OMG! Shrek is dead!

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2011 Sep 21, 6:23am   88,568 views  297 comments

by Dan8267   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

The great tragedy is that it is only now after his passing that I realize how much I miss the little guy and his insane rants. Let us all bow our heads and remember the fond times we had with him. Let us remember his sacrifice, which allows us to finally understand why the number 42 is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.

At least we can be consoled that Shrek died doing what he loved best and probably multitasking by posting on patrick.net at the same time.

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195   leo707   2011 Sep 30, 9:38am  

CL says

Atheism can be viewed as a faith as well, since one cannot disprove God's existence. Therefore, the only truly logical answer is to say "I don't know", or agnosticism.

I am not sure if you are using faith as a synonym for religion here, but atheism is not a "faith" as religions are, in that regard it is a lack of faith. Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair style.

I called agnosticism the "best" answer, but would hesitate to call it the "only logical answer".

Philosophically we can never "know" anything other than as an individual we are experiencing what appears to be a consciousness. Nothing can ever be "proven" in this frame work. What we do have is common experience. From this experience we can gather evidence on how the world around us appears to work. While philosophically we should remain agnostic we can use logic to examine this evidence and come to a conclusion.

In this pursuit we can never prove a negative. We can never prove with certainty that god(s), dragons, Russle's tea pot, etc. don't exist. There is always going to be the possibility that they are there, but this does not mean that they are likely to exist; or that they are even equally likely to to exist or not exist.

We can admit that gods might exist. Using logic we can examine the evidence and determine that the probability of gods existing is so very low that the logical position to take is atheism.

Humans are not always logical, we can be passionate emotional creatures, and probably should not base all their life choices on logic. Sometimes we need to take a leap of faith.

196   elliemae   2011 Sep 30, 9:53am  

IMHO, people often need to believe that there's someone out there watching over us. That there's more than just "this life." Those beliefs can be comforting, and that's cool. Just because I don't believe the same way as someone else, doesn't make it right or wrong.

Organized religion is often about who is more reverent and believes the most. It's often about judging others who don't believe the same. I struggle with the organized religion thing. I also struggle with the belief that there is a God, and that anyone who doesn't believe in him is somehow bad.

I don't want to practice some religion all my life, believing that it's the "right" one, only to die and find out that God is a different religion and I blew it. I believe that if you're a good person all your life and try hard to be kind (knowing that you'll fail sometimes because you're human, after all), if there is a Heaven you'll get there. And if there isn't, oh well - you were a good person. You "win" either way.

197   marcus   2011 Sep 30, 10:07am  

I have to agree with CL that atheism for many is very much more or less a faith. Agnosticism is fairly neutral and I would agree again with CL that it's logical. Atheism takes the belief that God definitely does not exist on faith.

I have heard people on this cite literally strongly aguing with seriously flawed logic (that was copied from elsewhere), against agnosticism. That is arguing that since we can't prove God's existence, it is therefore false to say that God exists. This may be true if this were a boolean logic question, or if it were a binary operation were there are only two possibilities.

My point is, that anyone who feels the need to go further than saying "I don't know," and who needs to go the extra step of strongly believing that God does not exist, is a either a black and white thinker, who can not handle uncertainty or ambiguity, or it is someone who for other reasons has chosen to literally take it on faith that God does not exist.

One fascinating aspect of arguing with a hard core atheist, is that the argument is always against man made religion, proving why that can not be correct, when that wasn't the question at all. The question was does God (a relatively unknowable and not well defined concept) in any form exists.

If you wish to read some excellent logic on the subject, read Bertrand Russell.

198   CL   2011 Sep 30, 10:24am  

Exactly, Marcus. Although I've taught them all, I have no horse in this race. Atheism is a belief, a belief that God does NOT exist, which cannot be known or proven, and is therefore an article of faith.

One can't "not believe" in something, really, can they?

199   Patrick   2011 Sep 30, 10:26am  

leoj707 says

I was raised Catholic and taught by viscous Catholic nuns who would beat you with a ruler if you misbehaved" does not imply that I was beaten with a ruler

Vicious, not viscous. But English spelling is a whole other cause for bitterness. Chinese friend of mine once asked why we don't just use the pronunciation spellings as given in the dictionary right after the "proper" spelling. I don't have a good answer for that.

I was actually beaten with a yardstick. The nun (Sister Mary Evelyn, may she rot in purgatory for 1000 years) lost her watch, then demanded to know who stole it, then when no one confessed, she hit each of us on the knuckles with the yardstick, leaving a stripe of blue bruises across my hand. Then she found the watch, but did not apologize to us.

3rd grade. I'm still bitter. I never forgave the Catholic church.

200   elliemae   2011 Sep 30, 10:56am  

Vicious, not viscous.

And here I was, ready to dislike liquid nuns.

201   leo707   2011 Sep 30, 11:04am  

CL says

Exactly, Marcus. Although I've taught them all, I have no horse in this race. Atheism is a belief, a belief that God does NOT exist, which cannot be known or proven, and is therefore an article of faith.

One can't "not believe" in something, really, can they?

Yes, but in that philosophical framework everything is a belief.

Can you "not believe" in Santa Clause, Thor, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, goblins, cigarettes are perfectly safe, etc.

I choose to "believe" that The Lord of the Rings is a work of fiction and not a historical document, but no one could ever prove that Tolkien was not writing a historically accurate facts. Some "beliefs" are more likely to be true, and others are less likely. In the end all facts are just beliefs.

marcus says

If you wish to read some excellent logic on the subject, read Bertrand Russell.

Yes, I have read Bertrand Russell on the subject of agnosticism and it is very enlightening. His belief in agnosticism is not mutually exclusive with any other belief.

marcus says

I have heard people on this cite literally strongly aguing with seriously flawed logic (that was copied from elsewhere), against agnosticism. That is arguing that since we can't prove God's existence, it is therefore false to say that God exists.

Yes, this is a very faulty argument. I have also head from Christians that god must exist because we can not prove that he doesn't. Equally ridiculous, we can never prove a negative, that does not mean that every negative probably exists.

marcus says

My point is, that anyone who feels the need to go further than saying "I don't know," and who needs to go the extra step of strongly believing that God does not exist, is a either a black and white thinker, who can not handle uncertainty or ambiguity, or it is someone who for other reasons has chosen to literally take it on faith that God does not exist.

Not caring if gods exists is all well and good until someone shows up at your door trying to get you to give them money, or in some cases in history worse. At some point with lots of beliefs, not just religious, one has to just say, "I don't believe what you are trying to sell me".

202   leo707   2011 Sep 30, 11:05am  

Then she found the watch, but did not apologize to us.

I hope you stole the watch after that, BTW that quote was not from me.

203   Patrick   2011 Sep 30, 11:14am  

But I'm getting away from the main point, which I see as the fundamental lack of communication between left and right.

The left is trying to fix things, but the right takes the attempt to fix things as a personal insult. Discussion stops right there.

That is the best possible situation for the top 0.5%, which wants to continue redistributing wealth from the middle class to themselves.

You know, it reminds me of the situation described by "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", where men hear a woman complain and try to fix the problem, but women don't want it fixed, they want sympathy. The men just don't understand that. (Not PC I know, but that is the theme of the book.)

204   Â¥   2011 Sep 30, 11:24am  

Chinese friend of mine once asked why we don't just use the pronunciation spellings as given in the dictionary right after the "proper" spelling. I don't have a good answer for that.

the weird orthography makes it easier to read English words by shape.

if things were more regular words would be less unique.

And speaking as a Mandarin student, Chinese people should STFU about orthography.

205   Dan8267   2011 Sep 30, 12:00pm  

MarsAttacks! says

The left is trying to fix things the right don't agree need fixing, by taking money from the right to pay for it

More federal tax money flows from blue states to red states than vice versa. But perhaps you are right, perhaps we should stop that flow.

206   Bap33   2011 Sep 30, 1:12pm  

leoj707 says

Religion is illogical, because there is no evidence that it is true

list the proof of atheism.

leoj707 says

Atheism is logical because it is the belief

hahaha ... amazing.

Dan, you're wrong.

Ellie. thanks. Please double check 'ol Dan's remarks toward me as your mean-o-meter may be on the glitch.

Everyone, have a great night.

207   Bap33   2011 Sep 30, 1:25pm  

leoj707 says

It would be nice if you had some actual evidence to support your claim.

apply this to Dan's claim or racisim, please. Like, a poll, is your example.

The United Negro College Fund .... NAACP .... National Black Caucous. Negro, Colored, Black. Are these groups racist? Supporting Judge Thomas based on race is racist? And "logic" is your strong suit?

208   elliemae   2011 Sep 30, 2:23pm  

Bap33 says

Ellie. thanks. Please double check 'ol Dan's remarks toward me as your mean-o-meter may be on the glitch.

First off, even tho I've repeatedly said that I'm the voice of reason, I doubt people believe it. My evidence to that would be the fact that I'm full of shit half the time, making such serious comments:

elliemae says

Vicious, not viscous.

And here I was, ready to dislike liquid nuns

I don't purport to be Mikey, who was damn punny. But I like to think that I bring a smile to some faces. Maybe that's what I get for doing my own thinking, I don't know.

But Bap, I didn't see his comments as mean or inappropriate. It doesn't matter how many times we beat this horse, it's not gonna get any deader.

209   Bap33   2011 Sep 30, 2:54pm  

Dan8267 says

Was my post too long for your attention span? Did you stop reading when I started to use "big words"?

Dan8267 says

In summary, ultra-right-wingers are dumb cowards. There is no politically correct way to express this truth.

210   Bap33   2011 Sep 30, 2:56pm  

Dan8267 says

Remember, I posted the list of the 10 reasons that Obama was a bad president. That alone should show I'm not a leftist or a Democrat fanboy.

How is that proven, because a liberal can't disagree with Obama? Interesting logic you use.

211   Bap33   2011 Sep 30, 2:59pm  

Dan8267 says

I firmly believe, no, make that know that no god, as defined by any of the monotheistic or polytheistic religions in human history exists.

prove it

212   leo707   2011 Sep 30, 5:20pm  

Bap33 says

leoj707 says

It would be nice if you had some actual evidence to support your claim.

apply this to Dan's claim or racisim, please. Like, a poll, is your example.

The United Negro College Fund .... NAACP .... National Black Caucous. Negro, Colored, Black. Are these groups racist? Supporting Judge Thomas based on race is racist? And "logic" is your strong suit?

After reading this post I am not sure you know what the word "racist" means, let alone the history of racism in the US. So, I am not quite sure how to respond to it.

213   leo707   2011 Sep 30, 5:26pm  

Bap33 says

leoj707 says

Religion is illogical, because there is no evidence that it is true

list the proof of atheism.

Ummm... OK...

Atheism is the belief that there are no gods.
Dan8267 states that he does not believe in gods.
Dan8267 is an atheist, therefor atheism exists.

OK, now list the proof for your god.

214   leo707   2011 Sep 30, 5:39pm  

Bap33 says

Dan8267 says

I firmly believe, no, make that know that no god, as defined by any of the monotheistic or polytheistic religions in human history exists.

prove it

Because I am God, I could easily prove this to you Bap, but first you must prove something for me.

Bap, prove that I am not God.

215   elliemae   2011 Oct 1, 4:16am  

Bap33 says

Dan8267 says

I firmly believe, no, make that know that no god, as defined by any of the monotheistic or polytheistic religions in human history exists.

prove it

In Dan's paradigm there is no God. No eminent Being who is omniscient, omnipotent, etc that is watching over us. That's his paradigm - his belief system. You don't have to prove a belief system because you can't quantify beliefs.

There are people who believe that there is a God but they can't prove there is. They often present the Bible as their proof - a book that was written by man, transcribed by hand over & over and surely the subject of subtle (& not so subtle) changes with each transcription. Remember that there were no copiers until 1938, and not available for commercial use until 20 years later. So, each time someone copied the book by hand it was changed. Man isn't perfect.

People have created religions; as I said it's my belief that it makes them feel better to think that someone or something is out there to watch over them. I'm not belittling their beliefs, just asserting my own.

Rather than asking Dan to prove that there isn't a God, please Bap - prove that there is one. We want quantifiable, scientific proof. Has anyone photographed God? Have there been God sightings (like the Loch Ness monster & Bigfoot)? Which religion is the true one? Enquiring minds want to know.

Just curious - how do you KNOW that there's a God? Or, is it simply your belief system that tells you that there is one? And do you view Dan as less of a man because he doesn't share your belief system?

216   elliemae   2011 Oct 1, 4:27am  


Pretty impressive way to anonymously fund the purchase of politicians.

217   marcus   2011 Oct 1, 6:01am  

You forgot to add - IMAO (in my arrogant opinion). lolwut?

218   elliemae   2011 Oct 1, 6:05am  

marcus says


what's that?

219   marcus   2011 Oct 1, 6:14am  

Simultaneous "laugh out loud" with "what?"

220   marcus   2011 Oct 1, 6:15am  

elliemae says

"lol" should be redefined as "Lack of laughter."

I have a new one. TYSFME (to you straight from my ego).

I tend to not say, IMHO, but please assume that I am always saying that, even when I might be better off saying IMAO or even TYSFME.

Some posters on here are very bright and with strong opinions, and yet I don't hear ego as much from them as I do from some others. MY guess is that it's often a function of age. I would not be surprised to learn that certain individuals on here are under 30. (and I probably sound that way occasionally - although not even close).

221   elliemae   2011 Oct 1, 6:30am  

I do say IMHO to distinguish between my opinion and my humble opinion.


222   marcus   2011 Oct 1, 6:39am  

CL says

One can't "not believe" in something, really, can they?

Sure they can . Many choose not to believe in God, or to live their life based on the existence of and worship of God. But this is a far cry from asserting with certainty that God does not exist. That sounds like religious dogma to me. It's very much like some Christians who arrogantly feel that what they have found to be true for themselves is true for everyone, and that they need to spread the word so that others can have the same enlightened experience.

(although in that case it might not be as much pure ego as the atheists assertions, because they believe they are helping the other person to be saved. I guess the atheist feels that they are making the world a better place too so....yeah, it's very similar. )

Atheism, it's the anti-religion religion.

223   elliemae   2011 Oct 1, 7:35am  

Let's get technical - since believing is a belief system, choosing not to believe is also a belief system. Therefore, one can't choose not to believe without believing...

I paid attention in philosophy class. However, it holds very little relevence to reality. It's just a way for someone to believe that they've won an argument on patnet.

oops - forgot to add:
-ellie, the voice of irrational reason. ;)

224   Dan8267   2011 Oct 1, 9:37am  

Bap33 says

Dan8267 says

I firmly believe, no, make that know that no god, as defined by any of the monotheistic or polytheistic religions in human history exists.

prove it

I already did in another thread that went way off topic. Here's a copy of the relevant part of that thread.

Any proof must of course start with a definition of god. I'll use the standard monotheistic definition, the meaning that people typically mean when they try to use god to justify or demand something.

God is a being that satisfies the following conditions.
1. God is all powerful. He can do anything.
2. God is all knowing. Nothing is beyond his knowledge.
3. God is all good. Whatever the fuck that means.

Condition three is vague in the least, but it doesn't matter since I can disprove god using only the first two conditions.

If god is all knowing, then he knows everything he is going to do. If god knows what he is going to do, he cannot change what he's going to do. If god can't change what he's going to do, then he is not all powerful.

Ergo, omniscience contradicts omnipotence. Geez, that wasn't nearly as hard as you made it out to be.

I think I can do it with only one of the conditions of god. Let me try...

If god is all powerful he can create an immovable object. If god is all powerful, he can move any object. Contradiction. It turns out that omnipotence itself is a meaningless concept. The universe doesn't support such a naive idea.

Well, I might as well give three proofs that god doesn't exist.

If god exists, he is subject to the laws of nature. Otherwise he could not interact with our universe as I showed earlier. If god is subject to the laws of nature, he cannot be omnipotent by definition or omniscient by the Hisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

Darn it, I just can't stop disproving god. It's so much fun. Let's go with a theoretical argument.

In order for something to be true, it must, at least in principle, be provable. Something that cannot be proven even in principle is by definition false. So when you agnostics say the existence of god is not provable or disprovable, you are in fact saying that god does not exist. Of course, you are welcome to present an experiment which would, depending on its results, either prove or disprove the existence of god. However, I doubt you will.

If you can't define god, then it is meaningless bullshit. If you do define god, then I'll most certainly either find a logical proof that your god doesn't exist, or I'll show that no one means what you mean by god when they pray or preach.

Atheists have been silent for too long, and as a result the world had to endure the Dark Ages, the Spanish Inquisition, the Catholic/Protest wars of England, the genocide of the Native Americans, the Holocaust, and so many other needless tragedies. Now we live under the threat of nuclear annihilation and ecological collapse. It's time that atheists stop tolerating the forces of irrationality that will lead to the destruction of our species.

Of course, I don't expect to convert anyone who believes in a benevolent sky daddy to reason. However, I'd consider it a victory to prevent that thought virus from infecting people in the next generation. That's the way to kill racism, and that's the way to kill all other bad ideas. Prevent them from infecting new generations.

I make no apologies for trying to convince the next generation of leaders that reason, not faith, is the key to humanity salvation. The last thing I want to see is some Christine O'Donnell pushing the big red button in order to hasten the rapture.

225   Dan8267   2011 Oct 1, 9:48am  

leoj707 says

Because I am God, I could easily prove this to you Bap, but first you must prove something for me.

Bap, prove that I am not God.

leoj707, I will only accept your proof of god if you accept polytheism. After all, I am clearly also god as proven by the fact that many women have shouted "Oh god" at me during love making bouts.

Now before some fool tries to argue that it is a contradiction for me to claim to be both god and an atheist, let me explain why it's not. Although ironic, it is not a contradiction for god to be an atheist. I simply do not believe in myself.

226   Dan8267   2011 Oct 1, 9:53am  

elliemae says

Let's get technical - since believing is a belief system, choosing not to believe is also a belief system. Therefore, one can't choose not to believe without believing...

You'd like to think that, wouldn't you? You've beaten my giant, which means you're exceptionally strong, so you could've put the poison in your own goblet, trusting on your strength to save you, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But, you've also bested my Spaniard, which means you must have studied, and in studying you must have learned that man is mortal, so you would have put the poison as far from yourself as possible, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.

227   elliemae   2011 Oct 1, 10:14am  

As you wish, Dan.

p.s. You're gonna get it now, I'm "friending" your ass.

228   elliemae   2011 Oct 1, 10:37am  

No particular reason, just thought it was funny.

229   Dan8267   2011 Oct 1, 1:45pm  

Slinkies are good for demonstrating wave theory.

230   Bap33   2011 Oct 2, 2:31am  

Dan8267 says

If god knows what he is going to do, he cannot change what he's going to do.

absurd statement, even for you.

231   Bap33   2011 Oct 2, 2:35am  

marcus says

CL says

One can't "not believe" in something, really, can they?

Sure they can . Many choose not to believe in God, or to live their life based on the existence of and worship of God. But this is a far cry from asserting with certainty that God does not exist. That sounds like religious dogma to me. It's very much like some Christians who arrogantly feel that what they have found to be true for themselves is true for everyone, and that they need to spread the word so that others can have the same enlightened experience.

(although in that case it might not be as much pure ego as the atheists assertions, because they believe they are helping the other person to be saved. I guess the atheist feels that they are making the world a better place too so....yeah, it's very similar. )

Atheism, it's the anti-religion religion.

great post marcus

232   elliemae   2011 Oct 2, 3:16am  

Bap33 says

great post marcus

Yes, it was a great post. But remember, just as there's no proof that God exists, there's no proof that he doesn't. It's all beliefs.

233   Patrick   2011 Oct 2, 3:28am  

elliemae says

just as there's no proof that God exists, there's no proof that he doesn't. It's all beliefs.

If you define God as "a being who can do anything" then I think Dan did just prove that that particular God can't exist.

Think of it this way: Can God create a rock so big that he can't move it?

If he can, then there's something God can't do. He can't move the rock.
If he can't, then there's something God can't do. He can't create such a rock.

Either way, there's something God can't do. So the God who can do anything must not exist.

This proof depends on how you define God though. Maybe your definition of God does not include such absolute omnipotence.

234   elliemae   2011 Oct 2, 4:08am  

You are so right - and I do believe that was a George Carlin routine to some extent.

I never thought of it that way, tho. Cool.

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