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A 40-ish MILF who can regurgitate the talking points.
I never got why people consider Palin or Bachmann to be MILFs. They are not the least bit good looking. Maybe it's because I just don't go for that over-22 look.
I never got why people consider Palin or Bachmann to be MILFs. They are not the least bit good looking. Maybe it's because I just don't go for that over-22 look.
Well, see, I sort of understand the thinking here, as someone who grew up in the South. Women back there are more likely to use tons and tons of makeup, basically using tons of face powder and stuff like that, craploads of hair spray, have dated hair styles, and so on. Men there sort of go for that kind of thing. Its ok for me to say these things since these are "my people".
The only thing I'd have to say about Palin is this. Read the book Game Change. It basically illustrates much of what happened politically in the spring to fall of 2008. Some of the bits include
- The selection of Palin was not a process well thought out.
- John Edwards relationship with his wife was more rocky than anyone would have thought..there was no real way he could have won
- Obama basically used the Iraq war vote to win the primaries
- The selection of Palin was not a process well thought out.
I would bet any amount of money, that Sarah Palin could fill a room with more people wanting to see her, supporters or otherwise, than any other political figure in America.
That includes Obama him self.
That is unless Obama used promotional tools at his disposal, to fill his room, he does have the federal budget to work with. He could buy an audience.
I would bet any amount of money, that Sarah Palin could fill a room with more people wanting to see her, supporters or otherwise, than any other political figure in America.
That includes Obama him self.
I'm not sure if that's much of a compliment.
Thanks for the list (although I think the nearly all Repuplicans would have done the same or worse on at least 9 if not all 10 of these points). I didn't expect Shrekgrinch to come up with the goods.
Let's see. You've been a "long time supporter" of the GOP but you haven't voted for them in the last decade or in 1992. Sounds like a long time!
Not sure why would one support the Dems as they've managed to make the economy worse after wasting trillions of dollars on boondoggles like Solyndra and the other corrupt pork and labor union payout in the "stimulus"
Its pretty clear that Obama is incompetent and in over his head. We have to get rid of him for the sake of the country.
I for one was a democrat and a huge supporter of Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Obama had his chance, wasted trillions, and now has no answer on how to create jobs and get the economy moving other than raise taxes. America will be much better off as soon as he can return to the faculty lounge and get out of the White House.
Hell, The Greatest Orator Of All Time added 2.5 trillion dollars to the debt in his first 19 months! http://www.cnsnews.com/node/72404
You know what they say, a trillion here, a trilion there, soon you'll be talking real money.
Not sure why this forum would be any different than America. Voters ejected 64 Dem congressman in 2010 and Dems just lost a seat in NY-09 they've held since the 20s. Obviously, a lot of people have stopped supporting the Dems lately, not the GOP.
Oh, I think I did. It just wasn't the answer you wanted.
Then again, with 9.1% unemployment and Obama wracking up multi-trillion dollar debt and Obama at 39%, I suspect you're not going to find many answers you like.
Not sure why this forum would be any different than America. Voters ejected 64 Dem congressman in 2010 and Dems just lost a seat in NY-09 they've held since the 20s. Obviously, a lot of people have stopped supporting the Dems lately, not the GOP.
Don't forget that the depression and the citizens united case and unprecedented money backing teabagger wackos in 2010 might have been a factor. Add to that the money behind Fox news and talk radio, and their influence and we have nearly a perfect storm set up for a fascist regime to take over or for them to try.
Most hard core or old time right wingers won't see it until it's too late.
YOu might want to try out objectivity rather than just looking for propaganda which says what you wish to be true. (referring to this absurdity: http://www.cnsnews.com/node/72404 )
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I am throwing this question out here because I am tired of the Republican Party. I have been a long time supporter except when I voted for Ross Perot for the 92’ election. This last decade I have been changing my mind. I see too much extremism in this party. Hell, Ronald Reagan couldn’t be a candidate for the GOP right now (raised taxes 11 times, tripled the national debt, pulled American troops out of Beirut after the attack, and passed the 86’ Immigration Bill).
This party has been taken over by religious zealots and has an all or nothing attitude. I am disgusted by the antics that went down over the budget debate. Never before has the debt ceiling been tied to the budget or debt. We have budgets that have been passed that need to be paid and were passed by congress. When George Bush doubled the national Debt from 5.7 to 11 trillion, where were the Republican's outcry then?
Historically speaking, how has this party changed from the days of Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Goldwater to now? I would say it has changed from warnings of the MIC by Eisenhower to a huge supporter of the MIC. It has changed from supporting equal rights for all citizens of the US from Lincoln to a disenfranchisement of the Latino population. It has not heeded the warnings from Goldwater on the penetration of the religious right into the party. Teddy was a big progressive and what we see today is a warped regressive movement in the Tea Party.
Why would I put my vote for the GOP now when all I see them doing is grandstanding and playing politics. This party has become radical in my opinion.