by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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The goal is to argue about issues we might be able to influence instead of attacking each other personally. From 20 some years of doing this, I know that personal insults are instant death for productive debate.
The goal is to argue about issues we might be able to influence instead of attacking each other personally. From 20 some years of doing this, I know that personal insults are instant death for productive debate.
Patrick says
"The_Deplorable Is the post more than a week old? I have a rule in
the code that a thread more than a week old cannot be edited or deleted. Maybe I
should change that."
Patrick: If it can be done easily then please do. This, in my thinking, could prove to
be an advantage for because as time goes on, topics grow and we can
make the topic of a thread more inclusive by editing the title of the thread. In other
words there is no need to start another thread with a similar topic.
"Let me know if you have any trouble editing a thread you created."
Telling new users that we will all "laugh at you" is just about the worst possible welcome imaginable.
Put yourself in the place of a new user.
Would anyone want to post anywhere he has been told he will be instantly laughed at?
Being told you will be mocked is the worst possible introduction to the site.
To greet new users with insults is nothing other than actively trying to kill this site.
Or what Booger or Ceffer or Wookieman posts. Snowflakes are gonna flake, after all.
WookieMan Can you show me an example of that?
OK, I bumped up the threads per day limit from 7 to 10. I'm a little worried about going higher because people could flood the home page.
Sometimes I'll re-post something about a Congressman in the dedicated thread for that guy if I find him mentioned in a different thread. Just so that everything about that guy can be looked up in one place.
I don't see real duplication, just quotes.
I don't see real duplication, just quotes.
The real problem is that ppl are too lazy to check if a thread for a topic already exists. So we end up with multiple threads of the same topic. Especially recently.
The meme image is duplicated 3 times, doesn't matter if it was quoted.
WookieMan says
The meme image is duplicated 3 times, doesn't matter if it was quoted.
That's how the quoting works.
I try to reduce the size of the image each time it's quoted, to reduce annoyance.
That doesn't mean you have to post in all of them. By default you're admitting guilt to this tactic. It's annoying as fuck.
still don't understand the need or WANT to post it in three different threads.
It's NOT POSTING. That's the part you don't get or refuse to.
Ooooooohhhhh. The baby cries. Hold on let me post this in 3 threads.
WookieMan says
Ooooooohhhhh. The baby cries. Hold on let me post this in 3 threads.
????? I didn't flag it. I dunno even what you originally said before it got flagged.
but I don't think I posted anything personal.
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