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Wrong, money does not equate to intelligence or success. Pure material success does not equate to happiness. Romney destroyed Massachussets with crummy RomneyCare and is owned by Wall Street. I don't like Obongo the current POTUS either.
you dont need to be smart to make a lot of money. You just need daddy's rich friends to poor a bunch of money into your private equity fund.
Rommy got lucky on Wall Street that is all. He is pro big government anti-worker class and pro-elitist agenda. NWO shill that is what he is!
All CEOs sound like idiots to intelligent people. CEOs don't make money by being smart. They make money by smiling while lying to investors. The job is 99% bullshitting people.
In contrast, the smartest people in the world such as research scientists make very little money.
Capitalism does not reward intelligence. Capitalism does not reward hard work. Capitalism does not reward productivity. Capitalism rewards only one thing: bargaining power. If you have bargaining power, you make deals that grossly favor you and screw other other people. This is the entire basis of capitalism.
The underclass should never attempt to know the minds of their masters. The Conquistador appeared as metal-clad buffoon to the savages he encountered, but he rightly knew the savages were ripe for domination and conquest. As it is impossible for a savage to be better than a Conquistador, so too is it impossible for the underclass to be better than a rich white man. Best to just spread 'em and let the boss man have his fun.
Trolls abound.
The guy did well in the debates and in the last one he completely kicked Newt's ("the Penguin") sorry ass.
How a guy makes his money is important. What is significant is 1. Clintons 2. Obamas 3. Newt all got rich AFTER they got into politics. That's dirty money in my opinion.
The feature of Romney care that worked for Mass was that they were able to force some DEADBEATS to pay for their own health insurance. The other few percent who could "prove" that they "cannot afford it" had their care still covered but I think Mass. cleverly moved them onto the Federal dole, so as to save Mass some dough.
Romney explained in the debate that the purpose in Mass was to 1. get more people insured 2. stop the deadbeats getting a free ride.
I support this concept 1000%.
Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq says
Best to just spread 'em and let the boss man have his fun.
Will the boss man give a brother a reach around?
2. stop the deadbeats getting a free ride.
I support this concept 1000%.
War cripples and foster children are always sucking on the government teat. That money belongs to my corporations. Those deadbeats need to show some gumption and work as beggars and street urchins like they do in South America. Show some pride, goddammit!
+1 dan at least you gave a succinct answer and did not engage in a personal attack like that other clown did.
And Rommy looks like a big fat buffoon who is a lying POS. Which he is. Except he wears holy magic underpants. Yuck!
Why does Romney sound like an idiot?
Because he is not a very good actor (politician), therefore he sounds insincere and fumbles. He is what he is and what he is (a preppy Mormon with 400 mil, that makes 57K a day) does not appeal to a large majority of Americans. So he tries to act but is lousy at it. Likely to get the nomination, likely to lose.
Why does Romney sound like an idiot?
Because he's much smarter and more successful than you.
Romney was smart enough to get through his JD/MBA at Harvard. Those are brutal programs. He's also held onto his wife through many bouts of sickness, first MS and now cancer.
Why does Romney sound like an idiot?
Because he is not a very good actor (politician), therefore he sounds insincere and fumbles. He is what he is and what he is (a preppy Mormon with 400 mil, that makes 57K a day) does not appeal to a large majority of Americans. So he tries to act but is lousy at it. Likely to get the nomination, likely to lose.
He CAN'T lose. It's rigged.
2012 will be a referendum on Obama and Obamacare, the most unpopular piece of legislation since Prohibition. The election is over, has been for two years. You can't see it because you don't know what to look for. Texas just picked up four additional House seats this time around (taken from OH and PA) and North Carolina's count just edged ahead of New Jersey. If you think TX and NC will go for Obama, I suppose we'll have to adjust your meds!
Gallup has had this called for awhile:
I'm not gonna say Gallup is never wrong but a retired statistician friend of mine from Livermore Labs says not to trust anyone else.
Romney was smart enough to get through his JD/MBA at Harvard.
MBA programs are a complete joke. Most classes are nothing more than glorified undergraudate business courses.
He CAN'T lose. It's rigged.
You believe most people vote on issues? I don't but regardless, Obama care is almost a copy of Romneycare, so that dog wont hunt.
I think Romney's bigger problem is that as a Republican there is a sizable group Republican voters that just will not vote for a Mormon, and he is not a Mormon in name only, he is a full bore Mormon. They wont vote for Obama either, third party or no vote. I just don't think there will ever be a Mormon Republican President.
It's pretty well established at this point that there are different aspects of intelligence.
Romney has a very particular kind of intelligence: He's able to identify businesses that have value that can be extracted out of them, and is able to exploit that.
He's a terrible public speaker, an awful debater, and appears to have a very poor grasp of science and history.
Most importantly, he lacks leadership and charisma. That is, bar none, the most important attribute that a President can possess.
There are many business people just like Romney. They tend to make great CFOs, sales heads, etc.
The world needs people like Romney, just not as POTUS.
@Kevin, I agree, Romney might do well as the US Treasurer if he can get rid of wasteful pork barrel spending in Congress. He would be a lousy POTUS.
For a man who is FILTHY DIRTY wealthy net worth over 400 million hidden in offshore Cayman banks, Romney sounds like a complete moron who speaks incoherently like he is wheezing and out of breath. He sounds like a high school dropout with an IQ of 10. How did such a clown make so much money and get lucky in politics this year when he got his a$$ beat badly against Obama and McCain last time around? Why is he getting US secret service protection when he is not even a president? Something fishy is going on and all the investment banks like Goldman Sachs are dumping millions in donations to this a$$clown. Never trust a freak that wears magic underware either! Who are the morons voting for this jackass?