Oh sure, that was how I drank beer during my sophomore year in the Notre Dame foreign study program in Innsbruck in the 1980's.
My grandmother got pissed at my older brother because he was not very respectful to her, so she redirected the $200/month she was sending him to me instead. My ship had come in! I really needed the money.
So she would deposit money in my bank account in the US, and I would write the Innsbruck AMEX office a check, and they would give me those traveller's checks, which were as good as money in Europe at the time.
I still feel a bit bad that my very last check bounced because of a miscalculation on my part. Not intentional, but then I was back home and not quite ethical enough to mail a check for $200 to a foreign country for an unsecured debt. I guess I'm still not ethical enough to send AMEX a check for that amount plus interest.