Is Romney a total moron?

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2011 Sep 8, 3:58pm   4,408 views  12 comments

by nope   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I've seen a few articles discussing Rick Perry's intelligence, but for the most part I think he just plays dumb when pandering to his base.

Romney, on the other hand, seems to be a complete idiot. The other day he said:

"I just want to talk to you about our economy, about what's happening to American families ... middle-income Americans, the average American ought to have the highest income in the world."

His delivery also seems bizarre, like he's a nervous 15 year old giving a speech to his highschool auditorium. You'd think with all of his millions he could afford to get some professional speech coaching done.

The GOP has pretty clearly already decided that Perry is going to be their nominee (primaries are a farce and have been for a long time), but at least Romney will give us an endless stream of new memes. He's like the 2012 edition of Dan Quayle. I guess that makes him an ideal VP candidate.

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1   Â¥   2011 Sep 8, 5:02pm  

Perry's grades in school were atrocious.

Then again, so were Gore's and Kerry's. Maybe all the quasi-legal pot did a number on that generation.

Romney's got to sell Big Bullshit, so it's got to be somewhat taxing.

Well maybe not taxing since Republicans aren't supposed to believe in that.

2   Done!   2011 Sep 8, 11:19pm  

Kevin says

The GOP has pretty clearly already decided that Perry is going to be their nominee (primaries are a farce and have been for a long time)

Yeah you mean like the Liberal media and the DNC decided early on, on a race between a Black Man and the Woman, even though the Polls were suggesting something totally different.

3   Vicente   2011 Sep 9, 2:14am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Tony Manero says

rationalizing them and selling off the surviving distillate as a guy who can do backflips holding a milkshake without spilling it.


However, in the looks department, he may be a bit too much Kerry:

Will people start mistakenly razzing Mitt about his YEaargh moment?

4   Vicente   2011 Sep 9, 6:54am  

Nomograph says

Romney has great hair, and he will be the next Ronald Reagan.

Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery -- Jane Austen

Nope, look again, hairline is too high. GOPlebes think he's an egghead, which is why Perry will win the nomination.

5   elliemae   2011 Sep 9, 10:57am  

Romney is popular because he's pretty and has a pretty family. The Mormon factor will be a problem for him, along with the fact that he appears to be talking down to people.

Personally, I think he's a dick. But I'm disillusioned, think many of 'em are. It's not about leading the country, it's about ego.

Let's vote 'em all out of office. The only thing they care about is themselves.

6   HousingWatcher   2011 Sep 9, 11:29am  

shrekgrinch says

The GOP can nominate Gumby with Rosanne Barr as VP running mate...and they would still kick Obambi's ass.

That's because the RE-election vote over Obambi will be about one thing only: The economy

Gumby is in jail for robbing a conveninece store.


7   HousingWatcher   2011 Sep 9, 11:31am  

Romney is the Republican version of John Kerry. Here's why:

1. Both are from Mass. (I know that proves nothing)
2. Both are boring to listen to
3. Both are LIBERAL
4. Both are serial flip floppers
5. Both are extrmeley rich (many peopel don't like rich politicians)
6. Both are taking on incumbent presidents (incumbents are harder to beat than when the seat is open)

That reminds me: has anyone ever seen Kerry and Romney together in the same room at the SAME time. Hmmm....

8   elliemae   2011 Sep 9, 1:05pm  

HousingWatcher says

That reminds me: has anyone ever seen Kerry and Romney together in the same room at the SAME time. Hmmm....

...and did anyone ever notice that Reagan never spoke when Nancy was drinking water?

9   thomas.wong1986   2011 Sep 9, 4:50pm  

Perry will do a great job as our next president.

10   Â¥   2011 Sep 10, 5:11am  

...finishing the destruction that 43 put into motion.

11   leo707   2011 Sep 10, 5:28pm  

Is he a moron, I don't know. He does however wear underpants that he thinks have magical powers, and he thinks that someday he will be a god of his very own planet.

But next to Perry he seems like a totally sane reasonable person.

12   elliemae   2011 Sep 11, 4:06am  

leoj707 says

Is he a moron, I don't know. He does however wear underpants that he thinks have magical powers, and he thinks that someday he will be a god of his very own planet.

I can identify - I've had a few men worship at the altar of my panties...

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