Patrick.net Suggestions

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2012 Apr 2, 7:09am   213,431 views  588 comments

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This is the place to make suggestions for how Patrick.net can be most helpful to you and to discuss them.


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71   WookieMan   2018 Aug 29, 9:33am  

And just like the earth rotates, the cannabis stock post got dumped on by multiple..... well two people. This is what I'm talking about with invited/private threads. They wouldn't have a voice on that thread. If one of them doesn't have his ego masterbated, by another male, then he goes away. Simple as that.
72   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 29, 9:47am  

Aphroman says
CBOEtrader says
Aphroman says
That's revisionist history there. Iwog left because he could see what was going to happen when Goran was chosen to be moderator of the politics forum. And he proved to be prescient....

That seemed to be at the heart of it, and as often the case, iwog was right, again

What kind of people are triggered by those who are right, early and often?

Then why are either of you still here? This temper tantrum routine you two do every few weeks is very childish.


Who is having a temper tantrum?

I’m merely stating facts. Why are you so triggered by facts?

This is trollish and childish behavior. Why waste your time? Do something productive
73   LeonDurham   2018 Aug 29, 10:37am  

LeonDurham says


Can I ask what was personal in that post? I didn't think it was offensive at all.
74   LeonDurham   2018 Aug 29, 10:38am  


Are my posts automatically flagged now?
75   WookieMan   2018 Aug 29, 11:27am  

LeonDurham says
LeonDurham says


Can I ask what was personal in that post? I didn't think it was offensive at all.

You understand I wasn't talking about your post being personal, right? I get what you were doing and not using the personal button to get auto moderated, well now flag link. Was CBOE's post "technically" personal? Sure, mildly. There aren't enough moderators in the world though to help weed out trivial digs at other people. So I filter through them and get rid of the worst. At some point, two adults need to be... well.... two adults.
76   LeonDurham   2018 Aug 29, 11:51am  

WookieMan says
You understand I wasn't talking about your post being personal, right? I get what you were doing and not using the personal button to get auto moderated, well now flag link. Was CBOE's post "technically" personal? Sure, mildly. There aren't enough moderators in the world though to help weed out trivial digs at other people. So I filter through them and get rid of the worst. At some point, two adults need to be... well.... two adults.

I'm not sure what you mean--I didn't flag anything.

Also--was just asking you because it seemed like you had read it and I wanted your take on it. I didn't figure you had marked it.
77   MrMagic   2018 Aug 29, 1:22pm  

78   MrMagic   2018 Aug 29, 1:24pm  

79   WookieMan   2018 Aug 30, 10:24am  

LeonDurham says
I'm not sure what you mean--I didn't flag anything.

Also--was just asking you because it seemed like you had read it and I wanted your take on it. I didn't figure you had marked it.

I think I see what happened. It's Patrick's new moderation system I believe. I never even saw the comment. I thought you literally typed personal but didn't want to hit the personal button (now flag) and potentially get auto moderated. I think that's where the confusion lies. My mistake.

Either way, we're all good and just having fun on Patnet, right? I hope so.
80   LeonDurham   2018 Aug 30, 10:49am  

WookieMan says
LeonDurham says
I'm not sure what you mean--I didn't flag anything.

Also--was just asking you because it seemed like you had read it and I wanted your take on it. I didn't figure you had marked it.

I think I see what happened. It's Patrick's new moderation system I believe. I never even saw the comment. I thought you literally typed personal but didn't want to hit the personal button (now flag) and potentially get auto moderated. I think that's where the confusion lies. My mistake.

Either way, we're all good and just having fun on Patnet, right? I hope so.

Absolutely. But, back to my original question--I'm genuinely interested so I can change my behavior, if needed. Can you tell what was offensive and personal in my first comment to CBOE?
81   WookieMan   2018 Aug 30, 10:59am  

LeonDurham says
Absolutely. But, back to my original question--I'm genuinely interested so I can change my behavior, if needed. Can you tell what was offensive and personal in my first comment to CBOE?

There was nothing as far as I can tell. I was commenting on his comment saying you were childish.

Given the new implementation of moderation, I think some of this has been lost in translation. I think everyone here knows I'm chill. I'm not certain I can unwind this or care to take the time at this point. Everyone here is good by me.
82   anonymous   2019 Feb 22, 8:12am  

@Patrick - Any possibility of bringing back the tabs for Housing, Economics, Government, Politics and Miscellaneous - maybe the Music thread as a separate tab as well since there are a lot of links just on that thread.

6 tabs total.

Housing is starting to be a thing again, so is the economy.

Politics will always be a thing.

Would make it much easier to go to whatever someone is interested and avoid what they are not interested in.
83   Patrick   2019 Feb 22, 8:14am  

Yes, it's possible, but are there enough readers to make it worthwhile?
84   anonymous   2019 Feb 22, 8:15am  

That I do not know - not sure how difficult it would either to migrate everything to the appropriate tab but housing is becoming more and more in the news and will continue to be unless something miraculous happens.

Same with economy.

I think you would have the best access to daily hits etc. to see if it is justified.

If everyone would add whatever to the appropriate section - that would be great, maybe cut down on some of the other things as well.
85   CBOEtrader   2019 Feb 22, 8:18am  

Patrick says
Yes, it's possible, but are there enough readers to make it worthwhile?

If you ask the poster to choose from those 5 hashtags, then find w filter buttons or just use search the search function it would accomplish this goal
86   anonymous   2019 Feb 22, 9:23am  

There may be some difficulty trying to migrate things or look up things - a lot of the newer posts no longer have hash tags
87   Patrick   2019 Feb 22, 6:03pm  

CBOEtrader says
or just use search the search function it would accomplish this goal

Yes, maybe there's some way to use search to do it. You could just put a keyword in a post, and search should find it. So I could move search to the top, and also have some pre-filled searches where you just click on a button to see, say, #housing.
88   CBOEtrader   2019 Feb 22, 8:31pm  

Patrick says

If every post is categorized w a hashtag, it would work perfectly
89   anonymous   2019 Mar 3, 4:25am  


Since changing the formatting to highlight the words you, your etc. if those words are in the title of a link that is provided - it appears that screws up the link resulting in an error code of link not found.
90   Patrick   2019 Mar 3, 11:23am  

Fixed now, I think.
91   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Mar 3, 12:25pm  

Tarantula says
I have a suggestion. Don't allow threads such as this to proliferate: https://patrick.net/post/1322636/2019-02-24-black-history-month-memes

99.9% of potential new contributors will never return after seeing that type of content. The 0.1% who remain probably aren't the type of houseguests anybody would want.

Lots of folks would like to have frank and open discussions about politics, the economy, housing, and other topics but very few will put up with that kind of thing.

I disagree. I think people should freely express their opinions, it's the whole purpose of patrick.net
You won't get honest discussion like we get here if speech gets censored. There are already reasonable limits here.
92   Patrick   2019 Mar 3, 12:31pm  

I agree with FortWayne. The whole purpose of the site is to be able to escape the ever-tightening noose of "politically correct" speech.

Yes, offensive things will be posted, but if one chooses not to be offended, problem solved, and we all live in a better world. The problem is not offensiveness in itself, it is the reaction to it.

The only rule is not to directly attack the other users.
93   RC2006   2019 Mar 3, 1:37pm  

Maybe a text limit to keep some users from spamming copy paste with no comments.
94   Patrick   2019 Mar 3, 1:40pm  

There is a limit, but yes, maybe it should be smaller.
95   Patrick   2019 Mar 3, 6:11pm  

Tarantula says
Fair enough, but then the site caters to "politically incorrect" speech. This type of content is almost purely racist, nationalist, or sexist.

I disagree. I say that unfounded accusations of racism, nationalism (why should that be a bad thing anyway?), and sexism are used daily by the elite as an excuse for policies which profit themselves and harm everyone else -- namely the export of manufacturing to China and the import of millions of illegals. Both of those dramatically drive down wages and increase the earnings of bosses and owners.
96   steverbeaver   2019 Mar 5, 8:00pm  

"Offended" is just a ruse to maneuver for leverage over the conversation. To the likes of "Anti-Semitic", "Racist", "Conspiracy Theory". Keep it open, keep it civil.
97   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Mar 5, 8:05pm  

Tarantula says
Patrick says
The whole purpose of the site is to be able to escape the ever-tightening noose of "politically correct" speech.

Fair enough, but then the site caters to "politically incorrect" speech. This type of content is almost purely racist, nationalist, or sexist. It seems like a somewhat ignoble cause to defend, but to each his own. For what it's worth, I don't think normal folks are offended by the type of content here, but rather find it simply distasteful and silly and just move on.

In the end I suppose that if you base a website on primarily offensive language and ideas, you will end up with mostly low-level content.

I think everyone is offended by tarantulas.
98   mell   2019 Mar 5, 8:19pm  

Patrick says
Tarantula says
Fair enough, but then the site caters to "politically incorrect" speech. This type of content is almost purely racist, nationalist, or sexist.

I disagree. I say that unfounded accusations of racism, nationalism (why should that be a bad thing anyway?), and sexism are used daily by the elite as an excuse for policies which profit themselves and harm everyone else -- namely the export of manufacturing to China and the import of millions of illegals. Both of those dramatically drive down wages and increase the earnings of bosses and owners.

Moreover a nation/society that is not sexist will eradicate itself and die off quickly. Sexism is not a bad thing either, in the right doses. Same goes for some racism which is innate to humans since they are little babies. Fighting any amount of racism and sexism is going against nature and nature always wins thus far.
99   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Mar 5, 8:19pm  

Is it some sort of strange setting, or is everyone seeing the word " you " colored red? I'd suggest you get rid of this "feature."
100   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Mar 5, 8:43pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
Is it some sort of strange setting, or is everyone seeing the word " you " colored red? I'd suggest you get rid of this "feature."

You just don't understand why you is such a big deal. Especially to you.
101   AD   2019 Mar 11, 8:07pm  

CovfefeButDeadly says
You just don't understand why you is such a big deal. Especially to you.

Fortunately "you" doesn't get highlighted in red in images.

102   MrMagic   2019 Mar 29, 12:31pm  


Make new thread button not showing. Is there a bug?
103   BigFrank   2019 May 11, 3:04pm  

This is the place to make suggestions for how Patrick.net can be most helpful to you and to discuss them.

For the sake of Free Speech, and those of us curious enough to do anything meaningful about preserving it, you should have a way for those of us who aren't easily triggered simple simon Snowflakes to see what the moderators are censoring. Like post #108, if you feel the need to hide it from the public in the name of censoring Free Speech, you should allow the rest of us to click on it and see what was said to judge for ourselves. @Patrick
104   MrMagic   2019 May 11, 8:34pm  

105   WookieMan   2019 May 12, 8:19am  

BigFrank says
Like post #108, if you feel the need to hide it from the public in the name of censoring Free Speech, you should allow the rest of us to click on it and see what was said to judge for ourselves.

@Patrick - actually kind of like this idea. 9 out of 10 times I wouldn't click on it as I likely know what the commenter (especially longtime guys) were saying anyway. But I sometimes see stuff marked personal from people here I would have never have expected to have a comment marked personal. Plus as one of the people that can take stuff down, it would be nice to know the "standard" so to speak that other moderators use to remove stuff.

There's a high likelihood this could completely backfire, but might be a fun test trial like the YOU thing you did.
106   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 12, 2:40pm  

Did Hat get banned? Asking because I'm looking for that "Haha Whitey You will be Replaced despite Us saying for 3 decades you're paranoid and that's not our intent" thread
107   Patrick   2019 May 12, 2:46pm  

Yes, he was shitting on the site. Really too far.
108   Patrick   2019 May 12, 7:37pm  

@WookieMan I have actually exposed them all in the past, and not much came of it. Most of the personal comments are pretty clearly personal.
109   MrMagic   2019 May 12, 9:27pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
Did Hat get banned? Asking because I'm looking for that "Haha Whitey You will be Replaced despite Us saying for 3 decades you're paranoid and that's not our intent" thread

He sounded just like your old friend Kaki reincarnated. And when I pointed that out, my comment got flagged as personal... go figure..

It's getting way past the point of ridiculous with the "thought Police" here...
110   Patrick   2019 May 13, 6:59am  

Yes, definitely a previous user back just to cause problems.

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