It takes some balls.

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2012 Jan 1, 7:27am   35,600 views  58 comments

by elliemae   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


This guy has scrotal lymphodema, and is hoping to raise 1 million for surgery. Wow.

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1   TechGromit   2012 Jan 4, 3:52am  

Little puzzled why he waited until his situation got to the 100 pound level before doing something about it. Obviously he wasn't born with this condition. Maybe when he had trouble pulling up his pants he would have thought, maybe today is a good day to see a doctor about this. I wager if he saw a doctor when he hit the 1 pound mark, the operation wouldn't anywhere near as expensive. Sometimes people create there own problems by ignoring them.

2   zzyzzx   2012 Jan 4, 4:32am  


Ow, My Balls! Idiocracy movie reference

3   marcus   2012 Jan 4, 4:54am  

I would think doctors/hospitals take care of this kind of thing for free when the funds aren't there, partly out of compassion, but also for the learning/teaching experience. Maybe the risk is too high or there are other weird factors. Or maybe he just didn't get referred to the right teaching hospital, or was too ignorant to realize that he needed to just get it out there.

Obviously, after being published in HP, not only will some rich people volunteer to pay for it, some local hospital will also volunteer.

What is it, somebody has to pay for the malpractice insurance ? No, surely some kind of waiver is possible.

4   nope   2012 Jan 4, 3:31pm  

Why on earth is this a million dollar surgery? Do they charge by the pound or something?

Many people have their entire testicles removed due to cancer, and the cost is a tiny fraction of this.

5   Truthplease   2012 Jan 5, 2:42am  

Maybe ACDC could come back on their ballbreaker tour to help this guy out. I think it takes a lot of balls to ask for a million dollars. This guy's got a huge sack asking for that much money. He must be going balls to the wallsraising funds right now. I am not being teste about the amount, but come on. This guy might just be a really big NUT!

6   Dan8267   2012 Jan 6, 11:11am  

I don't get

1. How some product can be called "health insurance" if it doesn't cover rare stuff like this. Insurance is suppose to cover catastrophic but unlikely events. That's it's whole purpose.

2. How it could cost $1 million for any procedure. Where's the breakdown of the bill?

I wonder if the guy would be better off traveling to India for medical treatment. Just don't fly Spirit Airlines, they'll have a fee for his balls.

7   Dan8267   2012 Jan 6, 11:12am  

TechGromit says

Little puzzled why he waited until his situation got to the 100 pound level before doing something about it.

I got the impression that he was doing something about it. He went to different doctors and they all ran tests and couldn't figure out what was going on. In the meantime, the fluid kept building up.

8   elliemae   2012 Jan 7, 12:57am  

He has Medicaid - but the surgery for some reason would be best done by a calif md. He should move to calif, get on medical and have it done. But that would remove his support system.

People do wierd things - I know of a woman who has a tumor on her shoulder blade that it eating away at her skin and beyond. It's unsightly and will kill her, but she doesn't have insurance. a social service agency is working on it, but it doesn't look good.

9   TPB   2012 Jan 7, 2:23am  

Why did the Hospital bill the Chicken that crossed the road and got struck by a car a million dollars?

Because they CAN!

10   elliemae   2012 Jan 7, 9:20am  

I know that it sounds outrageous, but there are many complications involved with a surgery this size. I don't know that a million dollars is a fair price, but this guy would require multiple specialists, a chunk of time in the ICU, transfusions and the like. He'd also require therapy to get him back on his feet after being bedbound for so long.

It's nuts. (pun intended)

11   Truthplease   2012 Jan 7, 9:35am  

You're a real ball buster!

12   elliemae   2012 Jan 8, 1:27am  

Funny, that's what my ex said. Maybe this guy ought to call me and I can do the surgery for him.

16   Bap33   2012 Apr 6, 1:20am  

now I have a belly ache

19   zzyzzx   2012 May 25, 11:07am  

From May 22nd Episode of "America's Got Talent" TV show, and it's epic:


20   elliemae   2012 May 25, 4:45pm  

zzyzzx says

From May 22nd Episode of "America's Got Talent" TV show, and it's epic

That guy is obviously nuts.

21   elliemae   2012 May 26, 2:59am  

Cloud says

You have an X? Hard to believe.

I know! I'm so sweet. I'm shocked by it as well - as surprised as I am that some anonymous guy on the interwebs who asserts his opinions obviously thinks that my having an ex-husband is reflective of me as a person. In a society where divorce is commonplace, it means nothing.

But go ahead, try to make some snide remark. Oops - you already did.


25   zzyzzx   2012 Jul 19, 11:45pm  


Tavares Colbert Shot Himself In Genitals, Got Arrested, Oklahoma Cops Say

Saturday was a bad day for Tavares Donnell Colbert. The 36-year-old Oklahoma man accidentally shot himself in the genitals, and then got arrested for it, The Weekly Vice reported.

Cops met up with Colbert -- a convicted drug dealer out of Watonga -- at a hospital at about 9 a.m. Colbert allegedly told officers that he found the gun somewhere in Kansas and had plans to sell it at a convenience store.

When he pulled over his truck that morning to make sure the gun worked, he found out that it did. He took a round to his groin, panicked and drove to the hospital.

Colbert isn't allowed to carry a firearm because he's a convicted felon with a long rap sheet, so cops arrested him after he was treated, according to The Oklahoman.

All this coming from a guy who can't stand dumb people.

"Boy sum people aint shit!!!!!!!!" Colbert wrote on his Facebook wall. "They momma and daddy shouldnt of even named them shoulda just let them drop and bust they head when they were born LOL."

He was charged with illegal firearm possession, KOCO reported. In 2003, he was convicted of felony drug possession with intent to distribute.

26   freak80   2012 Jul 20, 12:00am  

I'll never be able to watch the Colbert Report in the same way...

27   zzyzzx   2012 Jul 20, 9:37am  

Car Powered Quadruple Nutshot:

28   zzyzzx   2012 Jul 20, 9:47am  

A compilation of outrageous and painful nut shots cut on video:


32   freak80   2012 Aug 8, 5:06am  

Wasn't that on Springfield's Funniest Home Videos?

36   Ceffer   2012 Nov 12, 4:53am  

Watching all these You Tube videos, I am feeling at imminent risk.

After the operation, the OP guy will be able to use his scrotal sack as a hoodie!

38   HEY YOU   2013 Jan 31, 12:37pm  

You kept your eye on the balls with this thread.

39   elliemae   2013 Jan 31, 12:39pm  

Thanks, I'll admit I had a ball(s) with it.

40   Dan8267   2013 Jan 31, 12:51pm  

Will this thread never die?

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