"My experience as a reasonably attractive young man when I was younger, is that (young < 21) womens' idea of expressing interest in a man is basically pseudo-stalking, in that they arrange to "be around" their interest as much as they can, usually for a period of up to 2 weeks. The guy is supposed to "notice" them and after a relatively easy shit-test, it's on. If the young man doesn't engage, then light switch off."
"She will actually loathe the guy for the insult of not engaging with her. Fury of a woman scorned."
Both true. Media always show sexually aggressive women growing on trees, or attractive women without a gaggle of orbiting wallets at their beck and call. This virtually never occurs in real life (unless you have conspicuous fame, money or power). It's an almost inviolable rule that the man makes the first move, however token, and it is demanded and expected that way. It's probably to improve the woman's negotiating position in relation to whatever comes next, since they are always selling and the man buying.
Star Wars Episode I:The Phantom Menace. Model maker Michael Lynch created a mock crowd by cutting and painting 450,000 cotton swabs. To simulate cheering, filmmakers placed fans beneath the setup.