Republicans Are Still the Party of Old White Men

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2011 Dec 31, 11:25am   1,752 views  7 comments

by HousingWatcher   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Another reason why Obama will be re-elected.

Wary Hispanic voters favor Obama over GOP rivals

President Obama holds a wide lead among Hispanic voters when matched against potential Republican challengers, even as widespread opposition to his administration’s stepped-up deportation policies act as a drag on his approval ratings among that group, according to a new poll.

The survey, conducted by the Pew Hispanic Center, revealed a general-election weakness for Republicans among an increasingly influential voting bloc — with former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and Texas Gov. Rick Perry each winning less than one-fourth of the Hispanic vote in hypothetical matchups against Obama.


So let's see. Republicans are going to lose the Hispanic vote. They will lose the African American vote. They will lose the youth vote. And the senior vote is up for grabs. So how exactly do Republicans plan on winning?


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1   kentm   2011 Dec 31, 11:50am  

"loose" the Hispanic vote. You make it sound like an act of nature, beyond anyone's control... If the GOP hadn't spent the better part of the decade 'demonizing the darkIes' they might have had a chance at not 'loosing' their votes...

2   futuresmc   2011 Dec 31, 6:48pm  

HousingWatcher says

So let's see. Republicans are going to lose the Hispanic vote. They will lose the African American vote. They will lose the youth vote. And the senior vote is up for grabs. So how exactly do Republicans plan on winning?

By getting the SCOTUS to overturn the Voting Rights Act and finding ways to make the aforementioned groups ineligable to vote. I believe getting a challenge to the VRA to the SCOTUS is the goal of several of the voter suppression laws that are coming out. It's similar to the chip-away strategy that was used to limit abortion rights.

3   HousingWatcher   2012 Jan 1, 4:08am  

Well then Democrats need to suppress the Republican vote. Limit the number of polling places in Red districts.

4   TPB   2012 Jan 1, 5:52am  

What's the matter, the 2000 Democrat efforts to RIG future elections, for the Liberal favor, hanging chads and all, isn't working out for you guys?

Hell don't let a good reality stop you, you can always say future GOP candidates won, because your constituency is Goddamn stupid to punch the candidate of YOUR liking.

"I think that one, was a vote for Gore, let me put this in that pile..."

"No it isn't look it clearly has G.W. Bush selected..."

"No, you see that little subtle tear on the chad? They meant to Vote for Gore, you wouldn't want to rob them of that would you? These are simple old people, that don't understand the complicated inner workings of poking a fucking stick through a punch card. We're here to make sure their vote count."

And let's not forget this little gem...

"Hey can you get rid of police presence, they are disenfranchising potential voters. Safety what safety, it's an inner city neighborhood, random violence and shootings are required. What we don't need is a Police presence fucking our voting day in the hood, vibe up."

5   kentm   2012 Jan 1, 6:55am  

The GOP says

What's the matter, the 2000 Democrat efforts to RIG future elections, for the Liberal favor, hanging chads and all, isn't working out for you guys?

Proof, let's see it. The only stories I ever hear are of republican phone scams, mail scams, ID tricks and intimidations, peppered with lovely anecdotes like the president of diebold promising "to deliver" the election to GWB... And yet you guys persist with this illusion of Democratic voter fraud. Don't you have better things to fill your head and these pages with?

Here's a small piece of advice, in light of the recent legislation that's passed and been signed and the others that are on the table, you might want to fill your head with thinking about how to discover and get elected the people who support your actual ideals, instead of continuing to pretend politics is a team sport, like football.

6   Bap33   2012 Jan 1, 7:02am  

one side supports photo ids to help make illegal voting harder to do.

one side does not want to check voter ids.

'nuff said.

7   HousingWatcher   2012 Jan 1, 7:09am  

Why won't Republicans stop rigging elections???

Political aide to former Md. governor found guilty

(AP) BALTIMORE — A Baltimore jury Tuesday convicted a political aide to former Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlich of conspiring to suppress black voter turnout during the 2010 gubernatorial election.

Paul Schurick was found guilty of all four counts he faced, including conspiracy to violate state election laws and attempting to influence a voter's decision whether to go to the polls through the use of fraud.


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