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and of course all these categories are created and maintained by media owned by the same people. The create political categories according to the 'divide and conquer' principle.
Agreed. Since you mentioned that asshat earlier, I am shocked and amazed about how much power over the masses some random dude like Dr Phil wields. People listen to him, nodding and clapping like brainless zombies while he traffics human misery (granted that's legal), making millions off of it (legal as well) and telling society where to draw the lines du jour.
A fairly simple conclusion: if society isnt' about raising your family, what is it about? why are we doing all this? it's certainly not buying us freedom, health, wealth, or really much of anything but misery. After a decade or two of drug use according to various new psychological diseases they make up, even this starts to wear thin. We're just left with a vague non-descript promise- that one day we'll find love, that man will just materialize out of thin air, or we'll be economically free, when our startup gets funded or we win the lotto. Then we start to lose faith in that too, and it just becomes a task of minimizing pain and maximizing pleasure, and maybe extending the experience for as long as possible. Then, the whole meaning of all this seems to just start to implode
power over the masses some random dude like Dr Phil wields. People listen to him, nodding and clapping like brainless zombies while he traffics human misery (granted that's legal), making millions off of it (legal as well) and telling society where to draw the lines du jour.
he's also a divorcee. http://perezhilton.com/2012-11-08-dr-phil-and-wife-robin-are-having-marital-issues-fighting-despite-new-30-million-mansion#sthash.eo84k4gd.dpbs
what a surprise this master of relationships should have a problem with his wife AFTER he purchases a house- which just so happens to make it far easier to take half of his wealth in a divorce.
you're better off listening to Tom Leykis.
they used to call it TV 'Programming' for a reason- back then it was much more obvious as to what TV's purpose was. Before the age of TV we had organized religion, which served precisely the same purpose.
its also why weve had virtually no technological, scientific, or even economic progress since the 60s.
LOL - this might be my favorite example from the entire turdpile oeuvre.
LOL - this might be my favorite example from the entire turdpile oeuvre.
your use of French comes off like a fresh fart after a sumptuous meal of Dr. Pepper and 7 layer burritos. Sorry American women try very hard not to look like trash, and the harder they try, the worse they look.
LOL - excuse me while I set aside my Dr Pepper and call the girlfriends on my 1960s mobile phone, still state of the art according to turdpile:
I can't find the videoconferencing feature, must mean I'm too stupid. And I can barely lift the darned thing, being so weak and all.
why dont you try a trip to the Vintage Clothing store. Go for the librarian look you might fool a few clueless guys into thinking you still hold your sanity- and gasp your purity and virtue(or have those words been banned as well?).
you still never answered the question about having an abortion. You just diverted it with a fairly depressing attempt at sarcastic humor. Why not log off and go to the Slut Walk?
"Sarcasm: the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded." -Fyodor Dostoevsky
all the women in my engineering course...knew precisely nothing about the subject matter and scored all As.
How do you reconcile your opinion with their grades? Might you have underestimated their knowledge? BTW, how did you go from studying engineering to working in cosmetics and fashion? And how on earth do you download your videos from the Internet with a modem that hasn't progressed since the 1960s - maybe you haven't actually seen those videos?
I refuse to be married under these terms. I've seen far too many causalities.
...and no offers.
In the 60's they had sharks with frikin laser beams attached to their heads.
the whole meaning of all this seems to just start to implode
Fella, you're the thing imploding. Once you type that first word it's a beat-the-clock meltdown with you. Go kick your dog, drink some more and pass out.
hey brah! sorry if it's givin you bad vibes man! California dude!
if you dont like it, don't read it. Your loss.
The way feminism is framed in the media is always as a question of equality. The implicit assumption is that men and women are equal and should therefore play *exactly* the same role in society. If they are not, the assumption is that it is a cultural issue that needs to be fixed. Though sometime, someone will allude to biological differences, the assumption is that culture and education are more powerful and should therefore override any differences in instincts. According to this vision, men should spend as much time taking care of kids as women, and women should be as aggressive as men in the workplace. If they are not, they need to be chastised until they are.
once you've accepted the TRUE purpose of Feminism, the problem ceases to be very complex.
the purpose of Feminism is to implement a kind of 'soft slavery'. Ex. during colonial times slave owners had many techniques to keep their slaves in line. One of them was to promote the women slaves over the man slaves. They would put on demonstrations of male slaves being beat in front of women slaves, demonstrating their lack of power. Women naturally lose respect for the men slaves, and start to gain respect for the slave owners as the 'male figures'. In addition, women raise their children according to the values of the slave master, creating an entire RACE of slaves.
The west and the middle east balance each other. here the men are treated as slaves and there the women.
women have not gained in this scenario, they simply become the prostitutes of the slave masters. Of course they have a complex language to mask the facts of their actual situation- they tell them they are 'liberated', 'free', pro-'Choice'. How is that freedom working out ladies?
Boomers like to trivialize the situation. They respond with sarcasm and cynicism as to how crazy and literally insane women have become. It's no laughing matter- these forces called 'Feminism' are actually destroying our lives. They ruin families, even compel women to kill unborn children. When youve finally had enough and your sarcasm no longer soothes the soul, the reality of it remains.
The west and the middle east balance each other. here the men are treated as slaves and there the women.
most women in the middle east would not trade their position with an American woman. They consider them, rightly, to be prostitutes.
of course prostitute slaves must be kept well groomed and well fed when they're in their prime years, when this period is over then support generally ends. Then this women goes through a stage of bewilderment- "I thought I was important?!", until she finally realizes that no one really cares about her situation. If she was so lucky to have reproduced with someone who has money, this is her ticket to support. If not, she must increasingly rely on the welfare system for her income, more than likely she has little real skills and a completely dim concept of what is happening in the world around her. She attempts to convert her childish interest in clothes, shoes, arts and crafts into some kind of profitable venture but quickly finds that those can't provide much either. She decides to hone her tactics a bit, gets more 'resourceful' and ruthless in her dealing with men. A few fall for it, but most men can smell her desperation and see her aging features a mile away. The chance of finding a man to respect her is minimal if not totally non-existent. She knows what she spent her youth doing, as do all her family, and most men can read between the lines.
entitled: Vexed In The City, a tale of middle aged feminine woe
Obama is a tyrant in case you haven't noticed.
"A tyrant (Greek Ï„ÏÏαννος, tyrannos), is a ruler of a cruel and oppressive character who is an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution, and/or one who has usurped legitimate sovereignty."
Disagreeing with a leader's policies does not make him/her a "tyrant".
Can there please be a "Misogynist" category? Then the unhappy little boys that have some serious issues with their mama (and papa) will have their very own place to whine and complain about being victimized by women, and the rest of the adults can go on living their lives together on this planet and reading the forum in peace.
Can there please be a "Misogynist" category?
Can there please be a wretched corrupted bitch category?
Can there please be a wretched corrupted bitch category?
Thank you for the lovely example.
This is a ridiculous point to argue, but if you must... I will engage for a short time.
Honestly, how many women do you know who are abandoning their children (not counting abortion, of course) vs. the amount of men who have chosen to not be involved with their children (not supporting them or having much, if any contact)? In my personal experience, I have never met a woman who has left her child. I have met a number of men who do not know or barely know their children.
This is why we hear about single moms much more than about single dads.
This is why there are laws to make men at the least, financially responsible for their children.
I know you will probably call me names and rip this very reasonable response apart. Have fun with it!
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 24 million children in America -- one out of three -- live in biological father-absent homes.
Consequently, there is a "father factor" in nearly all of the social issues facing America today.
- See more at: http://www.fatherhood.org/media/consequences-of-father-absence-statistics#sthash.CnTy4B4X.dpuf
The Typical Single Parent is a Mother:
Approximately 84% of custodial parents are mothers, and
16% of custodial parents are fathers
Contrary to what you see in the press (or Barbie), misogyny is not rampant in modern societies. There is no evil patriarchy oppressing women. Quite the reverse: Both men and women are guilty of misandry, a bias against men. My City Journal article reviews the overwhelming evidence (ignored or suppressed by misandrist journalists and scholars) of bias against men, from the ‘women are wonderful’ effect reported by psychologists to the discrimination against men in the legal system, government, schools, corporations, and academia.
This misandrist bias is probably innate, and it’s being exploited by a diversity industry that falsely blames sexism for any gender gap not favouring women. Yes, women are ‘underrepresented’ in some fields, especially at the top, but it’s not because of discrimination. It’s because of factors like the ‘gender productivity gap’ and the ‘competition gap’ (which explains why scientists in the 99th percentile of productivity are disproportionately male, and why 95 of the top 100 Scrabble players are men). The misogyny myth serves the interests of the diversity industry, but it’s enormously damaging to the rest of society — women as well as men — because it poisons relations between the sexes and undermines the system that has provided unprecedented opportunities and prosperity to everyone: meritocracy.
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I've been waiting a long time for someone to confront the Agenda like this: