Hmmmm....a violent attack against innocent people motivated by religion. Yep, fits the definition of a terrorist attack, doesn't it? But nobody's talking about it because it doesn't support their stereotype that only Muslims commit violent acts.

Oh, and one more thing:

Fortunately, all four victims suffered non-life threatening injuries.

If he had a gun, do you think there would have been only 4 victims, and that nobody would have died? Do you think they would have been able to disarm him and hold him down until police arrived? Oh, wait, I forgot, "guns don't kill people". Har.

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51   Homeboy   2013 May 1, 2:23pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

You cherry pick a group of 40 and call it some kind of leadership of Christians ?


40 people.. thats it.. only 40 members ...

The Boston bombers were only TWO people. Again, this isn't about being a pissing match. You seem to be completely missing the point.

52   thomaswong.1986   2013 May 1, 2:25pm  

Homeboy says

By the way, this is purely anecdotal, but I once asked a Christian fundamentalist friend if she believed death by stoning was an appropriate punishment for adultery. Her answer was, "Well, it would stop people from committing adultery, wouldn't it?"

you know of someone being stones over the past 100 years for adultery ?

53   Homeboy   2013 May 1, 2:25pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

Our whole western tradition is based on Judeo-Christian belief. Why is that shocking to you .... where have you been ?

You questioned my contention that many Christians believe Christianity should be the law of the land, then when I provided evidence, you said it was obvious. Then why did you question it in the first place?

Troll much?

54   Homeboy   2013 May 1, 2:26pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

you know of someone being stones over the past 100 years for adultery ?

I know of someone posting drunk on PatNet in the past 5 minutes.

55   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 May 2, 5:22am  

thomaswong.1986 says

Our whole western tradition is based on Judeo-Christian belief. Why is that shocking to you .... where have you been ?

Based on Greco-Roman philosophy. Everything that works that is, and all the good shit like liberty, equality under the law, republican ideas, free inquiry, etc.

There is no democracy in the Bible. Only Central Authority's commands. Nor is there any philosophy or science, other than a cow's spots are determined by what their mother was looking at when pregnant, which explains all the green cows walking around today.

56   thomaswong.1986   2013 May 2, 5:44am  

thunderlips11 says

Based on Greco-Roman philosophy. Everything that works that is, and all the good shit like liberty, equality under the law, republican ideas, free inquiry, etc.

There is no democracy in the Bible. Only Central Authority's commands.

Remind me again when the Brits, under Oliver Cromwell, cut off the kings head and ended central authority of the king. Or even the founders of our nations didnt impose any central authority, King or Emperor. Both founders of democracy were Christians.

But when you have non Christians imposing a revolution, like the French or Russian Revolution ( liberty, equality, republican ideas) you get a despotic regime.

Facts and history of the western tradition dont support your claims.

57   thomaswong.1986   2013 May 2, 5:46am  

thomasdong1776 says

Bill Ayers is stoned.

He should be stoned or at least imprisoned like the terrorist nut head he is.

that would be justice served...

58   dublin hillz   2013 May 2, 5:53am  

Essentially, I just don't believe that true liberals and true muslims can ever be allies due to significat philosophical differences regarding numerous concepts. Liberal people should always be on the lookout for these guys. If liberals and muslims were the only power groups on the face of the planet it would not take long before a war would break out between the 2 sides.

59   lostand confused   2013 May 2, 5:54am  

Thomas Wong and Thomas Dong!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

60   socal2   2013 May 2, 6:49am  

Homeboy says

This is utter bullshit, and you are a liar. Why are you quoting a second-hand
source, and why are you cherry-picking only the bad parts of the survey? It does
NOT say 90% of Egyptians favor executing those who leave the faith. And why
cherry-pick that particular group when the overall response was pretty much the

I am quoting the Economist. Not exactly a den of Islamophobia or right wingers. Call them "liars" if you want. I can't access the Pew report at work. But the Economist report says nearly 90% of Egyptians favor death for Apostates.

That data jives with other appalling statistics out of Egypt where over 90% of women have their clitorisis cut off - even though the previous government tried to ban the practice.

61   finehoe   2013 May 2, 6:58am  

socal2 says

I am quoting the Economist. Not exactly a den of Islamophobia or right wingers.

The Economist is pretty right-wing, especially their editorial slant. It's just compared to the bat-shit crazy American right, they don't sound so kooky.

62   socal2   2013 May 2, 6:59am  

Homeboy says

And why do you focus on the more radical views of a minority of Muslims, and
leave out the positive responses in the survey, such as:

As I already pointed out - this poll doesn't include the more populous and most Islamists countries like Sudan, Iran and Saudi Arabia where Sharia Law is already the law of the land. So the numbers would be even worse then they already are.

There can be no doubt that the Muslim/Arab world (Arabs in particular) are way behind the rest of the planet in terms of human rights, women's rights, gay rights, religious freedom, education, economies.......

Those Islamophobes at the UN wrote a whole report about the Arab world's dysfunction over 10 years ago.

I think it is pretty clear that a combination of Islam, anti-Semitism and the patriarchal/tribal Arab culture that has kept that civilization stunted as compared to the rest of the planet.

63   Homeboy   2013 May 2, 5:31pm  

socal2 says

I am quoting the Economist.

Um, yes - I know. That is a second-hand source. I quoted the ORIGINAL source. What aren't you understanding about that?

socal2 says

But the Economist report says nearly 90% of Egyptians favor death for Apostates.

No, it says, " Almost 80% of Egyptian Muslims say they favour religious freedom and a similar number favour sharia law. Of that group, almost 90% also think people who renounce Islam should be put to death. Confused? So are they. "

Of WHAT group? Of the ones that favor sharia law, which is "similar" to "almost 80 percent"? O.K., let's say 75 percent, since it doesn't actually say. 90% of 75% is 67%, not 90%. Very confusing. Very poorly written. Again, why not just go to the original source, as I did, and see that the conclusion of the PEOPLE WHO WROTE THE REPORT don't have that take on it at all. They say:

"In most countries surveyed, there is considerably less support for severe punishments"

So you are referring to a survey where the AUTHORS of the survey believe that most Muslims don't believe in draconian punishments, and claiming the OPPOSITE. The only reason I can see for you doing that is that you have a preconceived idea that you insist on believing, and aren't at all interested in the truth.

socal2 says

That data jives with other appalling statistics out of Egypt where over 90% of women have their clitorisis cut off - even though the previous government tried to ban the practice.

What does that have to do with Islam? Your article says the rate is 74% in Ethiopia - also appalling. The largest religion in Ethiopia is Christianity. So by your logic, Christianity is more dysfunctional than Islam.

Actually, they're BOTH pretty dysfunctional, as are most religions. LOL.

64   Homeboy   2013 May 2, 5:39pm  

socal2 says

As I already pointed out - this poll doesn't include the more populous and most Islamists countries like Sudan, Iran and Saudi Arabia where Sharia Law is already the law of the land. So the numbers would be even worse then they already are.

Non sequitur. There's nothing wrong with "the numbers". You just cherry-picked the worst elements you could find. And now you're making up this fiction that it "would have been worse" out of whole cloth.

socal2 says

There can be no doubt that the Muslim/Arab world (Arabs in particular) are way behind the rest of the planet in terms of human rights, women's rights, gay rights, religious freedom, education, economies.......

Now you're conflating Islam with Arab people. Arab is not the equivalent of Muslim any more than White is the equivalent of Christian. You just really aren't thinking this through.

65   thomaswong.1986   2013 May 2, 6:20pm  

Homeboy says

Actually, they're BOTH pretty dysfunctional, as are most religions. LOL.

If you are from the west and live in the west... Look around you,

You see the great achievements of mankind ... In the east, you dont see that.

We are not dysfunctional as you say.. but we carry the burden of Atheists and their


Apollo 8 - Merry Christmas from the Moon


66   Homeboy   2013 May 2, 7:30pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

If you are from the west and live in the west... Look around you,

You see the great achievements of mankind ... In the east, you dont see that.

We are not dysfunctional as you say.. but we carry the burden of Atheists and their


Um, all righty then.

Well isn't that special.

67   Homeboy   2013 May 2, 7:32pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

He should be stoned or at least imprisoned like the terrorist nut head he is.

that would be justice served...

Says the guy who complains about Muslims condoning draconian punishments. LOL.

Some people just. don't. get it.

68   Bigsby   2013 May 2, 9:27pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

If you are from the west and live in the west... Look around you,

You see the great achievements of mankind ... In the east, you dont see that.

We are not dysfunctional as you say.. but we carry the burden of Atheists and their


What's the rate of atheism/agnosticism amongst the 'perverts' that have and will continue to create the great advancements in society that you seem to so admire (and I'm referring to scientists if it wasn't clear)?

69   lostand confused   2013 May 2, 10:02pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

Homeboy says

Actually, they're BOTH pretty dysfunctional, as are most religions. LOL.

If you are from the west and live in the west... Look around you,

You see the great achievements of mankind ... In the east, you dont see that.

We are not dysfunctional as you say.. but we carry the burden of Atheists and their


Apollo 8 - Merry Christmas from the Moon

Rubbish as always. The west no longer has the tallest buildings or the largest highways. Plus if you go back in time, such things as gun powder, paper and the great Wall of China came from China. America was founded because they were looking for an easier way to the riches of India. Each region has its time. The east had its and declined and so did the Romans and the Egyptians. The west took the mantle. What remains to be seen, is if the east is reclaiming its mantle and the west is declining or will it be a multipolar world??

70   finehoe   2013 May 3, 12:02am  

thomaswong.1986 says

You see the great achievements of mankind

Most of which occurred after the yoke of religious dogma was thrown off after the Reformation. Go perverted atheists!

71   thomaswong.1986   2013 May 3, 5:23am  

lostand confused says

What remains to be seen, is if the east is reclaiming its mantle and the west is declining or will it be a multipolar world??

Are you noticing who is tearing down the western world ?

72   lostand confused   2013 May 3, 5:53am  

thomaswong.1986 says

lostand confused says

What remains to be seen, is if the east is reclaiming its mantle and the west is declining or will it be a multipolar world??

Are you noticing who is tearing down the western world ?

Yes-the western world itself. China or India did not start a war with the US and Europe and demand that we ship our jobs . Our corporations did that and our corrupt gubmnt refuses to put any restrictions on imports. Western civilization is being devored by its own insatiable greed.

73   thomaswong.1986   2013 May 3, 11:50am  

lostand confused says

Yes-the western world itself. China or India did not start a war with the US and Europe and demand that we ship our jobs . Our corporations did that and our corrupt gubmnt refuses to put any restrictions on imports. Western civilization is being devored by its own insatiable greed.

have you known of any restriction that has worked ?

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